Let's make it a good one


eyebrow queen


Open spots

Taken my me

2. StarBurstTears

3. Miss Role play

4. RedInkKid

5. ShadowMoses

6. Esoteric Truth



Character Skeleton


Age: (17 or 18)


Appearance: (Real photo, no description & no anime)

Personality: (The more information the better)

Traits: +___, ___, ___ -___, ___, ___

Background: (The more information the better)


Kyle Copeland // 18 // Straight



"Tattoos and a switch blade attitude

Bubblegum smile with a snake bit heart"

Don't let her bubbly personality fool you, this girl can pack a punch;

she isn't one to mess with. Kyle isn't your average girl, she much

rather spend her days outside looking for something to get into than

stay inside, or god forbid,
go shopping. She much rather spend her time

hanging out with her guy friend or going skateboarding. When you first

meet her she may seem to come off quite harsh, but once you get to

know her, she becomes a girl full of fun and light. She can

sometimes be quite flirty, but once she sets her eye on a guy there is

no stopping her.


+Outgoing, Adventurous, Dependable

-Sarcastic, Harsh, Flirty


"There's nothing special about me"

It's just her mom and her at home, her father left when she was only 6

months old after knocking her mom up in college. Because of this her

mother went back to work and for most of her life, Kyle has been on her

own. In high school she was bullied a lot and started to self harm

because of that. She really didn't come into her own until senior year

of high school where she started to not care about what everyone said.

She started to use art and photography as an outlet for her emotions.

She spent most of her time looking around for old abandoned buildings

and houses to explore. In school she would spend most her time hiding

out in the art department.

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Conner Mallas | 17 | Homosexual


Traits: + Humorous, Charismatic, Respectful; - Conceited, Deceptive, Inconsiderate


Conner can probably be described in many words but it all depends on who your asking. Most women will tell you he's like your very own knight in shining armor while most men will tell you he's a playful, yet, arrogant b*stard. Conner finds that it is important to only show your good side to women, with making the exception of close friends. Despite being very charming, Conner mostly only thinks of himself. If he can gain something from you then he'll be very charismatic, other than that you have to deal with his arrogant nature. Conner always loves a good joke but he tends to make jokes out of peoples flaws which some people take offense too. He is very playful with his friends, often messing with them like a sibling would and giving them the slightest of affection such as a peck on the cheek. Seeing himself as above most people, he has a problem with watching what he says which can lead him into trouble sometimes. Conner is nothing if not a man of his word, he keeps his promises and will go to any length to keep them.


Conner grew up being told he was better than everyone else. Who told him this, was his father who worked more in a week than he spent time with his family in a month. Despite being an only child, he never got much attention from his parents except for when he succeeded at something which didn't last to long. As his father managed a Law Firm Business while neglecting his family in the process, Conner's mother would turn to
othersolutions to fix her loneliness, such as men and alcohol.

During high school, Conner got more attention from his peers than he ever got from his parents. He was the Line-Backer for the football team and was the spit image of prince charming to most girls at his school. Though all of this changed in his early senior year when a picture of him kissing another guy ended up on everyone's phones. He tried to make everything stay the same but unfortunately his popularity scale
plummeted. He eventually was forced to quit the football team because students and parents were making complaints about a gay boy being allowed to change in a locker room with other guys. The rest of the senior was terrible but eventually Conner decided it didn't matter anymore. Gay or straight, it wasn't anyone's business except his.

Now he has friends who love him for who he is which couldn't make him any happier.


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Spencer Dallas | 18 | Bisexual


** Personality **

"Yeah, Like I Don't Give a F*ck"

Spencer has always been "that punk girl" through out all of high school. She got her first tattoo in third grade, when most girls where going shopping for "training bra's". She knows that she's in charge, and doesn't want to take sh*t from anyone. Being a skater girl, she is always laid back, when she isn't skipping class. She's the bad*ss, and she knows it. Gets suspended from school every month, but comes back with a brand new attitude.


+Talkative, Smart, Strong

-Sarcastic, Rude, Shut


"Like You Really Care"

Spencer Dallas never knew her parents, they gave her up as a baby. Yet, when she was three years old, a gay couple had adopted her. Causing her to have two dads. They taught her to play ball, and stuff. While girls her age where playing with dollies, she was out in the mud, learning how to skate. When she got into third grade, she walked out on her dads, and left to live with her real parents, who lived as prostitutes, and drug dealers. She got a tattoo with her mother. Since then, she learned how to live life without giving a f*ck.


