Crystal Moon Online [Inactive]


Rains Faithful Companion
ForgottenBlood submitted a new role play:

Crystal Moon Online - A new Virtual MMO just hit the market, what happens when you can't escape?

There's a new game that hit the markets!Yes,you heard it here!No,not like any other crazy game out there that gives you poor realistic features.This is a real virtual world game!You see,the problem with other virtual worlds is that you're basically in a new world but,you can't actually feel like you're in a different one.Well here's some news for you!Our game is high def and you will literally be able to feel like you're in a brand new world!All you have...

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|Crystal Moon Online Quest Board|


"Hello. I'm Ari, welcome to the quest board. Below are the available quests"

Available Quests

Party Quests

Clear Silvermare Graveyard Dungeon

NPC: Lilian Silvermare


Lilian is worried about the monsters lurking in her family's graveyard. Clear the dungeon and bring back the scepter at the end chests. Bring up to four friends.

Difficulty: Easy

Rewards (Given to each Party member):

-500 Gold

-Full Heal

-Phoenix Feather

Clear Sakura Tree Dungeon

NPC: Gardener Jian


Jian is scared to go into the Sakura Tree Garden to study the flowers. He says the place has been over flowed by monsters! Clear the dungeon so Jian can study the flowers. Bring up to six friends.

Difficulty: Medium


-1000 Gold

-Full Heal

-Full Hunger

-Party Revive

Clear the Underwater Dungeon

NPC: Monri


Clear the dungeon at the bottom of Lake Aquarius. Bring up to 7 Friends.

Difficulty: Hard


-10,000 Gold

-Max Heal

-Max Mana

-Angel Bow

Monster quests

Defeat 10 Wolves


Defeat 10 Wolves and report back to the quest board

Difficulty: Easy


-5x 10 HP

-8x 5 MP

-100 Gold

Defeat 20 Goblins


Defeat 20 Goblin and report to the quest board

Difficulty: Medium


-1,000 Gold

-Full Heal

-Bonnie Bunny (Accessory)

Defeat 40 Tigers


Defeat 40 Tigers and report to the quest board

Difficulty: Hard


-10,000 Gold

-Max Heal

-Max Mana

-Demon Sword

"See anything you like? Hehe~"


Seth blinked his eyes open and looked out the window at the sun,which was shining very brightly due to summer.He sighed and bit his lip a bit as he stretched and sat up on his bed.Even though he doesn't sleep anymore,he loves just laying there on the bed and waiting for the sun to come up to indicate that it's morning time.He licked his fangs and pulled his nightstand drawer out and grabbed a packet of blood then stuck his fangs in the side and sucked it out tossing the empty plastic in the trash bin.Licking the rest of the blood away,he stood up ruffled his own hair as he walked into the bathroom to take care of some morning needs before walking back out to pick out some protective clothes if he was going to go on one of the quest today.He dropped the towel that was around his waist and turned around facing the window to then ruffled the wetness out of his hair more before slipping his clothes on and going downstairs.Grabbing his bow and arrows,he looked at the board and began to read it to see which one he wanted.


Kiryuu cuddled up with his blanket and Tibbles,his stuffed teddy bear,while dreaming about a land filled with cakes and strawberries and sweets.
That's until he heard the alarm go off."Ahh!" he screamed out and hit the floor.Kiryuu whimpered and stood up rubbing his head then grabbed Tibbles and his blanket dragging it downstairs with him.He sighed and sat his bear on the couch then jumped on it watched TV "I wanna do a quest...but I wanna do a cake quest."he said to himself giggling as he kicked his feet in the air and thought about what monsters he would see today."oo maybe I'll fight a boss today!Then I could be the champion of the whole worlddd!And and I'll be king Tibbles!"he continued talking to his stuffed animal as the TV ran.

(@Nico @BEX @chompie @Ene Kagerou @DeijiiChan @Lovable Dark-side @Kalypso @MattieLee )
Daniel laid in his dark room, still sound asleep since he wasn't at all a morning person. Rolling in his sleep, the sunlight started to glow from his closed blinds and shined into his closed eyes, growling at the light, he threw his blanket over his eyes and snarled annoyed by the light disturbing him from his slumber,"Stupid light..." He cursed in his sleep.

