Stranded [Inactive]

Samantha stared at Claire in endless confusion, her mouth slightly agape. "Yes...yes, we're on a beach. Thank you for that piece of knowledge oh wise one" she snapped. Claire continued talking while starting to cry. Samantha ruffled her now dirty hair and rolled her blue eyes while putting her hands on Claire's shoulders.

"Stop crying! And what are you talking about? You're not pregnant!" Samantha half-shouted at her. Suddenly she froze. "'re not pregnant...right? Right?" Samantha asked, beginning to freak out. "Somebody tell me she's not pregnant!" she shouted to nobody.
Claire stared at her wide eyed, looking a bit freaked out as she started to yell... or half-shout, which ever. She wiped her tears away, a look of confusion slowly forming on her face,

"I'm not pregnant!" She exclaimed back, where ever had she gotten that idea,

"Are you calling me fat?" She retorted angrily, the drowsiness making her confused and tired. She blinked her eyes closed slowly, drifting off again.
Samantha took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut. Oh how I wish I was sitting in the pool house with nothing but my phone, my butler Jeeves, and a margarita. Samantha thought. "No, alright, nobody's calling you fat." she bluntly stated, looking at Claire's face which was red and puffy from crying. She looked around.

"Did any of you guys find any food while you were looking? And hand me some water, I'm parched." she demanded, turning towards the boys.
Vicks eyes widened as she said she was pregnant. "I'm gonna go fish" he said as he found some livers in the wreckage, he didn't see how people could eat them but it would make great bait. The expression on his face was one of discomfort. He filled a bucket with beers, walked towards the river and yelled "I'll bring it back full of water, anybody wanna fish too you know where to find me!" As he rushed away

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Seth fought the urge to roll his eyes at the two girls. As amusing as it was, there was no way Samantha was getting any work done. He continued searching through suitcases and bags, taking out whatever he found handy and stuffing it into an empty suitcase in order to transport it easier.
Vick sat by the river, casting a line, drinking a beer saying to himself "Pregnant woman, staying far from that emotional wreck waiting to happen."

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Nikola slowly opened her eyes and felt some major pain in her right arm. She slowly started to get whilst gasping and saw that she wasn't the only survivor. She felt something warm running down her head and remembered that she had bashed her head against the bathroom wall when the plane started to crash. She remembered that her arm had caught fire during the crash and was lucky to be alive. Her red jeans with two rinestone hearts on the buttocks were full of various holes and the thin blue shirt had been blackened by the smoke.
Flapping her arms in wild, thrashing motions, Amanda's first sensation upon waking up was sheer panic. It was dark, it was wet and she couldn't breathe. A sharp pain shot through her as she turned herself sideways and filled her burning lungs with air once more, and she lay there gasping in pain and confusion for several minutes before slowly opening her eyes.

She was laying in shallow water amongst the shoals, having washed ashore at some point by the looks of it.

She moved her hand to feel the area where the pain originated and grimaced. She suspected she had cracked several ribs, it hurt to even breathe.

"He-..." her cry for help was stifled as the pain overwhelmed her for a moment.

"HELP," she finally managed to shout after several attempts, dragging her soaked self as far out of the water as she could manage.

Her gaze went to her left, where the shoals gave way to a sandy beach. When she saw the wreckage she gaped in disbelief.
Remy dragged up a number of the luggage found around the luggage to where everyone was. He brought Claire a bucket filled with water. "Drink this and dont move or you'll rip the stitching", he told her in a firm voice. If she did rip then they would have to waste more supplies on fixing her up again.

He scanned the treeline and saw a spot where the sand had penetrated in and formed a sort of an alcove with the trees providing a small bit of canopy. He pointed to it. "There.....that's probably our best bet for the night without any shelter....with all these trees and the machetes we should be able to construct a few lean-tos fairly easily.", he looked at the others.

"I'll carry her over", he said nodding to Claire.
Oliver's head started to hurt, he thought he might have a concussion. He started yelling "Anyone?! Is anyone around!?" hoping for a response from someone
Samantha sighed and looked up at Remy as he handed Claire some water. She glanced at Remy before looking back towards the plane. She heard voices and tilted her head with curiosity.

