Chase sits up against a bookshelf... Reading a book. Ironically. He wanted to get his mind off of all the chaos that was going on. He kept running the scenario they were in over and over again in his head.

The facts were thus: there were a handful of kids locked in a school. Two teens were now dead, which means either there's a homicidal psychopath on the loose, or one of the students had done this. Either way, someone had to be behind this lock-in. There's no way all the doors would be locked and there's no way the janitor had missed ALL of them. Unless...

Chase shook his head. All he wanted to do was survive. So that's what he was planning to do.
"Hey," I said. "Let's hunt around for other students." I pull her down into the library. "Anyone in- oh! You're CHase, right?" I asked, looking up.
Aaron looks over at the two talking to Chase then looked back at his phone. "Oh Chase is going to have a hard time talking to them" he thought to himself.
"Sanaa. Hm. Don't think I've laid you yet. Meh, i'm not in the mood," I shrug. I haul myself up next to him. "So, what're you doing up here?'
Aaron gets up and looks around the library for something to do. "no wonder I never came in here before ours boring" he thought to himself. He would eventually stroll back to the bookcase he was sitting against.
Chase was rather shocked at her straight forward mannerism, but couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah that's usually how most of my relationships with girls go."

As blunt as Sanaa was, he was almost somewhat comfortably talking with her. Probably because he knew exactly what she was thinking at all times. Because she told him.

"Trying to get my mind off all this weirdness." Chase brushed the hair out of his eyes. "And I'm doing that by reading."
"Oooh!" I squealed, leaning over him. "Is this what i think it is? OMG it's the Secret Garden!" I clutched it to my chest. "I am going to library-lift this! I am also going to shove it the face of the next guy I lay."
"Okay, not literally. I'd just read it to him in a sexy voice." I say casually. "As for the library-lifting, well, why not? So, are you up to date with what's going on? 'Cause one moment I'm 69'ing- oh what's his name- Daves? Davie? Whatever. The next moment, I'm locked in the school."
Chase turned red and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well that-... Uh... Sounds nice. Why the Secret Garden though? That book sucks."

He began stroking the spine of his book for comfort again.

"Sorta. I'm still trying to work it out. All we know so far is that two teens are dead and there's a psychopath running around a completely locked school filled with a handful of kids."
"Okay- 1) It's a childhood thing. 2) WHy the fu(k are two people dead?" I tilted my head. "Also, on a completely unrelated note, I think this is the place where I laid you're friend Gary. Don't tell him, but he was not that great. He finished way early," I snorted.
"Still doesn't change that fact that that book is freaking weird. No clue. It's either some homicidal murderer or a messed up kid who's running around. There is a third option... But it's a long shot."

Chase's brow furrowed. "I don't have any friends named Gary. At least none that could score a girl that is."
"Okay, 1- I am totally into wanting to know the crazy third option. Two- should \n't we make set of a sanctuary ? Like, secure this bookshelf so we have at least one safe place? 3- It might be the other guy's friend. Ugh, I've lost track. Surprisingly enough, though, I'm still a virgin."
Chase ran his hand through his hair.

"OK... Don't tell the others... But I think... It might be the janitor. I mean, it just fits! The janitor is the last person to leave the school, there's no way he accidentally missed 10+ kids, and he's a jerk. But yeah."

He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"That's really not half a bad idea. How do you suppose we do it?"

Chase snickered at her last remark. "Ooh, shocker!"
"Okay, give the janitor some credit. He's like, half blind and deaf. As for the bookshelf, um…" I look up. "We could take shelter in the attic. I mean, it's pretty spacey. Do not ask me how I know…" I shifted. "Okay, screw me. I can't keep a mouth shut. The janitor's grandson is how I found out. He's 17, and actually wasn't all that bad."
Saffy had been sitting on the side, listening in on Sanaa's and Chase's conversation. "The attic does seem like a good idea, but what about supplies for survival?"
I lean down and grab Saffy's hand, pulling her up with me. "Well, it's the attic. They have so many stored crackers and stuff. And water bottles. So I think we'll survive."
Aaron searches through his bag and finds some snacks and chocolate. He eats some and then saves the rest for later.

He then looks up to see who it is taking, to his amazement it was still Chase and the two girls. It was the most he had heard Chasse talk and it surprised him.
Saffy was violently pulled up from her comfortable position by Sanaa "You're starting to grow a habit of grabbing me."
"I grab everyone! Wait, that sounded wrong," I grinned. "And we're totally friends now, so get used to it real fast.
Chase shrugged helplessly at Saffy.

"I agree. The attic seems fairly safe. Although I don't think there's enough rations to last us a whole week... We should probably make a kitchen raid at some point."
Mandi wakes up from her nap to see Saffy and Sanaa. i walk over to Chase and Aaron, Groggliy "Who are they?"
"Yeah, well, I don't think we should do that now. Now, do any of you guys know how to get to the attic, or do I have to show you?"

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