He was not at all a morning person seeing as he still slept on for a couple of minutes until his alarm went off. He groaned and pulled his hand out lazily, slamming the clock into bits and got up, his blood red eyes glowing brightly,"Ugh! Everything is after me." He yelled out to no one in particular, kicking his blanket off and got up to get ready for the new day.

After getting himself all cleaned up, he stripped off his bed clothes, his naked but toned body opened freely for anyone to see but luckily he had his blinds closed so no one could sneak a peek at him. Placing on a pure, white dress shirt and a vest over it. He then got his pants on and with the finishing touches, he wrapped his red ribbon around his neck. Grabbing his gloves, he pulled them on and went out the door of his game home.

He examined his surrounding and pulled out his menu to check what quest he had today or some new quests that must have posted while he was asleep. Scanning the menu, he saw a quest about killing a beast and smirked,"Hm... this should be worth something." He thought closing the menu and went off to finish off the quest to get his loot.

EDIT: A small little white furball tagging along Daniel with little yelps, calling his master to wait for him, Daniel turned and smirked at the adorable little ball and picked it up,"Sorry Puffy~ I didn't forget you now!" He said petting the little creature and went off his way with Puffy on his shoulder.
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Ritsu was quick to wake and was already weaving through endless trees in the forest. He had checked the quest board, however today there wasn't much he wanted to do from it. Instead he just enjoyed the nice walk with his raven, Cin. Cin was flapping about happily, most likely from being in the peaceful darkness of the trees. The bird squawked a bit as it flew in circles around Ritsu, keeping a sharp eye out for enemies or other players.

While Cin was doing his job, Ritsu looked about the forest floors for herbs and the like. He had needed to make more health potions, and making them himself was more of an adventure than buying them from a merchant. To him it didn't seem like too much of a daunting task and besides, he needed to get out and somewhat enjoy himself every now and then. He stopped for a moment and then kneeled down to where he saw a Speel leaf. A necessary ingredient in making a medium health potion. When he plucked it the item flew into his inventory and he gained 2EXP. The raven landed on his shoulder and pecked at his head once, and Ritsu pet the bird, who had the same color eyes as himself... All and all it was a pretty calming day in the forest so far.

Lian woke up and groaned at the sunshine. He hadn't wanted to wake up but he had to. He sat up his silver hair sticking up messily. He made a grumpy sound as his two tone eyes were blinked. He crawled out of bed and opened the window and with a smile he saw his neighbor. A very sexy neighbor about to take a shower. He yawned and leaned back before falling back when he saw the man drop the towel. He fell with a thump and groaned. "I was not expecting that." he said and groaned before getting up and dressed. He put his guns in their holsters and went down stairs. "Morning Kirry!" he called out for his baby brother.

Shinji groggily walks over to his closet in his silken night gown, a trail of ruffles following behind him as he opens the door to a room that could have been another bedroom if it hadn't been filled with thousands upon thousands of outfits, so dresses. Other skirts and shirt, there was even teh rain suit meant for very very special occasions. Shinji goes straight to the dress section, looking upon, upon row of them smiling," WHat mood am I in today," He says to himself, his hands touching the different fabrics until he finds a bright pink dress, made out of lace and silk, quickly putting it on with a smile. Adding a simple silver hair clip to complete the outfit.

He exits the closet, making his way downs stair, so he could go outside.
Midnyght, Dantes kitten, pounced on his face and sunk his nails in. Dante groaned as he sat straight up, a pound of fur hanging from his face. Grabbing Midnyght by the tail and lifting her up he fixed her with an icy glare that was returned with a soft meow~ from the kitten. He melted, cradling the animal to his chest." Whhyy are you soooooo cute!?"He asked grinning childishly. This was his normal morning routine, wake up via cat claws, attempt to punish said cat and fail horribly, being reduced to nearly nothing with a simple meow.

Around 15 minutes later when the sun peeked over the horizon, he pried himself away and stripped. Wandering into the bathroom in all his glorious nudity he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, same as usual. Rock hard everything, icy glare and blank expression. Dantes lips quirked up into a smirk." Perfect," He said bitterly before turning the hot water on high and stepping into the shower. Getting dressed in his usual black leather pants, combat boots and black sleeveless shirt he walked outside and straight towards the board, studying it intensely.

