Stranded [Inactive]

Nikola gasped as the pain continued to increase. "N-no." She said as she clutched her burned arm. "I need......fresh...." She said before biting down on her lip to try to cope with the pain. "Water." She told the woman as she sat down and let out one long gasp of pain.
"Water?" Claire asked looking around hastily trying to find the guy who had gone to the lake to get water, what was his name? Ugh I can't remember she thought, inwardly scowling herself.

"Beer Boy? Oh oh! Vick! Yes Vick that was his name." She snapped her fingers as she remembered, blinking her forest green eyes that were at the moment burning very badly to the point that they were watering.

"Vick!" She screamed, trying to get her hoarse voice to reach the person she needed. In her own personal condition she couldn't move Nikola.
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