The Living [Inactive]


The Bookworm

The cold, harsh wind roared outside of the bus.

Jack was sitting in the back of the bus, his

old phone held against his ear as he tried

to get a hold of his parents. Or anyone, really.

It'd been a few days since the bus had broken down.

The lines went dead about a few hours ago, and everyone

was trying to reach their parents. Trying to figure out what was

going on. Finally, he shut off his phone, in frustration, to preserve

the battery, and shoved it in the pocket of his backpack.

He glanced around the other students, wondering when help was

going to arrive. If help was even sent. Jack was one of the few students

that believed no one was on their way to rescue the teenagers. He, and

a handful of other students, wanted to stop waiting for help and help themselves.

But the majority of teenagers were still clinging on to the hope that someone

was on their way to help. Jack was beginning to grow worried, and even as

he tried telling everyone that help wasn't coming, they dismissed him,

and continued waiting.

A few more hours passed. He was getting hungry. And he wasn't the only one.

Jack had a granola bar, a bottle of water, and a few bars of chocolate left by

this point. He felt a gnawing pain in his stomach as he stared out of the bus window,

wondering why the lines were so silent. He hadn't remembered the last time the lines

went dead for this long. Finally, he stood up, slung on his backpack, and walked down

the isle, towards the bus doors. In the front seat, the bus driver laid unconscious. A

few people thought he just had the flu. Others thought it could be more serious.

But no one could really know for sure. Mr. Jones had been throwing up that morning,

Jack remembered.

"I'm heading out to get help. If anyone wants to join me, come along.

I'm not going to sit around and wait anymore," Jack spoke up, looking among

the worried, tired faces that gazed up at him. A few stood up, but no more then a quarter

of all the students. He heard people murmuring towards one another as he stepped off the bus,

greeted by the unmerciful cold that chilled him to the bone. He glanced back at the students behind

him, shoving his hands in his pockets. He nervously started walking along the road, and anyone

that decided to help out followed him into the unknown. They all stayed close, and walked for

hours. Never did they once see a car pass by. He thought it was strange, but brushed

off the strange, sinking feeling he felt.

They could see a gas station ahead. Lights flickered on and off in the distance.

The tired students eagerly ran towards the fading light. Little did they know what

was held in the building.

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Ren was cuddled up in a corner at the back of the bus, just thinking things over. She has already tried calling numerous times, but of course no answer could be derived. She sighed and her breath pooled out around her from the cold air. When the one student stood up and said he was going out for help, she stood up and went with the group of students, not having anything better to do with her time. She didn't want to doddle about and twiddle her thumbs in the corner and hope for some miracle. She wasn't one to believe in miracles. Though compared to the time she was kidnapped, this felt like nothing to her.

As the students around her ran over to the gas station, she stayed walking towards it slowly. She walked up behind the group of students who were all shrouded around the windows of the place and stood towards the back, crossing her arms and waiting. She breathed out into her hands and rubbed them together.

Something isn't right here.... She thought in her mind. Surely if the gas station was occupied by any sign of life, they would have come out by now... Right? It had to be a living thing inside, there couldn't just be nothing. Though Ren didn't hope for things anymore...
Simone was one of few students who understood what was going on, to a certain extent, and at this point, she didn't even bother trying to contact her family. She knew that both her parents and her brothers were hidden away with the rest of the armed forces and their families, if only she hadn't been at school today, she would be safe with them. Instead, she'd spent the time trying to forget Adam, who had suddenly fell ill and died a few days prior. There was a sense of guilt in thinking about him, something she wanted to shake. However, it wasn't the guilt that some would expect, it was guilt that she was happy to be free of him.

The sound of Jack's voice pulled her from her thoughts. She was the first to stand and the first to follow him out, taking her backpack only for the purpose of storage since nothing in it would be of use anymore. The walk was silent and cold, she was thankful to be wearing her North Face and have her vest with a parka type hood on. As their neared the gas station, her eyes narrowed and she put a hand on his shoulder. Inside something could be heard but she wasn't sure what. "Give it a minute... see if anyone walks out before going in."
He heard numerous voices.