Hale yawned groggily as he crawled out from under Ferno, his hellhound. Though intimidating, Ferno was a cuddly hound and was always crushing Hale in his sleep. Hellhounds generate abnormal waves of heat and being surrounded by that would kill any normal person but Hale was a demon after all. He made his way to his full length mirror, still crawling on the floor. He sat back on his feet and stared at his reflecting, his eyes counting the countless amount of curly hairs sticking up. Hale heaved a sigh,"No luck again today." He muttered, leaving his hair a mess. Taking a quick shower he got dressed and slipped a deck of magick cards into his back pocket. Strolling out the door he drew out a single card and stopped a few feet away from the board. Taking a deep breath his hand shot out in a blur, releasing the card where it stuck out of the board." What shall it be today?" He said, going to check what quest the card had fallen on.

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Kiryuu perked up his ears when he heard his brother come down the stairs and call out his name"Lianny Lianny Lianny!Cake for breakfast!"he shouted out and jumped off the couch then ran into the kitchen getting up into the high stool and grabbing th cake container pulling the top off and setting it aside."I'll cut it!"he said happily and grabbed the knife.He smiled and because he was so eager to get a slice of cake,Kiryuu cut the cake but also some of his skin as well."Ooowee!Lianny!!It hurts."he said trembling as he looked at his finger"Bad knife.."he said and jumped down still looking at his finger watching the blood drop.He hopped back on the couch and hugged Tibbles like he was about to die if his finger wasn't treated.Kiryuu poked the wound"Owwe."was his reaction.He frowned because he couldn't cut the cake and looked down kicking his feet.


Seth yawned a bit and walked outside closing the door behind him.The streets were quiet today...then again it was pretty early and a lot of people came out when the sun went down.Seth shrugged and continued to walk down the sidewalk.He picked up a few fuels and stuff them into his backpack for later usage."Wonder if someone is up for a Guild..."he said to himself thinking of who would like to join.He could always ask around but,he didn't know which house to go to.The one next door maybe?Maybe...Turning around,Seth walked up to the house that was right beside his and knocked on the door and leaned on the door seal waiting for someone to answer it,well..hopefully someone would.He pushed his hair back and looked around into the woods where he saw some creatures lurking around just at the entrance but,they weren't a bother because they were easy to kill...if you knew how.The deeper the harder...
Wolfgang stared at the window from his bed, giving it the most glass eyed stare he could muster. He was such in a daze at staring at the crisp blue skies, awakening most and all creatures with it's devastating sunlight that he ignores the occasional bark in the background. With a hard landing, his poochum, Mori, leaped directly onto his crotch and began licking him with hard licks in the face from his toothy, smelly maw. After several sessions of helpless howling in pain and excited barking, Wolfgang ended up with a face full of drool and having to clean himself up whilst in the shower. He throwing on his normal clothes and slapping an eye patch onto his other eye, he dodged Mori to avoid getting another hit in the groin and a mouthful of poochum saliva again. Wolfgang, twitched, making sure to brush his teeth another time after that.

He bounced outside, going for a nice stroll in the warm sun, soaking it up. He gave a lazy, feral grin. As Mori went on to snap at the passing heel and freak any other player out or made them glare at the unsuspecting Warrior, he loafed on ahead.


Tytan suddenly snapped into attention, looking ahead at the soup mounds of bubbles in his bathtub. He rubbed his eye carefully, looking back up at the sleeping Lion that was Bart. His strong arms extended around the bathtub, lacing it as they took their bubble-bath. It seems, he too, has dozed off as he did. After making sure they both don't get a heat stroke with a quick dose of cold shower, they threw on their clothes (or equipment, as Bart loved to call it) and did their daily rounds. Bartholomew cooked breakfast, warmed up the house, tended to the weapons and groomed the little fur that Tytan had on his upright ears and tail. As they traveled outside into the sunny sunniness, Tytan was still munching on a sphere of pancake that was cooked in a mug. The soft smell tickled his wiggling nose. "... Bartie." "Yes, Sojourner." "... I dun'wanna do any quests today."

