Welcome to Hell. [Inactive]

"Why are you SO thick? I'm TRYING to help you. Senthuriax won't kill me. Trust me. If you even think about setting that think on me, I'll be able to use my full powers. You do realize why I am where I am, right? I can and will release Senthuriax if you don't comply. I'll simply slip into the crowd, and he'll kill everyone around us. You'll be in an improved cell, and both of us will lose our only way of escape. You think I'm an idiot, don't you? No... I'm not an idiot. Simply insane. And why be insane if I can't enjoy it? You know, I used to be a psychiatrist. All my patients died. Of suicide!" Declan laughed again, and stared hard at Raven. She had no idea what he was capable of. She had absolutely no idea, which was what was so adorable about it. She thought her pet could kill him. Laughing silently, he continued his hard stare.
Violet say on the ground of her cell.She usually kept quiet,and tried to avoid the doctors.She was very bored,and began to sing."I dreamed I missing,you were so scared...but no one listen,because no one else cared..." Violet kept singing "Leave Out All the Rest" by LINKIN PARK.It was her favorite song,and she hadnt been able to listen to it since she came...here.
Raven was infuriated. She looked at him, and slapped his left cheek red. "Forcing people to do it your way pisses them off... But I guess I'll have to." She grunted, before leaving him. Walking out into the field she gazed around, and silently picked a place to sit and watch the guards in their towers as they all simultaneously observed the crowds. Without a doubt, a few of them had their eyes on Raven. 'Sen, if you shift on me I'll be pissed at you for the rest of our lives.' She told him, hearing his mechy moans respond through her mind.
A wicked smile spread across Declan's face as Raven walked away. He couldn't feel his cheek after that slap, but he was happy with the results of their conversation. He began walking towards the door of the dinging hall, when he pushed open the doors he was cuffed by two guards, and taken back to his cell in the sixth level.

He was placed in his cell and his helmet was removed. Sitting down on the bed, Declan began to contemplate how to make use of Raven's powers. Smiling to himself, Declan leaned back, took a deep breath, and let his hellish nightmare of sleep take over him
Once more in his monotonous cubical, Daniel just sat there looking at the wall as his Co-Workers spoke of the chaotic scenarios playing off at lunch. "Am I the only one who doesn't want to talk about these people 24/7?" he whispers to himself, before his head pulls back rapidly, due to a tingling sensation set off by his paranoia. He left his head stuck in that position observing his fellow scientists as they talk about their 'research'. One scientist spoke of a supernatural by the name of Declan on level 6. "He's probably worse than Vladimir." He exclaims before subconsciously scratching out one prisoners name who is next on the list to replace it with the name Declan. After quickly smearing down another set of questions that he would now read himself Daniel forced his legs to carry him down the office into the elevator where would tap '6' with a heavy feeling of regret.

"This will be bad what if he will break your head even more, There is only so much you can take." says Daniel in a nearly choked out tone. Daniel flinches at the sound of the familiar "DING" he was now on the same floor as a mischievous creature, a new creature.
Awaking with a scream and a sweat, Declan sat up. He was covered in sweat. The same dream had come again. He liked to think of it as the "always dream". The only dream he'd ever had. It was terrifying, and he always woke up like that.

Sighing as he leant back against the wall, closing his eyes, he was glad his cell wall wasn't made of bars for once. He began to hear footsteps, and again peered out with his mind.

Doctor Daniel- He screamed again, the effects of the anti-psi walls acted incredibly quickly this time.

Standing up, Declan approached his door. It had a single slot in it, where psychiatrists used to send things through. Used to. All the ones that had visited him had gone insane "mysteriously". Smiling through the small barred window in the door, he called out to the doctor as he got closer.