"Hey, I think there are more people left in the plane!" she stated to Remy. "Time to be the hero again," she smirked. Samantha stood up and headed towards the voices that she had heard.
Seth nodded. "Those trees are our best bet. I'm going to go ahead and haul the supplies I found over there too." Suddenly he heard two voices yelling, both panicked, and watched as Samantha went toward them. He sighed. There were more? That meant more stress on their resources.
Oliver tried standing but only fell down, his vision was still blurred. "Is anyone around?!" he yelled more, his throat drying out more. What happened he thought, am i alone?
"Here! Over here," she yelled in response as she heard another voice, then toppled over again as pain shot through her ribs once more. Gritting her teeth, she tried her best to ignore it as she hoisted herself up against a nearby rock, managing to position herself in a sitting position, hopefully making herself more visible.

Her breath came in pained little gasps, and her bloodshot eyes darted around for signs of the voice. Did she only imagine it? Was she the only survivor? Flashing images of solitude raced through her mind. One thing at a time, she reminded herself. After all, I might not survive the first five minutes, she thought, and for some reason the thought alone inspired a mad cackle.

There she lay, nearly breathless, laughing hysterically.
Samantha reached a boy who was sprawled on the ground.

"Hey," she asked nonchalantly. "Need some help there?" She heard the voice of a girl nearby and looked over in her direction. The girl had begun to laugh hysterically and Samantha became more confused. "Just hang on, I'll be right over," she called out to the girl.

She focused her attention back on the boy. "Are you badly injured anywhere?" She asked, kneeling beside him.
Another voice? At least she wouldn't be facing a lonely death then. She afforded herself to relax somewhat now, knowing help was on the way.

Deep breaths, she told herself. For some reason they always take deep breaths. Probably... probably speeds the healing process or something, right? Right?

She closed her eyes and tried to remain calm, despite the pain, despite the confusion. She had to be rational about all this.
Nikola saw a man and woman. She forced herself to walk over to them despite being in a lot of pain as a result of her burned arm. She felt a bit light headed due to the blood loose and the right side of her face was covered in blood. Her forehead was covered in a fair amount blood but the bleeding seemed to have stopped.
Claire peered up at the people around her with her dull, forest green eyes, fringed with long eyelashes. She pursed her pale pink lips, her throat felt dry and swollen. She watched as the pail of water was set down beside her, she wanted some badly, but she would have to sit up to drink, and according to Remy, she's rip her stitching.

Claire laid still obediently her eyes reflecting the star light, the sky was darkening rather rapidly,

"It's almost night..." She mumbled softly, almost to herself. She trailed off and slowly closed her eyes.
Vick sat, fishing, drinking several beers, he had caught quite a few fish. He was enjoying himself quite a bit.

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Seth picked out the most suitable area for camp under some trees bordering the beach. He set down the suitcase of useful supplies and the first aid kit. After checking over all the items one more time to take stock, he glanced back at the others on the beach. His eyes drifted back over to the plane, where most of the fire had stopped but smoke was still rising into the sky.

Reality suddenly slapped him in the face. They were stuck, probably on some obscure island, and half of them were injured. They would have to survive out here, fighting against hunger, thirst, and possibly even wild animals. They could...they could all die out here, and no one would even know. Feeling a little nauseous at the dark thoughts, he sat down and leaned back against one of the trees. Deep breaths, calm down, he told himself. Focus on surviving, not the consequences if they couldn't.

Okay. Think. They had plenty of clothes and fabric, some bagged and canned snacks, knives, machetes, a first aid kit, water, and Vick was catching fish. Seth glanced up at the darkening sky and stood. He couldn't show weakness, not when he had to make sure that he kept everything in order to made sure that everyone had the highest chance of survival possible.

Seth started walking back to the beach. Searching the rest of the luggage could wait until tomorrow. For now he would help search for any more survivors.
Vick sat at the river as he heard a creak. Not paying too much attention to it, he heard it again. Suddenly a tremendous tree fell, his leg was pinned underneath.

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Remy rushed over with Samantha to reach the boy. When they heard the girl laughing he left Samantha with him and located her, sprawled out on the sand. Her hysterical laughing has died down and she seemed to be taking measured breaths. He kneeled down next to her "Are you OK?"
Claire stumbled to her feet, swaying a bit unsteadily at first before she got her balance, her body hurt but she made her way towards the girl known as Nikola, kneeling down beside her,

"Are you okay?" She asked in a hoarse voice, turning her head to cough as the black smoke from the plane entered her lungs.

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