STATERIA [Inactive]

Lett only laughed harder and took a step forward, seeming to glide easily across the air. "Don't need toes!"
The girl took a few steps back from the group not understanding their discussion about toes. She wondered if the group of them were sane. " I live here" was her response to the woman's question. She didn't quite understand their joking manner as she remained serious. "Perhaps I should call Akumei back..." She muttered to herself shying back towards the tree.
Lett landed back on the ground and frowned. "Wait, no.. Do you not understand us? Sorry. Im just messing with you.. and you can call me Lett." she said, smile seeming more caring, even if in every sentence, she was lying through her teeth. Even her own name.
He stared blankly as the girl once again took to the air. No walking, no toes . . ." He gave a slow shrug. Why did that make sense?, He wondered. Maybe the oddities of them were starting to get to him as well. He looked to the silver haired girl hopefully and then frowned. Seeing as how she had been watching them and wanted to know what they were doing here, she likely lived, protected, watched, something this forest. And forest guardians were not someone he wanted to trifle with. He'd tried that once. Never liked walnuts again.

Yep. Her words confirmed it, and she seemed to be getting nervous. Let's see . . . He though quickly before patting down his entire person and then lighting up a bit. He pulled a simple coin, punched with a hole through the center and hanging on a leather cord from around his neck and offered it to her. Traveler's fees were usually a good idea, but that was his lucky coin. Ah well, it'll come back around eventually.
Eros continued walking away from the group unknowingly and he surveyed all the area except behind him. He laughed at himself as he saw something that looked like a smiley face to him. He climbed up into one of the trees ,despite his wings, and sat down relaxing for a moment.
She was shocked when the girl effortlessly walked on air and landed on the ground once more. 'So I am dealing with channelers.' She thought to herself as the girl landed upon the ground. She was comforted slightly by the girls change in tone and drew a little closer to the group. "Lett." She repeated with a slight bow. "My name is Sairi Valoria." Her voice was softened as she gave a smile.

She was then taken by surprise by one of the men holding something out to her. She slowly stepped forward and took it gently. Her eyes widened a little in surprise a smile of delight coming across her face. "I haven't seen one of these since I was a child!" She exclaimed with a bit of I uncontained excitement. She turned it in her hands a few times forgetting that she was standing close to them for a few moments. "Are you giving this to me?" She asked a bit confused by the gesture.
Lett grinned an nodded. "Im guessing its a token.. a way to ask permission for being here. We are impeding on your home after all." She looked to the other to see if that was correct.
Akumei stalked the winged man silently, his golden eyes shimmering in the darkness. The man strangely laughed to himself and then sat upon one of the tree branches. He looked different than other mortals who had been through the forest and the old wolf could not place his race. The wolf slowly made his way closer to the base of the tree looking up at the figure cautiously.
Saryn nodded happily, glad she seemed so pleased with it, and nodded again to the girl's, Lett's, words. "That's right. A token of appreciation and good faith. It's seen better days, but I hope it's enough." He paused and then figure since he knew there names he should provide his. "The name's Saryn, by the way."
Echo jumped from the roof once the activity had grown dull, he cut through the air quickly un fazed by the buildings height. The sound of his feet landing on the dirt below him, was absent. His steps without sound as he walked through the towns streets, he passed multiple wanted posters with his title written upon each one. But didn't stop to stare, it could easily raise suspicion.

So he walked aimlessly until a smaller girl walked up to him, "you're alone." She pointed out bluntly. Echo looked down at the innocent child, instantly putting on a smile.

"And you are too, c'mon go back to your mommy I bet they're worried." The girl turned around eyeing a mother and father before turning back to Echo.

"You're not gonna be alone, I swear." She spoke seriously though her kiddish age before flicking his nose and running off. The girls words confused him as he tapped his nose with a chuckle before continuing his quest, though he didn't quite know it right then.
"Then I humbly appreciate your gift, and it is very nice to meet you both." She spoke again formally, which seemed odd for a girl who lived in the forest."Well then I will tell the animals to allow you passage." She stated looking to the bird that rested on a limb nearby. After a few seconds of eye contact the bird flew off chirping loudly. "Do you have a destination beyond the woods? I can direct you there if you would like. You don't seem like bad people." She spoke a little more confidently. Perhaps this was the only event behind her feelings earlier this morning.

Vulvain thought to himself, hiding deeply into some brush and crouching low under the towering plants. He stared off a, following one of his acquaintances, but not his actual friend, Calypso. The young woman was at least sort of entertaining to watch, seeing the flicker of emotions go through her face. It was... Rather boring, on second thought. Vulvain sighed, turning away to see a few more people in the distance. He sneaked through he surrounds effectively, growing closer and closer until he was safe distance but could get a sense of what some of them were saying.

Calypso was gently doing more training, just a simple one of improving on her handstands. Swaying about on her hands, she watched Vulvain lure himself away and jumped back onto her feet. ?.... She thought.
Eros turned his head quickly to to the left looking off in the distance and he sniffed the air. He stood up on the branch and made his way up quickly until he reached the most sturdy part of the top of the tree. He looked over the forest holding onto the bow in his left hand.
He nodded to Sairi's thanks, feeling rather pleased with himself, but he couldn't answer her question so he gave a shrug "Maybe?" He offered. "Honestly I just had met this group shortly before you came this way. I was looking for, well, simply something, and I have to admit, that this was something . . ." Saryn gave a quick look around and scratched his chin. "So, where do you come from?" He could be totally off, but rarely had he encountered a forest dweller with such a mastery over the common tongue so he simply assumed what he considered logical. Though she might live here, he guessed she didn't originate from it.
Akumei let out a low growl watching the man ascend higher into the tree. It was then he caught site of the bow in his hand. The old wolf decided to head back to Sairi, and notify her on what he saw.


