★ - H O L D ! M E!


Perfectly Imperfect


:P r o f i l e s::

⇨ N a m e :Insert name

⇨ R o l e :insert role such as the bad boy ,emo ; or etc

⇨ A g e:Insert age

⇨ A p p e a r a n c e:(Anime only!)

⇨ B i o :Insert bio

⇨ L i k e s:

❤ Insert

❤ insert

❤ insert

❤ insert

⇨ D i s I i k e s:


✗ insert


✗ insert

⇨ Position: [uke, seke, or seme]

⇨ Other:(Theme song, scars, anything!)

⇨ Person behind the character:Insert name
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N a m e : Akland Varlet. [Also known as 'Akkie']

R o l e : The Athletic.

A g e : Fifteen. [if that's alright. (●´3`)~♪]

A p p e a r a n c e :


B i o : Akkie always had been interested in sports or just testing out his endurance. He loved doing anything that required work, to sweat or something to work for physically. He was often in multiple sports and very good at them. His mother and father were always seen to be very active people, often in different things and mastering them. His mother is a choreographer, ice skater and gymnast. His father is a boxer, foot ball player and ballerina. Naturally, Akkie had inherited their love for sports or moving their body. But, Akkie does love to sleep. A lot. He loves sweet things, sour things, or just eating tons of food in general. He loves junk-food and food that is normally bad for his health. He often looks mildly buff is because he balancing junk-food in one hand and exercising in the other. Akkie is often a lazy person, which brawls against his athletic natural constantly.

L i k e s:

FOOD. Especially junk-food. He doesn't have a favorite because he loves them all ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃

He really loves piggie back riding or just physical affection from his best friends. (。・ω・。) ~♥♥♥

Gettin' jiggy w/ it. Or just dancing. ☆!ヽ(^^ヽ)(ノ^^)ノヽ(^^ヽ)(ノ^^)ノ!☆

Sports!~ <333 Running and jumping and all that lovely jazz~ 。゚+.゚ヽ(●´ω`●)ノ。

D i s I i k e s:

Evil sprains! Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ!

Cold, hard and stiff beds... 。:゜(;´∩`;)゜:。

Being scolded. (T_T)川|

Being smelly or smelly objects. Σ( ̄ε ̄;|||・・・

P o s i t i o n : Uke.

C l a s s B l o c k : B.

O t h e r : [~He really detests milk by itself.~]

[~Always seen eating something, and if he's not eating something, he's sleeping in the most random of places.~]

[~He gets scared really easily. Does a good job of not showing it until later, though.~]

[~He can often embarrass his friends by doing the most random of things, (ex. dancing in general). It's just his crazy humor.~]

Person behind the character: q u e e n i e ! <'3

? N a m e : Jace Night

?R o l e: The Nice Guy

? A g e: 16

? A p p e a r a n c e:

? B i o : Jace's life has been rather strange ever since the beginning. Since he could remember he lived happily with his parents, they were all happy. His biological parents were polyamorous so Jace grew up around his parents many lovers, it was nice. They cared deeply about the young boy and loved him. But when Jace was about five years old, he was taken away. He remembers a lot of shouting and sirens, he was pulled out of his home and place into a police cruiser and taken away from the family he so much loved.

Jace spend six years in a foster home, at the time he was ten he found out why he was taken away from his loving home. Someone set his family up, the person found his loving family disgusting and got Jace taken away. Living at the foster home he realized how horrible it was living there, his caretakers were horrible and more than once Jace spent hungry. His foster siblings treated him horribly until he started defending himself, then his foster parents were the ones beating him. It was around that time Jace found out he couldn't feel pain, or at least not like how other people felt it.

Just before his twelfth birthday his mother found him, she had been looking for him for two years and was finally able to get custody of him. He finally was able to go back to his parents, finally able to be happy. But the time in foster care left him with a scar in his heart, he wasn't as happy as before and was always worried about being taken away from his parents even though now it was just the three of them.

