STATERIA [Inactive]

Smiles "Alex." Then notices that you freeze up and desides not to ask anymore questions
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Eros came upon the group again hissing and slithered just about 10 meters away. He stared at the people as his tongue flicked out of his mouth.
Echo hung upside down in a tree above the two and contemplated how he was going to do this. she was right there. But how could he do this, he could easily attack her right now then leave towards the alley. He'd be back before the rise of the suns rising, it would be easy. But she was most likely on guard from the earlier attack.

"annoying.." He mumbled, disappearing into the trees shadows once more.
Sairi watched silently as more strangers stumbled upon the small group in the forest. She was beginning not to like this at all. Two strange people in the forest was dismissible as simple coincidence, but now six? And to top it off now one of them was pursuing them trying to start a fight. She frowned as she thought about Lett’s strange powers, being only a child when she had run into the forest with no contact of other channelers she had not quite grasped the extent of what channelers were capable of. It was impressive to see such tangible raw power, but it also unnerved her and made her more cautious. She stared at Saryn a moment wondering what he was concealing as well; from the altercation he had had with Lett it seemed that he was hiding powers of his own. Now there was more than just the three of them, some of which had already revealed their own abilities.

As they made their way away from the serpentine creature the old wolf made his way from the dark woods over to them. The white wolf having been absent for Sairi’s introduction to the newcomers growled at the sight of them. He hated outsiders of the forest and would not take kindly to Sairi offering to be their guide, however at the moment they obviously had greater matters to deal with. Quickly he came into pace next to Sairi as she placed a hand gingerly upon his soft fur. ‘You better the call pack.’ she spoke to him through telepathy. The white wolf let out a piercing howl. After a few moments, the returning calls could be heard scattered through the forest.

As the creature reached them once more, Sairi stepped away from the group her silver eyes turning to the creature that pursued them. Her eyes were piercing as she spoke through the creature’s mind. ‘There is no dragon here. I am the guardian of this forest and I must ask you to stop this assailment.’ She progressed towards the creature Akumei staying close to the girl. Soon many gold glittering eyes began to appear in the shadows of the forest surrounding them accompanied by several low growls.

‘I don’t know why you are here, but this is not a needed battle. I have no desire to let this progress further.’ Her telepathic voice was calm and regal, her gaze unfaltering. There was a noble air about her as she stood in front of the creature, her voice heard solely by the beast. Sairi’s heart pounded in her chest, she was frightened, but at this point she had no other choice but to confront the creature. In some ways she felt more comfortable confronting something bestial than human, however she was not sure what was it's true state. Slowly a white aura could be seen surrounding the girl though her stance did not waver.
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Richter rode into the forest on his horse as he saw two strangers talking in the brush. Being the friendly person he is he rode up to Alex and Lett asking "Strange seeing people in the forest off the road, is everything alright you two?"

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Eros stared at the girl intensely and coiled around her hissing. His tongue flicking out of his mouth "I'm quite capable of sssseeing that none of you are dragonsssss. I'm ssssshould not be taken as some fool girl." He said in a bitter voice raising his head off the ground to stare at her. He took notice of the wolves that surround him but immediately looked back at her "Call your houndssss away or ill make ssssure they crumble into ssstone." Eros waited for her to make her next move.
Lett looked to a perfectly friendly man and waved casually. "Hi! We are travelers.. and we are having some difficulties. I think theres some sort of snake thing or man after us." She said with a pout, pretending not to know what it really was.
Richter drew his sword and told them "It's alright, I'll get you to safety."

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Lett grinned, a little deviantly, and followed the man. "By the way.. I've met a lot of strangers today... so what can I call you by?"
Lett was officially sick of this question. If she met another person asking for her fake name, she would reply Bob. Instead of showing this, she grinned and replied happily. "You may call me by Lett. No last name."
Lett stopped short. She couldn't just say anywhere but here and not sound suspicious. She shrugged. "Well.. actually, I wanted to explore these woods.. but after what I saw, I realized they were a bit dangerous around here.. Im hoping to just find a nice place deeper in the woods I can camp at."
Sairi’s shuddered slightly as the basilisk coiled around, Akumei let out a snarl his fangs bared at the creature. The girl calmed her nerves as she looked into the eyes of the creature. ‘Very well.’ She slowly raised her hand and made a minute gesture, reluctantly the growls shrouded in the forest deceased and slowly the glimmer of eyes faded back into the forest. Akumei, however, stood a short distance off pacing back in forth growling menacingly. He did not like this situation, and would not leave Sairi even if she commanded him. ‘You will have to excuse the elder of the pack, he is my close companion. However, I can assure you he will take no action.’ With that Sairi shot a glance at the wolf, who reluctantly laid upon the ground trying to restrain the growls emitting from his throat.

