Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

Rose Derlington.

Rose listened intently, some things catching her interest. "No one on level 2... No will to stir trouble? It almost sounds so foreign, almost as if..." She mumbled to herself, raising to her feet and pacing about. She had her hand on her chin, mumbling about things. "Almost as if they've given up entirely. How... How depressing. Maybe if... Somehow..." She tapped her foot, mumbling on. "My apologies." Rose murmured, catching herself and sitting down formally once again. "Do you have any type of desire to escape, even a little?" She asked, speedily making a box with the word healing and Lyla on it, waiting for the girl's answer.
Lyla raised an eyebrow. Did she want people to cause a rebellion? She shook her head, erasing that thought for the time being. "I mean, it's crossed my mind a few times, when I get annoyed with all the scientists or get really bored, but I've never acted on it or ever thought on acting on it." she said, looking up at the scientist. She didn't really like all these questions, why did they need to know everything about her, especially since Lyla wasn't all that interesting in the first place.
Raven sat within her cell, dreaming of vast possibilitties as well as her freedom. She didn't know whether or not if Declan was going to fool her or make Sen come out from the depths of hell. She was also scared if he was going to let his insanity engulf him.
As Daniel is about to turn on the microphone a note catches his attention. Daniel reads the letter "Visiting hours over for patient Violet, please refer to Dr. Kalkstein for more details - K" he groans throwing himself on the ground with the chair, kicking in the air prematurely. Daniel violently crosses Violet of his list and makes his way into the hallway for his travels to level 2. Before exiting level 6 he stares at Declan's cell for a few seconds and made his way to his destination. "Lyla. This should be easy, not like she's a nut." he says as he wildly scratches his neck in addition to his twists and turns through the elevator. He takes a deep breath as he attempts to ignore the unwanted "DING!" of the elevator. He was now on floor 2.

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Rose Derlington.

"I understand. I apologize for any suspicion, it's my job to dive into minds and question even the things that'd make me seem different."
Rose said, shaking her head sadly. ".... I... I apologize once again."
Liam sat in the center of his cold cell, staring out into the hallway. The reason he was in the center was the fact that every wall of his cell, even the bars, had a blue light shining on them, so there was no point in him trying to be near them. Anyway, he hated having his powers nullified. It felt like having half of his body ripped away from him. He sighed, only to realize he was flying again. He touched down and waited for them to come and put his bracer on. Every time he was let out of his cell, collar of obsidian was placed around his throat, so he could't use his powers to escape. He hated it, but there was nothing he could do.

He tried to think about why he was in here. He had never done anything wrong. In fact, he had saved and protected people on a daily basis before this. I mean, I guess that made him a vigilante, but there are some things the men in uniform can't do. They can't bring a man back from the brink of death, or search caved in tunnels for survivors. He could fly through walls and heal with a touch. He could blast through walls with his hands to create ways out. But for all that, he was locked in a cell. All because he was special.
Lyla nodded. "That's fine, I guess it's just your job to be curious about us, right?" she said, shrugging. She pretended she understood why she was in the cell most of the time, not wanting to upset. She heard the faint ding of the elevator, informing her that yet another scientist had made his or her way down to level 2. Why, you may ask? That was something Lyla did not know. She looked past the scientist, well past most things actually, yet not really looking at anything. She had a habit of spacing out from time to time, especially when scientists were around.

