Outlaw Planet


Filthy Casual



Appearance: (Place a picture either at the top or bottom of the bio or write a description here.)

Group: (outlaw, bounty hunter, etc)




Backstory: (Put in as much or as little as you want.)


Name: Klefa Aria

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Group: self-proclaimed bounty hunter

Skills: Flight and animal skills.

Equipment: A custom shotgun (two shots before it has to reload).

Personality: She is very shy around people and isn't good with social interactions. She has a berserk button, however. If someone doubts her abilities because of her age, size, or gender, she will try to prove them wrong.

Backstory: Raised in Rikkyoko village above the clouds, Klefa always wanted to be a bounty hunter like her father. She trained to ride Kyomori, an animal resembling a large bat. She kept one as a pet and named it "Momo".

Other: She is shorter than average.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Anime_guy_vagos_club_29810419_329_352_by_kodaka97-d66y6e6_zps4e62feee.jpg.7940aa07d7747e8ca1fbb117b06c43a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Anime_guy_vagos_club_29810419_329_352_by_kodaka97-d66y6e6_zps4e62feee.jpg.7940aa07d7747e8ca1fbb117b06c43a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Erin Veluvin

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Group: (outlaw, bounty hunter, etc): An Outlaw, but serves as a bounty hunter to wipe his name clean and gain pardon letters.

Skills: Skilled at making friends and reading people's faces, like a human lie detector.

Equipment: A gun blade, can fire at one shot and automatic, has fifty shots a round. The big cube of titanium you insert is split into tiny balls which are drilled into, then filled with gunpowder as they fire, causing a light explosion each hit. His blade is a bastard sword made of titanium as well, meaning he can wield it however he wants.

Personality: Erin is a sort of Robin Hood, steals from the rich and gives to the poor, but it just so happens most of the people who consider themselves higher are hated by the normals in the town he grew up in. He likes people and will try to make friends with everyone he can.

Backstory: (Put in as much or as little as you want.): Erin was raised in Hansauto, Erin was a poor boy, but all he needed was to steal, and make friends to have a happy life. He also served for a time as a guard and serves as a bounty hunter to clear his name. Erin has a history of such on his criminal record.

Theft (Some high number, we stopped counting.)

Assault (9)

Homicide (1)

Vandalism (3)

Freeing Man sentenced to Death. (2)

Other: Erin loves animals, and cute girls.



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Name: Maylin Koles or M.K



Appearance: Long Silver hair, average height, average build, red scarlet eyes.

Group: Outlaw/ Bounty hunter

Skills: Good with any type of gun or blade, fast on her feet

Equipment: sniper gun, two katanas, double pistols.

Personality: Generally calm when her emotion are in check. If she's angry all hell breaks loose. She's a tomboy and doesn't like girly clothes so much.

Backstory: She was abandoned at the age of 7 for her being so strong and feared almost nothing. Her family called her a demon for having red eyes. She trained herself with weaponry, and at the age of 10 she was accused of murder and now has 3 million double dollar bounty on her head. She is a bounty hunter and hunts down other while keeping a low profile.

Other: her right leg is auto-mail.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/big_thumb_046dd166da12863ce4e5add451e8f7cc.jpg.190867f05e37b29a70434609250ee8fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/big_thumb_046dd166da12863ce4e5add451e8f7cc.jpg.190867f05e37b29a70434609250ee8fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/untitled.png.e2d176d3050ed122fe3ba969a6d2aa80.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/untitled.png.e2d176d3050ed122fe3ba969a6d2aa80.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Orion Malvenier

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Group: Outlaw

Skills: Killing things, masking his desire for killing things, known for being excellent in the ways of speech craft. Quite elusive, has a fast reaction time. Is most deadly either at far distances or up close and personal situations, but never at a general battle distance.

Equipment: Rebreather mask for situations involving either liquids or gases, looks strangely bizarre to others. A hunting rifle with a bayonet that can be detached. The bayonet itself can be formed into a sharp throwing star connected to the weapon by chain. Orion is quite skilled with this weapon. Also wields blades that are hidden in the underside of his mask (though he rarely takes it off).

Personality: Orion is very self-diluted into thinking that he is the only human alive and that every other person he meets is a strange alien creature. Though this limits his personality greatly and obviously leads to him confusing himself, it doesn't keep him from being able to think. Orion believes the mind is his greatest weapon (Despite its flaws) and reveals his cunning nature through natural interaction.