Tytan blinked passively up at the white maned feline as he sighed deeply. "... It has been a whole week since you've done a quest. You cannot stay in the tub forever." "But Baaaaarrtiiieee..." Tytan whined as they reached the quest board, his mouth full of fluffed pancake. "Please do not say my name in such emphasis, Sojourner. You have to complete some type of task, or you shall have to find some other source of gaining currency. Wor - king." Tytan shivered at the thought of having to do actual manual labor or running a shop. "... Nothing can beat maiming drooling beasts for money, huh Bartie?" He said loosely, leaning against the board in a still sleep ridden manner whilst playing with his right long hare ear.

Castiel had spent the night before in an old abandoned chateau on the edge of town. It was creepy and looked haunted so it was perfect for him. He had to do a quest but the only ones available were group quests... he hated working with people, they're annoying and usually just slow him down anyways. His only friend was his raven, the demon looked at the bird wishing he could be counted as a party member... "Hmm..." well he had to at least try right? he nervously headed into town to look for anyone willing to work with him. He thought strategy, he would need a healer of course and maybe a warrior or a mage... he was looking at doing a medium level quest for now, Sakura Tree Dungeon sounded okay.

He was about to leave when someone knocked on his door(Seth I think it was), a rare thing for him. "What is it?" he was never good at talking to people. "I'm assuming it's important if you came here of all places" Castiel's eyes matched his voice. Bold and dark, Falkner flew to Castiel's shoulder staring down the stranger with glaring red eyes. Falkner was special from other pets in that he had a soul and could speak telepathically, he just often chose not to.
In the forest as the sun light filtered through the tree leaves, the birds are chirping, low level monster are everywhere and a young man sleeping peacefully below the large tree.

Suddenly a white small winged monster shouting while carrying one strawberry on his hand and flying towards the young man "Chichi! Chichi! Ichi-sama!". The monster felt that he can't stop his wings until he bump his body on the young man's face. "Phew...thank goodness and thanks for stopping me Ichi-sama" he said while bouncing happily. He then look at his master face, making him stop bouncing and jaw drop in shiver "You-Your making a scary face Ichi-sama!".

The young man is full of tremendous killing aura around him, It was peaceful for him until now."How dare you, You wake me up hitting my face with that fat body of yours! You little perk!" he said, looking down at his pet angry "do you want to die?!"

"No! No! No! Don't kill me master! Though my body isn't fat, it's just my beautiful furr that's making me fattt_____" as Ichibaki holds his pet head and throw it in the trunk of the tree.

"ohw ohw hurts" the monster said "I said I am no fun.." he pouted and flies up "if you say sorry maybe I'll tell you my great" as he look at his master sleeping again "MASTER!!!" he yell so loud that it echo in the forest.

"Damn..." as he sit up and look at his pet "your small but your voice is like a loud broken ears hurt" as he yawn while his right hand little finger plug it inside his right ear iching it.

"It's not a broken string! I have a lovely voice.. but, master, here's the good news.. there is a new quest !new que___?! Whoa!! Where did you get that?!" as he looks at his master eating his strawberries. "On the ground.." he said as he eats half of it and shove the other half into his pet mouth.

The monster chewed the strawberry "Well, I guess it's alright...Since you share it, but in the first place it was MINE, " he said still chewing the fruit, then gulps it down "well.. About the quest.." as the monster start to explain the quests to his master.

"Hmm.. I see... then lets do it..!" he said while stretching his arms high. "But the objective of the quest WE HAVE TO BE IN PARTY" The monster looked at his master knowing that they have been together all the time and wanted him to party with anyone so he lied, stating it's all Party Quests. Though if he really wanted to see the quest, he should get up and not being lazy. "All the quests WE HAVE TO BE IN PARTY, " he added again, wondering if his master is listening to him.

"Hmm, then let's think of a plan, " he said as he lay down on the ground once more, sleeping. "Eh! Your going to sleep again..?!" as the small pet complain "well since you train last night, I'll think of the plan__" suddenly his tummy growls "well later until I... I eat cause you take the other half so I'm still hungry" he said while flying towards the tree to get some fruit again leaving his sleeping master.
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Cloize woke up underneath a tree, squinting his eyes at the sunlight and pulling his hat down to shield his eyes. If he could remember correctly, he had woken up earlier to take on quests, and he had chosen to fight 10 wolves, and 20 goblins, so he was on his way to where the wolves were. He looked up and felt droplets of water on his face. Rain? When the sky was completely blue?