Summer layed still on the back wall of her cell, small shadowy wisps managing to float around her, Summer getting used to the pain the walls gave her bit by bit. Shadows almed her, and their presence kept her from going completely bat-shit crazy, well, most of the time. She hummed a tune she faintly remembered from the days she actually had the time or will to listen to music. She didn't remember the name of the song, or who it was by, or what the words were, but it was her favorite, and she hadn't forgotten it all this time. Why? She had to have something keeping her sane when she walls hurt too much.
Daniel rushes out of the elevator nearly falling over his own feet. He stabilizes himself staring in the direction of Lyla's cell whilst hearing a voice in the conversation. It was the voice of a person he had memorized without really even seeing this person "Could that be, Derlington?" he says to himself. He waltzes to the cell as stealthily as he can before taking a peak at the speaking pair. "Man, you're good! Wait no people means that you have to greet those people an-" he whispers an entire catalog of problems with him and people in a quiet tone before shutting himself up.
Raven's deep sleep became her discovery of a new species. Sen actually let to show himself in the dreams, lumbering over Raven as they walked into the endless abyss. Sen revealed secrets of the unknown, changed shapes to express his sorrow and anger. And even told Raven who his creator was, and why he was sent into Raven's mind. Raven bursted awake as soon as she saw the images of a man making a 3 inch incision on the back of her head. Immediately, feeling where a patch of her hair was, she let down her hair and felt the scar. "O-Oh my god...!" She fell on her knees with her hand on the back of her head. "Sen.... Where did you come from?!" She yelled, her voice echoing. And soon after, the deepest of the darkest and glitchiest voices replied, "From the deepest and darkest of Abyss' you can find..." Raven screamed as soon as she heard it, and threw herself on the walls, sliding down in such fear and anger. At this point, Sen was using her to escape and use his energy. Raven had to control it, or else Declan might hear or Sen will do it himself. (PLOT TWIST)
It had been close to an hour that Liam had been waiting for a scientist, any scientist, to come let him out. And he was tired or waiting. So he tried to think. They didn't think he could phase while flying, but he could. This meant they didn't put obsidian or blue light on the ceiling or floor. He couldn't escape though, because there was a blacklight at every exit, and within every outer wall, and he'd rather not die. His only real option was up, to the more dangerous levels. So up he went.

He phased straight up through the ceiling, up through the fifth level, and finally up into level 6, the most dangerous level. He was still in a cell, but he could simply phase through these bars. So he phased into the corridor and walked around looking into each cell, seeing all of the people. He would set them all free now, but it wasn't time. Something in him told him that the time was coming, something was going to happen to make it all possible.

He heard a scream, a horrible scream, full of rage and fear. He rushed down the hall and looked into a cell to see a young woman huddled against a wall. He stayed back, because he knew she was probably dangerous, she was a level 6 prisoner. He studied her for a moment, then took a step closer and whispered, "Are you alright? My name is Liam."
Taryn looked up, her eyes raging within a Crimson red. He was a prisoner, didn't look to harmful and seemed that he had escaped his cell. Metallic, black, gray and red plates began to phase over her arms and her hands engulfed with a red, and her palms growing in size, as well as fingers tripling in length. "Stooopp!!!" She yelled, almost making huge impacts on the walls. Immediately, she faded into the blackness in the back off her cell, and all you could hear was the desolate screams becoming deeper... Deeper... And deeper. Bright, red lights in a cybernetic pattern lit up in the dark. The lights, becoming taller, and taller until it reached 10 feet in size. Her hands, large and almost the size of 3 1/2 ft. Raven was no longer Raven. Raven let Senthuriax defeat her and use his power to eliminate all he can. As the beast turned around to face the prisoner in the faint light... The horrid face of Senthuriax featured bright, crimson eyes, and a wicked grin.

Awaking with a start, Declan heard screaming that pierced the air.


He rushed to the edge of his cell and looked into her cell with haste. She was writhing around on the ground, and the people in the cells near them had awoken as well. He ran for the crack in his wall and pressed his ear to it, letting his consciousness slip through it towards Raven's cell. When he tried to look into others' minds, his mind became solid and must be able to reach someone to read it. As he pushed his way into it, he felt another presence in the cell. Pushing his way into Raven's mind, his view became consumed by shadows and fear. He saw Raven standing next to some kind of demon. Declan ran at her and his fists began to glow, suddenly, the demon absorbed her body. In reality, he heard a blood-curdling roar, but didn't process it. He stood in front of the demon, and saw Raven fall out of it, but Declan could feel nothing coming from her. She was gone, this demon was all there was in her head now. Approaching it slowly, Declan whispered:

"You are Senthuriax aren't you?"
Liam watched the transformation in awe, until it was complete, and he was told to run. He wasn't feeling weakened, which meant this creature couldn't hurt him if he phased. So instead of running, he stood right there, and let the energy build up inside of him. He didn't know whether to attack it or try to heal her, but either way, he needed energy.

