"I'm not saying to make it mean nothing, silly. I'm just going to teach you how make him notice you. Batting you're lashes doesn't do all that much." I turn to Mike. "What're you looking at? Or thinking of?" I asked.
Michael nods his silent thanks to Mandi before glancing at Sanaa. He crossed his arms, locking eyes with her. "Ways to get out of this alive."

He paused. "Or was that not the answer you were expecting?"
"Not exactly what I was thinking, but a very good thought never the less. Who in Jupiter is fuㄷked up enough to shoot a kid? Should we stay in the library?" 

PRSCB said:
"Not exactly what I was thinking, but a very good thought never the less. Who in Jupiter is fuㄷked up enough to shoot a kid? Should we stay in the library?"
"What?" I ask Mandi.
"It;s gonna be hard but theres a sky light in the front lobby of the room, Its made of normal glass cause i helped the woodshop install it. If possible we could break it and use a ladder to climb to the roof, the only thing is the masked man, someone would need to distract him...

and since this is my plan i will do it"
Aaron half asleep now is trying to stay awake but the sounds of the three talking grows more faint by the minute.
Michael considers Mandi's words silently before speaking up. "Even if you make it to the roof, you'd be trapped. Unless there's somebody who can help within sight of the school, it'd be a waste. I'd rather you didn't risk it, Mandi," he remarks sincerely.
she walks over and see's Aaron half asleep she coaxes him up "aaron, wake up," 
"So what if everyone went, to the roof, and you could grab attention from the road. I could distract the man while you climb" 
"Isn't there ropes in the gym?"
Aaron jumps at the sound of her voice and catches part of her plan. "wait how are we going to get on the roof?..."
"That might work... but it's risky. Does anyone have any family who might be suspicious by now? We could just wait this guy out."
"It would be safer to wait it out here. The masked man will just slaughter us, unless I try to seduce him. And no way am I 69'ing a psycho."
"Mine would but theres nothing she would do about it.. waiting this out could get someone killed. Risky is better than a 3rd or 4th death!"
"Trying to get on the roof could get someone killed, too," Michael states patiently. "We'll be out in the open, and he's got a gun. In here, we force him to come to us. At close quarters. Our numbers give us an advantage."
"Sometime's it's better to be boring and do nothing then to die. Until then, we could try to hack into the school's wifi network."
Michael nods. "Fair enough. If it comes to it... we can give it a shot. Until then... we wait."

He turns to Sanaa. "Can you do that?"
"We could try the librarian's office."

((I'm off for now. I'll be back on sometime tomorrow!))
She goes into the Librarians office to look of supplies 
"Computers in here, back room!" 
She exits the office and sits againt the couch next to Chase, she drifts in and out of sleep (Have to go, see you tomorrow! bye! :) )

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