Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

Aramis looked down for a second, took a step back, and looked back at her, and finally spoke. "This is my fault, I am sorry. We need to find Charles, and go, there is a town a ways from here we can get to before the sun is up again, and we can plan our next move better. If I know the king, he will be sending couriers, guardsmen, and who knows what else, to find you. Try to keep low, if he sees me, I will claim I am searching for you on my own." Aramis began looking through the trees for Charles, not wanting to leave him.
Pausing briefly in her pursuit, Bree knelt down next to some disturbed soil, digging her fingers through the dirt. With a thoughtful expression she watched the sand and dirt trickle down, then turned her head to the northeast.

Too bad I don't know jack about tracking, she thought and sighed, continuing on into the woods.

If I were her I, would look for familiar ground, she thought as she continued into the underbrush. She turned in the direction where she, Kelsa and Aramis had met earlier that day.
"This isn't your fault," Kelsa told him gently then begam following him. Though, a part of her said that she should go it alone. Anybody she associated with would get in trouble. But, it wasn't like Aramis wasn't already in trouble, and she couldn't be alone. So, she followed him and stayed close, her sword still drawn.
"Charles!" "Charles!" Aramis began calling for Charles, attempting to find him. Trying to avoid looking behind him to see Kelsa, still in disbelief she is here. Where the hell is he!?
"Lower your voice!" Kelsa hissed at him. "You'll lead the guards or whoever right to us!" she continued, looking irritated.
Aramis threw his arms down in frustration. "Sorry, I'm just... I'm not thinking. I'm trying to get you to a town, where you aren't being hunted." Suddenly, in that moment of clarity, Aramis remembered something... "Where is the letter i gave you? Did you read it?"
"Hey I think I heard yelling over there." One soldier said to his group of five. They are a search squad looking for that girl, and anyone associated with her. They start moving towards Kelsa and Aramis's location.
"I'm pretty sure I'm being hunted everywhere," Kelsa whispered then nodded. "Yeah..." she answered then heard footsteps. "Hide," she told Aramis then swiftly climbed up a tree.
"Man... you're good." Aramis looked at her, smiling. He then held back his laughter. I'm smiling already. Can't belieeeeve that.
Kelsa gave him a this-is-serious-don't-be-smiling look. She watched the guards, not even breathing to stay completely silent.
As soon as the guards were gone Aramis spoke to her. "We need to go. Forget Charles, he isn't showing up apparently... Do you know where Bree is? We may need some assistance if we are going to stay hidden, and do something about... everything."
"Bree isn't going to help. She's with them," Kelsa told him. "And who's that Charles person anyways?" she asked, having not been there to know who he was.
"There's the stream..." Bree glanced around, but saw little more than the carcasses they had left behind earlier. They were starting to stink, and a swarm of flies took flight at her approach.

"It was a long shot." She loafed around the scene for a few moments, clueless as to what her next move should be.

"Supplies... a pampered lil' princess like that, she probably wouldn't know wild meat if it was slapped against her cheek..."

As far as Bree could remember there were other settlements beyond the woods. If she moved quickly, perhaps she could intercept the refugee. Perhaps one of the arrows had hit her, slowed her down a little.

Better not count on such luck though, she thought to herself. She had seen Kelsa in action, and knew that she had the know-how and guts to take a life. Besides, a wounded animal fights the hardest.
Aramis was hoping she wouldn't ask who Charles is. "He's... well all I know about him is he is a Black Knight. But forget him. Let's go." Aramis was hoping she would let it go. He started walking.
"We might need him though," Kelsa said as she hopped out of the tree. She hugged her elephant toy. Despite being seemingly tough on the outside, she required some comfort. And her head injury was catching up to her, making her dizzy. Kelsa pushed past all of it though and kept her composure.
"We'll be fine. What's with the elephant?" Aramis thought back to Kelsa's mom putting the elephant in the room. He began to think of his mom, but quickly shook the thought. No time for regrets.
Kelsa gave him a little glare. "Does the elephamt matter enough to be asking questions about it?" she snapped. That entire day was making her irritable.
"I'm sorry. It's just I was there when your mom left it with you. I was curious." Aramis kept walking, hands in pockets. He sighed.
The King was enjoying some fresh hot food, about to go to bed, when a messenger arrived telling him that they haven't even found the girl yet. He got extremely mad, and flipped his food. He sent out so many search teams, but he thought that the best ways to do things, is to do it yourself. He got on his horse, and rode out into the night.
She finally emerged from a particularly thorny patch of underbrush, cursing and swearing as she did. Countless thorns had buried themselves into her hide as the "shortcut" had turned out costing her several hours rather than saving her one.

"Next time I'm bringing a damn ranger," she said as she raised a fist to the night sky. It was late, and she was both tired and hungry. Fortunately she spotted some lights in the distance. A town! If nothing else, there'd be some hardtack on the table tonight.
Aramis went to apologize again, but decided not to. He began playing with his necklace. He stopped when his stomach growled. Crap I'm hungry. Well we will probably get to next town before we see Charles. I can find her a place to stay in and I can grab her some food. Aramis sighed again.
Kelsa looked up at Aramis when he stopped and she heard his stomach. She realized that she was hungry too, but just continued walking.
Aramis made the lightning horse again for her. He had it gallop over to her. "We are almost there. I can see a building." He had the horse trot triumphantly.

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