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Name: Megan Lee

Age: (17 or 18) 17

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: (Real photo, no description & no anime)

(Couldn't get a decent picture, she's the girl in the vid though, hope you don't mind)
Personality: (The more information the better) Megan is curious, naive, clever, quick on her feet, sensitive, innocent, and empathetic. Ever since she was small if another child would cry, she'd break into tears right along with them. At school, she was always known as the country girl for having parents who owned the biggest farm in town. Relationships? Well, ask her for yourself.

"Only if I've got time after stacking the bails and feeding the chickens. If not, ain't gonna happen."

Traits: +__curious_, __naive_, _agile__ -_sensitive__, __innocent_, ___empathetic

Background: (The more information the better)

Both Megan's parents adore her and her siblings, but knew how to tell their children they wouldn't get anything they wanted without workin' their tails off for it. Ever since then Megan and her brother have been very hard working, and are the main reason why the family hasn't needed to hire employees to work on the farm in fifteen years. Aside from typical teen worries, (Not including chipped nail polish or wardrobe malfunctions) Megan was and still is a considerably carefree girl. Most people find it hard not to love her, and she is known as the town sweetheart.


Tanner Nickson// 18//Homosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/8910f60ced869713d6bb84e32bc3eff2.jpg.7fe08738bd8bcedba23a8df99e075dea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/8910f60ced869713d6bb84e32bc3eff2.jpg.7fe08738bd8bcedba23a8df99e075dea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Traits: + Creative, Intuitive, Observant - Jaded, Blunt, Odd

Who am I?

"Jinkies, dude."

Tanner has some issues. He's a shy, sweet person at heart. He has a hard time trusting folks, but is a very loyal person to those who do earn it. That being said, it'd be wise to note that if he or anyone he loves is crossed, he can become an ice king. Don't ask him about the past, it haunts him. He knows there are good people in the world, but for some reason he just can't see himself as one of them.

Tanner has a knack for creating beautiful things...though he can get lost in his own little worlds he creates. His pencil and paper always were the best way of getting away from all his problems...and his memories.

Indulges in the habitual use of the Leaf. Not because it's fun, but because it makes him feel free. Like a hummingbird.

My Story?

"You never know how much you love someone until your looking at their casket."

With no father or siblings, Tanner only had his Mom to depend on. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her. Everything changed when she was diagnosed with brain cancer. The comfortable life he had always known was shattered, and with his innocence gone he stepped up to take care of the woman who had taken care of him since he was a born. She went into remission and everything seemed to be fine.

So, when she passed away due to an aneurysm, he took it hard.

He was resigned to live with Uncle Marty; a sleazy man with foul intentions for the relationship. The man who seemed to be good and whole-hearted was actually cruel and sociopathic. Tanner didn't know much about sex, until Uncle Marty taught him. Tanner didn't know about drugs and how they could leave you defenseless. Uncle Marty didn't hesitate to teach him that lesson. Tanner didn't know how to fight back. Uncle Marty thought he never would.

How he was so wrong.

After four years of verbal and physical abuse, Tanner finally emancipated himself from the last relative he knew of. Amazingly, Tanner kept his grades up even with all the darkness he had to face in his own home. But finishing high-school was stressful ,and with graduation on the way he realized there was no plan for him to follow through on. His junior year had droned by as he bused tables in a local diner. Life became repetitious. He needed an escape.

By the way...

Has a tattoo of a hummingbird sipping a white oleander on his hip.

Likes popsicles, his sketchbook, Doritos

dislikes coupon moms, heat, the dark

Relative(s): Lisa Nickson (deceased)


(i'm an idiot...)



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Penelope Ryder






"Your world around me, kills me softly."



"Ever since this began, I was blessed with a curse."

Penelope is a laid back, chill girl. Her stresses remain low, most of the time. If you rub her the wrong way, you wouldn't want to be around her, she is a time bomb. You'll end up either with a bloody nose or questioning life. She has a way with people, Penelope seems to know how to get into people's minds. Friends come, go, and stay gone, very seldom does Penelope form a tight bond with people. When she does find someone that is worth keeping, she will try her best to have them close with her. Penelope loves to just lounge around in large t-shirts and watch Netflix, even better if it was with a special someone. She suffers from depression, it can be seen on some days or after a comment had been made. The years of pushing those feelings down into the bottle, might just eventually shoot the top off, causing her feelings of anger, sadness, and everything else to spill everywhere.


+ Passionate, Independent, and Affectionate

- Harsh, Aggressive, and Quick-tempered


"Goodbye my friend, goodbye my love, you're in my heart."

