STATERIA [Inactive]

Lett shrugged, acting easy and casual. "All good. Im not irritated at all." She answered, hoping it wasn't obvious she lacked the motivation to mention anything besides the fact her name was Lett.
Echo stuffed his hands in his pocket, his fingers twirling the coins which laid in his right pocket. Without the sound of the metal coins he would have been silent, but the growing silence of the forest was dull to him. His shoulders where slouched forward as he lazily took each of his steps, and though it looked like he where relaxed he actually was quite on guard. He was unaware if the girl was near him, and he was unaware of any animals that may attack him. So why he wouldn't be on guard is a question without an answer.

As he walked Echoes white hair had faded to a light brown and his odd eyes slowly lost their color becoming a dark charcoal color. A small trick he had learned, to change his appearance, and it helped when he went on missions. Though he was never was seen to begin with it was still safe to change what he looked like. And it was smart to do it then, because that's when he heard voices.
Lett's pale eyes flashed from side to side as she heard movement. She decided not to be as carefree this time, as instincts told her it wasn't somebody there to "be her friend" as she liked to act like others were.
Echo walked towards them soundlessly and hid behind a bush, his black beady eyes examining every person at the seen until they fell upon his target. And slowly his body had become a natural tan, he reached up rubbing a small key that was wrapped around his neck. Before he tripped out of the bushes. He stumbled for a few steps before falling forward, "wow!" He exclaimed as the lower part of his knee smacked into a root, "o-ow.." He choked out convincingly, getting up on all fours. His eyes where glazed over with crocodile tears as he looked up, "i-i'm sorry, please don't hurt me.." He begged as his lower lip quivered.
Lett looked at the tan kid, knowing fine acting when she saw it. The only hinge she could trust was her gut instant to not rely on the obvious. "She kept her distance, but plastered on a sugary sweet grin. "No promises!" She said, voice dripping with evidence of her bubbly personality.
Echo looked up his knee beginning to bleed, he dabbed it with a small cloth which his kept in his pocket. He could feel he aura, it was strong and full of confidence. She was surely a Channeler a large thing in their society, "I'm Joseph," his voice shook as he reached up a hand.
Lett puled him to his feet for a moment, but released immediately after it had become unnecessary. She nodded to him, acting with a false sense of ignorance. "Hm... nice to meet you! But you don't look very much like a Joseph." She said, messing with him a little and making it just that much harder o get her own "name".
And so another pops up. Saryn watched on idly, looking between the two. "You attract a rather odd group of people." he commented to Lett. it might include him as well, but channelers in general armed a bit weird.

He took a passive stance and busied himself with other thoughts. He was hungry, but wasn't so sure the first guardian would allow him to eat kill anything here.
Lett shrugged. "Not just the casual weird people. Psychopaths as well!" she said, acting as though it was a great thing.
"The casual weird and the psycopaths. All you're missing is the ones in the middle and you're golden!" He said, mimicing her excitement. "Either way, you've got some sort of draw." Maybe a witch. He'd heard stories about witches, chanellers or takers alike who performed sometimes dark deeds for their own gain. And ate people. Though, he recalled, she apparently rather be eaten.

He decided to throw her off, or attempt to at least. He somewhat doubted he would succeed. "So, if a wagon traveling south, south west at a rate of twenty three furlongs per fortnight, and a second wagon, led by mules instead of horses, is going north, north east at two hundred and a half chain a moon turn, what color is the driver's hat?"
Letts eyes widened, a bit stumped. "Huh...?! You know... I'm perfectly human too.." She said with a laugh, unsure of an answer and a bit concerned as to what he thought of her.
"Aha!" He pointed at her and then paused. What was the point of the question again? He gave a shrug, unconcerned with the answer as he didn't know it either. "Ah. I know." He said aloud. "How about your abilities? Anything besides not needing toes?" He wasn't sure he'd get an answer, but eventually he'd hit an acceptable question. He hoped.
Lett rose a brow when asked about her abilities. "What about you, though...? you have anything up your sleeve? And I might reveal.. more eventually..."
Walks to the store with about 100 coins in my pocket trying to be quiet and unnoticed "Please... I don't want to fight anybody..." saying silently to self
Echo stared from one to the other when they spoke, at the mention of toes he looked at the girls toes.

He raised his dark eyebrows in interest as he listened to their conversation, the two where quite peculiar weren't they.
While her proposal was fair, he wasn't so willing to divulge anything to the other's around him without getting something back from them. "What makes you think I'd have anything up my sleeves?" He asked with feigned innocence. "If 'eventually' ever comes around, well maybe I'll have something hidden in my shoe then." In such company as he was currently in, he found it better to play his cards close to his chest, in case one was a little more, or less, than they would have seen.
"Cooked toes?" Lett joked, shrugging. "Fine fine.. I might show you my... talents of sorts only and only if I get to see what you can do.. and I can tell. Your entity is radiating spiritual energy, my friend."
Echo clapped in praise, "is she right?" He questioned looking at the black haired boy like a child.
Alexander approached Echo and the others upon horseback and asked "Excuse me, do you need assistance?"

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He gave a bit of a snort. He hadn't bothered learning such things. Or rather he knew how to, he just was terrible at it and made funny faces when doing it, so he simply didn't. But he nodded as her words were good enough. It's what he was after anyways. He was rather curious what tricks she might have herself. With wind dancing, it could be quite a lot of things. Perhaps even something similar to what he had, though that would remain to be seen.

"Well, when you feel like giving me a show, let me know." He smirked at Lett and eyed the boy as he spoke again. "Maybe. I could be left." He answered without properly answering. He wasn't fond of children. Especially grown ones who acted like children. They gave off a bad air, like a monster acting like a human, and were not to be trusted until they proved themselves. Though he generally looked at everyone that way. Better safe than a knife in the back.
Lett decided it would be alright to try. "Here... just for the fun of it." She said with a relaxed smile as she raised her fingers and arms upward, pale eyes glowing with an even more icy tint. the ground and trees in front of her frosted and large ice crystals the size of a fully grown man slowly formed. She didn't want to show the full extent. Only enough to understand.
Saryn watched on, regarding her cooly ((badum-tish)). He was originally unimpressed, that is until the crystals started forming. He wasn't an expert in the any sort of academics, but to form such large crystals using nothing but the water vapor in the air was very impressive. Unless she has an underlying ability for water as well. He considered to himself. But then she was able to do it without him catching any hint of it, which while maybe a bit less impressive overall, was still quite a feat to him.

A fluttering strand of Sairi's hair caught his attention and if Lett wouldn't have stopped when she did he would have. It probably wasn't the best to freeze someone's home, but hopefully she wouldn't be too mad.

"That's certainly something." He admitted as Lett's hands fell. He prodded at the crystals a bit, checking the solidness of them and nodding. "Impressive indeed. Can you make snow cones?" He asked teasingly.
The ice crystals were solid as stone and dry to the touch, proving how well formed they were. Still, she know do better. She just needed to save some of her ability to the imagination. Her eyes dulled again and she grinned, pushing back thick black hair over a shoulder. "Maybe...? No reason not to try."
He motioned her to do so. Something like a snow cone might seem easy compared to what she had just done, but just letting power flow out of you is one thing, actually controlling it was another. "Or you can make an ice sculpture." He offered. The finesse it would take to properly do a sculpture would speak more loudly about her control over her ability. And in the end, power got you places, but skill let you keep them.

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