Harassment at school didn't help, he still had to see his old foster siblings who made it their mission to make his life horrible. More than once Jace ended up having to go to the hospital from defending himself and unknowingly getting badly hurt, by the time he was fourteen his parents decided to move away. His father got a new job in Japan and there they went, Jace struggled to learn the new language but soon enough he was able to become fluent in it. He feels like a dead weight to his friends who have to be careful around him and keep an eye out that he's not bleeding, he hates that he troubles his friends.

? L i k e s:

? Music

? Anything sweet

? Reading

? Animals

? Origami

? Meeting new people

? Food!

? D i s I i k e s:

? Anything bitter

? Hornets

? Mean people

? The taste of pumpkin

? Being alone

? Blood

? Large dogs

? Position: Clueless and slightly flaming uke

? Other:

*Jace has Congenital indifference to pain (CIP). It means that he can perceive the stimulus, but lacks an appropriate response: he will not flinch or withdraw when exposed to pain. Which leaves him vulnerable to getting seriously hurt.

* Usually he has bandages from getting hurt around the house, school, or with his friends.

* Jace has an Anxiety disorder, panic attacks are uncommon for him, but they happen.

* In a fight, he's pretty much invincible but afterwards pays the price.

? Person behind the character: xXStolenStar
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? N a m e :

Lio Yuma

? R o l e :

The Otaku

? A g e:


? A p p e a r a n c e:


? B i o:

? L i k e s:


? Red Pandas

? Anime

? Cosplaying

? D i s l i k e s:


?Ugly things


? Anime haters

? Position:


? Other:

? Person behind the character:


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? N a m e :


? R o l e :

The Troublemaker

? A g e:


? A p p e a r a n c e:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/troublemaker.jpg.1461713d27ae5e8e34ba5ff36106ff83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/troublemaker.jpg.1461713d27ae5e8e34ba5ff36106ff83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

? B i o :

Aaron is, well, a troublemaker. He likes to prank teachers and students 24/7. Whenever he gets in trouble, he tends to smile innocently and pretend he didn't do it. Although, because of his reputation, people now know better. In the rare times when he doesn't do whatever he's being accused of, ("Aha! That's actually pretty good. I wish I had thought of that sooner,") people don't believe that it wasn't him.

Aaron comes from a normal family- he has a sister in college, and a brother who has the potential of living up to his legacy. At first, his parents tried everything to get him away from his pranking ways, but they eventually gave up, knowing it was pointless. Aaron is also very flirtatious and a ladies man.

? L i k e s:

? Pranking people

? People knowing it was him who did an awesome and ingenious prank (except the people he pranked..)

? Girls

? Pie

? D i s I i k e s:

?Being serious

? People finding out that he did a lame prank


? Pineapples

? Position:


? Person behind the character:




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? N a m e :

Quinn Maxine

? R o l e :

The Prince.

? A g e:


? A p p e a r a n c e:


? B i o :

When Quinn was born,he was the first prince that was for a very long time so,he was treated more in the...survival stage.

His mother and father were worried that he would whined up getting hurt or something so,they taught him how to shoot,hunt,

survive when he had nothing at all,and fight.He also learned some side things like cooking,cleaning,etc.When he grew a bit older,he

found his love for males but,was to afraid to tell anyone about it.He grew up hiding his sexuality from his parents and with help from

a friend,he tricked his parents into thinking that he had a steady straight relationship when him and his friend knew that it was only

to hide the truth.There was a day when he decided to sit down with his parents and tell them but,they said something that was...

rather not encouraging to what he was going to say and yes,he backed out and didn't.Still he lives his life without anyone in his

family knowing and the only ones he did come around to tell was his friends...."I'll keep you my dirty little secret...."

?L i k e s:

? Sports

? Night skies

? Beaches

? Singing

? D i s L i k e s:

?Bossy people

? Being pressured


? Fake people.

? Position:

The Prince.


Quinn likes to listen to soft music some times to calm himself down and if he isn't listening to it,

he's singing it.His favorite song is 21 Guns,Dirty Little Secret,The man who can't be moved,and Nothing.

