Runaways [Inactive]

Selena felt the bite of the cold morning air between the rips in her leggings. That, woke her up instantly, just like it did every morning. Sitting up, she threw the sorry excuse of a blanket to the side and looked around. The view of the dirty ghetto streets were not a new sight for her. She saw it everyday.

She stood up and started her daily schedule, going to the beach that was not too far away, to shower in the womens locker rooms and fix up her hair and make-up, that was running low. She needed more money.

She sighed and walked down the sidewalk toward the beach. She enjoyed the morning walk. It was quiet, only a few cars drove by. By this time in the morning all the drug dealers and thugs weren't out, so she was safe for now.
Emmie shivered, bringing her sleeping bag over her head. She turned on her side, then her stomach, then opened her eyes, deciding sleep was useless.

Under her bridge in Galigo Park, trash surrounded her and annoying squirrels often passed through. It was the only place she could find sufficient shelter from the elements.
Conner quietly walked down the side walk of the busy city, he always wakes up early for some reason. And not even he knew why, but he was glad he did he always found cool stuff in garbage cans and some food thrown out by store clerks early in the mornings. He walked into an ally way and quickly savaged what was in side the garbage can.
Rose walked down the street trying to get as much warmth out of her old tattered sweatshirt as possible. Her stomach began to growl. Man I need something to eat. She looked in her pocket and found a total of $5 she had found on the street in the past month. Walking into the nearest grocery store she bought a snickers bar, a loaf of bread, and an apple. This should last me awhile she thought. She a bite of the snickers bar and put the rest of the food in her backpack. As she was walking Rose saw a young boy digging through a garbage can. She stopped and watched him from the street.
After allot of digging Conner found a tennis racket. "Well...If I fix it up maybe I could sell it." He thought out loud before garbing the other piece of the tennis racket and started to walk down the street messing with it and not seeing he was being watched. He finally came to another ally way which had a built roof over it, this is where he called home for the time being. Throwing the tennis racket down he plopped down on the make shift bed which was allot of covers he found in other trash cans, he sat there thinking about how he was going to eat. The truth was, he has not eaten for a couple days now and his water supplies was running out.
It's survival of the fittest don't do it. Don't waste your food on him. But he is only a boy. Damn it. Wasting valuable food on a guy. As she was having this internal battle with herself she began walking over to the kid and took out the half eat snickers bar. "Here, take this." She said as she held out the snickers bar to him.
Hearing the sudden voice makes him jump up, he looks over to the girl holding the candy bar. With a glint of fear in his eye's, he stays where he is."I-"He says before cutting him self off and just starring at her,'why is she offering me food' Conner thought to himself. He finally takes the candy slowly and going back to his corner not eating it but just holding it and looking at it.
Rose watched the boy take the candy bar then go back to his corner. She shook her head. Being nice will be the death of me. She thought. "It's not poisoned or anything kid. It's just a candy bar. Sometimes we have to look out for each other." She said as she turned around and began to walk down the alley way.
"T-thank you" Conner says meekly before returning to his thoughts about what he is going to do about his current situation. He puts the candy bar in his pocket and lies down on the make shift bed thinking until he falls asleep.
Abayomi was sitting on the Metro bus bench, hunched over counting what little change she had. She gave an mulled, almost worried expression masked on her face. She bit her lip, and stuffed her money back in her pocket. She sighed faintly, and pulled her dirty grey hoodie over her head, and simply closed her eyes for rest.
Rose didn't go very far after she had given the boy some of her food. She walked to a park nearby and sat by the fountain. She rolled up her pants and started picking up the change people had thrown into the fountain. "People waste money on the stupidest things " she' thought. After picking up most of the change she got out of the fountain. She laid down on a bench just enjoying the sunlight.
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After awhile of laying down Conner had a sudden pain in his side making him wake up, he sat up and scooted to the wall so he could lay his back to it while holding his side gritting his teeth in pain. He went on doing this for awhile and the pain settled down, he decided to get up and continue around the city. Starting a walk down the city pulling his hood over his messy black hair.
@Kuito and @Ember Lee can you guys slow down because it was started off with morning and you guys made it to night. Slow down cause some of the others haven't even answered yet and it wouldn't be fair to make them read ten pages. Please slow down
Abayomi quietly risen from her slumber about ten minutes later, she decided to avoid riding the bus for the inconvenience of finance. She grabbed her small backpack filled with old snacks and supplies. She wandered around the city, bumping into people on purpose just to pick-pocket them. She shifted through her victims' wallets quickly, and smoothly. Oddly, only taking their cash, maybe because she didn't want to be convicted for identity thief? Hm, either way she only took most of their money, and swiftly blended in the crowded before any of the robbed civilians noticed something "suspicious."
"Alright boys, here's today's earnings." Derik said, cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. He pulled out a wad of crumpled cash from his pockets and flipped through it."Twenty three bucks and fifty cents. Let's go blow it all." He said with a grin.

