STATERIA [Inactive]

Saryn noted Left's return with a bid to her. He was glad she had returned, if marginally surprised by it.

He raised himself again, watching the newly formed lion and Left with a certain wariness. Scared? Nah. But there's few places you should rather be less than between two powerful channelers.

"Welcome back. Where'd you leave the other one." He greeted her, hoping idle chatter would art least keep her calm.
Lett looked to Saryn, glad he didn't point out the obvious. She observed the situation for a few seconds to decide what she wanted to do and decided to stay on the down low until the man recognized the source of the dragon scent. "With a friendly man and a horse. Seemed safe enough. I just wanted to be sure nobody was getting killed pointlessly."
"You two wouldn't happen to be Takers would you?" Richter asked Lett and the others, his hand on the pommel of his sword.

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"Saira said he had calmed some, and it seems he had. Last he isn't about to eat her anymore." He proposed up against tree and blasted at his finger nails.

"Don't worry, it'd I die, if will at least be a pointed death. Spears seemed likely for a while, but I'm thinking spikes more now. How about you?"

He glanced at the man who had asked such a question and said nothing, returning hd gaze to his nails. If any of them were takers they'd have already been trying to treat the channelers apart.
‘Let me know if you need my aid as well Saryn.’ Sairi responded to Saryn, her voice was thoughtful as she seemed to be considering the meaning of these words. She wondered to herself as she started at him her eyes seeming intimidating as if trying to search his mind for a fleeting moment. She didn’t quite understand his nervousness. She was only a child when she lived among humans and among her animal companions none had acted so strangely towards her thanks, but it seemed that it was the beginning of a friendship and for that she was glad. ‘Saryn-‘ Her concentration was broken by Lett running back into view. This confused Sairi slightly but she was glad to see her return. She seemed like a nice girl, though somewhat cryptic behind her smiles and jests.

Sairi then turned her attention back towards the basilisk as he spoke to her. “Woah..” the young girl watched as the serpent like basilisk began to transform before her eyes. Akumei let out a low growl not trusting the movement the creature made. He swiftly trotted over to Sairi’s side as she placed a hand upon his soft white fur. Within one moment a giant lion stood before her. That could easily explain how she had never recognized him in the forest, if he could be any animal she may have very well seen him before and not have known it. Sairi felt no need to speak telepathically to the shapeshifter so she used her voice once more. “I like this form because I am more familiar with it.” She admitted. She seemed puzzled when he spoke of a dragon. “Hm, well I don’t know what one would smell like. I have never seen a dragon before, let alone knew they had ever existed. So I don’t believe I can help you there.”

Lett gave a short nod. "Im no magic, thats for sure. Out of anyone who impresses me, its a magic." she said quickly, listening with relief to hear Sairi knows not the scent of Dragon.
Lett flinched at the mention, avoiding another face palm. She just wanted to yell, "Yes! A dragon! Are they really that awful that you cant help but bring the creature up five hundred times in one conversation?!" Instead though, she just grinned and feigned innocence. "In this area.. like a fire breathing one?"
"I respect them, my family has always respected dragons, fought aside them, they're on out sigil see?" Richter said excitedly as he pulled a flag from his horses saddlebag revealing the sigil.

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Lett saw it and couldn't help but smile. It was much more sincere than any of her others, as she really appreciated not being called a brute or monster. The difference in sincerity was evident as a pink hue filled her cheeks.
"I've never met one myself, it's always been a dream of mine to fight along side them as ancestors did" Richter told her as put away the flag.

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"Whatever the matter is, I insist I escort you wherever you may be headed. Everyone else here, I am Richter King of House King, I would like to know you if you would wish me to."

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Saryn simply watched, scoffing lightly at Lett's comment about fire breathing and grumbled low. "Or ice." He had no idea how a dragon smelled, but it didn't take a wizard to figure this stuff out.

He looked towards the man who introduced him. "King? Isn't that a bit presumptuous?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lett widened her yes at Saryns comment and quickly gave the shh signal. It was not in anyones place to throw her under the bus, especially when it was a stranger, obviously running away from something being accused of being a creature others hated and feared. Still, it wasn't wrong.
He mimicked her gesture to reassure her that he had no intentions of explaining anything about her to anyone. It simply wasn't his place, and if they stuck around, it would likely come out anyways. It explained her raw power nicely as well, though he still thought her personality was odd for a what he pictured a dragon as. He wondered briefly if she had horns. Those would fit her. He chuckled, amused with the thought.

