Hubert started climbing up into the crawlspace as he talked. "Well....I guess play games or somethin'...what else can one do?" That was true. What can one do?

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Ashley woke up to a library full of sleeping teenagers and decided to find some food.. 'How bad could it be?' she thought 'It's morning and I know how to do martial arts, pretty sure the killer won't come for me.'

She got up and exited the library, she speed walked to the cafeteria and entered. As she entered she found a dead body around the corner, she lightly screamed.

She quickly went to the kitchen and scavenged for some food. She found some bread, vegetables and some granola bars and quickly put it in her bag.

She ran out of the cafeteria and quickly ran to the library, she quietly opened the door and put all the food on the table, she just sat on an empty couch and played some games on her phone.

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Sanaa muttered to herself in the bathroom, "God, Daniel is awful. Like, who pushes that hard for sex? I said No." She finished up her ponytail and sighed. "Well, he isn't the first. Their easy to get rid of." As she stepped of the bathroom, she tapped on her phone. "Hey Kates, ready to go?" She called. After a second of no reply, she looked up suddenly. "Uh… Hello?" Sanaa walked down the hall uneasily. "Hello? Any- Oh sh*t!" SHe swore, looking at the clock on the wall. Is school over? A nervous feeling creeped towards her as she bolted to the nearest door, shaking it quickly. "No, seriously?? It's locked?" Throwing her satchel over shoulder, she skittered down the stars. "Hello?? Anyone here? Oh, fu(k! I cannot be the only one in here."
Saffy rose up from the bench she had spent the night on. She took in her surroundings, making sure she wasn't dreaming, that she really was trapped inside the school.

With nothing much to do, she decided to have a stroll around the school.
Turning a hall, I bumped into another girl (saffy). "Oh, thank god! I thought I was alone in here!" I exclaimed. "You're Saffy, right?"
Saffy just about managed to keep her balance "Yeah, I am." She was surprised somebody actually recalled her name, as she's usually a wallflower. Saffy looked the girl up and down - she was someone familiar, but Saffy still couldn't place who she was "And, sorry, what's your name?"
"Sanaa, Sanaa Chisely. Now, are we really locked in here?" I asked bluntly. "Because that's f(cked up."
Saffy let out a small chuckle at Sanaa's comment "Yeah. I met another guy and he said all the windows and doors are locked."
I groaned. "You're kidding me. Well, at least there are guys in here. I've 69'd about every single one here, so do you know his name? I'll let you know if he's Yay or Nay," I said, only half joking as I smirked.
"Ermm..." Saffy had no idea what was the appropriate reaction to a statement like that, "Well, I don't know his name since I didn't really ask for it. He had a green jacket on if that helps."
Mandi backs into the corner, not wanting to get involved with the conversation. She sits down in the corner 
Mandi sits awkwardly next to Ivy, unsure what to say. "I'm not very good at this comforting thing" She places her hand on Ivy's back 
(We are in the library)
"Oh my god, Hubert? Ugh, I've been dying to get my hands on him. He's so not interested, though, and Daves keeps getting in the way. It's so annoying." I paused. "So, how're you? Single pringle, Taken bacon? Are you a fresh flower, or have you been pollinated? And god, do you know any comfier place to lay someone besides the bathroom? I'm being honest here, but I'm only into against the wall if we're groping or making out. But I am not interested in getting down on my knees against the bathroom tile. I mean, who knows, what if, like, a 5 year old girl had an accident their or some sh*t?"
She hears voices down the hallway. Mandi takes Ivys hand and we hide in the vice principals office

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Aaron wakes up in the library and he looks around for his phone to check for any messages he might have missed, as he always does, not remembering he is stuck and has no connection. He looks around for people but most of them have gone looking or are out of site. He then sits up against the bookshelf stares off into space.
"Psst. Aaron. Over here!!! In the closet" mandi whispers to Aaron

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Aaron shrugs, "Well thanks for the warning i'll keep my eyes out" then he slowly walks back to where he was sitting.

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