Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]

"No, but I want him,"Dante replied with a grin that rarely ever flashed across his face.He stroked one of the creatures ears caringly," You're owner must be a careless one to let you wander around on your own. You could get hurt."He said gently.

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Ritsu's cheeks went a light pink as the flower was put in his hair. The bird squawked then at the falling of another creature, landing on Daniel.

"Your popular today." He said with a smirk. It was such an eventful day so far for Ritsu, he hadn't talked to other people in so long... In a way he was kind of shutting himself out from the world.

(Hey Kalypso and EternalDreamer... I'm winning xD )

Kiryuu sniffled and watched his brother take the pain away"You don't know!M-maybe I would have died!You took long enough.Hmpf!"he said to his brother then crossed his arms when he was finished.He turned his head away from the cake trying not conceal the need to eat the cake in one bite.
Don't eat it.Don't eat ittt!Oh,no there's a strawberry on the top....ergh fine! he thought then grabbed the cake.He stuck his tongue out at his brother and watched him go and get the door before eating the cake."Angel!"he said with a smile as his unicorn came up to him and nuzzled his leg.Kiryuu giggled and petted Angel"So early in the morning Kiry."she said and yawned before hopping on the couch and curling up."I know!But,any time is best for cake!"he said with a smile as he continued eating his cake.


Seth whistled as he waited for the door to open and tapped his fingers on his pants.Once it did open,he smiled and looked at the male"Well hey there.May I?"he asked before walking inside and looking around a bit."Nice and big."he told him before turning to the male again"What's your name?"he asked with a smile."Oh,sorry.I'm live right next to me.I just came over to see if you would like to join a Guild with me if that's ok with you."he asked.He looked at who was barking and grinned at it."Nice pet.I wonder where-"he stopped when Krav growled and scratched at the door before pushing it over and walking it."Oh boy.I'm so sorry.Krav I told you to stay outside but,you never listen anyway."he said to him.Krav shrugged"It's a habit I assume.Whose this?"he asked."I don't know yet...he hasn't told me his name."he responded and looked to the male.
"Crap! I over did it" he said while running towards tsuki fall into. He then saw a lot of players there but it was making him feel awkward as he saw a little boy who has a flower in his hair and two tall guys . "o-oh Yea! it's mine and it's a ball" not wanting anyone to worry about it. "well please excuse me..." he said as he walk off punching Tsuki "Don't ever do that! you piece of shit!"

"ehh..I'm sorry Chichi...maybe we really did interrupt something there, a love triangle perhaps" as Tsuki said. "well, yeah so we better hurry.. it's really embarrassing" he said while walking really fast, wanting to disappear from their sight.
"You are certainly right about that." Daniel said to him petting the poor thing but noticed Dante's grin and thought how also deliciously adorable he looked,"So it may seem.." He said to the other boy staring in awe at how he really did look lovely in those flowers. Suddenly, another boy also came out of no where took the little creature out of his hand,"Oh so it's yours?" He said but then noticed the boy was running away from him and grabbed his hand before he could get away,"I'm sorry to stop you in such a hurry but I must say, try and be more nicer to your pets." He warned.
Dante frowned as the 'ball' was snatched away." That was a horrible excuse ,"he muttered, turning back to the other two when Midnyght, who was hissing and growling, zoomed past and attacked the retreating boy."Oi! Midnyght! Stop!" He said, pulling her up by the tail."Sorry, it appears she buys into your 'ball' story about as much as I do."He said, smirking.

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He then looked back as a guy stops him "this is not your pet! So why are you___" as his speech was been cut off by Tsuki.

"No, it's alright, this is just ahobby, when Chichi does this stuff to me, it's nothing cause I'm a ball and bounces" he said smilingly, interrupting his master cause he knew he will make it much worse when he saw the other guy's pet is going to attack them.

"I know how I treat my pet, " he said sarcastically "Well, then please excuse me.." as turn away tagging his hand back to him and walks off.
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Because the other two were already dealing with the "ball" situation, Ritsu's blue eyes looked up at the bird's blue eyes and the two had a silent conversation, with Cin squawking every so often. Cin told Ritsu that he wanted the special kind of food to eat tonight and Ritsu agreed because he hadn't treated Cin to a gourmet meal in awhile.

Ritsu then looked over at the commotion, not wanting to play a part in it... His wisdom would just steer them all into their own graves if he spoke too much. That was of course, The sparked tongue, side of Ritsu.
He chuckled," I didn't approach you to criticize your treatment of your pet. I just wanted to get mine back before she got attached," He said, trying to clear up the misunderstanding. Dante placed Midnyght on his shoulder where she peeked out through his hair, big green eyes blinking out at everyone. Dante began walking in the direction of town, not ready for a mission and tired of people already. He yawned tiredly as he strolled boredly through the crowd.

