Hubert sighed, and set his phone down on the counter. It was still playing the song. He thought for a moment, and then walked toward the doors, since Sanaa and Michael were already scavenging the attic.
Hubert paused with one foot out the door. Shouldn't there be another way to access the crawlspace from within the library? He turned and studied the ceiling, looking for the tell-tale signs of a removable panel. None. Hubert frowned, but his eyes alit upon the door to the teacher's lounge. Maybe something in there....
"Don't worry about it. Just grab what you can," Michael remarked impassively as he set about gathering up the food and water in his arms. His eyes flicked briefly to the bra Sanaa had pointed out, but he tears his attention away from it quickly.
Mandi looks around the lost and found bin and shrugs on a 2 sizes too big sweater 
She falls asleep leaning against Chase's couch
I scoop up five water bottles and three Doritos chips, then leap back to the trapdoor. ''Look out below," I called, the dropped them. They landed with a dull thud against the floor. 
"You done yet?" I ask mike, the side of my plush mouth tugging upward in a grin.
Michael nodded, standing up and hesitantly dropping the food & water through the trapdoor. He made a mental note to grab a bag next time.

Pushing chivalry aside, Mike made his way down the latter first. He had to get back to tending to Chase. He paused just before his head disappeared below the trapdoor, looking up at Sanaa. "Thanks."
Mandi falls asleep with a book in her criss crossed legs Her fingers are intertwined with Chase's hand
Hubert looked up as a bag of chips hit him in the head. Of course, he was hard of hearing, and hadn't heard Sanaa's warning. Quickly, Hubert caught the water bottle that was also headed toward him and stepped out of the way of the rest of the stuff. "Thanks!" He noticed that Mandi was asleep, and thus just left the water next to her.

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Michael made his way back to Chase, pausing as he heard Mandi's teeth chattering. He noted her legs drawn up to her chest. She'd found a sweater. He looked over at the pile of clothes he'd dumped from his ruck and grabbed a large wrestling team hoodie, draping it over Mandi's shoulders.

With that, he turned his attention back to Chase. "I need your help, Hubert. We're going to lift him up and put his upper body on the ground. We need to keep that leg elevated on the couch, make the blood work against gravity."
Aaron gets up and strolls over, "I'll help" he says as he gets on one side of Chase and gets ready to lift.
"Oh!" I call. "Found a blanket, too!" I throw down a fluttering wool sheet, then work my way down. "How's chase doing?" I ask.
"Not so good," Michael remarked quietly as he placed his hands under Chase's shoulder and arm. He nods to Aaron. "1, 2, 3."
(OK! I'm here. Tell me when to wake up xD I can only do so many, "and the darkness grew heavier around him..." posts.)

Laughter. Then pain. A shooting, unbearable pain.

The whole scene flashed before Chase's eyes over and over again, darker each time. He was slipping. And he knew it. Just when he began to become more comfortable around girls, maybe even finally liking one, he gets shot. Freaking shot. Just his luck.
Michael made sure Chase's leg was propped up on the couch. There were three rules to containing a bleed: elevation, direct pressure, and pressure points. He looked over to the gauze and bandages. Either the direct pressure and elevation was slowing the bleeding, or Chase was simply running out of blood to lose. Mike shook his head, crudely cutting away some of Chase's pant leg with a pair of scissors from the librarian's desk before dressing the wound with the antibacterial ointment and securely wrapping it with the bandage and gauze. Now for the pressure point. Michael managed to find Chase's pulse in the femoral artery along the crease of his upper thigh, applying pressure with his fingers. With any luck, pinching the vessel against the bone would slow the bleed. That's what he'd been taught, anyway.

"We just have to keep this up," he remarked aloud with confidence that he didn't feel. "Change out the bandage regularly, keep his leg elevated above his heart, and keep pushing on this artery."
"Why?" I ask inquisitively, my face creased with concern. "Does he need the blanket, or an ice pack?"
"Go ahead and put the blanket on him. Better hold off on the ice pack for now. With shock victims, I think you keep them warm," Michael said a bit hesitantly.

"We'll take shifts on the pressure point."
"Just call me if you need me i'll do whatever I can to help." Aaron felt bad for Chase to be going through this. He then walks back to the corner of the library out of sight and sits upon the blanket and pillow he had back there.

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