

Senior Member


(Appearance, No Anime please)

Age: (7-18)

History: How did you end up as a runaway?


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Name: Emmie Greenbrier

Age: 13


Emmie hopped from foster homes her entire life. It's not like she didn't have family, she did have her mother and father, but they were in worse shape than she was. Her father made his home in various jails, and the whereabouts of her mother were never certain.

Finally, Emmie became sick of this lifestyle. She would be better off on her own, and even at 13, she had more sense than the heartless bastards that she had been raised with her entire life.


Emmie is quite intelligent for her

age, but tends to be a little immature. She is hardheaded and forceful sometimes, but is loving overall.

Name: Rose O'Brien

Age: 18


Rose had a normal and happy life with her mother and father until she was about 8 years old. At 8 her mom died from cancer. At that point her father took up drinking. One night he came home drunk and almost beat her to death. From that point the beatings became more frequent. Finally when she turned 16 Rose had enough. When her father was blacked out drunk on the couch one night she took a knife from the kitchen and killed him. She's spend the last 2 year on the run from her past and all alone.

Personality: Rose has a hard time trusting others especially males. More often then not she will push all new people away rather then let them in her life. She does however, have a soft spot for younger children and animals and will only open herself up to them.

Name: Conner Canzane

Age: 15

History : Conner had always lived with his parents, stayed around them. He didn't have many friends and the friends he did have usually turned there backs on him when they where around others. He did not mind the isolation of friends as long as he had his mother, father, and sister which was only 7 at the time. Conner's life changed dramatically when his house was robbed, his father was shot trying to protect Conner and his mother was shot for hiding the kids. Conner was hidden in a closet and it had been cracked and not all the way shut so he watched as his 7 year old sister was found under the bed and murdered. The robber ran after critically injuring his sister and he rushed out of the closet to her side. He has been a run-away ever sense.

Personality: He is very shy and does not talk much do to his life traumas. He can open up to people who get to know him or crack him open from his shyness, he is very smart and made A's in most his classes which is why he was ignored in his life. Finally his favorite color is white as he loves the beauty of the shine that glows off the color white.
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Name: Selena Bion

with ripped tights and no shoes (sold em for food)

Age: 17

History: When Selena was 5 she had a twin who was in a car accident with her mother, they both died. Her father wasn't all the nicest. He would beat her all the time. Her father was drunk or high all the time. So after a while she stole his booze and joints then went to parties. She wanted to numb the pain. When she came home one night from a party her father was gone, and only 2000 dollars was left on the counter. She used it all for food and only has a little bit left. She packed her things and left the house since she couldn't afford it anymore. She had a few clothes but she had to sell them. She sold her shoes too. Now she is living in a box on the street with about 2 dollars to her name, having s*x for money or food, and starving to death slowly. All she has left is a picture of her family when they were all happy and beaming at the camera.

Personality: She's shy, but when people are willing to talk to her she is a nice conversationalist. She's sweet, but when people aren't around she's always sad. She's forced to be flirty so it's just a natural thing now. She's funny and has a nice sense of humor. 
can we just start with who we have?
Name: Evelyn Ray Loius

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Evelyn struggles with high anxiety, anorexia and depression, once her family discovered it, they shunned her. No daughter of theirs would be "a mental freak". After two years of taking the mental abuse, Evelyn left. She'd grown tired of the cruel words, and harsh stares in school hallways and at "home". So she packed a simple messenger bag with clothes, a change of shoes, and was gone.


Evelyn seems shy, but once you get too know her, she's sweet and witty. She feels maternal to younger people around her, but is scared she'd "mess up" helping any sort of child. She rolls her eyes and is very sarcastic.