"Doctor Daniel, what a... "pleasure" this is. Wondering how I know your name? No one told me. You may already know this, but I have Psi powers. Reading minds, controlling them. That sort of thing. I would invite you in, but as you can see, the door is five inch thick carbon steel substance, and locked." Letting loose his most insane smile, Declan felt gleeful at having a new mind to toy with.
Raven was escorted back to the 6th level, as she kept looking around for any certain escape that she can slip through. Obviously, it was no use. The halls were flooded and there was no clear view of an exit she could take to a certain level. Raven wanted to kill Declan so bad; he seemed to be serious and he seemed as if he wants to take control of everything. 'Of course he does... He's Declan' She thought, as she was soon thrown back into her cold, jammed cell. She hated how Declan was only two cells away from her, across the way. "How lovely..." Raven groaned, before clutching and swinging the the rock towards the cemented wall, as it chipped and broke in half. "I hate everything...!" Raven yelled.
Sitting down with his back on the carbon surface of the door Daniel begins his experiment without hesitation. "I am intrigued by your ability. No, that is an understatement. I envy you for your abilities, I think they would be better in my control, and I know that some way I will grab them from you like ice cream from a child." He says chuckling "The simile is quite fitting, you are still a child at mind, maybe an evil child who isn't wanted, but a child nonetheless." As he finishes that sentence Daniel tears his notepad from his coat and begins reading it "I would like you to remember every question I ask you and answer them as honest a 'humanly' possible, alright? That shouldn't be difficult for a mastermind of your tier. 1st question What do you think of your fellow cellmates? 2nd question. Do you find interest in your own mind? 3rd question. If you had no helmet and you stood head to head with Sorez, what would you do? 4th question. Do you ever feel you are letting people off 'easy' with suicide? 5th question. What do you dream of? 6th question this one is optional. Do you have any family? If you do please give me a full description of that person and how you feel about them."
"1. They are people. Like you, like your scientists. Just, different. We are the next stage in human evolution, and you have imprisoned us here because you are scared of us. Scared of what we can do. You made a mistake imprisoning us here. When we get out. You're all dead. My cellmates are all waiting. WAITING for a chance to get out.

2. Interest in my own mind? I'm INSANE. I ALWAYS have interest. Question is, do you? Being insane is actually quite like being sane, except much more fun. I never know what I'm going to do next!" Declan began laughing insanely for just a moment, and then hardened his face.

"3. I would drive him to insanity, and lock him in a cell like this one. Letting him starve and suffer. However, I would keep him alive long enough to find his family and make him watch as I make them hang themselves.

4. "Letting them off easy"? No. Obviously you've never known someone who is suicidal. I don't just make them kill themselves, I drive them so insane that they prefer death to the reality I've granted them. But what they don't realize is that that is my everyday reality. All the time, every second of every minute of EVERY DAMN DAY. Insanity.

5. If I told you what I dream of, you would experience something similar to death. But much worse. Have you seen the face of satan? Have you heard him whisper into your ears, promises of death, if being free of this PRISON of reality?

6. Yes. I had family. I hated them all, so I killed them." His laughing reached new levels as he cackled into the air.

"I took an axe and gave mother forty whacks, and when the job was clean and done I gave father 41. Brother's fate bloated to drop, I drowned him and left his body to rot." Cackling evilly, Declan stared coldly at Daniel.
Violet paced in her cell,very worried."How am I gonna get out of here..." She whispers to herself.She couldn't take it.Violet stopped pacing when she heard someone walk down the hall,and sat down.He passed her cell,and Violet was very pleased.No more doctors today...
Lyla sat in her cell, her mind shifting from one topic to another quite quickly. Lyla had begun to realize that her cell was quite boring. She had started to believe her life was quite boring, sitting in a dreary cell, surrounded by nosy scientists and insane people levels above her. Being a 2 wasn't really fun. At a time of sheer boredom, insanity seemed fun and interesting, although Lyla assumed she could never make it a day in someone like Declan's mind. She sighed, watching the infrequent guard or scientist pass by.
"Well that was useless." says Daniel before getting up from his static position as he releases a sigh of disappointment. "I wonder how you keep interest in such a bland mind. Just kill, death, and kill." He utters before making his way to the to another level 6 cell. "Talk about interesting. Time to visit hot head." Daniel underlines Raven as he passes the monotonous and halls that begin to increase in width, just to suddenly come to a dead end. "You don't even have a set of questions. Ech, I'll think of them as I go. Not like she is some kind of enigma." states Daniel in the process of scanning his card and entering the rectangle of pure metal. The room has one camera to it's use a mic and a small through which only a perfect sheet of paper would fit.

