STATERIA [Inactive]

Lett showed a bit of obvious emotion as she nodded and swallowed hard. Her Entity had little patience and a temper, where a weaker but similar snow leopard would not store so much power but could easily sculpt. She dropped to a knee, eyes glowing again, focused on a small spot on the ground. Her hands fidgeted and at first it was a little sloppy as she slowly created a dragon of ice. The dragon itself was perfect, but random shards stuck out from around it.
Saryn nodded, it was about what he had expected. Usually excelling in one area meant being a bit worse in another. In this case, it was a rather odd mix, but not completely illogical. The dragon, while perfect enough to be sold at market had the obvious flaws that, to him at least, suggested her entity either had issues with her and wasn't cooperative, or simply didn't like the finer things.

A good thing to know, in his book. He would have been a bit worried if she had both that much raw power and finesse. He had no plans of getting on her bad side, but it was good to know if that he ever did manage to achieve such there was at least some error in her ways. All this he thought while examining the statuette closely. He had an eye for detail; having used it both in his thieving life and as a hound for the the watch, it was as sharp as ever.

"A beautiful piece." He commented eventually, standing straight once more. "The shards should be smaller and more erratic though." He said as if he assumed she had done them on purpose. "Not usually a character you get on figurines, especially not one this size. It's got a certain asymmetrical draw about it as is."
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Eros watched from a good distance away now noticing the giant dragon sculpture amongst the trees and pulled back his bow shooting an arrow into the icy beast. He stared in their direction but assumed that it was just a dragon. Smiling he climbed down as his wings brushed against the branches.
Lett stood, a bit embarrassed by the lack of control she had. She looked at the piece ith judgement, but to Saryn and offered a smile. "Hehe.. thanks.. but I didn't intend for the.. um shards." She turned to embody else, making his appearance. She turned a light shade of pink in his acknowledgment. Suddenly she felt something close. Her hands moved around the arrow , manipulating the air to change its course and it hit a tree. Honestly, she didn't even see it coming. She just acted. "Hey! If it was that bad, you could have just used words!" She yelled in the direction of where the arrow came from, joking,
Eros watched as the trajectory of his arrow was charged and grimaced still thinking that he was facing a dragon. This only made him angry when it sounded like the dragon was mocking him and he pulled back on his bow shooting three arrows of light at once. He flapped his wings bringing him up in the air and his armor shined.
Lett eyes the person she had yet to see, with black hair. He seemed to take a keen interest in what was happening. "Um... hey. Im glad we have a reunion going on here.. or something of the sorts, but somebody just shot at us and I would rather find a place to settle.. or gain some ground." More arrows shot and she did the same, this time more prepared. She caught a glint of who was shooting them and ran on the air, towards said person. "Hey! What gives?!"
Blushes and tries to hide my face "Ummmm... I... Ummm... Sure?" then covers my eyes as the arrows fly by but raises my hand and opens my book in my other hand then points at the girl that talked to me and casts a shield around her while my arm takes on a paler pigment and my eyes flash bright
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Saryn opened his mouth to speak but closed it with a frown as the arrow thunked into the tree. Air manipulation . . . Or was it psionics? Either explains her wind dances. He voiced nothing though, his words lost to him, as he glared towards where the arrow, no, arrows now, were coming from.

Saryn was in agreement with moving on though his nod mostly went unnoticed as Lett had already taken off into the air towards whoever started firing at them. He moved on, pushing Sairi along with him lightly. She was their ward in the forest so he wasn't letting her stay behind until at the very least they were out of the area.

He frowned, looking to those around to see if anyone was following or not and the pushed on, watching the sky above until he could observe what was going on above him with Lett and the unknown entity.
Eros watched as his arrows were directed away again and he growled flying backwards away from them. He pulled back on his bow again letting loose three arrows again at the person who was running on air. Eros dropped suddenly into the middle of the forest and shifted into his normal form. His eyes started glowing red and his teeth extended as he shifted into a Basalisk (the snake not chicken). He slithered his gigantic body barely between the trees.
The air around her circulated the arrows from her. She dropped, dead from the sky, landing atop the now creature in order to stop it from attacking. "Hey! What the hell! Why are you attacking us?!"
Watches then quickly follows the person with a bow casting platforms under me to follow him then watches him drop into the forest and drops after him
Lett decided to avoid a fight before anything actually happened. She leapt off of the beast gracefully sprinting along the air. She swiftly grabbed Alex nd took himn with her. The further she was from conflict, the better, for the moment at least. She was close enough to the cities to attract attention and end up getting herself imprisoned. "Lets go. Not worth it.." She said, literally pulling him through the air to meet up with the others.
Nods and looks at her then closes my eyes for a couple seconds then opens them and they are a very very bright blue that quicken her speed as we fly while my wings shoot out and I make myself start to flap my wings and fly beside her
"Well, that was . . . interesting . . ." He spoke as the two came closer, choosing the words to best fit the situation. He wasn't sure exactly what else to call it. He had actually bothered to try and sense what the thing was and to his surprise it was a channeler. He had never been aware that they could turn into such things, but given the volatile and random nature of Channeler's abilities, he probably shouldn't have been surprised.

He echoed Lett's earlier thoughts. "We should find some place to hunker down or get farther out of here. I'd rather not deal with the thing if we don't have to, but if we do, we should at least be ready for it." He sized up the new Channeler, having noted the increase of speed from seemingly no where. Originally he had thought it to be more of Lett's abilities, but he was quite sure the source was this new Channeler now.
Lett grinned at Alex, seeming to dance through the air with glee. "Thanks for the boost! and...." She released him, freefalling to where the others were. To anyone else, it might have looked like plummeting to her doom, but for her the feeling was wonderful. She stopped herself a foot above the ground then landed gently. "We have reached our destination."
Alex spawns fields under him that he slows himself down on by making them really dense so they slow him then slowly making them more solidified and finally lands gently on the ground retracting my wings and making on my demonic looks go away
Eros hissed loudly when this person landed on top of him and violently whipped his tail. Once the person left he spun around and slithered back to the dragon. He then arrived it noticing it was made of ice and he hissed violently. Eros wrapped around the sculpture and constricted watching it crumble. "Where issss the real dragon?" He question allowed and made his way back to finding the people following their scent as his tongue flicked in and out his mouth.
Lett kept with them and realized something. That guy was shooting at her ice dragon. Then another thing. She was a dragon. She literally took the time to face palm and shook her head. "Geez.. really?!"
Echo stood idly by, watching the events un fold before him. He had disappeared not enjoying the ruckus which the winged individual brought.
Nods and looks around "I wonder if he followed us?" looks at the girl "Hey... I never caught your name."
Lett lowered her head and nodded glumly. "Chances are, he did." She replied then froze up a little again with a personal question. "Im lett. You?"

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