"Hm, so an adventurer. Well it is clear to me that your newly acquainted friend has powers. Of those which she has no fear of. Tell me are Channelers an accepted people outside the woods these days?" Her voice had some coldness in it as she remembered the raid upon her home. She looked into his eyes a moment she believed she could trust him. "I come from the town to the East of the edge of this forest. I lived with my mother and father until our estate was destroyed and my parents killed. I came to the forest and I have lived here ever since." Her voice was melancholy as she told the story. Her grey eyes seeming clouded in thought. She of course left out the details of her being a channeler for her own safety. "What about yourself?"
Alexander rode through the woods on horseback leisurely as he spotted a group of people, talking in the forest. He stopped his horse as he investigated the scene.

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Saryn frowned slightly at her question. Hadn't they always? He asked himself. He hadnt heard of any major issues while he was in the city. Though to be fair, he didn't know many channelers. Whatever the case she didn't seem to like channelers much so he kept silent about his own abilities.

He listened silently as she briefly explained. He thought. he could vaguely remember reports of something like that, but they had mostly been swept under the rug and turned into rumors. He felt he was supposed to offer condolences to the girl who had list br family, but he lacked the words. He thought for a moment before partying her head silently.

He straightened art her question. "Ah, well, city raised. Not sure about the born part though. Didn't have parents." He explained.

"Worked for the watch, there." He said, leaving out that it was a forced situation and continued. "Been doing work for his since then, but it's been going less than well . . . And so I'm here." He wondered about the exact reasons behind the others reasons, but went due he wanted, to ask. He made a mental note to ask at a later date of it didn't come up sooner.
Lett frowned, first time her expression seemed the least bit unhappy, even if it just ended up being a straight face. So they were sharing pasts, hm? "Well, it seems you had an eventful and unfortunate time living umong the people." She turned to Saryn and listened as well. "Getting boring at the workplace?" She joked with ease.
"To put it lightly." He said flatly. The girl seemed to find amusement in rather odd things. "And what about you?" He inquired. "You had to have lived something if an interesting life to be this energetic."
Lett visibly paled and froze in place for a moment. Yes, because somebody who wont even give her real first name or what she is planning on doing away will certainly like show in tell. Still, to be far, its not like anyone else could know this. She grinned again and shrugged. "Me? Nothing worth saying I assure you."
Echo walked soundlessly into an alleyway, at the coming of dusk. And there awaiting his prescience was a boy around his edge. But he thought nothing of who the boy was, as he slipped into the darkness of the alley unseen, though he was for all he knew the only albino kid in the area. But he stayed there silently eyeing the boy before he spoke, "do you need something done?" Echoes mouth was hidden behind his dollar as he spoke, and continued not to reveal himself. The boy had jumped at his words, his eyes darting from each corner of the alley before nodding.

"Great, what needs to be done? I just need the assignment and where you want to meet the next day, cousin." A smile played on his lips as he spoke, the rush of missions always overjoyed him.

"Of course the price is gonna vary depending on what yuh want." Echo shrugged cockily, as he awaited the boys wishes.

"T-there's a girl," Echo rolled his eyes, "she keeps stealing my fathers breads and fruits...And we can't seem to do anything so.." He looked down at his feet, but Echo calmly raised his brows in interest, "do you want me to kill her?" It was a common thing to kill someone, and at some point he had begun to love it.

"N-no! Just rough her up a little...and make sure she doesn't steal anymore.." Echoes growing smile faded, "well cousin, you can do that on your own but I wouldn't mind the extra cash...That'll be 6 gold and a loaf of bread from your fathers shop. And I'll need a description of her." The boy shakily nodded, "She has long black hair, skinny, blue eyes, and Caucasian(Bea). We'll meet back here tomorrow morning."

As soon as he was given the mission Echo walked out humbly looking for his target, though he wasn't looking forward to the interaction.
Nothing worth saying, hm? Liar. He thought. Saying there wasn't anything to talk about was like a child telling her mother 'nothing' when asked what she was doing. It immediately set of a few bells.

He wasn't going to call her out on it, of course, everyone had secrets, especially those who said they didn't.

"Well that's a shame. I was sure you had quite the tales for telling." He responded instead in an unassuming voice. "Did you have a reason for frolicking through the forest then?" He continued.
Echo walked through every street, every alleyway unnoticed while he searched for the girl. He had gotten a far more detailed description of his target when he re visited the boy at his fathers shop. The boys father was quite upset at his son for asking for Echoes assistance on the subject but still allowed the mission.

The sky was a bright orange hue by the time Echo had scowwered every corner of the town. And he was now walking towards the woods, in search of the girl. His body blending in perfectly with the dark landscape.
Lett shrugged, feeling a bit put off by the questioning but didn't show it. She just pulled a face like she was trying to remember and laughed."nothing really. Im here becaise i can be."
Saryn shrugged. It was a fair enough reason as any other. He had started off with no destination in mind and she we the reason he was standing here in the woods with them.

"Didn't mean to irk you. Was just curious." He offered a hand in peace and have a crooked smile.

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