Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

Liam smiled at her. He understood what boredom felt like. He also understoof what wanting a piece of the action felt like. Although, after that crazy monster, he had had enough of action for a while. However, he saw no harm in helping this girl entertain yourself. So he phased through the bars of her cell. "Well, I can help you get out of this cell, providing you don't try to escape. At least not yet I mean. Something tells me the time is coming, but it isn't here yet. It will be very soon. So, wanna go for a little trip around the prison?"
Declan matched eye level with the demon that stood before him.

"Senthuriax. So you came." He lowered his head and his hair fell over his face. Senthuriax couldn't see his manic smile. The demon just made a mistake. Looking up, he stared at the demon, it's teeth dripping acid.

"Raven, I'm so sorry." He plunged his fist towards Senthuriax and felt himself enter the beast's mind.

It was different this time. The world around him shifted and spun every second, but Declan could not be disoriented in this realm. Looking around, he saw Senthuriax standing stalk-still, staring daggers at him.

When Declan spoke, his voice did not come from the body the mental world made appear, but from the very mental realm around them.

"You know, I'm not actually that sorry anymore." Declan laughed as he threw himself towards Senthuriax, feeling himself merge with it's subconscious.

Nothing. There was nothing. Declan felt and saw nothing inside of Senthuriax's mind.

Then there was a scream, Declan spun and saw Raven, the only thing in this empty void, staring at him.
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Senthuriax tried to maneuver the imposter. Senthuriax then showed Raven, rather looking at him, giving a look that Senthuriax wasn't really trying to kill the guy. Raven's head then literally formed out of the emptyness of Sen's head, her eye's gleaming brightly to bright to focus on. "I'm not trying to hurt yo-uu... I'm trying to use Sen to get us out of-f H-ee-llGa-te." After the last of Glitched words, Raven's head scooted back inside of Sen's, and Sen then ripped the chains off of him, before kicking a hole through the other wall. Sen, acting like an animal, let out a terrifying screech of dominance, and ran the other way. Without a doubt, Sen took his fists and slammed then on the concreted floor of the 7th, taking him down to the 6th. And as he came there, his bright eyes looked down the damaged hallway.
Summer raised an eyebrow. He could help her out? This would be quite fun, dangerous no doubt about that. She smiled, something she did rarely, as she found no need to act around the scientists, they saw through her act anyway, so she acted normally, well, what she called normal. This 'normal' being the personality her shadows take on, as they aren't afraid of jail time or what people think abut them, as they are soulless, monstrous, beings of Summer's creation. "You can actually let me out of the cell? Woah, you're way more powerful than I am." she said. She had gotten the hang of acting surprised, as it was essential to her act, especially if she was accused of her acts.
Liam smiled at her. "Yeah, I can get you out of here." He grabbed a couple of the bars and forced it to phase. He passed through it himself, looking around for any guards. So far no one was around, odd for level five. If he had been on level six, guards would have been swarming around. He thought that level five would have more of them, incase of an eventually like him. He gestured for her to walk through the bars. "C'mon, it's all clear. Oh, and if you try to escape, I'll phase you halfway into a wall until the guards come to get you out."
Summer widened her eyes, okay, she wouldn't admit it, but she was impressed. She'd never encountered someone with that kind of power. She stood up, brushing herself off, then walking towards the bars before cautiously waling through. She shuddered, not exactly used to being able to walk through things, even if it wasn't her doing. "I'm not going to escape…" she mumbled. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't. She'd probably be caught by gaurds in a heartbeat, and Summer didn't want to take that chance. "So where are we going?" she asked.
He looked around. He considered screwing around and going up to the council chamber, scaring the shit out of all of them. However, this would probably get him locked up in an obsidian box faster than he could blink, and he didn't want to have that happen. So instead, he glaced at the floor. "Wanna drop down to level one? Grab some food? Spook the scientists, move stuff around as if we were ghosts?"
Summer shrugged. That wouldn't be all to bad, scaring everyone. She smiled, yes, scaring was fun. She hasn't scared anyone in a long time. She wanted to let all her pent up power out, try summoning a few beasts here and there, but that would probably give her away, so she supressed the thought. "Sure, that's fine." she said.
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