He nodded absent-mindedly to the man. That much was obvious, but he had simply been making idle conversation. His gaze wandered the group now present. Lost two. I think. Gained one, though I'm thinking Lett won't be okay with his presence for long. He couldn't complain much. They had lost the slasher but gained the shape shifting psycho. He seemed vastly more wild than Sairi and she had been living in the forests for quite some time. He had some doubt whether the Channeler had been doing the same, as he had said, or not. Even if he could shape shift, Sairi, or one of the animals would have noticed something so off. He hardly seemed to be a subtle man.
Sairi saw a slight movement in her peripheral vision. She had been listening in and out of the groups conversation as she carried one on in silence with the wolf by her side. Her attention shifted as she turned to face the man who had joined the group just recently. Slowly her silver eyes stared down at the hand extended to her seemingly fixated for a moment, before she took his hand. "It is good to meet you as well. My name is Sairi, I am the guardian of this forest." it seemed strange to call herself a 'guardian' but she didn't know what else to refer to herself as. Indeed she did guard the forest and heal the animals, but she didn't feel like she had an ownership of the land even though it was her home. Still, the title seemed to come off as understandable. The old white wolf snarled taking a step towards Richter. "Akumei." She spoke the wolfs name calmly as he reluctantly quieted his growls.
"This is your wolf I assume?" Richter asked while calming his horse.

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Sairi laughed a little as she looked at the wolf who seemed a bit oblivious to the humans words. "Oh no, he is my oldest and dearest friend. He was my guardian when I first came to this forest. He kept me alive and watched over me. You'll have to excuse him, he is a bit overprotective." She paused a moment thinking about the boy from her village. In a sense she still felt in her heart that he was a dear friend, but she would never see that boy again, or know what became of him. She tousled the white wolfs fur as he drew closer to her side.
Saryn idly watched the exchange between them, wondering briefly exactly how old the wolf actually was. He was white, without a speck of snow around, though he could have just been an albino. He wondered if his eyes were pink, he hadn't payed close enough attention to know one way or the other. The animals here seemed as linked with Sairi as she did with them so he had to wonder who had had the greater effect on the other when it really boiled down to it. She seemed to be a few years his younger, but the air she carried herself and spoke with suggested otherwise. She had responsibilities here and that must have let her mature more quickly than others who lived in the wild. While it made sense to him, he wasn't so sure it was right. This 'group' seemed to defy logic in simply existing in the first place.

Sighing under his breath he put his thoughts back on track, at least for a moment anyways. He fully expected not to get any answers to his musing, but they helped keep him busy. At least Sairi wasn't in danger of getting munched on at the moment. Saryn's eyes darted to the side, looking for the lion and locating it quickly. It had been relatively passive for the last bit, and for that, at least, he was grateful. Maybe Sairi managed to calm it? Him? Whatever, down. She clearly had a way with creatures of the forest and being able to tap directly into another being's mind must be a priceless boon for her, for anyone really. He almost asked something, but realized how foolish of a question is. He had heard of a channeler with a similar ability going mad from all the voices he heard, but she had to establish the connection or something, obviously. He felt a bit of pride at having shared
The wolf looked at Richter as he spoke to him. The words were lost in the barrier of species but the wolf could more or less guess the content however the wolf was ever vigilant around strangers. Sairi gave a small yawn, she had been worn out from all of the events of today. She looked to the sky between the canopy of trees. There was some time before sundown, but the day was well into the afternoon. She looked at the group in its current entirety. "So you don't know where you are traveling to..." She spoke nearly to herself having recalled from their conversation earlier. She thought it strange to travel with no destination, but perhaps that is how the outside world worked. After all there were travelers in her home town, but most of the time they did have an agenda. "It will be dark soon... Depending on where you wish to go you may not reach there before dark. If you do not want to travel through the night I can offer you a place of rest and food, though it may not be the most accommodating. It may also give you time to solidify your plan of travel." She looked over at Lett with a smile "your 'adventure,' correct?"

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