Hale studied the quest," Underwater dungeon. "He said, reading the requirements." Great.... Now I have to actually be sociable. Today oughtta be interestin'."He said sarcastically. Hale studied the crowd around him, searching for suitable candidates.

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Daniel watched as the crowd finally left and sighed in relief but felt sad that all such delicious food had left him but luckily he had one food left, turning around to look at Ritsu,"Hm?... since they had finally left~ May I ask of your name?" He asked pleased with how lovely still the boy was. Oh, how he wanted to push him down and devour his soul but that would never happen since Daniel was a gentleman and because he barely even knew the guy.
Ritsu looked over to Daniel from his bird. His blue eyes meeting with yours.

"My name is Ritsu, and you are?" He asked with a smile, him being happy to finally be talking with someone. The raven showed his inner happiness by doing a dance on Ritsu's blue head.
Daniel noticed the raven on Ritsu's head and smiled at how adorable it looked. He did love animals and cute things so to see such an adorable boy and a raven dancing was something that amused Daniel very much, turning his attention back to Ritsu,"My name is Daniel Victor, but you may call me Danny or Dan. It's a pleasure to meet you Ritsu." He said and pointed to his fuzzy friend,"And this is Puffy, the furball that bit you." He said, Puffy barked and climbed onto Daniel's head to get a closer look at Ritsu's raven.

Daniel also turned his attention back to the dancing raven and pointed at him slightly,"And who may this be?" He asked curiously for the raven's name,"It seems Puffy have a liking to your bird friend." He chuckled softly with Puffy bouncing and yelping excitedly at the raven.
The raven leaned forward, looking interestingly at the little ball of white puff. Ritsu's cheeks were a light pink as he introduced his pet bird.

"This is my raven, Cin." He said motioning to him.

"He's really the only companion in my life, so I love him..." He said as he pet the raven with a smile. The raven squawked in response.
Daniel watched at how adorable the two were together and looked up at his pet with a glint of love for his fuzzy friend,"Same here. Puffy is the only one in my heart right now." He said happily showing his blood red eyes showing the affection he had for his pet to Ristu. Puffy noticing his master's feeling towards him and snuggled in his master's hair purring almost as a cat would have sounded like to show his affection in return towards him as well, Daniel noticing this and looked to Ritsu,"Since we are on friendly terms, call me whenever when you're in trouble or want to group. Or even just to chat." He said sending him a friend request to keep in touch with him.
"O.. okay.." He said, his cheeks lighting up a bit as he accepted the friend request.

My first friend on here... He thought to himself as his pet bird walked down from his head and onto his arm. For some reason Ritsu just never really spoke to anyone before, unless it was for quest purposes or in trade. He had been dueled quite a bit though, a multitude of players wanting to prove they had self control over his persuasive speech.

Cin, being a direct implication of Ritsu, almost to a T, flew over to Daniel and pecked his cheek, showing appreciation for the both of them. As he flew back to Ritsu's head, Ritsu's face grew red. The red contrasted against his blue eyes and hair...

"He... He, must like you..." He said, embarrassed.
Daniel smiled slightly at how Ritsu's cheeks were quite pink but he hid the smile quickly. He didn't like smiling a lot unless it had to do with something cute and Ritsu's behavior was very adorable to Daniel. Suddenly, he felt Cin's claw-like feets land on his shoulder and peck at him gently, a grin forming on Daniel's face once Cin flew back to his now fully blushing master. Amused by this, Daniel placed a hand on Ritsu's cheeks gently stroking it,"So it seems~ But your cheeks are quite red. Are you alright Ritsu?" He asked, teasing the poor boy a little. He found a liking to Ritsu and categorized him as one of his 'playthings' and of course 'friend' in the game.
If somehow possible, his face grew even more red...

"I.. Err.. Well... Maybe I have a.. Umm Fever..." He said nervously... Although it wasn't possible for him to get a fever in the virtual world, let alone for a demon to get one. It was a pretty poor excuse and the raven hid it's face in Ritsu's blue hair. On the inside Cin was chuckling. His blue eyes met Daniels and then he looked away.

"I.. Think I'm fine though.. So, well.." He trailed off... Heat could be felt from his cheeks as they burned with the blush.
Daniel wasn't showing but a small smirk curled behind his worry mask watching as Ritsu started to heat up more. It was so much fun to Daniel to watch this but he didn't want to tease him too much and just nodded, letting his hand go through his soft, blue hair before lowing down back to his side,"That's good then." He said and then remembered about the quests,"Did you choose a quest to do yet?" He asked curiously wanting to tag along with him since he had nothing better to do.
Ritsu's face slowly faded back to it's normal color as relief washed through him.