Background: Though his birthplace and upbringing are unknown, Orion has made quite a name for himself. A very disreputable name, but a name. Orion has killed many people, good and bad. However, due to his delusion that they weren't human in the first place, he justifies these actions greatly.He's built his own weapons from goods stolen from the aftermath of his madness, and will probably continue to do so. He now travels the lands in a semi-confused state, but still retains his unbound levels of deadliness.

Other: Orion has a rare cocktail of other mental disabilities, though they never seem apparent when looking at his more outward instabilities.



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Name: South

Age: 22

Gender: M

Group: Outlaw

Skills: Would be considered average in all physical and mental feats, nothing special there. Can usually get a free drink or two with your basic card tricks. Sleight of hand and pickpocketing. Resilient to most toxins and has an eye for making stimulants and other drugs out of your everyday household items!

Equipment: A seemingly endless supply of remedies, speed and power enhancing drugs. Deck of cards and a handle of whoodoo voodoo whiskey! (one sip and your average buzzkillington is a stumbling fool) A couple single shot bullet pens with accompanying bag full of ammo dipped in some poison. A broken pistol.....shit!

Personality: Cheerful. Always walking into a room smiling regardless of the business at hand, wants to live his days in happiness even though his prolonged substance abuse has somewhat made this a challenge to himself and those around him. Can handle his booze but seems to overdue it at times....hell most the time. Loves to make a buck and with the ladies get some luck.

Backstory: Doesn't talk much about his past but loves dreaming of a beautiful future at your local tavern. He keeps his mouth shut for the most part due to his involvement with one of the biggest cartels known 'round. Sometimes claiming membership to get himself out or even into a sticky situation, but to those who know better he stole one of their biggest shipments of stims and is ex-communicated and on the run.

Other: Need to stay up for a few nights in-case they're baddies around? Interested in increased strength, speed, and concentration? I'm gonna need a buddy to play cards with or I'm screwed.
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Name: "Xelli-bon Beau LaCroix" Is really Titus Harleman.

Age: Twenty-two.

Gender: Male.



Group: Bounty Hunter.

Skills: Marksmen, observant and skilled hearing. He's a gunslinger, so... yeah.

Equipment: Basically everything on him in ze picture above, except for some hidden daggers to throw.

Personality: Often very hearty and squeamish, usually very stubborn, hard headed, determined. Very snobbish or stuck up, but hard-working. He's not actually this way. He's very quiet or easily embarrassed once you get to actually know 'Titus' instead of 'Xelli-Bon'.

Backstory: Trying to play along a role as a Bounty Hunter to please his bounty-hunter family, he's actually a cool guy with tons of more talents in more intellectual or calculative parts, but knows his family will be displeased with him if he shows his real self.

Other: Try pulling off his helmet. Try. He dares you.

Often talks in a fake french accent to compliment his flamboyant stage name.

Name: Anastasija aka. 'Lady Scourge'

Age: Twenty.

Gender: Female.



Group: Outlaw.


Acrobatics, focusing or stealth. Parkour, basically, or going incognito.



Has lines of chains going over her legs or arms, propelled by the mechanisms on her wrists and anklets.

Personality: Anastasija seems more of a noble than an outlaw, known as an elegant, graceful powerhouse. She's quicker than a bullet (not really but you get the expression), sharper than a tack and more strategic than... Uh... (Something witty here.) Anastasija is not a force to be reckoned with unless you're up for a good challegne, she never intends to go down without a fight.

Backstory: Eh.

Other: Anastasija's laugh is rather unique or sarcastic sounding. If she thinks you're mildly funny, or just being sarcastic she'll replaced her real laugh with 'Kaka.'

Has an impenetrable love for strawberries.

Name: Mikado The Raptor


Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Place a picture either at the top or bottom of the bio or write a description here.)

Group: (outlaw, bounty hunter, etc) Outlaw

Skills: Gunslinger, extremely charismatic making him a smooth talker. superb marksmen and extremely quick.

Equipment: Mikado weapon of choice happens to be twin custom colt .45 that were passed on to him upon the death of his father. He also carries a high-powered rifle, and a machete for close encounter's to which bullets cannot solve the problem.

Personality: Despite him being a no good outlaw Mikado is not all bad yea he is a murdering, thieving, lying, miscreant, but he does have a good side though not many the chance to see it.