"I don't care how utterly terrifying you look, there is a person in there, just like me, and I have yet to let a person get hurt." He glared at this creature now, floating a few feet off of the ground, his hands glowing ever so slightly.
Snethuriax eyed the prisoner, and his head immediately flinched to Declan's cell, hearing his voice. He gave a sensation not to test him, nor inquire anything. Senthuriax then looked back at the boy, chuckling in his head, and before you knew it, his right claws tore through the bars as the cuts of where he hit them singed away, tearing a part of the boy's shirt. Without a doubt, Senthuriax stepped into the light, lumbering over the small man and made and attempt to pierce his claws through him.
Liam phased straight through the scary-ass monster, and stayed semi-phased in case he had to phase quickly again. "Ok, you are rather frightening, and tall, but I don't care. I'm not leaving without setting the human under all of that armor free. And if that means I have to tear off your metal plates from the inside out, I sure as hell will." He let the energy flow into his fingers, healing energy first, in an attempt to try to reverse the transformation.

What he didn't realize was it was a different kind of healing. It was mental healing. He was strengthening Raven's subconscious without even knowing it. He put everything he had into that healing energy he was giving off.
A fracture opened behind him, and Declan began to see what Senthuriax saw. It attacked the other presence he had felt, who turned out to be a prisoner he didn't recognize. Turning to the demon, he yelled across the mind's plane.

"Stop this! Raven, if you're in there, stop this! Fight it!"

His eyes began to glow, and his hands caught aflame. Inside of the mind, he could create whatever he wanted to look like. Declan floated above the ground and began launching his consciousness towards the beast. Another presence appeared in the mind. The person Senthuriax attacked had placed something inside of Raven's head. Declan felt the beast's presence expand, and his consciousness was knocked beyond the walls of reality, taking him out of Raven's head.
In reality, it seemed that Senthuriax was punched in the face, and his eyes blackened into blindness. And he stood there, the lights beginning to fade into nothing. Raven woke up on the floor. The first person she saw was Declan peering through the bars. Seeing that, she got mad, went up to him, grabbed him by the throat and pounded him in between the bars with her fist. "I hate you!!" And Raven, dragged away by 10 guards heavily armed and protected, and a few stayed behind, pointed guns at the boy who escaped. A few hours later, Raven woke up in a different room... It was pitch white and she was chained down by all limbs on the walls and floors. "No... No no let me gooo!" She screamed, struggling to break the chains. A tear, almost glowing the crimson red pounded onto the floor. "Snethuriax... You ruin everything..." Raven grunted. But she felt 99% of Sen's power well up. Apparently... That was only the beginning.
Summer hear something upstairs, screaming to be exact. She assumed it was just another weird 6th level, but in the back of her mind she wanted to know what was happening. She wished her shadows were able to gain enough power to go up to the 6th level, but the walls prevented her from summoning something barely humanoid, so being able to see from the shadow's point of view would be close to impossible. It would most likely knock Summer out, maybe kill her, and Summer didn't really want to take that risk. She laid back against her wall, mumbling profanities and wishing she could see what was going on.
Choking, Declan fell back as the guards pulled Raven away and pushed him back into his cell.

"NO! Raven! God damn it!"

Sitting on his bed, he yelled at the sky and banged his fists against the bars of his cage. He was screwed. Raven was his only chance at escape, and now she was in level 8. To what he knew, only 3 people had ever been there, and all of them were executed within a day. Breathing quickly, he clenched his fists and screamed into the air. One shot left. One chance.