"No, actually, I was just going for a walk in the forest when all of this happened..." He said, stating the truth. A lot of the times Ritsu wouldn't even take the quests, unless there was a certain reward that he wanted. However, If Daniel wanted to go on a quest, he would surely tag along to help him out... After all, that was his first ever friend made.
Daniel nodded and tilted his head,"Hm... then how about we group and do one together, Ritsu. What do you say?" He asked him wanting to group since it been awhile since he last a friend. His old friends were somewhere else doing things and leaving him behind so he was left all alone. He didn't want to be left alone again and Ritsu was his only friend he could trust in this world besides Puffy. Puffy was his only friend before but now he had Ritsu and maybe if he lucky, he may get to meet the other guys from before and befriend them as well but that would be for another time.
Shinji walks down the street to Lain's house finding the door cracked," Lain," He calls, his soft voice echoing slightly in the front of the house," Lain, I'm here." He walks into his neighbors house, closing the door behind him. And walks down the hallway finding Lian and Seth," Oh." The small boy says, staring at the two for a moment. He picks at the his ruffled sleeve, wondering if he is intruding or something," Hi-ya," He says quickly in his cheery voice, straightening his skirt," Who is this Lainy."
Ichibaki left them and went to walk deep into the forest silently as his pet look up at him worriedly realizing what he have done."I'm sorry Chichi!" he said sadly. Chibaki then stops walking as he broke into the bushes and sat down. He then puts Tsuki on the ground and pushes it with his right hand as the curved base of the tree rolls back the monster to him. Tsuki giggles as he likes it whenever Ichi does that to him "spinning view!! yippee!!".

"Don't ever do that..." Ichibaki said while looking at his pet. Tsuki felt guilty that he was the cause that his master is having a bad image around the players. "I'm sorry.. I cause you trouble Ichi-Sama..." he said, realizing that his master is not good at socializing and he did something reckless "no one will understand master..." he added, slip out of his tongue.

"I forgive you and I'm sorry I let you down" as Ichibaki said sincerely, knowing what really his pet up to "and you're wrong about that statement of yours... You're the one who stayed with me longer, so does that mean you can't understand me?" he said with a smile on his face.

Tsuki felt special as he has grown a little stronger inside of him. But even in his spinning view, he knows that his Master is smiling as he giggles that half of his plan worked, he wanted to see a different Chichi. "Hehe, I feel good, Ichi-Sama" as Ichibaki keeps playing with him, wondering when will Tsuki wants him to stop.
Ram wakes up early to get those new quests as he carries his sleeping pet, Nampy on his arms. "Hmm..." as he looks at the quests posted on the bulletin board. "Since we don't have a party, let's do the Monster Quest, " he said as he looks down to his sleeping pet and patted him gently.

Ram, then went to the forest to look for 10 wolves. He was walking and walking, heading deep in the forest as he checked the virtual map on his arm gear. As Ram checked the map again, he looks around, on his right side view he sighted a cute fur ball rolling forward and backward in the bushes. "How cute! Maybe it's a rare type of monster!" he said with excitement first time seeing it. He then put Nampy first on the ground not wanting to injured her as he sneakily went towards the Furr wanting to tame it for Nampy's new friend. He tip toed until he gets close to the bushes and jumps high to capture the pet. It was too late when he heard voices and saw the man rolling it as he falls down face first. "Oww..." he said as he stayed still in that position for a while, bloods coming out. He then tries to sit up to look for the man's face while enduring the pain he was feeling. "N-nice.. p-pet.." he said as an excuse and smilingly awkwardly.

He felt embarrassed at how he acts earlier taming it, but he can't stop gazing at the man in front of him that he forgot about the nosebleed as bloods are dripping continuously. He then just stays still and stares at the guy's face wanting to memorize it inch by inch.

Lian sighed and put his hand to his face. "Alright Alright. I'll be quicker next time Kirry." he sighed and turned to the other man. "I'm Lian." He looked the man up and down. "What is your name, I know you are my neighbor but, we've never spoken." he frowned. He sweatdropped when his door fell to the ground. "A guild you say? I wouldn't mind that at all, I have a few people who might wanna join us." he smiled. "Here is one of them!" he said as he spotted Shinji walking in. "Hey Shin, this is Seth, he wants to make a guild." he said and looked at Seth. "This is my crossdressing friend Shinji" he introduced them.
Ritsu's raven flew around in circles a bit around the two as they spoke.

"Oh, sure, I've never really teamed up with anybody else so..." Ritsu said as he called Cin back to him. The raven landed on his shoulder and leaned its head against Ritsu's.

"I'd love to join you. So which quest should we take?" He asked with a smile.

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