"about a day our two not quite sure because I wasn't keeping time... So I'm guessing going to play soccer is not happening?" He asks as he looks for his phone
"Ugh!" she groans! "I can't stand staying indoors! And not being able to stay active. Oh-ho how I want to kill that pschyopath in this school and break out the window!"

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"I think we all want that" he find his phone "I wish we could go to play soccer because I been bored to death in here"
"do you wanna try to go out in the hall way and check if the place is safe or not? I mean.. There's wood here maybe we can make a weapon or something, we all got scissors in our bags.."

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Michael took a deep breath. "Here's where we stand. We're trapped in here -- at least for the time being -- by a man with a gun who's clearly willing and able to kill us. A few minutes ago, I would have been happy to wait this ***hole out, stay locked up here in the library for as long as it takes. But that's not an option anymore."

He looked at Chase. "Chase is hurt and he's not going to get any better. His leg is infected. Give it even a few hours, it'll become gangrenous. He could go into septic shock, and at that point..." Michael shrugged.

"I'm not willing to sit around and watch that happen. Somewhere in this school, there's bound to be some kind of medicine. We need antibiotics to treat the infection. Ibuprofen will take down his fever and help with the pain in the meantime. I plan on going out into the school and checking it top to bottom. Desks, lockers, whatever it takes."
"No, I mean like carve something with the wood using our scissors."

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Michael looks over at Aaron, taking a few steps toward him. "I was planning on heading out. If you want to help search, I won't stop you. But it's gonna be dangerous. One person going alone might have a better chance at staying hidden."
"YES! And I can leave this death-trap!" She said cheerfully not caring if there's a man with a gun walking around school waiting to kill someone.

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Chase struggled to sit up, but his eyes were wild with fear.

"No! I wont stand for it! ... no pun intended. That b*stard is still out there and who knows what will happen if you guys go wandering off. No, I can't let you do that. Not for me."
Michael shook his head grimly. "You don't have a choice in the matter, Chase. I'd feel better if these guys stayed, too, but somebody has to go out there. I'm not going to watch someone die, not if I can do something about it. So at the very least, I'm going."
"I am too." Ashley said bravely but scared in the inside.

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Chase fell back onto his bed again and sighed.

"I just don't know if I could handle the guilt if something happened to one of you guys. I probably couldn't live with myself any more. But it looks like your mind is made up..." Chase said with an air of defeat. A new wave of pain came shooting up his leg. He grimaced and yelped in pain.

"But if you are going... please come back quickly."

The wound was looking uglier by the minute.
Michael nodded. "I'll change these bindings out before I go." He went about switching out the blood-soaked bandages -- noting the yellow pus that was around the wound site -- with fresh ones.

((Trying to give everybody a chance to respond before I move on.))
He took his arm and got up. "Don't worry Chase, we'll get back as soon as possible okay? I promise you nothing with happen to any of us."

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"We need someone to take care of Chase just in case. Everyone else is passed out (since some of then aren't online just pretend their sleeping)"

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