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Abayomi has soft skin, and her skin color is a warm olive on the verge of being caramel with a few freckles on her knees, and elbows. Her head is quite small and oval-heart shaped, with delicate cheek bones, and small rounded ears. Her cheeks are generally softly rosy , along with her thin-snub nose. Abayomi's lips are a peach-pink pigment , which are full, with a wide off-white smile. Her dainty dimples fits her face frame some how. Her eyes are a humble-looking faint blue with much more vibrant blue flecks inside the iris, and almond shaped. In addition, to her eye shape, her eyelashes, are thick, and long. Her eyebrows are simply trimmed neatly, but she has never really touched them. Abayomi's ears are small with several ear piercings along her hearing appendages. They're mainly are tragus, helix, standard lobe, and upper lobe piercings. Her fingernails are usually polished in a natural blush color with gold flecks at the tips, and her nail length is medium in length. As of her hands, they're small, yet well adapted for a good self defense, despite how feminine they honestly look. Her figure is vivaciously hour-glass shaped, slightly thick in size, and a bit bottom heavy. However, chest area is considerable medium size once compared to her broad hips. She has a tribal arm band tattoo along her left arm. Finally, her hair is honey light brown color, and its waist length. It is styled in loose waves that swirl around her face in a innocent looking way. She also weighs a 130 pounds.

Age: 17


¤ Backstory

Abayomi was born in Haiti, into a family of two older brothers (Morpheus and Korat), a young Mixed Irish man named Adam and his lover Varsha. When she was born, her identical twin died in birth. Somehow cursing Abayomi to see supernatural things. Once she turned five her parents use to verbally, and physically abuse the siblings. However, her father, Adam was much more dangerous. If he used drugs that day, you'll have to leave the house for a week, so that you would have beaten or raped, like their mother has. When Facile was thirteen her best friend died in a car crash she'd survived, along with that, her friend's brother who was age eighteen later raped her. Due to her having Trisomy X, she became pregnant. She then tried to cope with her life becoming depressed, she drank alcohol often, which cause a miscarriage after a month. Later the siblings escaped to Rio to live with their extended family. Years they've spent wandering the globe for their new home, unknown to them that their parents are still searching for them. Somehow, Morpheus, who didn't make it to Rio for safety. Little is know that whether he's alive or not.

(I can tone down the history, just let me know)

Abayomi personality varies from overly emotional to distant due to being a touch of Bipolar. She's generally passive aggressive, gentle, kind, illusive, and quiet. If she's having a good day, she's very upbeat and childish. A bit annoying you could say? It's the exact opposite when she's upset. She's very aggressive, and irrationally violent. When she is agitated/depressed, she tend to be quieter, jumpy, and paranoid. In others words this chick can be unpredictable, and being incapable doesn't help you figure out her emotion puzzle.


Derik Somersteen

Hale Donovan

Bellamy Price

Derik- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_myrkas0Evd1smtazbo1_500.jpg.34bf8630caf3c0ac19172592fd7f40cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_myrkas0Evd1smtazbo1_500.jpg.34bf8630caf3c0ac19172592fd7f40cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hale- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ceb0d5fcb67b7bda3722f541a958cdd8.jpg.40eb5b3c6a3026cbf22a7cad990c1911.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ceb0d5fcb67b7bda3722f541a958cdd8.jpg.40eb5b3c6a3026cbf22a7cad990c1911.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bellamy- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0847446_images(7).jpg.3a334b1090f64582606a9b66098ca245.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0847446_images(7).jpg.3a334b1090f64582606a9b66098ca245.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: (7-18)-

Dereik- 18


Bellamy- 14

History: They are brothers in theory and experience. They all once had a perfect life. Derik was born into an upper middle class family. He had a mother, a father, and two younger brothers and even a dog. So where did it all go wrong? His father had been lying the whole time, his company had gone bankrupt when Derik was young and his father had turned to stealing money with the help of some big shot national criminals. Let's just say, crime caught up. The people he was working with discovered he had been stealing from them too and decided to hunt them down. The Somersteen family was taken hostage and held for ransom and unfortunately the small town of Pataskala didn't give in. Derik witnessed the torture and murder of his entire family and was taken prisoner by the criminals and used as their lackey for a year before he managed to turn them in, nearly dying in the process.

Hale was born into a typical American family as well, mother father, sister cat. The usual. His isn't much of a sob story since it was his fault his life was ruined. A case of teenage rebellion gone wrong, you know, wrong crowd, crooked priorities. He was into into drugs, taking them and selling them. One day he got in some territorial trouble and was forced out of town, where he met Derik at the bus station. They weren't quite compatible, and still aren't but experience has brought them together and helped them earn each others trust and respect.