~From..In order.~

(Green Day,All American Rejects, and the last two are by The Script.)

? Person behind the character:

Forgo =^-^=?

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? N a m e:

Kuranosuke Tachibana

? R o l e:

The Cross-Dresser

? A g e:


? A p p e a r a n c e:


? B i o :

Kuranosuke grew up with a loving mother who had little time on her hands and an older brother who was over protective of the family. Kuranosuke's mother, Mirai, was a beautiful woman who models for a living. His older brother, Kai, worried about their mother a lot; she always came home late and tired so it was a kids natural instinct to worry. Their mother just worked too much to take care of her beloved children. As Kuranosuke got older he got more chances to go watch his mother model on a set which is how he got interested in girl's clothing in the first place. Mirai even began dressing her son up as a girl herself since he let her and never complained; she knew he loved it and so did she, she always wanted a daughter.

Around the age of eleven, Kuranosuke's mother still remained busy with her work and his older brother still remained the boss of the house while she was away. Kuranosuke started to dress like a girl around this time as well. He tried to go to school dressed as a girl but his brother would always stop him before he could do it and make him change. Honestly, Kuranosuke hates boy clothes. There so plain and boring and leggings are much better than pants or so that's what he thinks.

At the age of fourteen Kuranosuke finally got the chance to go outside dressed in what he felt most comfortable in; as a girl. Sadly though he came back home with a black eye from a few guys at his school. His brother was of course furious that his brother actually went to school dressed like that and also because his little brother got hurt. Though did that stop him from dressing in girls clothing? Nope. He continued to do it and there was many fights though it's not like he ever needed saving; he was always outnumbered and lost most though he did get his fair share of punches in a fight.

Kuranosuke is currently following in his mother's footsteps and has started modeling like her as well though he is pretty much an amateur. He wishes that in the future he will be more well known as a model. He has no troubles at schools and while some boys may be uncomfortable talking to a boy that dresses like a girl, Kuranosuke has many female friends.

? L i k e s:

? Scary things

? Dresses

? Roller-coasters

? Talking

? D i s l i k e s:

? The color pink

? Having to do boring work

? Having to dress in boy clothes

? Sweets

? Position:


? Class block:


? Other:

~ He lives with his older brother, Kai, who is in college.

~ Acts different when he's dressed as a boy; sorta grumpy and moody.

~ Natural hair color is blonde; his mother likes to dye it pink..a lot.

~ Yes. He is wearing a wig though his hair color is still pink.

? Person behind the character:


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Yuuto Mizushima


The Popular



Appearance: (On the Right and Smiling~)



Unlike his brother, Yuuto is a social butterfly who has a natural talent with living beings. He is very popular among the ladies and says all the girls are to good for him so he wouldn't have to break their hearts whenever he gently rejected their confessions or love letters. He was also popular among the men in his school because he is friendly, he has never been known to raise his voice at anyone or dislike others. Yuuto has many good traits that help him through life but his pretty looks can only take him so far, he constantly struggles with the ability to motivate himself when it comes to school work and finds himself going to his Twin Brother for help. He somewhat admires his Brother's hard work and talent for playing the Piano, he has even found himself in the situation wishing he could be as talented as his Twin.

Yuuto isn't perfect though, he can only deal with making others happy and feel good about themselves but he isn't the best to stand up for others since he is afraid to. If someone is upset or mad, he can only help with cheering their day up a bit but when it comes to advice or guidance he is a lost cause. Yuuto also can't be alone, he absolutely hates being alone for to long so thats why he has many friends to keep him busy. He's constantly seen by his Twin Brother's side or with a group of friends, he likes everybody and hates getting into conflict so he ignores it but thats not always a good thing. Despite all the good qualities of being friendly with others, he is also selfish and needy. Most times he will take his needs first before others without realizing that he has done wrong, its just something he grew up with knowing since his Twin Brother and mother let him have anything he wanted when they were younger.

