Search results for query: *

  1. Q

    Lucerne, The City of Life

    Name: Lucas Fillan. Age: Twenty. Gender: Male. Job: Making and testing drums. Personality: Lucas is often a very serious-looking or intelligent seeming kind of guy. He's often very rebellious and nice, loud and humorous hen he wants to be. He isn't actually very serious until he's told...
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    The Living [Inactive]

    Gunner followed silently around the others, a pair of thick water bottles he picked up which still looking fresh, rolling his eyes lightly at the slight bickering or rough branches that was already sprouting between the other three. He thought off, not wanting to bother with such unpleasant...
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    Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

    Rose Derlington. "I understand. I apologize for any suspicion, it's my job to dive into minds and question even the things that'd make me seem different." Rose said, shaking her head sadly. ".... I... I apologize once again."
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    STATERIA [Inactive]

    Interesting...? Vulvain thought to himself, hiding deeply into some brush and crouching low under the towering plants. He stared off a, following one of his acquaintances, but not his actual friend, Calypso. The young woman was at least sort of entertaining to watch, seeing the flicker of...
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    Name: Vulvian Carthros. Age: Twenty-two. Gender: Male. Race: Channeler. Ability: -[To climb walls rather easily or land from far heights without being affected.] -[shooting strings of web and using it to help him travel easily] -[Travelling by sound or controlling...
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    The Living [Inactive]

    He heard numerous voices. Gunner wasn't sure if that was actually healthy, but on the cold, tugged floor of the decrepit bus, he still had some sense to know that those voices were the other kids there from his school. He stopped fiddling his phone a long time ago, and hasn't been able to even...
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    Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

    Rose Derlington. Rose listened intently, some things catching her interest. "No one on level 2... No will to stir trouble? It almost sounds so foreign, almost as if..." She mumbled to herself, raising to her feet and pacing about. She had her hand on her chin, mumbling about things. "Almost as...
  8. Q

    The Living

    Name: Gunner Ferris. Gender: Male. Age: Sixteen. Sexuality: Asexual with Demisexual tendencies. Personality: Gunner is an socially awkward but entertaining young male. He can often be silly or a rebel with his friends, but really serious around people he doesn't know. He often...
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    Outlaw Planet

    Name: "Xelli-bon Beau LaCroix" Is really Titus Harleman. Age: Twenty-two. Gender: Male. Appearance: Group: Bounty Hunter. Skills: Marksmen, observant and skilled hearing. He's a gunslinger, so... yeah. Equipment: Basically everything on him in ze picture above, except for some...
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    Name: Ghillian C. Varlet. Age: Twenty-three. Gender: Male. Occupation: Assassin and Blacksmith. Specialty: Stealth, Illusions, Smithing, Hunting. Worst Area: Charms, Curses, Healing, Animals taming. Familiar: Leech. Name: Venus C. Varlet. Age: Nineteen. Gender: Female...
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    ★ - H O L D ! M E!

    ⇨ N a m e : Akland Varlet. [Also known as 'Akkie'] ⇨ R o l e : The Athletic. ⇨ A g e : Fifteen. [if that's alright. (●´3`)~♪] ⇨ A p p e a r a n c e : ⇨ B i o : Akkie always had been interested in sports or just testing out his endurance. He loved doing anything that required work, to...
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    ★ - H O L D ! M E!

    May I reserve 'the Athletic' spot? <3
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    The Last of Us Reborn.

    I'll move Tsuyumi to the other team then.
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    The Last of Us Reborn.

    Should I move one of my character to the other team? I feel a little selfish for having them on both team one. > <;
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    Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

    Rose Derlington. "My apologies, ah, Lyla." Rose said, feeling a little awkward. She often detested calling people by their first names. "... Anywho, are you aware of any type of rebellious actions or just violence on the second level?" Since she was never on the second level, she was...
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    Through the land of Snow.

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
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    Through the land of Snow.

    Please delete any [ ], and fill it with the information so the skellie is cleaner and easier on the eyes. [Appearance goes here] Full Name: Nickname: [Optional.] Gender: [You can be genderless.] Age: [19+] Species: [Go ahead and make up your own, if you want to.] Height|Weight: [be...
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    Fantasy Through the land of Snow.

    By order of King Velvetian the Fifth. --------------- Long ago, a lush and spacious land full of rich soil was inhabited by explorers from different races and cultures. As evolution worked it's ways, the large land was then called Tyort, famous for it's ability to make anyone who can work...
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    Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

    Vladimir Dymon. Vladimir laid back, sighing heavily after eating all that food. He decided to rest for a bit, it wasn't good for him to play basketball on a full stomach. Rose Derlington. After a long while, she felt as if she'd had been sleeping for some reason. Just a comfortable...
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    Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

    Vladimir Dymon. Vladimir yawned as the other kept talking, not actually bothering to listen to what he was saying. He decided to go splash some cold water on his face and such before the guards headed up here. When they did, they slipped on metal anklets and bracelets on him to slow down his...