Bellamy is sort of a basket case, an illegitimate child, hidden from sight. His parents were rich, but his father was the gardener for the mansion. His mother had let him take Bellamy in order to keep things safe for the affair. Bellamy loved his father and admired him, though he didn't really understand why he couldn't see his mother, not that he liked her. She was a cold hearted woman, which was probably why he didn't flinch when he saw his would be father murder her. The affair was discovered along with Bellamy's existence. The man of the house lost his temper and choked his mother and kicked ten year old Bellamy to the curb. Bellamy's beloved father was so stricken with grief he turned to alcohol. He would clutch onto Bellamy some nights, crying out Sylvia, his mothers name, and some nights he would blame Bellamybsaying its because he looked so much like her. So Bellamy left. Deciding to take his father out of his suffering. He met Derik and Hale one night a week after he left. He was dehydrated, exhausted and starving. On the brink of death. They grew closer and became pretty much like brothers


Derik-- He is a bit strict and liikes to call the shots. He tends to be the older reasonable brother figure that the others could look up to. He was alert, a little uptight but an all around good guy. Hes a musician, and usually explains things in musical terms. He has a gid sense of humor and also has a more relaxed side to him that only the other two see,

Hale-- He's so high strung. Always quick to fight back and jump into things. He is clever and sarcastic. And on top of that he is blunt and unbelievably cocky. Other than that he is vulnerable with an inferiority complex that's rivaled by Bellamy's.

Bellamy-- He is aloof, a bit loopy. Most would describe him as very mellow, almost like he's in a constant high. He has his momentsnthough, he will not hesitate to call someone out on their wrong doings, especially if they lie. He Lol easily scared and owns up to his vulnerability though he sometimes gets worked up over some things if they make him feel unwanted or if he just feels overwhelmed he'll have panic attacks.



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I do hope it isn't too late for me to join. c:

Name: Shiloh Krakowski

Standing at around 5'7" (170 cm), Shiloh is a fairly average-looking boy. With a fair, but not pale, almost peaches and cream complexion, he has faint orange freckles spattered about his skin. He has an oval-shaped face with prominent cheekbones. His hair is wispy and a few shades darker than that of copper. It curls slightly and reaches to his shoulders in length (though it used to be shorter. He hasn't had it cut in quite a while). Sometimes he'll tie a yarn or strip of an old rag onto a strand of hair. His eyes are narrow and pale blue with a stripe of milk-brown in his left one, and are famed with long brown lashes. His eyebrows are a bit darker than his hair and are considerably thick. His nose is slightly deviated in favour of the left side. His lips are thin and quite often chapped, leaving them to appear redder than they are. He has large ears sticking out slightly from the side of his head, though not enough for him to get teased by in grade school. His outfit consists of a well-worn, waffled, beige long-sleeved shirt with a hole on the cuff, usually rolled up to above his elbow; blue jeans distressed from use and tattered along the bottom; and barely-staying-together canvas shoes with laces too long to not trip on but too frayed to tie effectively. He looks for discarded clothes but as of yet has been unable to find any he can buy with the money he scrapes up and, besides, is trying to spend it for more essential things like food.

Age: 16

History: Shiloh's a pretty smart kid, and his family is decent. Or, rather, it was, until it all went to hell.

Born to a moderately well-off family, Shiloh's life had a good start. The eldest of four kids (two younger brothers: Ariel, 14, and David, 9; a younger sister: Esther, 5), he always did his best to be a good role model to his siblings and tried hard at school. He was close with his parents and his siblings. When the time came to register in high school, he was in AP and Honours classes all across the board. He was on his way to being a lawyer.

And then his mother got sick.

She had had a case of breast cancer once before, but she recovered. Now, with the sudden recurrence of her cancer, every part of their average family life fell apart. They tried to stay strong as a family, and somehow grew closer together - all but Shiloh. He was probably the one most effected by her sudden unavailability. Stress and pressure built, all of it seeming to rest on his shoulders. When she finally passed away mere months later, he couldn't handle it anymore. His family, sympathetic glances, the distinct loneliness, all of it was too heavy a burden for him to carry. Desperately seeking out a new life as far away from that torment as possible, he made a heat-of-the-moment decision to just run, to just leave it all behind. He took with him a locket containing a small photograph of his family and a note from his mother.

