I looked up at Hubert through my lashes. "Thanks," I say, brushing to the side a lock of hair before turning my attention back to Chase.
Michael nodded as Hubert barricaded the doors. That would buy them some time if the gunman -- whoever it was that had shot Chase, anyway -- came to finish the job.

Mike took a deep breath before diving in. He grabbed Chase's hand in his own, feeling the pulse in his wrist. "Chase. Hey, talk to me. Can you hear me?"

Chase's pulse was slow. That wasn't good. His hand was cold, clammy. Michael turned the appendage over and squeezed the tip of Chase's index finger. The skin turned white as blood rushed away... and was slow coming back. That wasn't good. If he wasn't in shock, he was close to it.

Michael cursed under his breath, shrugging off his jacket and placing it over Chase's torso. "We need to keep him warm to keep him from going into shock. The bullet's out, we just have to control this bleed."

Michael pressed his palm down on the wound as hard as he could. Feeling the warm blood seep through his fingers was unnerving. This was how his brother had died, across the world in Kandahar. He had bled to death.

Mike shook his head, chasing the thoughts away. "We have to keep pressure on the wound. It'll be easier with a cloth. Something clean." He looked around expectantly at the others.
Mandi stands up and wipes her eyes. She looks down at her soaked clothing and blood covered hands. She croaks "what can I do to help" she shows Michael and Hubert some medical supplies "I ably have gauze banadages and Some antibacterial cream. I lost the tweezers when I got the bullet out" she wipes her face. Smearing blood over her cheek. She never let's go of Chases hand and gives him a light squeeze of reesurance

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"We don't have much cloth. My wet shirt might work" She takes it off and is in just a bra and shorts she place it on the wound and presses down. She murmurs to herself "Comeon Chase. Please"

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Hubert shrugged, unexperienced in the binding of wounds. "Did you already clean the wound?" He looked at the antibacterial cream. It seemed logical.
"It needs to stop bleeding first. We need more cloth. This ones almost soaked" she stands there pushing her shirt into Chases leg. Blood accidentally gets on her side but she does not care. She remains oblivious about the fact that she is only in a bra

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Hubert nodded and thought for a moment, still unwilling to even loosen his own clothing. He raced off, deeper into the library. He came back in a few minutes holding several large pieces of linen. It looked like just scraps of fabric, probably from a bin full of it. They were used in arts and crafts. "Here." Hubert pressed them up against the bleeding wound.
"Thanks." She refuses to cry 'stay strong. Do not cry' she grabs the scraps from Hubert and presses them onto the cut

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"For the moment, it's more important to stop the bleeding," I say, leaving Mandi to the job. "Hey mike! Help me real fast, will ya? Mandi, keep pressure, and don't stop until I come back."
Michael turned to face the girl. He'd seen her around school but couldn't remember her name. Regardless, she clearly had something in mind. He nodded and stood up. "Just keep pressure on that wound. Here," he grabbed his rucksack, discarded on the ground a few feet away and emptied the contents onto the ground. A few spare clothing items fell out. "Use those if that soaks through. I'll be back in a second."

With that, Mike moved toward Sanaa.
Finally mandi stoped crying "I need something to elevate his leg. The bleeding is starting to go down. The bullet when all the way in. I'm not sure if when I got it out I damaged his arteries. Someone check the pile of supplies over there and get a thermometer"

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Hubert sighed and frowned in thought as he backed away. This whole incident was a heavy blow to the morale, even he was starting to show it. Of course, Hubert's normal techniques wouldn't work for the others in the group. He wandered off into the library, still thinking. Music perhaps? In that instant, a memory overcame him.

His sister was in her room, headset over her ears. She was dancing to some music that Hubert couldn't hear, and He wandered in, curious. She looked down at him, seeing the look on his face, laughed. She pulled off her headset and set over Hubert's ears. Immediately, a song filled his ears. His heart lifted, it was beautiful music. His sister grinned at his expression before taking the headset off again. "That's one of my favourites. Never Lose Hope."

Hubert stopped. He'd wandered back to the front of the library, where everybody else was. Quickly, he pulled out his phone, going into youtube. Typing in the name, he pulled up the song. 'Never Lost Hpe by Uffington Horse'. He pushed the volume all the way up so that everyone could hear before pressing play.
"I think we should grab some food from the attic. Especially some water for chase. He needs to stay hydrated. Also, 0n a completely unrelated note, I do not think I have ever laid you." I tell him, pulling my hair into a high bun.
"I'm not leaving him. You guys go. I'll stay" I notice music playing and close my eyes for a second and take in. I then take a deep breath and open my eyes.

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"Yeah, we should definitely go--"

Michael froze, mouth hanging open at the end of her statement. After a moment shook the comment away. "Uh, yeah, lead the way." He paused, flustered. "To the attic, I mean."
"Go, I'll be fine. He's bleeding has gone down, I'll just stay to change and clean his bandages" Mandi sits down on the floor next to the couch
"Sure. Up this bookshelf," I say distractedly as I clambered upwards. "Ok, here we go-god how did me and Philip make it up here without getting caught? And half, naked too? Wow. Okidoki, got it!" The trapdoor swung oped with a clang, nearly hitting me in the face. "That wasn't dangerous or anything..."
Michael watched anxiously as she ascended the ladder, shaking his head at her monologue. He smirked despite himself. As the trapdoor swung wide open, precariously close to her face, Mike reached placed a hand on Sanaa's leg to steady her. "You good?"
Their little faces come into my mind, their blonde curls and big blue eyes. I imagine them home, alone, starving, crying for help. He shows up, "Where is she" They cower from him. Once he realizes I'm gone he would turn to Christina, "You will do" He drags her to the car, as cries and screams.....

Mandi wakes up screaming, she takes deep breaths and looks over at Chase, she gets up and adds another bandage to Chase's wound.
"I'm good," I say, crawling in. I lean out and raise an eyebrow at Mike. "Coming?" I asked in a playful manner, edging on coy.
Michael nodded and clambered up the ladder, self-consciously climbing into the attic. "Alright. Where's the stuff?"
"Here," I say, getting to my feet and walked over to a pole of boxes, shoving some out the way. I made a loud gagging noise. "Is this my old bra?" I say, picking up a Victoria Secret lace top. "I think it is. Damn, I was looking for this! Oh, look, here they are!' I tip a particularly large box over, and immediately water bottles and Doritos bag spilled across the floor. "Whoops."

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