Daniel takes a seat and takes a long look at the camera. He turns on the microphone and begins to squeeze out the first sentences that come to mind "Good afternoon, sunshine! I hope you have been having a wonderful day with your wonderful cellmates. Do you mind if I ask you few questions? Well, you probably mind, but you also know that I most likely don't care." Daniel coughs before reciting his next thoughts "Would you like to watch me perform an 'examination' on a cellmate going by the name of Declan? If so, would you also like to..." Daniel stops as his expression from one of boredom to a smile that reaches to each side of his face and his voice goes to one of genuine tranquility "Participate? I will be performing a lobotomy and will attempt to lower his motivations and or short-term memory with an injection to th-" His sentence is interrupted by heavy laughter and a gasp for air "frontal lobes. This may not be 'ethical', but as you can see his intentions aren't either. I don't think there is much of a way to make his neurons function differently so for me lowering his Dopamine would be a fantastic solution. What are your thoughts on my offer?" Daniel sits back impatiently waiting for an answer.
Declan laughed as Daniel walked away. Perfect. He thought him to be nothing but a psycho. This ruse amused Declan so much, he couldn't wait to reveal his true motivation. It would be spectacular, the grand reveal was always Declan's favorite part. He had no doubt they were planning to perform a lobotomy soon, he had overheard some doctors talking earlier. When they tried to open his head, they would find something special.

He sat back and smiled. When this place was his a new order would come to. This was going to only be his first conquest. They underestimated him, which allowed Declan to think in peace. If they had any idea what he was capable of, they would have lobotomized him long ago.

He closed his eyes and began to ponder.
Vladimir Dymon.

Vladimir laid back, sighing heavily after eating all that food. He decided to rest for a bit, it wasn't good for him to play basketball on a full stomach.

Rose Derlington.

After a long while, she felt as if she'd had been sleeping for some reason. Just a comfortable sleep. A guard had tapped her shoulder and asked her if she was alright. Rose blinked for a while, standing up straight. She must have been spacing out, because if she was sleeping, she'd be on the floor by now. "Yes, I am quite alright. I will be taking my leave, thank you." She said calmly, walking off as soon as she finished her sentence. She had nothing to do here.

Rose laughed in her mind, closing her eyes for a moment as they smiled, but not her lips. Foolish, I am, for ever believing such a thing. Even for a moment.

Bidding others a 'Good-Afternoon' or the occasional 'Good-luck' didn't phase her pace of thought. Sorez knew and she knew she could handle level six patients at anytime, all the time. She would just think of a valuable excuse if he catches her at lower levels. 'I fantasized over the change of pace'... 'I was somewhat frightened by certain patients'... 'I felt the need to question someone different'.

Rose nodded to herself, even though she was unsure those were good excuses. She wasn't joined by a guard on the second level, but there was some positioned about, they were awfully relaxed for guards. Considering it was the second level, heck, they could even talk to some of the supernaturals themselves. Rose was always assigned a list of level sixth or some more peculiar level fives, so she didn't really recall most, if any of the faces in these cells. The atmosphere was rather lighter, and she'd be shot dead for lying if she said it wasn't different.

Spotting a rather bored supernatural, it'd be best to stick to a bored one for now, seeing as she was in a all new, if easier, territory now. Rose, not knowing the girl's name or ability, had picked up the tousled clipboard from the slot next to her cell and under her cell number. Lyla Jaymes. Healing? Healing...

Sure to not be comfortable, Rose decided to make a well first impression, yes. Nodding to herself, she pulled off her short heels and pulled off her lab coat. Sitting down on the cold floor in seiza position in front of the cell, with coat in lap and shoes upright, guards watched her either with ridicule or interest.

"Miss... Jaymes?"

Rose called lightly, her voice as soft as normal.

Raven looked up, sitting in a chair, hearing the voice of Daniel's. Listening to his blabbering just made her chuckle. He was insane too, apparently. He was just another scientist here to ruin her great day on planet F*ck my Life. "Neurological procedures don't suit my satisfaction. Especially Sen's." Raven grunted, peering at the cameras and her muscles tensing. Guess it was a no, but she then remembered his earlier questions. "But whatever, ask me those damn questions already."

