Hubert crouched low. He'd found another access panel in the teacher's lounge, but it didn't lead to an area he recognized whatsover. It looked similar to the other areas of crawlspace, but yet, Hubert had never been to this area before, and he'd explored the entire crawlspace. He needed a flashlight. Normally, he could navigate the crawlspace in his sleep, but here there could be a loose nail, an unexpected turn, anything. Hubert looked around the room, opening cupbokoards. He found a box of crackers, some cleaning supplies, a book full of notes, and bottle of soda, but no lights. Then he remembered that he had a small flashlight attached to his keyring. Once again opening the access panel, Hubert brought the tiny flashlight out.

Shining the light through the dark tunnels, Hubert traveled on his knees, searching. He had gone a fair distance before finding another panel. Opening it, Hubert shone the light into the dark room. He'd never been here either. He surpressed the adventerous spirit he could feel rising up within him though. There was still a killer on the loose. Actually, now that he thought about it, maybe he should have brought someone with him. At that moment, a shadow moved. Hubert's heart jumped. All at once, everything that had happened came crashing down. Hubert dropped the flashlight, along with his keys, and crawled as fast he could away. He crashed through the access panel into the teacher's lounge and leaned against it, breathing heavily.
Mandi slowly wakes up and looks at chase, still unconscious she hears banging from down hall. "Did anyone hear that? What's going on?" She gets up from her seat and goes to the barricaded door and tried to look through the window into the dark hallway

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Michael grabbs the paper cutter blade, marching over to the barricaded doors. He gently places a hand on Mandi's shoulder. "Careful."
She contemplates telling him that she doesn't need help but decides against it, 'Compose yourself Amanda! Stay calm, you need to keep your head on to get out of here' she shrugs his hand off of her shoulder 'He's done so much, you can trust him' She folds her arms and climbs halfway up the barricade to get a better view
Chase cracked an eye. Nobody noticed, thankfully. He didn't want a swarm of people huddling around him. His leg hurt like heck and he still felt woozy and weak. He could see vague outlines of people, as his brain was still struggling to process everything in its discombobulated state. He could make out the figures of Mandi, Michael, and Sanaa.
Michael took position by the door, glancing carefully out the window. He didn't want to silhouette himself and make an easy target for the gunman. After several long moments, he loosened the death grip on the blade and let out a long breath.
she reads and curls into a ball next to Chase 
She gets up and looks for a new book at the other end of the library
Hubert sighed, and closed his eyes. A killer. A girl who was a nervous wreck. All doors locked. No way out, and trapped for a week. Food uncertain, no cell phone connection. The thoughts swirled inside his head. It was all so...unreal. Like it would only happen to fictional characters. But yet, here he was...

There was some commotion in the other room. The library. Hubert opened his eyes, gathered his nerves, and collected the food he'd found in the teacher's lounge. With another deep breath, he opened the door and walked back into the library. "Hey guys. I got a special treat." He cracked a grin and showed them the bottle of pop. It was 7-Up.
Chase closed his eyes again.

Suddenly he exploded into a violent coughing fit, sat straight up in his makeshift bed, and spewed blood everywhere. The blood was a backlog of gunk that he hasn't been able to get out before. He was repulsed by his own actions, but it's not like he could control it.
She smiles and walks towards Hubert but then she hears Chase and see's the blood, She immediately grabs the waste bin and holds it infront of him
Hubert ran over, a little surpised by the sudden outburst of blood. He remembers something, and goes running back into the teacher's lounge. A few moments later, he came back holding a roll of paper towels. "Will this help?"
The front side of Chase's hoodie was now stained with blood. He groaned and fell back onto his bed. His lightning blue eyes were sparking with pain and sudden adrenaline.

"Wh-... What... Hap-... Happened?" Chase slurred.
She sets the trash aside, "remember the pipes, in the basement, remember? You were shot...." Her voice drifts off, "Hubert I need you to help me get him out of his jacket"
Hubert nodded and stepped foward, rolling up his own sleeves. "You got shot in the leg." He locked eyes with Mandi before propping Chase up.
"Me? You were the one shot! I just had some cuts and bruises, nothing major" 
She takes the sweatshirt from under him and the takes it off over his head, "Hubert, thanks"
I stand up quickly, then race over to chase. I calmly take the roll of paper towels and rip apart a piece, pressing it to Chase's mouth while patting his back. "Let him cough it up- it'll get clogged otherwise." A memento later, I added, "This reminds me of when I popped my cherry. Yikes. Was that too personal?"
Hubert stepped back, letting the two girls do the work. He didn't know anything about healing. Well, other than gibberish nonesense about spells.

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