Runaways [Inactive]

"We're something like that." Derik gave her a smile." You look...... hungry. Why don't you join us? And we can get you some shoes while we're at it." He suggested.

Hale scoffed and crossed his arms," Always the perfect gentleman.." He muttered.

Bellamy had wandered off to calm his nerves. Every step was shaky and his mind was reeling , he couldn't seem to get himself together. He collapsed near a tree, not noticing the guy leaning against it. Bell laid flat on his back and took in big breaths and stared up at the darkening sky.

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Selena smiled slightly at Hale then turned her attention back to Derik, "that would be nice...thank you" she looked around and couldn't see Bellamy "I think you lost a musketeer"

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Conner looked over to bell."H-hello.."He manages to say to him before returning to watching the sea still holding his side and eating the candy.
"O-oh...... Hale, its your fault, go find him. You know how he gets." Derik said, sighing.

Hale scowled," Well he needs to buck up. If he doesn't want to be a smallfry he has to stick up for himself." He said, walking away.

"Its only jerks like you who live to take advantage of those 'small fries'"Derik said with a shake of his head.

Bellamy jumped at the sound of a voice." H-hi..."He said, relaxing a bit.

" Bell, c'mon! You're holding everyone up,! I'll buy you some cotton candy or something to make up for being an ass."Hale shouted blindly, hoping Bell would come out.

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Seeing as the girl and seemed to be getting along with the three strange boys and that she was all right Rose started to walk away.
Selena giggled a little then smiled at Derik "are they always like that?" She asked curiously. "Me and my sister always picked on each other when we were younger" she smiled at the memory. She talked about her sister a lot and it didn't bother her at all.

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Conner forces him self to stand and starts to limp away to avoid contact with the others. "It was nice meeting you..." He says to bell before he starts back towards town.
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