Yuuto grew up in a nice home with his brother and mother, their father left when they were very young so they have barely any memory of him. Yuuto as stated before had no other talents than people skills but his Identical Brother on the other hand was skilled with the Piano and a few other instruments their mother made him learn. So with his mother and brother practicing their love of the Piano, he was alone in the house listening to them play and bonding together. At this time both boy's were 10 year's old and Yuuto could admit he hated the fact that they got along much better than their mother did with him. Their Mother was a kind and gentle soul but she was never proud of Yuuto like she was proud of Yuuto's Identical brother, Yuuto was only good for smiling and making others laugh while his brother clearly had a bright future ahead of him. One day Yuuto got so fed up with his Twin Brother that he attempted to throw all his Instruments out the window and hoped they would all break but the Piano was too heavy for him and was caught before he could push it down the stairs.

Yuuto got over the fact that his mother had a special bond with his Twin Brother after entering middle school, he was more focused on his popularity seeing as how at school he was the favorite instead of his Twin Brother. In fact most people didn't even notice his Twin Brother and when they did they just called him 'Yuuto's Brother~'.


? Animals

? Guy's who wear Glasses

? His Twin Brother~! <3

? Sappy Confessions of Love


? Being Judged

? Someone not willing to compromise

? Being Alone

? Sports



Class Block:



Person Behind the Character:

Izaki Nakajima


Kenshin Mizushima


The Musician



Appearance: (On the Left and Not Smiling~)



Kenshin is mostly quiet but not because he is shy, it's either he's to busy listening to music to hold up a conversation or he's writing down notes for his Music. He speaks but mostly to correct his Twin Brother, he and Yuuto have a natural bond which all Twins should have though they have had their arguments in the past which resulted in him having to punch his brother for trying to push his Piano down the stairs. He is by far the most mature and can handle situations but he is more easily irritated than Yuuto. Kenshin usually walks away from the source of his irritation and completely ignores the problems he has, his brother doesn't think its healthy at all though. When he has let his irritation out it leads to him starting a fight with someone, he had been picked on in the past and so he doesn't tolerate it anymore.

Yuuto could stand up for no one since he was afraid of what others would think, in middle school Kenshin was picked on and his Twin Brother knew but did nothing. One of their many arguments had to do with that topic but like all good brother's they left it in the past, Kenshin doesn't have much problems with others and actually makes more friends than he use to thanks to his brother. Kenshin is the one you want to go to for advice, he can relate to most problems and if he cant's he will still listen. One of the many things he enjoys doing now is helping out others, he wished he had someone to help him out when he was in middle school and knows how rough it is to do it alone.

Kenshin's favorite Instrument by far is the Piano, he loves it more when he and his mother play together making a more vibrant sound. Though it may not look like it, he enjoys the company of others but only when they want to share what they love to do rather than just plainly be there to make noise. At a young age his mother allowed him to learn other Instruments and now currently can play the Piano, Violin, Flute, and is now in the process of learning how to play the guitar. He worked hard to be able to play all these Instruments, he does understand how things work like Notes and Cords better than others but even it takes him time to learn to play an Instrument.

Kenshin believes that he isn't his mother's favorite, they just both shared the love of one particular thing and knew how jealous his brother was when they were younger but didn't say anything to him. Kenshin knows Yuuto better than anyone else and has seen him get angry before when other's have never even seen him in a state like that, he thinks his brother is a bit frightening when he's angry but even worse he is careless with words and actions.


