Mages & Priests


2 Characters can be made per roleplayer

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Priest or Mage:




Brief Background:


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Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Gender: Male

Age: 17ish

Priest or Mage: Illusion Mage

Personality: Xavier acts almost like a child at times, always joking and pulling pranks around strangers and some friends. At other times though, he is extremely serious, mature, and knows how to take charge of a situation when the time calls for it. When he's around people he trusts and likes, his personality relaxes a little, but he's still joking all the time.

Likes: Sweet things and can almost always be seen with a candy of some kind in his mouth. Also likes stories, art, music, puzzles, the forest, and peace and quiet.

Dislikes: Not really a big fan of the dark, anything with a bagillion legs, super spicy food, the heat, or reading books with lots of text.

Brief Background: He was actually born to a good family from Inland, but was disowned at 6 when they found out he was an Illusion type Mage. In the Outland, he basically raised himself and did mercenary work to get by. He got caught during a robbery of a richer Mage, but instead of turning in Xavier, who was about 13 at the time(he kinda lost count), the Mage took him in and made him his assistant. Since, Xavier stays away from anything and everything that would be connected with his old lifestyle. Besides ciggerettes that is, because he still smokes from time to time to relax.

Extra: He has a type of albinism that affects his skin, hair, eyes, and his eyesight. He's very slowly going blind, but doesn't tell anyone and uses his magic to keep a white wolf with him as a partial guide.


On the left is Szene. On the right is Sazael.

Under the hair covering Szene's (left) eye is a scar that crosses over it vertically.


Szene (Suh-Zeen-Eh) Nikolaevich

Sazael (Sah-Zah-El) Nikolaevich






(They are twins, but Szene is older than Sazael)

Priest or Mage:


Able to summon demons




Szene and Sazael are very dependent on one another because they are always together. Because they are twins, they always know what the other is thinking. This makes them perfectly synchronized when in battle. Even though the two together seem very happy and open towards others, they have a line that cuts themselves off from the rest of the world.

Szene is the living version of the ideal brother. He's caring and tends to dote on Sazael often. However, he is the type that is usually quiet. Yes, he does speak but always allows for Sazael to finish his sentence, or vise-versa. Even though he's like the gentle type who is not easily angered, he has his own ways of taking down his enemies, and that is in the cruelest way possible.

Sazael is a very happy girl who doesn't hesitate to talk to someone who she deems interesting. Out of the two, she is the the one who tends to talk more, sparing her brother the work to socialize with others. She's a very active person who cannot stay still, much unlike her brother who is always calm. When in a serious battle, she becomes like a different person who is nothing but business. However, if it's a battle with a weak person or creature, she takes her time to play with the enemy.




Watching over his little sister

Playing with fire

Bitter foods

Anything that's foreign

Being the only person close to his sister



Animals / Demons

Playing with her big brother

Meeting new people

Being secretive

Being the only person close to her brother




Playing around


When someone wakes him up

Anybody that gets too close to his sister


Bitter / Spicy foods

Staying in one place forever

Those who are weak


Seeing her brother in pain

Brief Background:

The twins originally grew up in mountains far away with their grandfather. Since they lived isolated from the rest of the world, they only had each other to play with. When they were 10, their grandfather died from a fire caused by Szene. Though it was an accident, the twins still fled far away. Eventually, they found a quiet place to settle. The people were friendly and seemed trustworthy, so Szene took a chance and told then their story. At the time, the people seemed as if they didn't care at all, but that all changed when one night, they attempted to kill the two. Once again, Szene set the village on fire with the help of Sazael's demons. This was also when Szene received the scar on his left eye. Since then, they were constantly on the move, not allowing for others to dig into their pasts too much.





Goreth Esgalwath





Priest or Mage:

Mage of the Dark Arts


Goreth is very mysterious and speaks in a constant monotone. It seems that nothing can surprise her, as she manages to always keep calm in urgent situations. She demonstrates her dominance towards others not by using violence, but by playing mind games and tapping in to others' weaknesses. Though when in the company she enjoys, Goreth is generally very calm and can even be very giving towards her friends.

When engaged in battle with powerful opponents, Goreth's whole demeanor changes. She goes from calm and rational to murderous and bloodthirsty. It's best not to get in her way when she seems to be having a good time ripping her enemies apart.


Evenings, taking walks in the moonlight, talking to her dagger, reading, playing games and cake. When becoming homicidal she enjoys a good fight.


Bright lights, large groups of people, rudeness, when her curses and demons are undone.

Brief Background:

Goreth comes from a family that is known for not having all their screws in place. Of course, you'd have to be a little odd to dapper with the dark arts. Goreth showed great potential as a mage from a young age.

At the age of 11, Goreth's family was seeked out and executed by priests. She, her father and grandfather were the only ones to escape on that dreadful day. She then wandered the Outlands with her remaining family, her grandfather dying along the way from old age. At age 16, Goreth's father settled in a cabin, as his health had started to slowly deteriorate and he could not travel any longer. Goreth lived with him for a year, but, as much as she loved him, she wanted to expand her abilities as a mage. She wandered alone for a few years, still writing her father letters about her adventures, until she received a curious package from an anonymous sender...


  • Goreth has a dagger in which she sealed a demon, so she could have some company on her travels. Over time, she actually has grown an emotional connection with him.
  • Goreth wears her hood constantly during the day to avoid daylight.
  • She's not the kind of person to needlessly despise someone for being a priest, but, admittedly, she does harbor some deep hate for them due to what they've done to her family.


Name: Luka

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Priest or Mage: Mage - Illusion -


He tends to look like he's full of wisdom and kindness but once he opens his mouth he becomes a snarky bastard. He has a quick mind and once he comes to a conclusion he sticks with it. He's stubborn and it takes a lot for someone to change his mind, but if you can he will show complete respect to you.


To hear people laugh

The smiles of children

The screaming of children


It always looks like he hates everything


Brief Background:

Through ages 15 to 23 he spent his life hunting down Priests with a band of misfits.

It was quite a life filled with amazing battles and loot.

He no longer goes out and picks fights but he does like his loot. Yes his precious loot.

He can now be found holed up in his messy home in the Outlands, offering

information to those who seek it, but perhaps someone could tempt him

with the news of a new adventure.


He has a bit of a smoking habit.


Name: Syrin

Gender: Female

Age: 15-16

Priest or Mage:

Priest - Divine Protector


Syrin is all smiles and happy thoughts, or at least she tries to be.

She is easily weighed down by sadness so she does her best to keep her fragile mind in

a happy state, for herself and for others.

She has that goody-two-shoes thing that really annoys people but it has been proven many times

that she can explode and that happiness of hers can disappear completely.

(A quick apology can fix this though)


Early morning sunrises

Homely food


annoying bugs


Brief Background:

Just recently Syrin has been accepted into high Ranks of Priest and she's extremely excited to show that

she can do good.

Her whole life she had been practicing magic and training with the sword for this moment.

She is now stationed in the Outlands as a Priest disguised as a Mage.

Since the moment she was born Mages were dehumanized to her. She was taught that they weren't right, that they were monsters.

With this in mind she thought it would be easy to fight against them, but when coming to the Outlands she sees that Mages aren't all nightmares and it has become hard for her to give honest reports to her fellow Priests.




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