Backstory: (Put in as much or as little as you want.) Mikado was born into the life of an outlaw, its all he'd ever known his father had been on the run with his mother at the time of Mikado's birth. After the death of his parents Mikado started his own gang the "Loco's" making a name for himself and gaining enough notoriety that a $25,000,000 bounty had been placed on his head for various crimes such as robbery, con-artistry, and murder. He is currently still at large.


Name: Dirge Order

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: In link below...


Group: Mercenary

Skills: Handyman- so give him a job that involves anything you can't do, he'll be able to do it. Do you need your gun or highly technological advanced robotic dog fixed? Give him a tin can and he can fix it. Need answers of who killed your friends from some stubborn bastard/b****? He'll get the answers out of their throats somehow. Need someone dead or captured alive? He'll be back with them soon in either way.

Equipment: Custom power armor, Custom assault rifle, pistol, combat knifes, flash and EMP grenades, personal arm-computer for holding information and hacking

Personality: Serious, Open-Minded, Determined to complete the jobs he gets, Can become extreme to achieve any accepted jobs, Doesn't care about anyone's background as long as it doesn't get them killed, No moral code

Backstory: Originally from Machinto town, Dirge was known as a great guy to go to if you needed help with anything. He was usually offered a lot of different jobs at the highly technologically advanced town, doing things that most people were lazy to do for some reason. As time went by, Dirge left the town to travel around the planet, curious of what might be out there, while leaving with some gear that the town didn't want him to leave with. Fearing that his high-tech power armor might cause a shift of technological advancement in other parts of the world if given to the wrong hands, they tried to arrest and even kill him. Dirge escaped before they caught him and has been wandering around the world ever since.

Known to take jobs that hired soldiers would usually do, though despite being a mercenary, he takes any job given to him if it's within his power to complete it. Some jobs involved him taking out entire gangs, taking care of hostage situations peacefully (kind of...), chasing down people for bounty money, fixing some tech, and once he even had to catch a berserk kyomori attacking Rikkyoko village due to the people accidently giving it rocks for breakfast. But Dirge is also known to talk to himself a lot, making others think he's crazy and he only made a few friends he can trust due to that.

Other: Despite the fact that Dirge's power armor allows him to survive in harsh conditions and have enhanced human abilities, the residents of Machinto town were actually trying to get something in the armor itself and failed to obtain it when he escaped with it. There once was a $50,000,000 bounty sent by the town for the recovery of Dirge's armor, but was taken down after a week for some strange reasons.
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Name: Vanessa Wilde

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Group: Bounty hunter/hero for hire.

Skills: Vanessa is a sniper and a very good marksman. She's beast at shooting at long ranged targets and only uses her pistol or knife when her target is too close for her sniper rifle to be effective. She's also very light on her feet/agile.

Equipment: Steam-punk sniper rifle (different than the one in the picture above). Vanessa also carries around a steam-punk old west pistol and a knife.

Personality: Vanessa is the brains of the operation with her partner Ivan (while he's the brawn). As a sniper she has to wait for her target to get caught in her cross-hairs and spends that down time in thought, planning out strategies. During her down time she can be seen in the bars with Ivan, but she doesn't like to drink alcohol and spends her time playing cards or poker. She has a soft spot for children and if she received a job request from a child she'd do it for free.

Backstory: Born and raised in Sunaze town, Vanessa grew up into a young woman who was used to harsh weather. Her father had been a young Aussie police recruit and became a law man for the town. Vanessa wanted to help people like her dad did; when she became a young woman she took a lawman exam, but flunked it because she was better at shooting from farther distances. When she left town she came across Ivan Dubov in a bar, the two of them became friends. After learning that they both wanted to help people, they decided to team up as a bounty hunter/ hero for hire duo.

Other: She has an Australian accent like her parents.


(in blue instead of red to match with his partner Vanessa)

Name: Ivan Dubov

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Group: Bounty hunter/hero for hire.

Skills: Ivan is a heavy weapons specialist. His minigun has the potential to cause massive damage to those who get too close. He specializes in medium to close range combat. He's a bruiser with a fist of steel, which comes in handy when brute force is necessary.

Equipment: Russian sized steam-punk minigun, shotgun, and his fists, one of which is robotic.

Personality: Ivan isn't as business minded as Vanessa is. When he isn't working on a job he can usually be found in a bar drinking. Sometimes his emotions can get the better of him; he becomes angry when he hears about criminal activity hurting the innocent and often breaks stuff to cool down. He enjoys his job and partnership; he follows Vanessa's plans without complaint.