? Quiet places to listen to music or read

? Playing the Piano for his Mother

? Going on walks or errands around town

? The Snow


? People who are loud constantly

? Cramped areas

? Rabbits &


? Having to Babysit his Twin Brother



Class Block:



Person Behind the Character:

Izaki Nakajima

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⇨ [color=COLOR 1]N a m e :[/color][color=COLOR 2]Thomas Smith[/color]

⇨ [color=COLOR 1]R o l e :[/color][color=COLOR 2]The Artistic One[/color]

⇨ [color=COLOR 1]A g e:[/color][color=COLOR 2]16[/color]

⇨ [color= COLOR 1]A p p e a r a n c e:(Anime only!)[img=http://data2.whicdn.com/images/21322346/thumb.jpg] 

⇨ [color=COLOR 1]B i o :[/color][color=COLOR 2]Thomas was always an artistic guy. At the age of 5, he drew his first masterpiece. Being a different guy, he never had a chance to get that girl. He doesn't like to be in a crowd, he'd much rather be in his studio painting his latest canvas. He also loved listening to music and dancing. (but not as much as painting)[/color]

⇨ [color=COLOR 1]L i k e s:[/color]

❤ Painting (well duh!)

❤ Listening to music

❤ Going to the beach

❤ Making friends

⇨ [color=COLOR 2]D i s I i k e s:[/color]

✗Mean People/Bullies

✗ Carrots and Broccoli

✗Having no siblings

✗ Spiders and Cockroaches

⇨ [color=COLOR1]Position:[/color]?[color=COLOR2][uke, seke, or seme][/color]

? N a m e :

Scottie J


? R o l e :

The Nerd

? A g e:


? A p p e a r a n c e:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/56bd634b1777dd8a467be82918e357d3.jpg.04b6805733634dd31f8fc5b8854db80a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/56bd634b1777dd8a467be82918e357d3.jpg.04b6805733634dd31f8fc5b8854db80a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

? B i o :

Deep blue eyes aren't a sight for sore eyes.Especially if your cute.alone,and in the dark.


Scottie was born in Britain with a mother and a father;he was the only child.Growing up

his mother would always tell him "Be a good little boy Scott." before he went to school.Scottie didn't really pay attention.He was a straight A student and didn't have to worry about acting up or anything like that. One thing about Scottie is that he can't find a way to say "no" to someone.So yeah he did what any typical would do if they couldn't say no.If he had snacks and someone asked him to give them some,he would.If a student in his class didn't finish their homework he would pass over his own homework and let them copy it and sometimes

they would take it and write their name on the top then give Scottie their unfinished work but,he seemed to finish it all up in time. This went on for many years until Scottie went to high school where he actually started to get bullied.It didn't really phase him at all because he didn't care about what other people said about him.He went home everyday to a loving mother and a caring father who always loved to see him happy.When he spilled the news about his sexuality,they didn't look at him differently at all,they gave him more love,care,and support.But something strange in Scottie's life happened.. It was a normal day at school as always.It wasn't really rowdy as it was when it was a Friday so,that's why Scottie likes Monday's a lot.In Scottie's 7th period there was always this guy who would ask him if he did his homework so he could

copy it.He went by the name of Derek Sharps and he was a popular guy in his school,a jock if you will.Scottie got wise this time when he asked to see him homework"I'll write it for you."he responded to the guy.The guy saw no reason not to give it to him so,he did.Scottie finished the guys homework,returned it back to it's owner,and all of them turned it in.They got

their papers back in the middle of class and he didn't see how it was possible for Scottie to get an A and for him to get an F. Sooner or later the guy caught on to what Scottie had did"Smart thinking."Scottie said to him well,more like motioned to him.

Let's get to the good part shall we?

The whole school was invited to a party that was going to held on Saturday at one of the

big mansions one of the cool kids had.Even Scottie was invited,which was seriously a surprise because he had never been invited to a High School party yet.After begging and pleading to his mother and father to go,they finally let him so,Scottie went.He hung out with the little group of friends he did have until he broke off to go to the rest room.When he came out of the restroom there stood the same dude who he gave all the wrong answers to.Scottie tried to get past but,he was pulled back "Where you going cutie?Let's teach you a lesson about giving me what i want and not playing me like you did today." was what he heard before a few more big guys came in,locked the door,turned the lights out,and held down Scottie then raped him;gang style.Scottie hadn't screamed so much in his life before but,of course no one could have heard it over the loud music.When Scottie woke up he still heard the music blasting from the speakers and saw that he was only out an hour. He quickly got up and turned the light on;he was completely naked.He hurried over and put his clothes on then grabbed his phone and dialed 911 quickly and told them that he was raped at a party.Only a couple of minutes later the cops had arrived and shut down the party.Some people were arrested because of separate things and the people that raped him were arrested as well.News quickly spread around the school about how Scottie shut down the party and now the whole school is hating him for it.He didn't tell his mom or dad about it or