Everyone left her as a child, she left everyone as a teenager. There was never a time that she had someone to hold her while she cried at night. At the age of 7, her mother had passed away from an extreme case of pneumonia. Her father began to slip into a depression and turned to alcohol and drugs. Soon, he was an alcoholic and abusing illegal drug substances. Penelope didn't want to have anything to do with her father from that point on, but she did want him to get better. She got a job and paid for her father to go to rehab. He came back 6 months later, clean. A week after his return Penelope stepped into his room to check on how he was doing to find him on the floor with a needle in his arm, not breathing. She called an ambulance, hoping they could do something to save him. At 6:53 am Mark Ryder was declared dead from a heroin overdose. No one came to comfort Penelope, but could it be that she didn't contact them either?


Name: Leon Carringway

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: On the surface, Leon appears to be one of those people that your parents warned you about- more than a little crazy, and certainly involved with an assortment of unsavory activities. Should he be criticized or should someone attempt to reprimand him, he will lash out with violent language and perhaps even a bit of force, although historically he has not had the muscle mass to back up his all-too-hot temper. He generally appears to be angry, spiteful, and essentially utter hell to be around. This all changes as soon as he's around his friends, however. When surrounded by those he feels he can trust, Leon opens up quite a bit. Though he'll occasionally bicker here and there, he relaxes most of his hostility and instead is eager to experience and explore. He's tentative to make new friends and to talk in large groups, unless of course there's alcohol available. He's much more talkative then.

Traits: + Curious, Independent, Sweet (deep down somewhere) - Argumentative, Lazy, Rebellious

Background: Leon was born to an older couple and was, well, quite a surprise. His older brother, Gregg, had been born to their parents when their parents were around 19, so there was a rough twenty year gap between the siblings. Gregg owned the house that all of the Carringways lived in, and the adults all split the mortgage between them. Money was always tight growing up, and an extra mouth to feed wasn't very welcome. There was a great deal of tension that was taken out on Leon, usually by the hand of Gregg. His attendance at school was spotty due to 'illness' that usually involved him helping his father with the odd jobs he'd get. Sometimes it was cleaning, sometimes it was fixing pipes. He'd have to help out every now and then due to his father's arthritis. It was humiliating. Most of the kids at the school seemed to have had the Carringways do some job for them, and even if they hadn't, they'd heard of the dirty little boy who'd come to school in ill-fitting clothes. But no one would ever say anything to his face. He'd knock them down if they did. As he aged, he got angry. His frustration was taken out on his family and his friends, and he isolated himself for a good long while. It took a long time for him to start to mellow out again, and still he remains very bitter and on edge.


: Lacey Mayer

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight




Lacey wears a cold, emotionless expression and seems to be lost in thought most of the time. She rarely speaks, but instead is a great listener. When Lacey does speak, her sentences are short and to the point. She prefers to approach things logically and tends to disregard her own emotions. She is also very honest, so she may seem rude at times, but being honest is how she shows respect.

Despite her developed cold exterior, Lacey cares about those close to her very deeply. She is willing to do anything for her friends, but in doing so forgets about herself. She is a perfectionist and will work hard for others, but this leads to a lot of stress. Lacey's greatest fear is seeming selfish.

Traits: +Caring, logical, great listener -Blunt, stressful, over-thinking


Lacey's an only child. She has a very happy family and stays in contact with them on a regular basis. Lacey was a very quiet child, and her parents often apologised for her shyness. Her teachers would try to encourage her to socialise more and not be such a hermit. This put some strain on her but, other than that, Lacey lead a seemingly normal childhood.

Lacey adores the theatre and dreams of becoming an actress. This surprises most people because of her cold exterior, but Lacey turns out to be rather talented. She was apart of the drama club for many years and after finishing high school Lacey wants to join a drama school to focus more on her acting. 

Turwethiel said:
Name: Lacey Mayer

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight




Lacey wears a cold, emotionless expression and seems to be lost in thought most of the time. She rarely speaks, but instead is a great listener. When Lacey does speak, her sentences are short and to the point. She prefers to approach things logically and tends to disregard her own emotions. She is also very honest, so she may seem rude at times, but being honest is how she shows respect.

Despite her developed cold exterior, Lacey cares about those close to her very deeply. She is willing to do anything for her friends, but in doing so forgets about herself. She is a perfectionist and will work hard for others, but this leads to a lot of stress. Lacey's greatest fear is seeming selfish.

Traits: +Caring, logical, great listener -Blunt, stressful, over-thinking


Lacey's an only child. She has a very happy family and stays in contact with them on a regular basis. Lacey was a very quiet child, and her parents often apologised for her shyness. Her teachers would try to encourage her to socialise more and not be such a hermit. This put some strain on her but, other than that, Lacey lead a seemingly normal childhood.

Lacey adores the theatre and dreams of becoming an actress. This surprises most people because of her cold exterior, but Lacey turns out to be rather talented. She was apart of the drama club for many years and after finishing high school Lacey wants to join a drama school to focus more on her acting.
Nine-Oh-Two. Almost forgot.

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