His screaming became laughter, manic, diabolic laughter. He began reaching out with his mind, and pushed through whatever pain the anti-PSI walls placed in his mind. He found a target, some prisoner he had never met. Declan reached in, and watched as his target's screaming began to match his own. Standing, the man turned around and began slamming his head against the wall, blood spreading everywhere in his cell. Guards rushed out of no where, and grabbed the man he was controlling, pushing him to the ground. Declan's own cell was opened, and he was grabbed. His vision went dark, and his mind blank.
Raven heard people enter the room, and she lifted her head. "Raven Taurloc. Catching you release the beast was remarkable, but damages are high. And thanks to you, you left Delcan Amora with a bloody nose, and a damaged cell. From the damages and behavior you've had, you are to be executed. Right. Now." Raven looked at the man who had dark shades on, he was a grey-haired man and had a short scruffy beard. "Sorez... Never thought I'd meet you in person..." Raven looked at him. "You're a f*cking d*ck." She spat, light crimson eyes peering into his soul. A guard approached her with a needle, most likely filled with toxins. Sen was welling up with laughter, insanity and power. "If you even try... All you'll get is a pair of Razors in your head. And I'll watch your thick, sick, cold-blooded liquid drip down on Senthuriax." Sorez chuckled, and kneeled down face-to-face with Raven. "And who is that....?" She looked at him, a evil smirk plastered upon her face.

"Evil itself."
Declan awoke in a darkened room, barely being able to see. His nose stung, and he finally remembered that Raven had broken it back on level six. He looked around, and breathed deeply. What had he done? After Raven had attacked him, it was all a blur. He felt no anti-psi walls, so he could feel no one around him. He was alone.
Summer looked around her cell. She could hear almost everything loud going on, and she wished she could do something. Level 6 people were lucky that they got powers so strong, that they can escape the walls. Summer was jealous, but she'd never be able to admit it. She sighed, her shoulders slumping.
Liam had apparently gone unnoticed by the guards, which was rather curious, as the other two had definitely been noticed. He guessed they were just of higher priority. He decided to follow the guards with Raven, all the way to a room, where they stated they were going to kill her. Then she said something about evil itself. Liam guessed this made sense. That crazy creature, Senthuriax or whatever it was called, was scarier than Hell itself. He decided that as long as she wasn't in immediate danger, he would wander around.

He wandered past a lot of guards, who never even seemed to glance his way. He looked down at himself and realized he was still phased, and apparently, when he phased, he became transparent. He almost laughed, but it was neccessary to be quiet. He wandered down to level 5, and wandered the halls, until he saw a dejected girl in a cell. He unphased and walked over to her cell.

"Hi I'm Liam. Are you ok?"
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"Kill her..." Sorez spoke getting up and seeing himself to the door. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." She spoke to the guard holding the needle. Soon enough he just stood there and began to flick the needle, before attempting to plunge it into her skin. He grabbed the back of her head, and just as he lay the needle in her surface, the 3 inch incision scar bursted out a red and black spark right onto the mans hand, leaving an acidic burn on his left hand, as he dropped the needle to caress it. Raven's eyes then began to spark, and went into the abyss. "Take me into the abyss,-Senthuri-axx..." She growled and her small flimsy body became the lumbering beast with that cruel, wicked grin. Thecains broke, and the guard smashed into the depths of hell. This time, Raven was watching. 'Find Declan... He wants to get out of here... Then he is. Everyone is.' She muttered, and Senthuriax approached the back of the wall to the other room of Declan. Without a doubt, Sen crushed his massive fist in the wall and shattered it, peering inside, it was a darker room and saw Declan. Senthuriax pushed himself through and went to his eye level, peering him down.
Summer looked up, raising an eye at the boy. She sat up, but only to look like she was going to pay any attention at all to the boy, who had just introduced himself, but Summer never really called anyone by their names anyway. She held back a sigh, she certainly did not want to seem bored or dejected, it messed up her act. "I'm fine, just bored. I can hear practically everything that's going on up there, and I want to do something, but these stupid walls are limiting my powers." she said, wanting to punch the wall behind her, but decided not to, as she'd probably get hurt in the process.

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