STATERIA [Inactive]

Lett nodded with a grin. "Well.. I don't know the area well, and I think it would benefit me greatly to follow along, so yeah. I appreciate the hospitality."
Eros started walking away after Sairi walked away from him to the group. He didn't understand why she was going with those people if she was the guardian of the forest but didn't think to much of it as he walked further away into the forest. Eventually, walking past a large tree and shifting into his deity form standing now on two legs. His silver armor glittering in the dusk.
Though it didn't really seem to be needed, Saryn voiced his agreement as well. "We should at least go somewhere. Even if none of us know exactly where there is. Lead the way, Sairi." He gestured as politely as he could manage for Grr to take point and feel in step behind her, hands going into his pockets.
"Alright, follow me." Sairi led them westward through the forest for about an hour or so before they arrived to the small clearing she had been at earlier that day. The noise and chattering of the animals faded away and it became strangely quiet. In the middle of the clearing was a large worn block of stone overgrown with moss and vines. Old runes could be seen upon the stone where small openings were in the foliage. Sairi looked back to the group behind her for a moment. "Animals do not come here often so we should not be bothered unless by those I summon here. I will have Akumei's pack keep watch while we sleep. One of his kin is already fetching some of the food I have stored for the winter." She pointed to the wood on the other side of the monolith. "And there is a stream that runs through the wood just on the edge of the treeline. I believe that covers everything." She looked around a moment and did not see the lion. She wondered to where he had went since he was around when she proposed the idea, but if this was his home he may have had his own matters to attend to. She then looked toward Lett and Saryn. "This is the heart of the forest so whichever way you decide to start upon you will have some distance covered."
Saryn nodded in appreciation. Food sounded great right about now. He hadn't realized so much time had passed and had a relatively small breakfast. Hi stomach grumbled and he grumbled in response.

He paced idly for a bit, looking around the clearing curiously. It had peaked his interest. The stone was of note, sure, but it was odd that it would keep all the animals of the forest away. He decided to inquire about it.

"Hey, Saira. What's up with this stone?"
"This is very kind of you Saira, you have my thanks" Richter told her with a nod of approval as he tethered his horse to a tree.

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At Saryn's question Sairi's eyes shifted to the great stone in the middle of the clearing. "I am not sure of it myself. It seems to have been here since the beginning of the forest, it is covered in runes that I cannot read but there is one graven image on it. Feel free to look at it as you wish, it has no ill omens that I have found." She was silent a fleeting moment in thought. The image reappeared in her mind. "It is possible that it is a grave." The statement was no more a whisper as she spoke the words to herself. It was not long until a black wolf came into the clearing carrying a sack within his jaws. "Ah here we go." She placed a hand upon the wolf's head in thanks as she took the sack from its mouth and opened it. She placed out an assortment of root vegetables, cheeses, dried meats, nuts, and other non perishable foods along with some fresh fruit she had collected a day or so ago. "I'm sorry if it is not what you are used to but it is what I have at the moment."
He waved a hand at Sairi's word to dismiss any notion that it wasn't good enough, at least for himself. He couldn't speak for the others. He was still curious about the stone. The grave? Of whom, or what maybe. The markings looked vaguely familiar. Maybe in a book perhaps. That was his only way of trying to discern the what something was about. There were a few ubiquitous words he could identify, but other than that he was illiterate.

Saryn seated himself across from Sairi with a sigh. It felt good to be off his feet for once today. He kicked off his shoes and chuckled slightly as he recalled the conversation about toes he had had earlier with Lett. He waited until Sairi had taken the food she wanted before taking a modest amount for himself and eating slowly. This was her supplies after all and he wasn't about to scarf it all down. He felt that they should have some conversation for their meal and addressed Sairi. "Your wolf is Akumei, right?" He asked, indicating the white wolf rather than the new black one that had come. "Interesting name. Where did it come from?"
Sairi looked to Akumei who had curled around her as she sat in the grass near the base of the large stone. "Well, Akumei has always been Akumei." She said as if asking the question to the wolf. "That is what he told me his name was, since I was a little girl." She finished eating the piece of fruit she had selected for herself and laid down on her side propping herself up on her elbow. "Lots of wolf names are a little strange in the human tongue. Like Hajaret, Asyrix, Maquil, Oroph, and so on." When Sairi mind linked with the animals they spoke in a universal understanding, so even though the two languages were completely different the communication was deciphered in the understanding of their own language. This meant that the true names of the creatures were probably different, but many animals had learned their human pronounced names from Sairi's use of them.

The moonlight lit the small clearing as the soft rustle of leaves were the only sound. Her hair shimmered like silver threads that danced softly in the breeze. Sairi put an arm around the white wolf's. Neck resting her head on the wolf white fur. She was getting very tired. She wasn't used to ever staying up past when the sun went down, there was little point in the forest. Slowly she dozed off breathing softly as the wolf laid in watch.
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