Maniacal laughter filled the sewer. A dark figure emerged from the shadows back by the stairwell. The man raised his arm slowly.

*BANG* The sound of a gun filled the damp air.

Chase screamed in pain and stumbled to the ground, clutching his leg. Blood began soaking through his jeans.

Through blearly eyes, Chase looked back... and the figure was gone.
"Chase!" I watch you fall into the water i kneel down in it, us both getting soaked. I see you holding your leg and crying out in pain.

She pulls his head into my lap and taps his cheek. In a hoarse voice "Chase! stay with me. Don't fall asleep" SHe starts to cry "Please, stay up!" 
(sorry about the first person, i forgot)
(Sokay ^.^)

A few stray tears ran down his cheeks, past his clenched jaw and closed eyes. His leg was throbbing and his vision was darkened as if he were about to pass out.

He could still hear the soft, sobbing voice of Mandi breaking through his haziness. His resolve hardened. He didnt care how much it hurt; he was getting her out of here.
Michael stared in disbelief at Aaron before a distant clatter -- loud -- shook him from the trance.

He walked purposefully to the libarian's office, looking to the left side of the room. A paper cutter sat atop the large white table. Perfect.

He pulled the contraption from the table, placing one foot against it while using the other to kick the hinge attaching the handle and blade to the tray. It was a good thing he was wearing boots, since it took several solid strikes before the handle came free. Michael tested the balance of his makeshift machete. It would do. With that, he made his way out of the library and toward's the nurse's office, weapon in hand.
Mandi looks around and fells like she is being watched, She grabs onto Chases arms and attempts to pull him to safety but only makes it a few inches she screams out in frustration 
She see something moving in the corner of the room, but can't tell if it's the figure. She tries to push him but it is no use
Chase's vision grew darker and the noises around him fainter. He was losing consciousness. Which was probably a good thing because the pain was all-consuming.
Mandi see's Chase loosing conciousnees and whispers "sorry"

She then slaps him harsly accross the face 
she reaches into her pocket and take out splinter tweezers and figures this is all the have. she rips open the thigh of his pants and slowly has the tweezers alligned with the wound
Chase was jolted slightly but Mandi's slap did little to better his condition. Blood continued to ooze out of his leg.

'Help...' He thought. 'If only Michael or someone could hear Mandi's scream...'
Chase's leg explodes in so much pain that it awakened him from his pain-filled stupor. He let out a blood-curdling scream as the tweezers probed around his insides. His leg thrashed violently and his hands were gripped firmly around an adjacent pipe.
Mandi clenches her teeth and squeeezes her eyes shut for a second "FOCUS!" she screams to herself and then she finds the bullet and halfway takes it out she hears splashes in the water not too far from them 
I Scream out for help "Michael, Aaron, anyone! Please!"
Michael was standing near the nurse's office when he heard a distant scream. Definitely female. Mandi? It didn't matter either way. Someone needed his help. He entered the nurse's office, brandishing the blade in front of him. The grip was slippery in his sweaty palms. Looking across the office, he saw a door in the back corner, slightly ajar. He approached it, opening it carefully. A stairwell led down into darkness. His adrenaline pumping, Mike made his way down into the tunnels beyond. What was this? Maintenance access? A sewerage line?

He followed the wall, taking measured steps, his boots pounding against the concrete. "...Please!" Michael heard Mandi's voice clearly this time, and it was definitely coming from down the tunnel. He picked up his pace to a jog.
Partially sobbing "Over here, please! We was a man....... and the figure.. Chase was shot. PLease I cant lift him alone!"
Chase finally fell unconscious. His sight blackened completely and all of his muscles slacked. The last thing he muttered was, "Mandi..." Before he slunk off into darkness. (GTG bed! Feel free to drag my body anywhere xD GNIGHT!)
With michaels help we cary him up the stairs and into the library, i empty my pockets of supplies as we lay Chase on the bed (SOrry i have to go too, i will be back tomorrow around 3ish:)
Michael kept pressure on Chase's wound as he lifted him up, using his left hand to support him while his right hand clutched the paper cutter. He and Mandi made their way back to the library, setting him down on the couch gently.

He took a glance at Chase's bleeding leg. There was no doubting that it was a bullet wound. Mike had never seen one in person, but he knew what he was looking at all the same. His heart was beating rapidly. He knew there was a chance that Chase could die here, now. There was a chance the bullet had nicked the femoral artery, especially if it was a hollow-point.

He had to do what he could. Michael wasn't a doctor, but he was certified in first aid. His brother had shown him a thing or two about treating combat casualties. With a deep breath, he announced, "I'm gonna need some help."
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Saffy was waiting patiently for Mandi, Chase and Michael to return to the library "They've been gone for some time, should go check on them?"
Hubert looked up from his game. Why he'd been playing it in the first place was beyond him, but his memory must be going crazy. "Sure." He tucked his DS away again as he stood. Hubert walked over to Michael and his eyes widened for a moment. But just a moment. Then they were back to normal, and he eyed the leg calmly. "It looks bad. Although, that's just me stating the obvious."

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Mandi is frantic "I already t-t-took out the bullet. But the -b-bleeding hasn't stopped. Please help. I don't

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know what to do. NOBODY LEAVES THE LIBRARY". Mandi breaks down in tears but she helps lift Chase to the couch. She runs and grabs a pillow and puts it underneath Chase's head. She sits on the floor next to the couch with her back leaning on the bed. She is holding Chases hand.

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"Guys, I found some food and- holy f(ck, what the hell happened here?!" I exclaim in shock. I hurry,to chase's body, kneeling down over him. "Towel, a shirt, anyone have either? We need to stench the bleeding," I order. 
"Also, someone has to barricade the doors," I add on second thought.
Chase's dreams were fitful. He dreamed about strange men, fire, and dying slowly in painful ways. He moaned and shifted his weight.
"Chase. Chase, you okay? Dint die on me," I mutter as I pull of my scarf and press it against his wound.
Hubert nodded and closed the library doors, dragging two chairs over, and using a long piece of wood to create a rather effective barricade. It would be very hard to poen from the outside. He came back over, a bit hesitant.

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