Hale scowled," Its a about time. But what's the catch? We never get to spend all our money in one go," He questioned, sitting up.

Bellamy stayed quiet, but alert. They were in one of their hideouts, an abandoned warehouse. It wasn't the best place, with its damp moldy smell and debri covered floor, but it was home for now.

"We've just expanded our territory. And I've found us a few jobs to do. Get this, a hundred bucks per job."Derik said, a toothy grin on his face.

" Wh-"Hale was cut off by Bellamy.

" Bullshit. Even I don't believe it. "He sat up sluggishly, his words slightly slurred as usual.'

"Exactly,'' Hale agreed.

" Believe it or not. But its legit. Anyway, let's just go blow this cash off before it eats a hole in my pocket." Derik said. He stamped out his cigarette, only to light another one a few minutes later. The three boys walked out and trekked down an alley way.
Selena walked past an alleyway. She heard three sets of footsteps and assuming it was drug dealers or thugs she sped up her steps. She folded her arms across her chest and ducked her head a bit. She looked down at her feet, no shoes. She needed shoes. A small frown appeared on her lips. She looked up again and saw the beach from where she was. That cheered her up a bit considering the sand was softer than walking on a hard cracked sidewalk. (@Kalypso )
The alleyway led to the beach where bright lights could be seen. On the boardwalk what looked like an amusement park or fair was starting up, roller coasters, a ferris wheel and loud music was playing. "There!" Derik said, pointing. "Let's see how far we can stretch twenty bucks." He suggested.

Bellamy was amazed by the lights and colors and took off towards them, kicking up sand. He was so dazed he ran straight into a girl,

" Watch it Bell. You can't just run off like that!" Hale said, jogging over.

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Conner continued down the side walk he was on with his hands in his pocket. The pain in his side hard started back but he ignored it and continued walking into he reached the beach as well, he seen bell run into the girl but he just looked back out to the ocean. It seemed so calming to him, he took a seat under a tree holding his side and watched the waves.
When a boy ran into Selena she fell to her butt, "hey!" She looked a bit angry as she narrowed her eyes at younger looking boy. She looked at the boy who came running up, referring to him as 'Bell'. She bit her lip shyly and tried to stand but her weak skinny legs protested so she stayed on the sand.
Waking up from her nap Rose decided to head to the beach to walk on the sand. While walking she witnessed some boy knock a girl down, what seemed to be an accident. She walked over to the girl who was still sitting in the sand. "Are you ok?" She asked.
Hale yanked Bell up and turned him towards her."Apologize." He said. Bellamy scowled and struggled out of his grasp but Hale was the second strongest of the three.

"I can do it without being forced to." He groaned and eventually Hale released him. Bell fell in the process of getting away, glaring back teary eyed at Hale." Dammit Hale you are always trying to impress everyone. You're so fake. Just cause a pretty girl shows up."He spat angrily, standing up.

"What did you just say, you little sh-"Hale felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder.

" Enough, you two. You both need to apologize to each other and to this young lady here."Derik said sternly. He then turned to the girl,"Can you stand? I'm Derik and those two are Hale and Bellamy. Sorry bout that." He offered his hand to help her up.

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She shyly took his hand and stood. "It's fine." She mumbled and crossed her arms across her stomach. She looked at the boys then a girl showed up "yes I'm fine...and I'm Selena" her voice was shaky. "Are you guys brothers? I mean... you act like brothers but you don't look like brothers" she rambled a bit

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Conner watches the commotion holding his side leaning against the tree, wondering what in the world was going on over there. But his side was hurting to much for him to actually get up in get over there, nor does he want to. He pulls the candy bar out finally, he opens it taking a bite out of it.

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