anyone else about it so,the school just thought Scottie called the cops because he didn't feel like the party was "legal" or something along the lines of that.Scottie is the only one in the school that knows the truth about why he did but,he wouldn't dare tell anyone about what happened.


Life only got worst from there.Yeah everyone still was mad at him because of the party and they where still bulling him but Scottie didn't really care until he came home with bruises because they pushed him against the lockers hard or they beat him up somewhere.Life at home was falling apart.Scottie's mother was becoming very ill and was dying slowly.Because of this his father was becoming depressed and started to bring in strange woman and stay out late which only made mother feel worst about herself.Scottie had to take care of his mother and make

sure she didn't try to kill herself or anything like that.One day he left his mom alone so he could bring home some groceries dad forgot to bring and when he came back he saw his mother hanging from the ceiling fan.He stared at it for awhile and watched the blood drip down from

her trying to stuff a knife down her throat while choking herself.He didn't know what to do but just cry and call the cops so they could take her away.From there he moved to a different home,a foster care,and was treated much like he was treated when he went to school. On his sixteenth birthday,Scottie was adopted to a different home,one he didn't really want.Everything was fine the first month Scottie was there but,then they started to abuse him and physically and emotionally harm the guy.If he had told the cops on them,his step father said that he will regret it,which was enough to send a message to Scottie's brain not to do it.Scottie cooks,cleans,and

basically does everything for them and if done wrong or not at all,he would be raped and abuse.


Today Scottie stands before you as a soldier.No he hasn't been in the military before or even wear the uniform but, he has been through so many ups and downs that a person shouldn't have gone through and still is fighting it every single day.Some people have a million sad stories they can tell but,Scottie won't tell you.Even if you beg and plead he still won't tell you.All he will say is "Be a good little boy/girl and try not to try so hard."and move on.

? L i k e s:

? Sweets

? Cute fluffy things.

? Puppies and Kittens

? Constructing Things./Inventing.

? D i s L i k e s:

?Food that's to hot.

? Biting his tongue hard.

?Bee's and Wasps

? Cheaters.

? Position:

The Nerd.

? Other:

If you're wondering,his eyes are deep blue like the ocean.

? Person behind the character:

Forgo ?



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N a m e :

Oliver 'Ollie' Eyvindr

( Part British | Part Norwegian | Part French | Part Swedish )

R o l e :

The Playful One

A g e:


B i o :

Ever since he was a baby, he came from a mixed family of many or another way of saying his mother was changing from men to men. He had many step brothers and step sisters but some he met and some unknown to him because his mother's relationships never lasted long enough, the longest must have been 5 months or was the last thing he remembered.

Because of his mother's affairs, he moved quite a lot causing him to not get to have a normal life until he came to this school so now he's hoping that his new step father will last this time or Oliver may have to move out. He already found the place he wants to stay in now all he has to do is get the money to live in there.

L i k e s:

❤ Singing

❤ Cute/ Fluffy Things

❤ Books mostly fantasy or adventure

❤Video games

D i s I i k e s:

✗ His mother's boyfriend

✗ Friends hurt or sad

✗ Being Alone for too long



( Seke/ Suke )

Well to be honest he's unsure about boys but he does seem to be a top more than a bottom~ /winkwink

( Unless his lover is a or wants to be the top he doesn't mind either way. )


He has a pet Shiba Inu named "Shibe" that he got from a trip to Japan.