She hissed, while simultaneously thinking about Declan and his insanity. At the same time, Sen wanted out again. Her optics shifted to a more complex pupil, showing the intriguing, and almost alien-like circuitry within the pupil of her eyes. Thinking about lowering Declan's idiocy and his petty mouth blabbering sounded official, but Raven knew that she might need it sooner or later.
Daniel moves his hands from is his head to the microphone. He switches the microphone on and begins to talk: "Well, I didn't expect you to say yes. I'm glad I haven't asked for it yet. The council would probably think I'm insane and the next thing you know some loony starts writing blogs exposing Hellgate's awful deeds. I haven't really thought about anything I would like to ask you so, I will just ask you anything that comes to my brain, see it as a conversation before I exit level 6 to visit the calmer bunch above you." Daniel clears his throat and begins his interrogation "Does that voice in your head represent anything/anyone? Unless you are just acting crazy to hide in here from something outside." Daniel chuckles and continues to bombard her with his nonsense "Have you ever considered the fact that you may live here for the rest of your life?" Daniels voice shifts to a sarcastic tone "Not like that would be a bad thing, right?!" He takes on a serious tone "If you had the chance to consume one of your fellow cellmates, would you do it? And if you would which one? " His tones returns to a playful tone as he spatters out "Not that I am into that kind of stuff, you know cannibalism is baaad." Daniel hops forward to the microphone and a heavy Thump is heard. He proceeds to squeeze out his last thought "If you did manage to escape, which occupation would you choose?" Daniel dashes back to his chair playfully rolling around the room making sure to leave the microphone on to hear and see how she responds to the irritating sound of the wheels scratching the metal tiles.
Raven chuckled until he threw her the first of the questions. "The voice in my head... His name is Senthuriax. He is the one who wants out, and wants to let all his rage go ever since I was here. And it is a true nightmare if I let him loose." She stated, coughing and then clearing her throat in order to answer the next of the questions. "If I ever live here for the rest of my life, then eventually Sen will be so contained, so accumulated with power, I might explode and burn the whole city down. So basically, I won't be here forever..." And the third question she hesitated on the third question. "Consume? Well, if I still have my sanity then absolutely not, unless it was Sen, he would tear the flesh apart and bath in their blood." She looked at the camera with a grim stare and then hesitated even longer on the last question. "I wouldn't get a job I would run, and hide.... Probably hang myself when I can't take Sen's sh*t anymore."
In pure joy Daniel crashes himself into the microphone "Thank you! You are the first person to answer my questions rationally with a reasonable attitude. You jumped my list!" as soon as he finishes that sentence his voice changes to a serious tone "I will be setting up a series of tests and materials for you and Sen, please get an average amount of sleep and also try to enjoy yourself." the microphone is violently shut off as soon as he finishes his final sentence. He leaves the chamber in a steady pace heading to his next patients before he makes his way to the parking lot. "Next on the list, Violet. Oh this will be a treat." He begins to enter the more narrow areas of the hall until he hits the final dead end of level 6 on the opposite side end of Raven's cell. Daniel proceeds to enter the room preparing a very basic set of questions to ask Violet. He takes a seat on the comfortable office chair at a desk with 2 televisions and a brand new microphone clearing his throat and observing his next project.
Lyla looked up, peering at the woman scientist through the bars. If she recognized her correctly, that was Dr. Rose Derlington, well, Ms. or Dr. Lyla wasn't exactly sure whether or not everyone here had a doctorate. "Yep, that's me. But don't call me Ms. Jaymes, it sounds way too formal for someone, 7 years, I believe, older than I. Just call me Lyla. No need to be all scientist-y now. I'm just a 2, can't do much, no need for scientist-y stuff." she said. Now, this made her wonder whether or not Scientist Derlington thought she was lying to cover up impossible plans of escape, but she wasn't.
Raven just went to sleep. Sen was forcing to push out, rather excited to know that there would be a series of tests for him to come up. But Sen was pushing so her she couldn't help but scream in pain from his intention. Now this was going to be a very... Very long night. She hated to sleep, but now it is her duty just because of the tests: And to be honest, Sen was the one excited for it. Not Raven herself.

Rose Derlington.

"My apologies, ah, Lyla."
Rose said, feeling a little awkward. She often detested calling people by their first names. "... Anywho, are you aware of any type of rebellious actions or just violence on the second level?" Since she was never on the second level, she was curious of the things going on here.

Lyla shook her head. "I'm pretty sure no one on level 2 even has the power or will to do something like that. 6 or 5, easy, but I doubt anyone on 2'd do anything like that. I haven't heard anything that could be violent, so I doubt anyone on level 2 has done anything of that nature." she said, leaning against the wall of her cell. The woman scientist was probably new to the second level, asking questions like that. It almost made Lyla smile for the first time in this place. Almost.
Sitting alone is his cell, Declan smiled as he worked out the final details of his plan. Lobotomy was his only way out. His only way to set in motion his plan. All he had to do was wait. Wait. Wait for someone to post so we don't go unactive.

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