Gunner wasn't sure if that was actually healthy, but on the cold, tugged floor of the decrepit bus, he still had some sense to know that those voices were the other kids there from his school. He stopped fiddling his phone a long time ago, and hasn't been able to even talk to his father. Even after the sighs and thick agonizing thought of help would never come, Gunner continued to stay quiet and to himself. Gunner wondered what happened to his friends, his teachers, his family. He was so lost in the thoughts of memories of his life that he didn't pay attention to the mumble or occasional sniffle around him. It was just a little virus, wasn't anything bad, it could just be the stomach flu. He's heard that the stomach flu can be rather contagious.

He... He missed his mother really badly, that even the thought of seeing her, even from a distance, could have warmed him up in this harsh weather. Gunner flinched when he heard another gust of merciless air slice into and past the broken down bus where it held all but a few teenagers like himself, hopeful but still so lost.

"I'm heading out to get help. If anyone wants to join me, come along.

I'm not going to sit around and wait anymore,"

Those words definitely woke him up, and he found a few others who were agreeing with him by getting up and walking the male's way. Gunner thought they were crazy at first, that it'd be so much safer to stay in this less-than-semi-warm bus than into the biting cold. He felt his stomach turn as he mindlessly got to his feet, snuggling as best as he can into his warm sweater and thick coat. Pushing the heat on his head onto his head to protect it more than to make it look good, Gunner held tightly to his bag as he slung it over his shoulder. Doing more of a hop out the door of the bus than a step, he reluctantly followed the small crowd that braved the elements. By the looks of it, they were heading to a gas station, which was a really good idea. Gunner sighed.

Wasn't Moma a little pale today?

She was rather nauseous too. Hope she's alright.
Jack felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Instinctively, he jumped, startled.

He glanced at the girl -Simone, he thought her name was-, and nodded.

Maybe the workers were on break. Or maybe it was closed, he couldn't tell.

A few more moments passed. No one came out. The lights continued to flicker

on and off. At one point, he thought he saw a shadow walk past the back of the

building. But it was impossible to tell just by standing a distance away. So, he started

walking towards it with caution, reluctance. In the bottom of his stomach, he felt fear

rising. But why?

As they neared the building, he could obviously see the lights were turned off inside.

Something wasn't right. He could feel it in his gut. But he continued to slowly walk towards

the front entrance. Stacked firewood surrounded the double doors in front, along with a few

signs that displayed advertisement. Everything seemed to be in place, other then the nerve-

wracking silence and darkness that seemed to consume the whole place. He glanced back towards

everyone, and wordlessly reached for the doors. He pulled it open, sucked in a breath, and

walked inside.

Coldness seemed to fill the whole building. Food was fully stocked, but the power was on

the edge of blinking off and not returning. He glanced back at the small, brave group that

followed him slowly. He walked down the isle, the shelves filled with bags of chips, small

bars of candy wrapped neatly. Everything seemed to be normal, except the lack of an

cashier. He heard something rattle in the back. He sucked in a breath, and volunteered to

check it out if no one else did.
Ren scoffed slightly at everyone's fear as they followed Jack inside the building. She glanced around at the dark isles that were filled with food and the like. As she heard the rattle in the back she looked forward to it as did the rest of the group. This time she scoffed a bit out loud.

"Tch, guys stop being pansies!" She said as she pushed her way forward and to the front of the group, where Jack was looking warily towards the noise.

"Don't be a bunch of idiots, we have numbers don't we? Gosh." She pushed Jacks shoulder forward and walked in front of him, approaching the back of the store, not knowing what to expect.

Due to Ren's history, she was no longer scared of small things like this. That's what she displays mainly on the outside, but on the inside there is always a lingering trace of uncertainty and insecurity... This is where her soft side originates from.
Simone stayed close on Jack's heels, her eyes looking where everyone else's didn't. She'd learned quite a bit from her brothers, couple that with her momma bear instinct and she had the potential to be a very skilled killer and protector. The sound that broke the silence caught her attention for just a fraction of a second before her ocean eyes continued their endless search for signs of life or danger. It was the fact that everything was in perfect order that was setting her on edge.