"Excuse me, sir," said the voice of an older man. Cloize turned his head to see an old man before rows of plants and flowers, and a hose in his hand. "Are you going to buy something? This is the gardening shop for the reason that we sell gardening things for you to raise at your house. If you don't buy something-"

Cloize left, before the man could even finish what he was trying to say. He jumped the fence, not willing to go through the crowd in the front, similar to the fact that he didn't want to join a party, so he chose monster quests instead. He wasn't afraid of people, he just didn't really like having to interact with them. He did whatever he could, to avoid talking to others.

He scanned the area as he walked, realizing that he hadn't even left the town. He looked around, seeing all different kinds of people. Tall, short; Vampire, Halfling; Even a boy who seemed to dress like a girl. His crimson eyes interestedly looked at the boy dressed in drag, but Cloize himself continued to quietly walk, bumping into some one and staring at them as they hit the ground. The person he knocked over apologized, and Cloize offered a hand to help them up. He still didn't say anything, even as the person stood with his help and said, "Thank you." He just continued to walk away, looking forward.
The sun rays were blinding making it feel so real in such a game and it burned his eyes out. Shielding his eyes from the sun, he looked around the meadow and frowned at how bright the meadow was. Next to the meadow was some shady trees seeming a good place to hide from the sun,"Come Puffy. We'll stay over there." He told his little pet with a little yelp in response to his orders.

Puffy was a virtual creature and being in a game meant creatures could speak but Puffy was only a baby so he wasn't old enough to speak to Daniel but to hear his little yelps and barks were so cute that it didn't even matter whether he could speak or not. Daniel understood his pet very well and that all that matter to Daniel as they continued their walk to the woods.

Once they got under the shelter of the trees, he climbed up on one of the trees and sat down on a branch high above the ground. His figure was hidden in the leaves so no one could see him so easily unless they looked up. Puffy jumped off his shoulder and landed onto his lap, he started to bark at the leaves while Daniel held him, petting his head gently,"Such an energetic little fuzzball." He chuckled at how adorable his pet was. Looking through the little holes in the tree. He stared out into the bright meadow watching many weak monsters spawning in and other players fighting them off.

He wasn't really in the mood to do any quests now after waking up so early in the morning and seeing how peaceful the woods were at the time, he took this chance to take a little nap with Puffy crawling around the tree with his little claws so he wouldn't lose his grip on the tree and fall to his doom. But he couldn't die so easily from such a fall like that, it would take more just to kill the little fella.
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As Ritsu walked through the woods he began to whistle a little tune. He always felt at peace and at home in the woods, since in real life he spent most of his time their anyway. Ritsu walked under the tree that Daniel was in, him and his pet not knowing who was in it. Below the tree Ritsu saw some of his favorite flowers.

"Black Cosmo's! My lucky day..." He said rather loudly. Though he didn't know if anyone else was around to hear him. Ritsu sat on the ground and his raven Cin landed upon his head and Squawked. Ritsu of course could understand whenever his bird spoke as Cin was essentially a part of Ritsu himself. He gave a laugh at the bird's comment and then he picked up the Black Cosmo's, taking one out of his inventory to admire it's beauty. Back where he lived in the game, he collected and put flowers on display all around his home, and there was no doubt in his mind that these flowers would make a lovely addition.
Midnyght glanced mischievously at Dante, rearing up as if she were going to pounce. Dante did a double take and froze," Nyght..........Don't do it...." He warned. Seconds later, she pounced on him. Hitting him square in the chest, which was generally ineffective physically, but it put a strain on his self control. He sighed in defeat and raised his hand to pet Midnyght when suddenly she bit him and ran."That damn feline..."He growled, chasing after it half heartedly. The cat scrambled up a tree, which Dante followed with a swift single jump from the ground. He pulled himself up effortlessly onto a branch to find Midnyght on the head of a boy he'd never seen before." Uhm...Hello......"He said, somewhat shyly.

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Daniel awoke from his slumber with all the racket around him and turned to look at what had disturbed him from his nap. He felt something on his head and grabbed it gently and placed in his arm. He then petted the little thing gently as if it was a baby and looked to the owner of the pet,"You have quite the manner to bother my sleep." He snarled at the boy but then looked to the pet with love in his eyes.

