Mandi wipes her eyes and slightly lifts up her shirt revealing an huge black and blue bruise that runs down her entire side. She pulls her shirt back down and closes her eyes
Michael decided honesty was the best policy here. He took a deep breath and looked Chase in the eye. "I think your leg may be infected. The water from the sewer..." his voice trailed off.
Chase's lips grew taut. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded slightly. "Alright. Is there anything we can do about it? Or..."
Mandi reads something useful and calls out, "I cut exposed to outside toxins may become infected, called sepsis," she murmurs some unimportant stuff 'cut off the leg from blood by tying a rope around it, to stop circulation, it says cutting open the infected area could help but very risky, or you can get this needle injected called, crystalloid, which can be found in doctors offices and is a key component in IV fluids" (I researched this, its partially true for real lol)
Chase shook his head disdainfully.

"So our options are either cut all blood circulation to my leg, cut my leg open, or use medicine we don't have? I don't want to throw a pity party here but that doesn't sound too great."
Mandi looks down at her hands. "I made a makeshift brace out of medical tape and gauze. It might help with walking I guess"

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Aaron gets up and wonders over too Chase and had not heard anything that was just said. "How is your leg, you hanging in there chase?"
"Thanks Mandi." Chase smiled weakly.

Chase turned toward Aaron and shrugged. "Eh. Not doing too great. At least I'm not coughing up blood any more. But I'm not going to be able to use that brace until we deal with my... Infection." Chase shivered from the fever. He felt like crap.
She comes over and places the brace next to Chase she smiles for him and then sits at the edge of the couch near Chase
(sorry I haven't been on for like a bajillion years! but I'm back!)

Ashley woke up from a long stressful sleep then stood up and walked around, then she saw Chase with a bandaged leg

"Holy fuhh--... What happened?" she asked "How Long have I been asleep for?" She walked over to Chase "What happened are you okay?!" she asked with a bunch of questions in her mind
She followed Mandi to the back "What happened? Why is Chase's leg bandage up? How long was I asleep for?" she asked nervously
(Sokay! :) we missed you! Glad you're back.)

"Nothing comes to mind. I don't feel like eating, which probably isn't good. Although... Could you find me another blanket Aaron?despite these other blankets I'm still chilled to the bone."

Chase winced in pain as he readjusted himself. "Crazy gun man shot me in the leg. We think it's infected... And I feel like sh... Err... Bull crap."
"ok you can have the one I had in the back corner I don't really use it." Aaron walks and grabs the blanket and shortly returns and spreads it out across Chase.
"Truthfully, I have no idea. Sorry if this is fast but Chase and I went to the nurse and a guy followed us into the sewage area he had a gun a shot at us, I'm... fine but Chase got shot in the leg. When i went to get the bullet out i accidentally get the water in the wound and now its infected and i have no idea what to do. All we know is we're in here, and someone. " She points to the boarded up entry door, "is out there, and he wants to kill us. At the moment we know of a couple kids but there might be more in the school. We have Chase, Michael, Aaron, Hubert, Sanaa and me. There might be more but i haven't seen or met them yet. so yeah, that's the rundown," Mandi says, now out of breath, she passes Ashley a water bottle, "From the attic"
"Wow... I missed a lot.." she thanked Mandi for the water "But nobody's dead right?" she asked worriedly

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She slowly shakes her head and slides down the wall tip she sitting and whispers something under her breath, "It was my fault.."
Michael tilted his head downward, closing his eyes and pinching his brow in thought. They had to contain this infection somehow. Cutting circulation to Chase's leg was out of the question; even if they caught the infection in time, his leg would eventually be starved of oxygen and die on its own. Cutting the wound open was simply out of their league.

That left medicine. Penicillin, Amoxicillin... something. But they had none. The nurse's office wasn't allowed to hand out meds to students due to liability reasons, which left one choice. And it wasn't appealing.

"Alright, guys. I have an idea," he said aloud.
"Sure." she sits down next to him "H-how long was I asleep?" she asked

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