Person behind the character: DeijiiChan or call me "Daisy/ Deijii"
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? N a m e : Akihiko Tsukino

? R o l e : The Weirdo

? A g e: 16

? A p p e a r a n c e:


? B i o :

Akihiko was born into a family of a Japanese father and a French mother. His father was a busy business man who was almost always gone on trips. He only came home on holidays, but sometimes he didn't even. Since his mother wanted to stay close together as possible, they have been moving to different houses at least once a year until Akihiko went to high school. His mother decided that it would be best for him if he stayed in one place for high school.

His mother is a very strict woman, wanting Akihiko to always have perfect grades, proper behavior, and manners. That had stressed him out a bit, he always had to worry if he was doing things correctly. It didn't help that he had no one to talk about his problems to, since his father was always gone, and his mother just plainly did not understand him. That's why he gained the habit of shutting himself out suddenly instead of telling anyone what's wrong.

So, he may just randomly have those days where he is super quiet and ignores everybody, though it is best not to try to talk to him because during the time he will have a short temper and major sarcastic-ness in his language. But, right after he is done with the process, he will act like nothing happened.

He is normally very hyper, and especially very random, in actions and words. Because of that he may sometimes be mistaken as the playful one, though he honestly isn't. He believes in magic, and talks to little 'pixies' around him. He believes in horoscopes, too. He is very open-minded and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind, even if it's the weirdest things. He may be considered emotionless, but he is just very honest. He is a nice person overall.

? L i k e s:

? Sweets

? Cooking/Baking

? Sleeping

? Time Alone

? Learning New Things

? Traveling/Exploring

? Anything involved with Magic

? D i s I i k e s:

?Emotional People

? Obsessive People

?Bitter Things

? Being in the Limelight

? Nuisances

? Position: Seke

? Other: Though he is half Japanese and French, he was oddly born in Canada. :P

? Person behind the character: Elfy
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Juda Keifer Hashmet


The Goth


18 years of age




Both of his parents are a very busy person that only his grandfather took care of him. His mom is a fashion designer in Italy while his father is a business man in New York. When he was still a child his grandfather always tell him all about legendary legends that he did believe it. It was long time back when his grandfather puts any kind of things like bones, skulls, ancient roll anything that he made in some different places of their house. He then would sometimes discover it and conveyed to his grandfather with his eyes glowing with excitement as the grandfather told each things history that he found. It was then he starts to love and adores all evil things. After a couple of years his grandfather passed away and he forgot to tell that it was all made up stories to Juda.

And until now, he still believes it.


? Scary things especially skull heads

? Gloomy Aura/Dark Places

? Horror movies/games

? Color Black/ any Dark Colors

? Piercings

? Bloody Mary Cocktail (he likes it because of the Name)

? Being Called Juda than Keifer


? Very bright colors

? People who want to change him/Don't accept him

? Stuck up people

? Talking behind his back (He has Feelings too :[ )




Juda likes to listen to Goth Rock Music, especially Japanese Gothic Band.

Person behind the character: EternalDreamer

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⇨ N a m e :

Park, Ji-hoon (Jean)

⇨ R o l e :

The Dramatic

⇨ A g e:


⇨ A p p e a r a n c e:


⇨ B i o :

Jean was born to a second generation South Korean couple now living in America. His was a military brat; constantly moving around from state to state to accommodate his father’s occupation. Because of this, Jean had become and affable person with the ability to adapt easily to new situations. Currently he is going through a rebellious streak, dying his naturally black hair dark red, and openly condemning anything that has to do with war or violence. A self-proclaimed “pacifist”, Jean is all about peace and love, but, he still loves gossip and meddling in others’ romantic affairs. Drama is fun—as long as he’s the one controlling it.

⇨ L i k e s:

❤Theater/black and white movies

❤Listening to music (Can’t play OR sing)


❤Being loud

⇨ D i s l i k e s:


✗Being forced into things

✗People who are “too quiet”


⇨ Position:


⇨ Other:

· Gets easily frustrated when things don’t go his way.

· Is very open and does not get embarrassed easily

· A huge flirt.

· Slightly self-absorbed with a cocky disposition (can be a bit hypocritical).

⇨ Person behind the character:


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