When Ren moved forward after her little 'speech', Simone rolled her eyes. She grasped the younger girl by the shoulder and pulled her back, clapping a hand over her mouth. "Shut up," she whispered. "This place is fully stocked, as if people haven't been here for days, there are no cars on the road, no one here and a sound coming from the back. You know what that could mean? You getting yourself killed trying to be brave. You're being stupid. Something isn't right here and we all know it. We should get out before anything happens." Her voice was still shushed and carrying a serious tone, she didn't mean to take the lead but it just happened. "Grab a little bit of food and big bottles of water then get out, okay?"
Gunner followed silently around the others, a pair of thick water bottles he picked up which still looking fresh, rolling his eyes lightly at the slight bickering or rough branches that was already sprouting between the other three. He thought off, not wanting to bother with such unpleasant people at this moment, he wasn't feeling so well in the head. The food on the shelves made him slightly hungry, but not hungry for the 'Bara's Baked Beans' can he was studying, but for some delectable curly-fries. Yes, that could have made his stomach growl. Gunner shook his head when he heard one of the girls start to chew out the one who was acting very high and mighty, but the foreign sound of unknown shuffling drew his mind somewhere else.

Zombie apocalypse? Gunner almost bumped into the pink haired girl who muttered the words in a breathless voice as he walked forward to see, his head hurting. She was playing with them, right? She did have that little prompt of calling the others pansies and even having the nerve to bump into the other guy. Gunner let out a huff of what could have been anger when he saw the moving corpses, stepping back and rubbing his head frantically.
Everything was happening so quickly. The girls were bickering, and other

people joined in with them. Ren had bumped into Jack, and the tensity was

rising. Everything was escalating out of control. And if things couldn't get worse,

they did. The rotting smell met everyone's noses, and made a few gag and stagger

in the back of the group. He just held his breath, and lifted up the collar of his shirt

up to his nose as he approached the back of the building with caution. Then he saw it.

Dead bodies. Well, that would explain the smell. But the unexpected happened - one stood

up. It actually

stood up

. How could it be alive? On the guy's arm, he could see a gash. It almost

looked like something had bitten him. But what? A dog? No, it was too large for a dog, he knew.

He couldn't get a good look at it as the large man stood up, growling at the teenagers. Saliva dribbled

out of the guy's mouth as he staggered towards them rather quickly, groaning and moaning. Jack stumbled

backwards, telling everyone to back up.

"The f*ck is wrong with him?"

he asked no one in particular.

Jack shoved the guy back, but he kept coming towards the group.
Ren yanked the girl by the arm, removing the hand from her mouth.

"Have some class why don't you gosh." She said. Then the smell came and she fanned the air around her nose.

She looked over to where the students were all backing up and then she looked forward at the walking corpse.

"Holy Hell...." She said to herself and to the group around her. She couldn't help but to have a smile grow on her face as she watched the thing that was obviously dead walk around.

Zombies? She thought to herself. This would explain why a decrepit corpse was walking around freely and towards the group of human children. A display of hunger no doubt. While everyone else was backing away, or already cowering in a corner, she had seen plenty of movies and anime shows that explain the situation of a Zombie Apocalypse. She looked around the store and saw the Garden Supplies section. Among that section was a large shovel.

Perfect However, she would have to make it around the Zombie to get there. Those things were pretty slow, besides, nobody else was really doing much about the situation. She pushed herself through the group and then was face to face with the zombie. She ducked as it took a swing at her and then she jogged past it, practically pressed against the isle wall. She made her way to the garden supplies and then pulled the shovel down, the zombie now slowly walking back towards her. She swung the shovel at the zombies head and knocked it to the ground. She hit it again as blood, or goop splattered out of its head and onto the floor and nearby wall. She had hit it a good 4 times before it stopped moving. She tossed the shovel down and breathed heavily a second....

That was... well...
Simone rolled her eyes at the girl and simply let her go, she wouldn't waste her breath on someone who didn't want to listen. Her attention was turned to the man who was stumbling for them instead. He reeked of death. While instinct told her to get the hell outta dodge, she knew that wouldn't be a good idea. The dead man seemed to have no more strength than a human but there was no restraint to it, like a conscious person would have. This meant that he wouldn't have pain receptors either, making him much more difficult to deal with.

Growling in frustration and a lack of things to use as a weapon, with him encroaching, she had to think fast. C'mon, there's gotta be something around here... The wood pile! However she couldn't just leave them, even for the short time, so when he got close enough, she delivered a strong kick to the chest. Watching him fly back, she ducked out and grabbed to large logs. "Eh! Jack! Heads up!" Tossing one to him, she took the one in still in her hands and landed a blow to the infected man's stomach.
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