Mandi comes and sits next to Aaron, "When did they get here?" She looks at the girls oogling over Chase, She rolls her eyes
"screw the attic I'm staying here" Aaron shouts across to the other side of the library.

"I don't know they been there for a while. But only one of them has been talking to Chase." He responds to her.
Chase glanced over to Mandi and grimaced. Mandi was one of the few girls here he truly respected and he was setting a bad image for himself.

"I uh... I have no clue honestly. Wait... Does it have anything to do with that latch over there?"
Mandi looks at Chase 'Was i wrong? Does he not like me? I Shouldn't care but why am I jealous?' She walks over to where Chase was pointing, "What latch?"
"I dont mean to state the obvious or anything but Aaron, the cell towers range wont be far enough to reach us, no matter what provider" then she walks away from the latch, "I'm a nerd, I know"
"Err... Yeah we should give that latch a try." Chase hopped down from the library shelf and walked toward Mandi and the latch. He scampered up another bookshelf and unbolted the trap door, which swung down and nearly knocked Chase off the bookshelf.
Mandi reaches her hand down to help Chase up, she tries to stop herself from laughing. With a huge smile on her face Mandi asks Chase, "Are you ok?"
Chase takes her hand and brushes the hair out of his eyes. He was blushing.

"Uhm... Hahaha yeah I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting that to fall so fast!"
Saffy gives a quick smile in Mandi's direction "I'm Saffy." Her face then quickly goes back to a monotone expression and she continues to investigate the trapdoor.
"Staffy if you see anything that would be fun tell me this library is too boring." He says watching them, "I'm Aaron by the way."
Saffy sharply turns her head upon hearing Aaron mispronouncing her name. "It's Saffy." she states, clearly annoyed "And, no, nothing of interest. It seems safe to enter, though we'll need a flashlight."
Chase becomes more flustered as Mandi pulls her hand away.

"Oh! Um... Sorry. We should check the attic. We need to see if it'll work as a home base."
Still blushing, her cheeks are red

"Um.. Sure. I'm up for anything."

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"Just four months, bro. I'll be back here to give you hell before you know it."

Michael grinned at his big brother, who returned the expression. "Lead the way, Ranger."


Michael awoke with a start, a flare of pain chasing away the dream... the memory. His head, lip, and gut were all throbbing. He groaned to himself, his eyes lazily rolling open. He tried to move, but he was stuck. His surroundings were dark, with a narrow slit in his makeshift cage allowing fluorescent lighting to leak through. He had been stuffed inside an athletic locker at the school. It stank of sweat.

His memory came flooding back to him.

His wrestling coach had held the wrestling team over late, telling them they'd have to "earn" their Spring Break with several laps around the football field followed by an intense set of conditioning exercises. After they were all thoroughly beat, he announced the team captain: Michael. Mike was taken aback to say the least. As it turned out, his fellow wrestlers weren't pleased. They confronted him in the locker room, and, despite his protests that he didn't even want the position, fists started flying. Jonathan, the ringleader who'd had his eyes set on the captain slot, had made sure to bring plenty of friends.

Michael was no stranger to fighting, and he'd been practicing martial arts since he was a child. Jonathan and one of his buddies ended up with nasty shiners to show for it. But, in the end, Mike ended up on the wrong end of the brawl. The group had beaten him and stuffed him inside the locker before going on to enjoy their Spring Break.

Michael found the locker's handle, clumsily turning it before shoving it with his body. He tumbled out, his legs barely catching him. Looking over, he cursed under his breath. His ruck had been emptied onto the tile floor. He gathered a change of clothes before making his way to the showers. Examining himself in the mirror, he took stock of the damage. A minor black eye, a busted lip. All his teeth were intact. No broken nose. It could have been worse.

He stripped off the spandex wrestling uniform before taking a quick shower, rinsing off the sweat and dried blood. The cool water stung as it touched his lip, but he ignored the sensation. After he finished up, Michael changed into his jacket, T-shirt, and jeans. As he went to put the watch on, he noticed the time. School had been dismissed hours ago. Even wrestling practice was long over. He'd been out for longer than he expected. And that wasn't just due to the beating, he knew, his hand brushing absentmindedly against the baggie full of tablets in his jacket pocket. The same type of pill he'd popped right before Jonathan and his posse confronted him.

Mike shook the thoughts away, gathering up his belongings and making his way out of the locker room. He stopped in the wide, open hallways, listening for any sound. Nothing. He frowned before jogging to the nearest exit, attempting to pull the door open. It didn't budge. This door was never locked. With increasing desperation, he headed toward the front doors of the school and tried them. Same result. The administration office was empty. So was the teacher's lounge.

Michael walked briskly through the halls, his boots pounding loudly against the tile floor. He was passing the library when he heard it. Voices. He froze, listening. Had he just imagin--

No, there were definitely people talking in there. With little hesitation, he yanked the door open and self-consciously made his way inside, hefting the rucksack a little higher on his shoulder.
Mandi is talking to Saffy and Chase around the corner in the library. Mandi whispers "Guys, did you just hear that? The door, someone opened it."

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