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  1. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy was waiting patiently for Mandi, Chase and Michael to return to the library "They've been gone for some time, should go check on them?"
  2. Turwethiel

    Mages & Priests

    Name: Goreth Esgalwath Gender: Female Age: 23 Priest or Mage: Mage of the Dark Arts Personality: Goreth is very mysterious and speaks in a constant monotone. It seems that nothing can surprise her, as she manages to always keep calm in urgent situations. She demonstrates her...
  3. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy sharply turns her head upon hearing Aaron mispronouncing her name. "It's Saffy." she states, clearly annoyed "And, no, nothing of interest. It seems safe to enter, though we'll need a flashlight."
  4. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy gives a quick smile in Mandi's direction "I'm Saffy." Her face then quickly goes back to a monotone expression and she continues to investigate the trapdoor.
  5. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy casually walks over to the now opened trapdoor and looks inside of it with a bored expression.
  6. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy was violently pulled up from her comfortable position by Sanaa "You're starting to grow a habit of grabbing me."
  7. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy had been sitting on the side, listening in on Sanaa's and Chase's conversation. "The attic does seem like a good idea, but what about supplies for survival?"
  8. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    "Ermm..." Saffy had no idea what was the appropriate reaction to a statement like that, "Well, I don't know his name since I didn't really ask for it. He had a green jacket on if that helps."
  9. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy let out a small chuckle at Sanaa's comment "Yeah. I met another guy and he said all the windows and doors are locked."
  10. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy just about managed to keep her balance "Yeah, I am." She was surprised somebody actually recalled her name, as she's usually a wallflower. Saffy looked the girl up and down - she was someone familiar, but Saffy still couldn't place who she was "And, sorry, what's your name?"
  11. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy rose up from the bench she had spent the night on. She took in her surroundings, making sure she wasn't dreaming, that she really was trapped inside the school. With nothing much to do, she decided to have a stroll around the school.
  12. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    "Oh..." Saffy commented "So what are you planning to do all night inside the school?"
  13. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing Hubert's response "Are you telling me the janitors would just turn a blind eye and lock us in?!" Saffy pinched the bridge of her nose, realising she was starting to sound infuriated "Sorry. I'm just agitated."
  14. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy held a stern expression "What do you mean 'locked'?" She was still too sleepy to care about masking her impatience.
  15. Turwethiel

    SCHOOL LOCK-IN [Inactive]

    Saffy rubbed her eyes yawning. She was barely getting any sleep recently and was passing out whenever she got the chance. Saffy threw her school bad over her shoulder, stood up from the bench she was sleeping on and walked into the hallway. 'Why is everything so... quiet? And why is it dark...
  16. Turwethiel

    School Lock-In

    Name: Saffy Ashworth Age: 15 Personality: Saffy is quiet but in no way shy. She doesn't like small talk and prefers to be straightforward and punctual, and enjoys deep conversations. When in deep thought Saffy tends to have scowl on her face even when she is in a good mood. She does crack...
  17. Turwethiel

    Magic: The Gathering - Chronicles of Ravnica

    Name: Glinil Gorogeth Race: Human Age: 26 Guild allegiance: The Cult of Rakdos (previously Orzhov Syndicate) Personality: You could argue that Glinil is just someone who lives in their own imaginary world, uttering things that do not make any sense. Don't let that seemingly...
  18. Turwethiel

    Magic: The Gathering - Chronicles of Ravnica

    I'm at school right now but I'll post my character sheet as soon as I can. :)
  19. Turwethiel

    The Beauty and The Fae

    Name: Eamane Laegnes Age: 104 Fae type: Earth (forest) Appearance: Size: 5'7, human size Skills: Eamane can blend into the forest. She can "speak" to nature and shares a deeper bond with it than most Fae. She can lead people deep into the forest and confuse them...
  20. Turwethiel

    Let's make it a good one

    Name: Lacey Mayer Age: 17 Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Personality: Lacey wears a cold, emotionless expression and seems to be lost in thought most of the time. She rarely speaks, but instead is a great listener. When Lacey does speak, her sentences are short and to the point...