Personality: Defensive, gullible, and untrusting, Shiloh has separated himself from the boy he once was. He's what some would call "soft" due to his inability to let go of pain and his lingering trauma from his family crisis. He has a hard time coping with much of anything, including minor issues such as accidentally breaking a glass or knocking a plate off of the table. Suffice it to say he's fragile. He finds is difficult to interact with people, though that's not a result of his mother's death. Even before all of this, he was pretty awful at speaking with others. He's not necessarily impolite, but there's just something very awkward about engaging in conversation with him. He's very touchy and takes many things not intentionally rude quite personally. He's known to have a soft spot for certain types of people - usually friendly, open people, though it can vary based off of several criteria. He's rarely relaxed, though when he is he's a pleasant person to be around. It's difficult for Shiloh to adjust to the changes of the outside world, no matter how miniscule they might seem to other people. It's likely he has a minor form of autism. 

[QUOTE="Castiel Marian]I do hope it isn't too late for me to join. c:
Name: Shiloh Krakowski

Standing at around 5'7" (170 cm), Shiloh is a fairly average-looking boy. With a fair, but not pale, almost peaches and cream complexion, he has faint orange freckles spattered about his skin. He has an oval-shaped face with prominent cheekbones. His hair is wispy and a few shades darker than that of copper. It curls slightly and reaches to his shoulders in length (though it used to be shorter. He hasn't had it cut in quite a while). Sometimes he'll tie a yarn or strip of an old rag onto a strand of hair. His eyes are narrow and pale blue with a stripe of milk-brown in his left one, and are famed with long brown lashes. His eyebrows are a bit darker than his hair and are considerably thick. His nose is slightly deviated in favour of the left side. His lips are thin and quite often chapped, leaving them to appear redder than they are. He has large ears sticking out slightly from the side of his head, though not enough for him to get teased by in grade school. His outfit consists of a well-worn, waffled, beige long-sleeved shirt with a hole on the cuff, usually rolled up to above his elbow; blue jeans distressed from use and tattered along the bottom; and barely-staying-together canvas shoes with laces too long to not trip on but too frayed to tie effectively. He looks for discarded clothes but as of yet has been unable to find any he can buy with the money he scrapes up and, besides, is trying to spend it for more essential things like food.

Age: 16

History: Shiloh's a pretty smart kid, and his family is decent. Or, rather, it was, until it all went to hell.

Born to a moderately well-off family, Shiloh's life had a good start. The eldest of four kids (two younger brothers: Ariel, 14, and David, 9; a younger sister: Esther, 5), he always did his best to be a good role model to his siblings and tried hard at school. He was close with his parents and his siblings. When the time came to register in high school, he was in AP and Honours classes all across the board. He was on his way to being a lawyer.

And then his mother got sick.

She had had a case of breast cancer once before, but she recovered. Now, with the sudden recurrence of her cancer, every part of their average family life fell apart. They tried to stay strong as a family, and somehow grew closer together - all but Shiloh. He was probably the one most effected by her sudden unavailability. Stress and pressure built, all of it seeming to rest on his shoulders. When she finally passed away mere months later, he couldn't handle it anymore. His family, sympathetic glances, the distinct loneliness, all of it was too heavy a burden for him to carry. Desperately seeking out a new life as far away from that torment as possible, he made a heat-of-the-moment decision to just run, to just leave it all behind. He took with him a locket containing a small photograph of his family and a note from his mother.

Personality: Defensive, gullible, and untrusting, Shiloh has separated himself from the boy he once was. He's what some would call "soft" due to his inability to let go of pain and his lingering trauma from his family crisis. He has a hard time coping with much of anything, including minor issues such as accidentally breaking a glass or knocking a plate off of the table. Suffice it to say he's fragile. He finds is difficult to interact with people, though that's not a result of his mother's death. Even before all of this, he was pretty awful at speaking with others. He's not necessarily impolite, but there's just something very awkward about engaging in conversation with him. He's very touchy and takes many things not intentionally rude quite personally. He's known to have a soft spot for certain types of people - usually friendly, open people, though it can vary based off of several criteria. He's rarely relaxed, though when he is he's a pleasant person to be around. It's difficult for Shiloh to adjust to the changes of the outside world, no matter how miniscule they might seem to other people. It's likely he has a minor form of autism.

[/QUOTE]I'm also probably going to add another character, but I'm not finished with them yet. Sorry, I accidentally hit post before I was finished - I'm still not 100% on how to work this site yet. ^^

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