Sairi was not quite sure what to do to appease this creature, she felt fear and hostility, though she seemed to have trouble in finding a way to resolve it. She knew that there was little she could do as far as combat without the aid of the animals; her powers seemed so weak compared to Lett’s. ‘What brings you into the Eastern Wood?’ she asked telepathically her gaze returning to meet the basilisk’s.
Eros uncoiled himself from her once the wolves had disbanded but kept his head off the ground. He stayed in front of her matching her gaze and remained wary of the elder wolves presence. "He is excusssed until he provessss otherwisssse." His black scales shined like obsidian and his eyes glowed white. "I am here becaussse this is where I resssside." Eros spoke respectfully and politely.
Sairi took note of Lett and a few of the newcomers leaving the scene. She felt a bit deserted in the situation but decided that it would appease Akumei and lower the risk of conflict arising again. Plus it must be strange to onlookers who could not hear the words of Sairi speaking through telepathy.

‘Then we are both kin of this forest.’ She smiled slightly feeling a bit more at ease as he released his coiling encirclement about her and pleased with the formality in his speech. She thought it strange though, she had never seen him in the forest or anyone like him, and the wolves did not seem to recognize him either. She knew that the eastern woods were vast and did connect to parts of the southern forests, perhaps the creature came from those parts. ‘You have to forgive me, I have not met you before that I am aware of, and we are having a great number of strangers within the forest today. It has made me nervous.’ The white aura around her faded as she became more at ease curiosity began to come over her. She looked over her shoulder for a moment to see who had remained and she smiled softly she then turned back to the basilisk. ‘Though I don't think these strangers are hostile.’
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Well, Saryn thought. Things have really gone per shaped now. The basilisk had their guide within killing distance and he couldn't guarantee a kill before it had a chance to hurt Saira.

He shifted uneasily. Sakes contained a surprising amount of courage to stand face to face, especially coiled as she had been, with a monster such as basilisk. Even if it was a fake. The others that had been involved with their group half dispersed, he couldn't really be sure who remained. He sent out a light electrical pulse, using it to feel out the electrical signals present in all living creatures, but the many trees of the first made it difficult to get a good judge on.

He had stayed behind though, watching the basilisk warily. If it did try something, or would have more than just the elder wolf to deal with. He kept his pressure causal but ready, remaining as silent as he could for now. He wasn't leaving Sairi behind, not if things like this were common in her forest.
Sairi had noted that Saryn had remained behind she was glad to have someone remain with her in the dangerous situation. The old wolf turned his attention to the man his golden eyes inspecting him carefully for a moment, before returning his gaze to the basilisk. Sairi decided it would be a good idea to fill in her temporary companion on the current situation. She compartmentalized her mind and glanced in their direction. Her voice entering Saryn's mind forming the mind link. 'He tells me he resides here, however I have never encountered any creature within his likeness. I believe there is a chance he comes from the South. It appears his hostility has seemed to diminish.' Sairi remained calm awaiting the Basilisk's next course of action. She was still on guard however she felt as though they could avoid conflict. 'Oh, and Saryn,' she paused a moment '...thank you, for not leaving me behind.'
"Well I'm on a bit of a mission myself, but I do have supplies and plenty of food if you'd to camp along side me" Richter told them smiling as his horse trotted through the forest.

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Saryn jumped noticeably, startled from his own wandering thoughts, when he felt her voice echo in his mind. He looked around, eyes moving to her after a moment. Her mouth was still, yet he could write clearly make out her words as she continued explaining the situation.

He opened his mouth to speak and then promptly closed it. If she could speak to his mind, it would be logical if she could hear his thoughts as well. Well, that is something at least. He responded in his mind. as she paused. To say it was good would have been pushing it, but it had released her from its coils at least.

Saryn's mind stuttered as she thanked him, Resulting several uhs and ers before he mentally responded properly. Yeah. He thought. and immediately frowned. That was his return? To be fair, he had trouble actually understanding what he was being thanked for. Thanks had been, few during his life this far; he didn't get thanks, he got paid. Yet here she was thanking him for what? Standing there? Worrying about his own skin? A guilty shade of red.colored his face and he decided to study some leaves under foot instead.

Sairi, he started to think, but quickly changed it, mid thought, to: Just . . . Let me know if you need any help.
Lett felt a wave of guilt fill her. "Hold on.. I need to make sure the rest of my party is safe.." She said with a smile, running towards the others. "Sorry! Everything alright?" Her main worry was having the scent of dragon on her around the beast she saw.
"I'm ssssorry if thissss form is intimidating...the sssscalesssss are quite an effective defense against dragon claws and breath." Eros curled up and shifted once more into a Namean Lion. His fur erupted from where the scales once were and glistened a golden color. His form was similar to that of a normal lion but about twice the size. His claws gleamed the color silver and he again stared at the girl. "Yes, I'm not shocked that you've never seen me. I'm able to take on many form and generally remain hidden. But I caught scent of a dragon and followed it immidiatly...still I smell the fowl thing." Eros grumbled agitated at the fact he could find the beast.

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