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  • Users: Isley
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  1. Isley

    For A New Age (Full)

    Re: For A New Age (Recruiting) its been a long semester, now that its finally over, I have alot more free time and I would like to join. Quick character sketch (will expand it after i get home) He is a twilight sorcerer. Formally of the realm, was a licensed thaumaturge. Long story short, got...
  2. Isley

    So long and thanks for all the fish? [Four Factions ]

    aw hell, it was fun while it lasted
  3. Isley

    Convention of Deathlord's Sidereal game?!

    just one quick question, can we send xp on backgrounds at chargen?
  4. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    Kemal lags behind the other exalted as they leave the tent. He stays for a few minutes to make sure that the woman was completely healed. Upon his satisfaction, he turns towards the flap and says to the woman, "I'll check up on you later. Even though you may feel healed, just stay in bed for a...
  5. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    The demon bug finishes its work on the unborn child, making sure that it will survive and crawls out of the woman's womb. "It is done master she and her child shall live." "Good job, take a rest." Picking the bug up to his abdomen, the bug crawls in and disapears. Turning back to the chieftan...
  6. Isley

    Convention of Deathlord's Sidereal game?!

    I'm interested in joining team bravo, if there's still room. I pm'd you a small back story and a very basic character concept.
  7. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    The demon enters the girl again intent on following his master's orders and saving the other life inside the girl.
  8. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    Turning towards the chief, Kemal gives him the bad news, "I'm sorry that your apprentice didn't make it, but this woman I can heal. Responding quickly to the injured woman's agony, Kemal says "Sesseljae, come out, I have need of you." Suddenly there is a bulge in his neck that continues up to...
  9. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    Entering Snow Blind's tent, Kemal sees a severely injured man. He then attempts to gauge how injured his patient is.
  10. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    "My name is Kemal Hawk and the sooner you get me to your injured, the less chance of complications may arise. Torymidae, dematerialize and cover our backs. Make sure that the enemy anhule is not sneaking up on us." The giant wasps nods its head and becomes translucent until it finally disappears...
  11. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    Stepping forward towards the chief, Kemal says, "I do have some skill in medicine, and I will gladly help. Turning towards Selira, The sorcerer must have been that fire aspect who sent that anhule after us. I think we should help the wounded before we discuss anything else, but its your call"
  12. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    Kemal, standing relaxed, yet alert leaving Selira in her element. He will sate his own curiosity later, when there is no chance for hostilities based on a stray remark.
  13. Isley

    The Howling Hill: Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    just for the next scene, to keep things organized.
  14. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    Kemal, especially alert after Selira called out into the snow strains his ears and eyes to see anything. Unfortunatly, the snow is just too thick. Falling back on charms, Kemal says this inaudiby "Is there anyone out there?" My Perronele uses measure the wind for 1 mote. Willpower = 7 so within...
  15. Isley

    Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

    Drawing deeper into his cloak, Kemal looks about the clearing. "It would probably be best if their scouts find us. According to my information, they should be around here somewhere." How long in between scenes? If more than 1 hr, I'm back to a full mote pool. Activate spirit detecting glance...
  16. Isley

    Tyresö Scene 1: Team Temperance [Four Factions ]

    Just a bit of fluff to end it off In the middle of a clearing, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, Kemal dismounts from the giant spider, and looks around. He is looking for the telltale sign, a mark on one of the trees, just so. "Aha, there it is. Seeing the sign, Kemal issues a short, sharp...
  17. Isley

    Tyresö Scene 1: Team Temperance [Four Factions ]

    Moving as silently as is their nature, even encumbered, the anhules are like ghosts.
  18. Isley

    Tyresö Scene 1: Team Temperance [Four Factions ]

    Kemal responds "Don't worry, you'll learn. I left a note for the dragonbloods to misdirect their attentions, so hopefully they'll bite. Anyways, climb aboard Daboia, I'll go on Echis and we'll escape along the rooftops." For reference, Echis and Daboia are horse sized spiders with a gold band...
  19. Isley


    Depending on how much xp we get and what other people pick, I might go twilight, solar circle sorcerer focused on returning shadowlands to creation, one small piece at a time. Otherwise, maybe dawn
  20. Isley

    Tyresö Scene 1: Team Temperance [Four Factions ]

    True, but thats where the anhules come in. They are experts at creeping around unseen and can walk right up the city wall with us on their back My anhules use bread of weak spirit to consume all the essence of the enemy, then the flesh. each gain 39 essence and materialize, so net gain of 4.