Stranded [Inactive]

Remy reached the two women as the others departed. His shirt was in tatters and there was blood oozing from a cut across his chest. "How many of us are there?", he said looking at them.
Samantha looked down at Claire and smirked.

"How am I?" she asked, rhetorically. "Seriously? You have a giant piece of metal in your side and you're asking me how I feel?" Samantha laughed, shaking her long blonde hair out of her face. She stared off into the distance, gazing at the water. "I'm just peachy, thanks."

Samantha looked up to see another boy. He asked how many there were. "Well, there's the two of us, Mr. Leader went to go get some first aid stuff, the drinker's handing out free beer and there's you." she muttered. She looked back down at Claire and sighed.
Claire laughed softly, despite the pain in her side, she managed to smile, without opening her eyes she added in,

"And beer boy." with a small smirk.

Her index finger traced delicately through the warm sand, she wondered if she would survive, death had crossed her mind, but she had survived the crash thus far, if she could just hold on a bit longer.
While normally he disliked physical work, Seth was more than willing to do it if it would help. He had turned around and headed back to the plane without a word.

The plane was practically in shreds. The back of the plane was partially intact, but its weight had caused the sink in so much that the ocean had started to seep in. Staying on the dry area just beside it, he glanced around. Luggage of all kinds, most opened or torn, littered the ground. He picked his way among the debris. Unfortunately there were times when he had to lift scraps of metal or luggage--he had never been very strong. He finally found what he was looking for underneath one of the scraps and picked it up. He examined it for any damages. It was still closed and was just a little bit crushed, but otherwise seemed fine.

Seth returned back to the group with the kit in hand.
He cocked his head at the mention of "beer boy", he shook his head. Anyone drinking beer before the found a viable water source would be in danger of dehydration. And drinking beer? He shrugged to himself and looked at their surroundings.It was a sick twist of irony that he grew up on an island very much like this one.

"Im gonna go see if i can get the blackbox from the cockpit ... its going to be our only way off this island", he said to them as he turned to walk back to the wreckage.
Vick found a stream. He reported back to the others, "Hey! I found a pretty good stream, we've got water"

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"Alright, go for it" Samantha stated. "At this rate, anything will help" she mumbled under her breath. She suddenly realized that while one had was putting pressure on Claire's wound, the other was holding her hand. Oh man, she thought. I'm going soft. She jerked her hand away and glanced back at the plane, seeing the boy from before coming back their way.

"Good, let's hope he's got bandages and something to stitch you up with," Samantha declared.
As Remy got closer to the front of the plane he realized he wouldnt be able to get into the cockpit. There were still flames roaring in the area. He looked around for something he could use and decided on the scattered luggage. He found an empty suitcase and took a mental note of all the other luggage scattered around the area. Surely they would find something useful. He then filled the suitcase with sea water and put out the fire leading to the cockpit. When the area had cooled enough he began to try and force the door open..
Claire seemed to go in and out of consciousness, mumbling something inaudible under her breath. She looked pale and clearly not doing all that great. She searched for Samantha's hand again, parting her eyes open slightly,

"I'm scared." She mumbled softly, the fear reflecting in her eyes. Her forest green eyes searched the girl beside her. Her auburn hair lay in wispy strands around her pretty face that was plastered with the look of pain and distress.
Seth crouched down next to them and set the box on the ground. After a bit of tugging the kit opened and he looked over the contents. "Thread, needle, gauze, tape, bandages, disinfectant, scissors, tweezers. Everything's here." he reported and then looked up. "Does anyone here have any kind of medical experience? ...or at least know how to sew?"
"Hey, come on now. No reason to be afraid, you're going to be just fine" Vick said leaning down to Claire

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Claire's gaze slowly shifted to Vick and she nodded once, swallowing hard,

"Yeah." She mumbled in a hoarse voice, trying to be optimistic.

"Do- You see anymore survivors that need help?" She asked blinking a few times to clear her vision. She ran her free hand shakily through her long auburn hair.

"Sorry I'm such a bother." She apologized to Seth sincerely, she didn't want everyone to have to spend time helping her, when there were other things that could be done.
"I can stitch", Remy said as he approached them holding the destroyed remains of the blackbox. He tossed it to the ground in front of everybody. "And there is what was supposed to be our way off this island". He crouched next to Seth.
Samantha frowned at Claire. "Seriously, you're not a bother, but you are stupid! You're dying, come on. If you know how to sew then just stitch yourself up...please..." she muttered the last part, looking away from Claire.

