Magic: The Gathering - Chronicles of Ravnica


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Here is the template for characters to journey into Ravnica.




Guild allegiance:


What you look like:


Colors of Mana (If aligned with a guild, at least one color must match guilds.):


Weapons, if any:


My Finished Character (With the Template)

Name: Marcus Falis

Race: Human

Age: 22

Guild allegiance: Izzet League

Personality: Calculative, precise, always in a hurry, unless sciencing, in which case the world can't go slow enough.

What you look like:


History: Born in Ravnica, Izzet District, Marcus grew up with science surrounding him. At an early age he showed skill with Dragons Vapor, a potent sand like substance which could be used as a multipurpose pyrotechnic. At the age of 17 he was accepted into the University of Drocalus, a premier school of Nivmizzium study. As a part of his graduation requirements, he must duel at least five rival mages from rival guilds, and then successfully fabricate a mizzium power cell. Three months until expected graduation date, he sets out, seeking his would be opponents.

Colors of Mana (If aligned with a guild, at least one color must match guilds.): Blue/Red

Skills: Skilled Vapor mage, artisan of mechanical devices, and basic practice in Temporal manipulations and basic pyrotechnics.

Weapons, if any: A long scarf composed of Dragons Vapor, a transmutable substance which in close combat, he is able to shape into a blade.

Goal: Defeat five opposing mages in honorable combat.
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Gatatog Uvenk

Species: Troll. As such,he's immune to hostile spells that demand a direct target,and he possesses incredible regenerative properties.

Age: Biologically,he's 47. In reality,he's much,MUCH older.

Guild Politics

As an outsider,Gatatog's place in Ravnica's political landscape is...Different. Due to his deadset opinions on how things should be,he's also at war with almost all of the Guilds. During his brief time in the City of Guilds,he has developed the following relationships with the Guilds.

-Azorious Senate: Although not exactly hostile with the Senate,Gatatog's love of freedom makes any encounter with a member of this Guild a very tense one,what with their current project of establishing laws revolving around himself and trolls.

-Boros Legion: As Gatatog is an illegal alien,according to the law,the Legion wants to apprehend or kill Gatatog. He wants to avoid either outcome.

-Orzhov Syndicate: Their obsession over order is a turn-off,and their constant requests for him to pay off 47 years of back-taxes is infuriating. Collectors get their faces broken,and other interactions are tense,at best.

-Dimir: Representatives of Dimir have made contact,and,although they want to know everything there is to know about Gatatog,his people,and Mirrodin,they're relatively harmless. Neutral.

-Izzet League: Similar intentions to the Dimir,although they are far more invasive about it,not to mention their zealous use of things that rape nature. Gatatog takes every chance he gets to disrupt their operations and break their toys.

-Cult of Rakdos: He finds their love of fun endearing,though he finds their murderous tendencies to be abhorrent. Gatatog tries his everything he can to avoid them,and when he has no choice but to interact with them,he endeavors to keep these interactions as short as possible.

-Golgari Swarm: He finds their work to be good and natural,albeit unsavory. As such,he often finds himself cashing in favors with the Swarm,although he's always cautious of what they ask of him.

-Gruul Clans: Their mission and history are practically mirrors of his own. As such,the Gruul constitute Gatatog's most consistent allies,although he isn't an official member,despite people almost always mistaking otherwise.

-Selesnya Conclave: Their mission of unity and naturalism are big points in Gatatog's book,but their methods of brainwashing and assassination simply make him shake his head and walk away.

-Simic Combine: The Simic Combine is a source of great distress in Gatatog. While they are dedicated to the well-being of all that lives on the plane,they also profane it with additions and "improvements",and circumventing the natural order with cloning.

Personality: Gatatog Uvenk is very firmly aligned with Red and Green mana. Freedom is what drives him,unity is what he craves,and sees the natural order as the only way to exist. As such,Gatatog chafes under restriction,finds disloyalty particularly foul,and sees the "unnatural" as things that must be destroyed,among other things.


Gatatog Uvenk stands seven foot four inches,and is built like a tank. His massive frame is owed primarily to his muscles,which were honed by the trials he endured in his life. His hands are almost always covered with caesti made of the magnificent Darksteel,rendering them utterly indestructible.

Darksteel: Darksteel is a metallic element found exclusively on the plane of Mirrodin,now known as New Phyrexia. Darksteel is a bottomless black in colour,surrounded by streaks of amber energy. Darksteel is impossible to damage by any means,and the secret to shaping it has been lost.

Colours of Mana: Red/Green

Skills: Unarmed fighting,"burn" magic,fighting opponents far larger than himself,outdoorsmanship,hunting and processing a kill,annoying authority figures,taming and summoning of hydras.

Weapons: Darksteel caesti. A caestus is a boxing glove designed to kill. However,caesti are fare less bulky than modern boxing gloves.

Background: Gatatog Uvenk is native to the plane of Mirrodin. During the great Vanishing that seemingly wiped out his entire race from Mirrodin,Gatatog was swept into the Aether between planes,and there he stayed for an unknown period of time. When Jace Beleren merged with the Guildpact,the resulting magical energy pulled Gatatog from the Aether,and deposited him,rather roughly,in the heart of the Implicit Maze.

After stumbling his way blindly out of the Maze in an unfamiliar Plane,the poor troll was whisked away by magic. Thankfully,he didn't leave the Plane. Instead,Planeswalker Ral Zarek teleported Gatatog to an Izzet League lab for study. Here,Gatatog witnessed how the Izzet League raped nature in order to create their machines,all in the name of "progress",as they put it. Although it was difficult,Gatatog escaped the League's clutches in a manner most fitting: He released all of their live subjects,destroyed numerous pipes,wires,and devices,and effectively raised Hell while razing the building.

