Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

"I don't know. I can't make the same mistake twice." Joining the black knights was not going to just happen, he was sure. Aramis extended his hand towards Charles. "I am Aramis." He felt introductions were in order if he had any hopes of learning more about the Black Knights and he stranger before him.
More soldiers were chasing her in the castle. Then they started lifting the draw bridge to the castle, meaning no escape from it. She was fast but soon there would be reinforcements coming from in front of her, and behind her...
Charles takes his hand slowly, "Charles, Charles Harkens. . ." He removes his hand in a few seconds after taking it .
"Charles? That's an... interesting name for a woman..." Aramis slowly began to realize he'd been mistaken the entire time. Fantastic.
Kelsa ran out the doors and over the rising draw bridge. She jumped, praying that she would get to her destination. She didn't exactly land, but she was able to grab onto the ledge and pull herself up. Without looking back, she ran into the forest.
"I'm not a woman.", Charles says bluntly "It's easy to be confused, but I'm not." He sheathes his weapons, clear that Aramis won't attack him, at least not right away.
All the reinforcements came to watch the young woman escape into the forest. They went back and told their King the news. Let's just say, he was pissed. He started screaming and cursing and having a total fit, until finally just crying on his bed.
"I am very sorry about that" Aramis looked away and scratched his head, feeling sure Charles won't attack him. "We should... We should probably get to walking. Definitely don't want to be seen by a courier or worse so soon."
The King ordered men to chase after the girl, but it was too late. She already escaped into the thick forest surrounding the town. But he did orderly patrols going all around the town, every road, and around the lining of the forest, and if they see that girl she is to be killed on sight.
Well, Kelsa probably used up all her luck for the rest of her life. She looked back then continued running through the forest, hugging her elephant toy with one arm while her other hand held her sword.
Approaching the drawbridge, Bree stared at the castle guards as they rushed past. "Oi," she yelled at the them. "I hear there's some coin to be earned bashin' a few heads in! Where do I sign up, eh?"
Aramis heard rustling not far from them. "Do you hear that? Something is coming fast" He put his hand on his sword, he probably wouldn't draw it until he saw his opponent armed, but he was ready to intimidate what was rushing towards him and Charles 

Ibinoth said:
Approaching the drawbridge, Bree stared at the castle guards as they rushed past. "Oi," she yelled at the them. "I hear there's some coin to be earned bashin' a few heads in! Where do I sign up, eh?"
I love how your character talks, haha.
The King heard that voice, and recognized it. It's Bree. He walked out of the castle to greet her. "I'll pay you all the coin you want if you do one thing for me. You see a girl by the name of, oh I don't know, Kelsa. She is wanted for treason, and if you can hunt her down and eliminate her. I will pay you all the gold your little heart can desire."
Kelsa suddenly ran into Aramis. She stumbled back and held her head a little bit before slowly opening her eyes. "Oh, um...hey..." she said awkwardly as she glanced around in a sort of panicked way.
"Kelsa!? What are you doing, why aren't you in bed, or at the castle?" Aramis had a couple hundred more questions but they were all basically that. For whatever reason he immediately hugged her, unsure why, before she could answer. He let her go, after realizing what he was doing. "Sorry, sorry" He looked to Charles, embarrassed.
"Majesty," she said as she hurriedly went down on one knee, making sure not to make eye contact. As the king made mention of coin, and lots of it, her startled expression gave way for one of avarice.

"Uh... ho-hum, damn, that's... how could I refuse a royal order yer majesty," she said, getting back up on her feet and bowing crudely, yet sincerely.

The king would know soon enough just how much desire resided in her greedy little heart...
Kelsa blinked as she was hugged. "Oh! Watch the sword! Don't want you to get impaled or anything," she said and gently pulled away. "And, I sort of...quit my job and mocked the king...heh heh," she told him and looked back to see if the guards were there.
He let out a hardy chuckle, finally looking happy again. "Very good! You make an old man like me happy to be alive! Now do you need any equipment, I have all the best weapons and armor. If you need anything else don't be afraid to ask, and from here on, you'll be considered a White Knight, and have all the privileges of one, too. Now go get me her head." He ended that statement very ominously.
"You quit the white knights?! No, no, no, you need to, No you can't go back. Kelsa, why? Why would you abandon your life, the king, the knights?" Aramis was a decent bit more shocked.
"Got errythin' I need right here, majesty," she said, the plates on her gloves clicking together as if to emphasize her words.

"I'll get that head. Or as much of it as I can salvage..."

She stared into the woods, where several guardsmen had already began to pursue the woman. She had to act fast if she had any intention of claiming that prize.

She initiated a light jog, conserving her strength as she made her way in between the trees.
Kelsa suddenly became dead serious. "Because, the king has unacceptable secrets. I refuse to fight for a man who endangers his own kingdom with secrets," she told him, her voice low.
The King smiled, and walked back into his castle, knowing he made the right choice. Now he lays in his bed awaiting the news of what happens next.

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