Suddenly Remy came forward claiming to know how to stitch. "Good, we'll leave this to you then," claimed Samantha, moving over so that Remy could have a clear view of Claire.
"Everything's in here. The moment we get the metal out you need to start stitching." Seth said, moving over so Remy could get into the box. "Now we're going to have to take out the metal as quickly as possible." He looked around at the others, silently asking for volunteers. He would really rather not be the one, but if it absolutely came down to it, he would do it.
"I'LL... do it." Claire said rather loudly at first, her heart pounded widely against her chest, she didn't want anyone else to,

"I'll do it," She repeated in a quieter tone, swallowing hard her delicate hand clasped the bottom of her blood stained shirt and she gently pulled it up over the sharp of plane, to just above her stomach.

Gingerly she reached down and clasped the metal in her hand, squeezing her eyes shut she tried to calm her own breathing, in and out she told herself, before gritting her teeth together,

"Ready?" She asked the people around her, though it was almost as though she were asking herself.
He looked at Seth, "you can do it, pull it out straight, dont shake you hand, the moment its out ill need someone to put pressure to stop the bleeding", he said looking around at the others. He grabbed the needle and sterilized it then ran the thread through it. He looked at Claire, and smiled "you just need to relax".
Samantha covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my god, that is so disgusting." she claimed, staring at Claire's stomach. Samantha was tempted to turn away, but forced herself to stay with the others. She took a deep breath.

"I'll put the pressure on it, just tell me what to do." she said, with hints of disgust in her voice.
Remy handed Samantha the gauze, "Press this firmly onto the wound when the metal comes out, she'll be bleeding a lot but if you press hard enough it'll stop it. I'll stitch under your hand working my way up to close the wound.", he said looking at her. He looked around at Seth and Samantha then Claire, he shot her a soft smile "You'll be fine, ive stitch worse wounds on myself".
Seth hesitated for a moment, looking down at the metal sticking out of the wound. He was really going to have to do this. "Okay, get ready." With that, he took a deep breath to calm himself. He decided against giving a warning to Claire when he was about to do it; it would be better not to. He pinched the metal between his fingers and, in one swift and straight motion, yanked it out of her flesh and moved back to make room for the others.
Claire inhaled deeply then exhaled, repeating this a few times, not daring to open her eyes. She had to do this. Her grip tightened around the jagged piece of metal and she counted down from ten in her head,

10, 9, 8...

Claire could barely hear what Samantha had said, but by her tone she could tell that she was disgusted. She shifted slightly, trying to get a bit more comfortable,

7, 6, 5....

A few beads of sweat rolled off of her forehead, biting her lower lip nervously. She pushed Seths hand away, she walked to do it herself.

4, 3, 2...

Claire felt the fear boil up in the pit of her stomach, making her heart race and her head spin. She grasped the metal in her hand,


She was about to yank it out but she felt someone else do it instead. She screamed in agony, her body pushed to the brink and she blacked out.
Remy leaped into action as the shard was pulled from her and expertly stitched the wound up completely. He then doused the wound with antiseptic being sure to not waste too much and reached for more gauze. As he pressed it to her stomach he saw there was no way to hold it. After looking around for a second he remembered his tattered shirt, tore it off himself, tore a strip from it, and lifted her slightly as he tied it around her thus securing the gauze.

He leaned back and wiped the sweat from his brow,"we'll need to find you some sort of medicinal plants, something to prevent infection, but that should suffice for now".
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Vick looked around anxiously. "Anybody a doctor?" he asked with a shrug

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Seth watched almost in a daze as Remy worked on her. He quickly snapped out of it, however, and looked down to where he still held the bloody metal. He dropped it next to the kit to ensure nobody would step on it and noticed the blood staining the tips of his fingers. Remy, Clair, and Samantha no doubt had red liquid staining their hands as well. "And wash our hands." he added, and turned to Vick. "Where did you say that stream was?"
Samantha held the towel against Claire's wound white Remy stitched her up. She looked away, not daring to look down at all the blood, knowing she would instantly puke if she looked at it for any longer than she had to. Thankfully, Seth knew what he was doing and before too long, it was over. Samantha could feel the hot liquid on her hands, and still didn't look at them.

Seth spoke about plants and Samantha sat next to Claire. "Plants? How are we gonna do that? Was there any medicine in the plane?" she asked the boys.

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