After his escape,Gatatog was rapidly set upon by the enforcers of the Boros Legion for his disturbing the peace,vandalism,and illegal immigration. Unwilling to be shackled by anyone,let alone armed soldiers in an unfamiliar place,Gatatog refused,and fought his way deeper into the city,brutally injuring the enforcers. Here,Gatatog went into hiding,and discovered the other Guilds of Ravnica,and established his relations with them. Having gained a feel for the Plane he has found himself in,Gatatog has decided that he wants to leave.

Goals: Getting the Hell off the Plane. Failing that,day-to-day survival.
Name: Shin The Rat-lord

Race: Nezumi (Rat-Folk)

Age: 30

Guild allegiance: Dimir/Golgari

Personality: Ever-conniving and bloodthirsty, the Nezumi assassin known as The Rat-lord seems solely focused upon the deaths he causes. With an appetite for the macabre and a taste for clinging to the dark corners of the world, his person is often seen as cold or emotionless, with the only spark of feeling ever being seen when speaking of, or committing one of his gruesome acts.

What you look like:

History: Shin was born like all Nezumi deep within the swamps of Kamigawa. The runt of a litter of twenty, Shin was neglected by his progenitors and left to starve or rot while the larger, stronger young survived. Because of this, there was never a time where Shin did not fight for his right to live. He learned to hurt others, including his many siblings, to get what he needed, and he felt nothing but contempt for what should have been his family. As he grew older, he was taken by the Okiba gang to train as a ninja. For a time, this was enough for Shin. He began to learn that he had a taste for killing others, as well as a talent for it. Soon, his desire to kill outweighed his allegiance to the gang, and he began to strike out on his own, slaying who he wished in secret. On one such excursion, he was interrupted by a representative of the Dimir crime syndicate in Ravnica, looking to hire Okiba ninja. Apparently, his skill with the arts of murder interested this man, as Shin was offered a permanent spot within the guild to ply his particular trade within the immensely populated city. He simply could not pass the chance to live in a veritable hive of victims, and thus he accepted the offer and left with the man.

Colors of Mana: Black

Skills: Poisons, stealth, assassination, hunting/tracking

Weapons, if any: Two Wakizashi, Thowing knives, Blow-gun

Goal: Simple, murderous fun.

Glinil Gorogeth





Guild allegiance:

The Cult of Rakdos (previously Orzhov Syndicate)


You could argue that Glinil is just someone who lives in their own imaginary world, uttering things that do not make any sense. Don't let that seemingly harmless nature fool you, in reality, Glinil is probably already two steps ahead of you. Yes, her lust for knowledge of the dark arts may have consumed her sanity, but the perceptive and calculating part of her mind is still there.

Glinil is not above being deceitful. Everyone around her are merely pawns to be disposed of in pursuit of her goal. If a pawn is misbehaving, she will waste no time in disposing of it. She holds no sympathy for others and even herself, as she strives towards unlocking her own full potential.

What you look like:



Glinil's family had very close ties with the heads of the Orzhov Syndicate, thus they were incredibly wealthy and Glinil was surrounded by luxury. She received tutoring from an early age in order to join the top ranks in the Orzhov Syndicate. And being a bright child, she reached her family's high expectations. For a while everything seemed to be going perfectly, but then, out of the blue, Glinil whole ambitions changed. Everyone around her was shocked of her sudden choice to leave. They all kept pestering her to tell them why, but nobody really listened to her reason - Glinil had grown bored. She was bored of constant order, tired of numbers, tired of collectors. Glinil had discovered a new passion - the dark arts. Over time, Glinil has cut all her once loved ones out her life in her greedy pursuit of ultimate power and knowledge.

Colors of Mana (If aligned with a guild, at least one color must match guilds.):



Planning strategies, dark magic, banking, demon/familiar summoning, manipulating shadows.

Weapons, if any:

A dagger in which resides a demon (she also likes to have conversations with him), book of dark magic, Tablet of the Guildpact(Almost forgot to include that).

Goal: To acquire great power and knowledge over the dark arts.
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Name: Alexai Batesa

Race: Human

Age: Almost 16

Guild allegiance: Boros Legion (mildly, she's not really aligned with anyone)

Personality: She has always been smart, though few people tend to notice and are quick to underestimate her, she is quick-witted, which is quite useful when in danger, she happens to be extremely adventurous, which often lands her in deep trouble, usually getting kidnapped, a tiny bit reckless, though not by much; only when she needs to be, she's exasperatingly brave, as she never turns down a fight, though she is kind-hearted and caring of others, and also deeply stubborn, which also doesn't help her stay out of trouble.

What you look like:

History: Orphaned as a baby, she grew up in an orphanage with many other children, most of which teased her relentlessly. Eventually, she was adopted by a couple, a gruff man and a kind-hearted woman. The man drank frequently, and one day, during one of many beatings, ended up killing his wife. This he blamed Alexa for, and abused her for a long while. One day, while hiding out in the woods one day from him, she was discovered by a very intelligent stray dog, who took to following her everywhere. She named the dog 'Snow' for his white fur, and he was the girl's only comfort. Eventually, the man was discovered for his crimes and was arrested, thus sending Alexa back to the orphanage. After the incident, no one wanted to adopt her for fear of 'problems', and at 13 she left her hometown to seek a better life, bringing Snow with her.

Colors of Mana (If aligned with a guild, at least one color must match guilds.): Red and Blue

Skills: Writing, (that one's more of a talent, really) sneaking, aiming, tracking, finding clues and such

Weapons, if any: Can use a bow, though does not use it particularly regularly, Tablet of the Guildpact

Goal: To stop 'bad guys', while being adventurous

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