"Well... I figured since I had been shot, I had been receiving all of attention and you would ignore yourself." Chase let out another racking cough. He painfully raised an eyebrow at Sanna but he appreciated her help nonetheless.
(OFFICIAL NOTICE: If you are not already subscribed to the OOC post, do so now, as we are going to have a meeting regarding the future of this role play. Thank you!)
'How the fudge does he know? I didn't even tell Michael or any of them about my side!'

"No, I'm fine" she bites her lip
"Mandi, come-" Chase hacked up some more blood and made a sour face at the repulsiveness of this action. "come on. Have you let anyone check you for injuries yet?"
Distracting him "I'm gonna get you water" She walks off to the back corner where the food is set out, she grabs a bag of chips for Chase (Cause who doesn't like chips) and a bottle of water. She slowly makes her way back to him
"Mandi don't avoid the que-..." Chase doubled over as yet another coughing fit overtook him. This was worse than the time he got punched in the stomach so hard his school lunch came up. His whole body convulsed as the tremors shook his body. His leg still burned with an acute throb.
She quickly opens a bottle of water and sets it beside him, she runs and grabs the waste basket again and place it in front of Chase
"You and you're girlfriend can tai about making out a wittle bit later. The more you talk, the more you cough. Try to rest. The wool b;anklet from the attic is over there," i pointed.
Michael came over, kneeling next to Chase and ignoring the others. His tone was serious. "How're you feeling? We did what we could to patch you up. You feeling feverish at all?"
Her face turns pale and as i slowly walk over to the blanket I give Sanaa a death glare 
(Sorry for first person! It slipped)
Chase turned his attention to Michael. "Well... I usually don't swear, and please excuse me, but I feel like sh*t. I feel like I'm boiling all over but my sweat is freezing." Chase shivered. "Thank you though. Thank you for helping me."
Mandi turned away she xouldn't watch or listen to him, she fervently opens her book and forces herself to read
Michael nods. He kept his outside demeanor calm and composed, but on the inside he was feeling anything but. Chase was describing the symptoms of an infection. Not surprising; his leg had been exposed to sewer water as well as human hands. Even the antibacterial ointment hadn't been enough to prevent the inevitable... They would be needed antibiotics and soon. Sepsis wasn't something to be taken lightly.

"Don't mention it," Mike said, his voice steady despite himself. "I'll change that dressing soon and we can see what we're dealing with."
She turns on her side forgetting about her bruise and winces in pain, she pretends to read hoping nobody noticed
Chase thought he heard a slight edge to Michaels voice, but everything else about his demeanor contradicted that so he dismissed the thought. Chase forced a weak smile. "Hey do you think... I mean... You think I'm going to... Be alright don't you? I don't know much about bullet wounds and stuff but usually it takes more than a first aid kit to remedy it." Chase wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer, but he didn't want false hope either. He gripped the edge of the blanket Mandi had given him.
*Infection,* I think immediately. Isn't that what they said during that one Medical course I took. "Okay, I really need to start hacking. We have to get out of here. Somebody- Mandi, do you know where we could find a medical book? A book on general warfare injury."
"You'll be fine," Michael stated with confidence he didn't feel. "We'll handle it one step at a time. I'm no combat medic, but I've learned a thing or two."

Mike nodded in agreement with Sanaa's statement. "That would be a big help."

He turned to Mandi. "Hey, can I talk to you? In private?"
Mandi hears her name she navagates through the library like it is on the back of her hand. She pulls out a huge white book sits on the floor and starts reading on infections 
She marks the page "Start there" she tells Sanaa She gets up ad goes to Mike slowly "Mhm?"
Michael gestures for Mandi to follow him to the librarian's office. "Just a minute."
Chase smiles for real, satisfied with Mike's answer.

"Well, the best thing I can do is probably get some rest. I cant thank you guys enough." Chase laid back down and drifted back to sleep. (Gnight!)

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