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  1. Kalypso

    Temporary Solutions

    Introducing -- Bellamy Blake <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/devon_bostick_wallpaper-t2.jpg.8a6c239abbe7413973da7c941c5495d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16379"...
  2. Kalypso

    Runaways [Inactive]

    "O-oh...... Hale, its your fault, go find him. You know how he gets." Derik said, sighing. Hale scowled," Well he needs to buck up. If he doesn't want to be a smallfry he has to stick up for himself." He said, walking away. "Its only jerks like you who live to take advantage of those 'small...
  3. Kalypso

    Runaways [Inactive]

    "We're something like that." Derik gave her a smile." You look...... hungry. Why don't you join us? And we can get you some shoes while we're at it." He suggested. Hale scoffed and crossed his arms," Always the perfect gentleman.." He muttered. Bellamy had wandered off to calm his nerves...
  4. Kalypso

    Runaways [Inactive]

    Hale yanked Bell up and turned him towards her."Apologize." He said. Bellamy scowled and struggled out of his grasp but Hale was the second strongest of the three. "I can do it without being forced to." He groaned and eventually Hale released him. Bell fell in the process of getting away...
  5. Kalypso

    Runaways [Inactive]

    The alleyway led to the beach where bright lights could be seen. On the boardwalk what looked like an amusement park or fair was starting up, roller coasters, a ferris wheel and loud music was playing. "There!" Derik said, pointing. "Let's see how far we can stretch twenty bucks." He suggested...
  6. Kalypso

    Runaways [Inactive]

    "Alright boys, here's today's earnings." Derik said, cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. He pulled out a wad of crumpled cash from his pockets and flipped through it."Twenty three bucks and fifty cents. Let's go blow it all." He said with a grin. Hale scowled," Its a about time. But...
  7. Kalypso

    Helsing Academy [Inactive]

    Soon they arrived at the spa and once again he opened her door for her. Leading her in Raphael pointed to the attendant to take her to the locker room while he negotiated with the clerk. Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  8. Kalypso

    Helsing Academy [Inactive]

    "I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't, but I can't think of any particular times right now." He smiled into the kiss and turned to leave." C'mon. We still have that spa to go to." Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  9. Kalypso


    Name: Derik Somersteen Hale Donovan Bellamy Price Derik- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_myrkas0Evd1smtazbo1_500.jpg.34bf8630caf3c0ac19172592fd7f40cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16079"...
  10. Kalypso

    Helsing Academy [Inactive]

    "Well, I hate to be self deprecating, but we are. I'm a heartless bastard who lies to get what I want." Raphael admitted, pulling her to him and staring down at her."And right now, I want you. What do I gotta do to get that?" A smirk lifted the corners of his mouth. " Shit, Ira!" Abel sprinted...
  11. Kalypso

    Helsing Academy [Inactive]

    Raphael chuckled darkly, "While you decide, I'll go pay for the meal." He walked towards the front counter and pulled out his credit card. Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  12. Kalypso

    Helsing Academy [Inactive]

    "Ira! Please don't go! I'm begging you," Abel was on his knees, tears rolling his face and his whole body was shaking. Raphael smirked," Just the two of us, or are you inviting your friend here along as well?"He asked Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  13. Kalypso

    Helsing Academy [Inactive]

    Abel whimpered in frustration. It was like his world was crumbling down in an instant. He had just gotten to know and love Ira and he had hopes for the future and everything was being snatched away with such suddenness that he was left speechless." Please....."He whispered hoarsely...
  14. Kalypso

    Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]

    He chuckled," I didn't approach you to criticize your treatment of your pet. I just wanted to get mine back before she got attached," He said, trying to clear up the misunderstanding. Dante placed Midnyght on his shoulder where she peeked out through his hair, big green eyes blinking out at...
  15. Kalypso

    Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]

    Dante frowned as the 'ball' was snatched away." That was a horrible excuse ,"he muttered, turning back to the other two when Midnyght, who was hissing and growling, zoomed past and attacked the retreating boy."Oi! Midnyght! Stop!" He said, pulling her up by the tail."Sorry, it appears she buys...
  16. Kalypso

    Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]

    "No, but I want him,"Dante replied with a grin that rarely ever flashed across his face.He stroked one of the creatures ears caringly," You're owner must be a careless one to let you wander around on your own. You could get hurt."He said gently. Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  17. Kalypso

    Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]

    Dante snatched Midnyght out of the air before she got the chance to follow. "If you keep causing others trouble, then I'll have to find you a leash." He warned, before jumping down as well. Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  18. Kalypso

    Crystal Moon Online

    Yay! Harems rock! xD Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  19. Kalypso

    Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]

    A blush lit up Dante's face at the sight before him." So........."He started."So.........sorry." He said finally, regaining his composure." She's a bit...... devious." Dante gestured at Midnyght who was purring loudly. Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
  20. Kalypso

    Crystal Moon Online

    Unintentional persuit lolz Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk