Mike shuts the door behind them. "I gotta hand it to you, you're tough," he starts abruptly. "I didn't even realize you were hurt until just now. Chase was right, wasn't he?"
Her face drops, "I'm completely fine, now if you don't mind I'm gonna go help Sanaa," She goes to step around Mike
"Hey," Michael puts an arm in front of Mandi to try and block her, making the movement as non-hostile as possible. "I just want to help. Chase is fine for now and I plan to keep him that way. You ignoring your own injury isn't going to help him."
She pushes his arm out of the way "I can handle myself. You didn't notice before so just go back to that" She gets behind Mike and opens the door
Michael attempts to push the door shut, leaning against it with his body. "You and I both know I can't do that. Just humor me for five minutes and I'll leave you alone, I swear."
Michael raises his eyebrows. "As much as I'd love to see that, I'm just trying to take care of you. You aren't doing yourself or Chase any favors."
Hubert wandered back over to the group, noting the Michael and Mandi were missing. He'd brought a book with him; Dictionary section A-D. "Did I miss something?" His eyes were wide with innocence, completely oblivious to the fact that he hadn't heard Mandi's request for a blanket. [i like to create amusing characters xD ]
Her face turns red and clenches her fist in fury she accidentally says something she immediately regrets "My dad has raped me since I was ten. I've learned a thing or to. I can and will make you crumble to the floor in one punch. Now get away!"

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She clasps her hand over her mouth and her eyes are wide, "I didn't mean to..... I was just......" she stands still as a statue
Chase hears harsh whispers coming from somewhere... He couldn't tell where exactly. All of his senses were still screwed up, and he felt terribly feverish. He sees Hubert with a book.

"Hey Hubert." He manages a weak smile. "What's up?"
I Flipped furiously through the pages, looking for something we could make. "Balms, medications… Patches.. Hm." My mind dashed to the nurse's office. "Could I?" I whisper.
Chase, feeling quite helpless and alone, craned his head looking for someone to talk to or something he could help with. He notices Sanaa flipping furiously through a book. "What's the matter Sanaa? You look... Distressed."
Michael's jaw dropped as he stared at Mandi wordlessly. "Mandi, I... I didn't..." he loosened his grip on the door handle.
She immediately grabs the handle and pushes herself past Michael and out the door, she frantically gets as far away from him as possible. She goes and sits next to Sanaa, "Sorry bout that"
Chase's head was swimming. What the heck was going on? Mandi was distraught, Mike looked like he had just seen a ghost, Sanaa was furiously flipping through a book... He was so lost. He fell back down on the bed, wincing in pain as his leg got jostled, and put his hands on his face. He just wanted to go home.
Michael remained in the office for several moments by himself, staring blankly at a wall. Finally, he marched over to Chase's side without a word. His face was grim, set. He kept his eyes straight ahead, refusing to allow them to stray in Mandi's direction. All of the determination to take care of her wound had evaporated in light of her revelation.

"I'm going to take a look at that bandage," he said impassively.
Chase peaked through a gap in his fingers. "Alright." He said as he propped himself up on his bed. "Is... Everything alright? You look tense. Everybody looks tense." He said, looking around. "I feel like we're breaking apart at the seams."
"I'm fine," Michael replied tersely. "Just worry about staying healthy," he said, this time more gently.
"Yeah... Okay." Chase said, not convinced at all that ANYONE was okay. But he did see the wisdom of trying to stay healthy. "Do we have any idea about why I'm feverish yet?"

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