Puffy heard the noises and ran down from the tree to snap at the boy below his master, yelping at him loudly. He wasn't gonna let this boy run from him and bit on his pants so he couldn't run away but he was so small so the boy could easily get away from him but before he could Daniel called to his pet,"Puffy! Down!" He called out as Puffy let him go and ran off to his master. Daniel looked to the boy below him and sighed,"Another one?" He said placing Puffy on his shoulder.
A blush lit up Dante's face at the sight before him." So........."He started."So.........sorry." He said finally, regaining his composure." She's a bit...... devious." Dante gestured at Midnyght who was purring loudly.

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Ritsu kind of stood there and laughed sheepishly, not knowing what else to do. His bird Cin flew around his head squawking about all of the commotion and fuss that was happening.

"Cin!" Ritsu called to his bird, as his bird flew back to Ritsu and landed on his head.

"Sorry, I didn't know anyone was up there, I was just picking flowers." He said, smiling up at Daniel. His eyes were as blue as the azure sky (Like we haven't heard that enough from Kaze No Stigma)

Lian's eyes widened the last time Kiyruu tried to cut the cake himself, he cut himself. He sighed at the cry, there it was. "Calm down Kirry you're not gonna die." He said and got the first aid kit from the top shelf. He calmly cleaned his crying brother's finger and then placed a band aid over the cut. He ruffled his brother's hair and got him a slice of cake. He heard Midnight start to yelp "Intruder intruder!" he was barking at the knock at the front door. He sighed and walked to the front door and opened it. He noticed his neighbor "Well hello there." He smiled.
Daniel looked to the strange boy in the tree with him and then at the little pet with a slight smile,"Hmm~ But she quite a charming little creature." He said scratching her under the chin. He then looked at the boy below him and nodded, understanding his reasoning to disturb him and for this time only, let this one slide,"It is fine." He said noticing how lovely his eyes were and jumped down next to him,"Anyways, I apologize for Puffy's manner." He said looking to the little furball as it barked at Ritsu happily not noticing how his manner before was very rude.
Ritsu awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"It's fine, I'm sure my pet Cin would have done worse..." He said, gesturing to the bird that nested upon his head.

"Here, I'll make it up to you." He said with a smile as he pulled out a Black Cosmo from his inventory and held it out to you.

"Flowers are really great." He said smiling.
Dante snatched Midnyght out of the air before she got the chance to follow. "If you keep causing others trouble, then I'll have to find you a leash." He warned, before jumping down as well.

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Tsuki flies down as he picks up the strawberry and flies up to get rearward to where his beloved lazy master located at. He wanted to talk about the quest again, wondering what will happen to his planned "I just wanted to see a different Chichi" he mumbles to his self, worrying how his master is a loner and arrogant sometimes.

On crest of all the trees, he can watch his master lying on the ground sleeping. He seriously wanted to Butthead his master to wake him up and teaches him how to use his brain sometimes when talking to someone. He was about to dash off until he suddenly noticed some commotion on the other side of the forest. "How come I never noticed them?" he said while blinking a few times to confirm it.

"Yes!! That's really a player, " he said with excitement as he dashes towards his master and still buttheaded him. "Wake up! Wake up! There is someone out there.. to do the Quest WITH!"

"Damn You! I'm already AWAKE!! And I'm changing my quest to kill you" as he gets up angry. "W-wait..." as Tsuki said terrified though he thinks that his master deserve it.

Ichibaki then holds Tsuki again and kick him like a soccer ball knowing that his pet is a type of monster that bounces. Tsuki then accidentally lands to a guy with grayed haired as he smiled sweetly cause his plans went so smoothly.
Daniel stared at the flowers and took them in his hand with a smirked at how lovely the flowers were,"What beautiful flowers indeed. I'll accept this as an apologize but I think they would look better here." He said placing the flowers in Ritsu's hair and smiled at how deliciously lovely the boy looked with the flowers but before he could say anything else, something hit him in the head. Turning around to see what it was, he noticed a little creature on the ground and picked it up,"Huh? What the heck?" He said looking at the creature curiously. He then looked to the other boy who jumped down next to him,"Is this yours too?" He asked unsure, checking the little creature,"Aww~ You poor thing~ Did it hurt?" He asked the little creature worried for it's being.

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