I gently cover Chase with the blanket. "There's not much more we can to, is there." I state. "You were in the military, weren't you? I've only slept with one army guy, and he was strong. Not particularly in the good way, though."
Michael shakes his head. "No. At least, not yet. Runs in the family, though. I don't think I caught your name?"
While sleeping Mandi starts to say something. At first it is only a mumble but it grows louder and louder til it is slightly audible "Should've been me. It should've been me...."
Chase stirred slightly. He gripped Mandi's hand, but then it went slack again. The pain was unbelievable and it kept him in this barely conscious state of agony.
"Sanaa. Sanaa Chisely. I know you, already." I say cheekily. "Single Pringle? Taken Bacon?" 
"Oh. He moved. That's improvement, right?"
Michael glanced with concern at Chase and Mandi. "Yeah, I think so," he muttered before returning his attention to Sanaa.

"You said you knew me?" he asked, ignoring her first question.
Mandi sits up and notices the new sweatshirt, she zips it up and looks over at Chase and her hand, "I knew both of you, I took english with Michael and science with Sanaa, you both probably don't remember me, i'm good at blending in." 
"Michael, I never told you this but I'm so sorry about your brother, I was at a commemoration service on memorial day and you were there, they mentioned your brothers service."
"I know you. You're the pretty one with slut appeal. You're too innocent for that- but that's not a bad thing! Mine was the one I wanted to et my hands on, but couldn't. You're never at any parties!" 
"And wait- who's bro died?"
"You don't need to be invited- just crash it," I inform her. "It's not hard or anything. I could bring you, one day. How 'bout we make you're first seduction project Chase?"
Aaron scared to go to sleep lays back against the bookshelf and plays on his phone like he always does when something bothers him. His stomach growled then he remembered the bag of chips he had laying near him and slowly eats them.
"However you like him, serious or not, it'll be fun! We're getting tracked by murderers with guns, we need some novelty." I grip her hands. "Come on. I mean, we'll wait until Chase is conscious and alive, of course."
She hesitates and looks at Chase

She turns back to Sanaa,"No," she shakes her head faster "I don't want to" She finally breaks free of Chase's hand
"Why?" I ask curiously. I lived like that, and I've never met a girl who didn't enjoy it.
She blushes and looks down, "It's stupid...." 
"I just want my first time, or even just my first kiss to be special, i don't want to just get it over with just to of said ive done it. And he doesn't even like me like that anyways, he's never even noticed me once before this."
Michael was silent for a time after Mandi spoke to him. "Thanks, Mandi," he finally spoke up. "That means a lot."

He eyed the two for a moment, watching the exchange with interest. He had bigger things on his mind than teenage romance.
embarased Mandi turns away but then turns back and walks up to Michael and whispers in his ear "I truly am sorry about your brother"

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