Backstory: Ivan was born to a Russian couple and raised in Kidota city. Growing up her admired the cops decided he wanted to be like them. When he had his chance to join the police force they thought he was too reckless and destructive, so they turned him down. He was sulking in the local bar when Vanessa walked in and the rest is history.

Other: He has Russian accent like his parents.
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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a2988d542551d776131f0d81cb6ff22c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a2988d542551d776131f0d81cb6ff22c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Group: bounty hunter

Skills:Master at hand to hand combat. Master swordsman. A marksman

Equipment:He owns a steel bastard sword, two Walter ppks made out of platinum. He also owns a iron hook that he uses to drag his targets body to where he's getting paid. He always wears the cloak that the pictures shows.

Personality:He's very quiet, serious. So he is a man of very few words. All of those characteristics make very antisocial. One if the few ways that you can tell that he's wants to be your friend is if he talks to you first. With it comes to his work he can be very brutal.

Backstory:Robinson lived in the town of Snaze. When he eighteen his parents were brutally murdered by some bandits from Hansauto. Robinson wanted vengeance. He found his fathers pistols, her mothers sword,and his hook that he got for his father gave him first birthday. Ready for his act of vengeance he followed the bandits for three days. He made it Hansauto. He stayed for a few months to find the bandits. When he found the bandits hideout. That's when hell broke loose for the bandits. He slaughtered the bandits brutally. Cutting all of their heads off and putting them on pikes at the entrance of the bandits hideout. While he was looking through the hideout he found all kinds of things. Money,weapons,and two. Both of them seemed like prisoners. Robinson let the red woman and a partnership was formed. From that day forth the three became profound bounty hunters. No matter how little they are paid.

Other:He also carries cigars that he smoke whenever he gets a contract paid.

Name: Selina Adams



Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.f9015e9c4ffad5534f137cd0268ec8e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.f9015e9c4ffad5534f137cd0268ec8e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Group: Bounty hunter

Skills:She is a master at duel wielding with swords. And tracking and she's a marksman as well. She's also a pickpocket

Equipment: She carries two katanas , a custom made platinum tommy gun. She also wears a cloak but the picture doesn't show it

Personality: Selina is more social then Robinson. So she does most of the talking. She's also brutal when it comes to their work.

Backstory: Selina has lived most of her life in Kidota town. Her life was pretty rough since her mother was dead when she was born and her father was a drunk. So she has to grow up pretty quick. At the age of seven she knew how to live and already had a paying job. That was stealing. That's how she got caught by the bandits. She was caught stealing some of the bandits money. So she was brought to their hideout in Hansauto town. Thats where she then lived for another two years. Fortunately she wasn't the only girl kidnapped, oh no there were four other girls with her. Two years later and three of the other girls are dead. Selina and only one other were still fine, but that's because of their usefulness. Over that time Selina and the other girl became best friends. Her name is Thora .Over those two years they've done everything together. Thora taught Selina how to speak Swedish, Selina taught Thora her secrets in being a thieve. They basically became sisters. One day there life's will change forever. They were saved from one man. The men were brutally murdered but the man spared their for an unknown reason. The man gave the two weapons money and a map of the planet. But the two didn't want to leave and they offered to help him. The man accepted their offer..


Name: Thora Runt Niequist

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.32161023c3158a93c988abb8d83f6894.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.32161023c3158a93c988abb8d83f6894.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Group: Bounty hunters

Skills: She's an expert in computers . She's an expert swordsman

Equipment: She uses the really big sword that's in the picture. She uses a laptop which she uses to hack computers, or to find somebody. She also owns a customized striker.

Personality: She's very quiet. Even more antisocial then Robinson. But once you get to know her she becomes one of the most loyal friends you will know. Like with Robinson and Selina she will take a bullet for them without question.

Backstory: Thora doesn't remember much about her childhood considering that she was addicted to cocain. She started her addiction when she was eleven. After six of her cocaine addiction she then found the wrong provider. That provider are the same gang that kidnapped Selina (Shocking I know). During those two years she suffered from withdrawal. If it wasn't for Selina's support she probably wouldn't survived. After those two long years she was saved by Robinson. And well you guys know the rest.

Other: She knows how to speak Swedish and English fluently.



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