Tyresö Scene 1: Team Temperance [Four Factions ]

With a guttural squeak Echis' lands on the other Anuhle and batters his fangs repeatedly against the tick chitinous carpace of its enemy, until she finds an opening for her terrible venom.

The Anuhle, struck by the poison, shakes violently with a loud chirp that goes unnoticed by all the humans but Kemal.

Touch of Saturn inflicts 1L, 2B to the Anuhle by the time it acts, and an internal penalty of -2.

Tick 0: Daboia
Tick 3: Anuhle, Kemal
Tick 6: Echis
Daboia, exposed in the light and seen by her enemy takes the next logical step, a head on assault. Just before she launched her attack, her compatriot, Echis landed the first hit, injecting the enemy with his venom, causing the enemy to scream out in pain. Seeing an opening, she pounced upon her and her master's enemy and grabbed it.

Wound penalty on enemy? Daboia attempted clinch:
Daboia rolled the following in his 18 dice:
9, 1, 1, 5, 3, 5, 5, 9, 5, 4, 1, 6, 9, 6, 10, 7, 1, 1
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

uses 3rd MA excellency:
Daboia rolled the following in his 18 dice:
4, 9, 8, 10, 7, 4, 6, 4, 10, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 7, 2, 9, 6
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 9 successes.
Enemy is at -1 with an additional -2 due to venom. Dodge DV goes from 5 to 2, so clinch is successful with 7 excess successes.
Daboia acts again on Tick 6, together with Echis.
The Anuhle is Inactive due to the clinch.
Venom inflicts 3B to the Anuhle and terminates its effect.
Anuhle is still at -1 wound penalty.
Raw damage:
Daboia rolled the following in his 13 dice:

9, 2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 8, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.


Daboia rolled the following in his 2 dice:

2, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in a botch. Heh...heeh.
Looking back, I swapped the raw damage and accuracy rolls from my first attack. And damn, I can't roll damage, I keep getting bad results. Also, bite has a speed of 5, clinch a speed of 6, so echis should go before the 2 clinched anhules.

seeing as how the other anhule now has a 0 dodge dv, I'm going to speed this up.

tick 5:

Echis goes to bite the clinched anhule using 3 banked principle of motion actions and touch of saturn (being a simple charm, will be used on the first one):
Echis rolled the following in his 19 dice:

9, 2, 7, 6, 6, 9, 2, 3, 6, 2, 5, 4, 1, 9, 5, 5, 2, 7, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Echis rolled the following in his 19 dice:

4, 6, 5, 10, 1, 10, 5, 2, 9, 9, 7, 1, 1, 1, 2, 6, 3, 9, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 9 successes.

Echis rolled the following in his 19 dice:

4, 4, 2, 9, 5, 5, 10, 9, 5, 10, 1, 4, 4, 6, 9, 3, 7, 9, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 10 successes.
Anuhle damage is 3L, so:
1st Attack: 2L, scores: 0
2nd Attack: 5L, scores: 1
3rd Attack: 6L, scores: 3
+Touch of Saturn:
The Anhule takes 5L
Total damage is 6L, 2B, -2 damage penalty and additional -4 venom penalty.
Echis acts @11.

The Anuhle roll to control the clinch scores 3 successes.
Roll clinch for Daboia.
Please note that Echis used Meat of broken flesh for attacks 2 and 3, spending 2 and gaining 4 motes, so net gain +2 m.
using the dice roller you recommended,http://xxx.4orsi.it/nw/roller.html, I rolled: 9 dices: 5 successes to renew clinch
using two principle of motion actions w/ Daboia. 1 to renew clinch, other one to bite:
19 dices: 14 successes

also, pulling blow to make it bashing so -1 external penalty

raw damage
19 dices: 14 successes

soak = 8, so 14-8 = 6

so 6 die:

6 dices: 3 successes
Enemy anhule hl:

-0 [X]
-1 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [/]

-2 [/] [/] [/] [/] []

-4 []

Inc []
enemy should be down after touch of saturn effect.

after enemy passes out:

Kemal puts his bow down silently and looks up to Selira and says "Its down for the count, but we should really get out of here. I got our bags packed, and know where we can find the tribe that the moon child we saw belongs to." Turning towards Triceria, he says If you don't mind staying in your current form for now, it will make our getaway easier. Walking towards the door, Kemal turns back and says "If you will grab the bags, I will meet you upstairs and explain everything I learned on our way out. Outside, Kemal walks by the downed spider and whispers to his faithful demons, "drag it inside and feed on its essence". Turning back inside, Kemal heads upstairs to his companions. The plan to get out of here is to ride the anhules out of here and over the wall to the howling hill to meet up with the lunars, any objections?
Selira quickly realizes that there was a demon following her, and that Kemal's demons have overpowered it. She didn't like the idea of acting so highly in the spotlight when they should exercise caution, but what's done is done.

"I would have preferred a more inconspicous way of traveling around here, but I understand the need for speed. We have wasted valuable time here, partly my fault. But we have to be careful out there, cause the Dragon-Bloods have troops there, and I wouldn't want to get shot."
True, but thats where the anhules come in. They are experts at creeping around unseen and can walk right up the city wall with us on their back

My anhules use bread of weak spirit to consume all the essence of the enemy, then the flesh. each gain 39 essence and materialize, so net gain of 4.
Triceria slinks down into the corner, ears flat. If she could she would just lay there in misery. She had brought danger to her Solar, in fact what ever Kemal had beat could possibly had alerted the Dragon Blooded. Her little kitty face turns towards the Solars and a very visible sigh affects her almost depressed form.
Selira picks up Triceria's kitten form, stroking her fur, and turns to Kemal. "I'm sorry for bringing the Dragon-Blood's attention to us. I'm still not used to this, and my carelessness has jeopardized us all. let's go to this Howling Hill, and see what the others have to say for themselves."
Kemal responds "Don't worry, you'll learn. I left a note for the dragonbloods to misdirect their attentions, so hopefully they'll bite. Anyways, climb aboard Daboia, I'll go on Echis and we'll escape along the rooftops."

For reference, Echis and Daboia are horse sized spiders with a gold band wrapped around their abdomens.

Kemal climbs aboard Echis lying flat, opens the window and Echis climbs to the roof.

Echis stealth check:
Stealth + Dex

10 dices: 7 successes

Daboia stealth check:

Stealth + Dex (using 1st excellency x1)

11 dices: 7 successes
The wind blows gently and cold on your faces as Echis and Daboia quickly jump from roof to roof.

The Unconquered Sun at His zenith colors the town with a shy brush of spring, and the sky of Creation is clear and magnificent.

The Town looks unnaturally quiet.

As you move North, you notice in the distance the huge Earth Dynast assembling two squads of armed men in front of the City Hall.

This is the map of the city:
The Inn is at the very south, the last building left in the square of the docks, just below the three small rocky peaks.
The City Hall is the big building in the main square exactly north of the Inn.
You are currently moving north-east.
For the Howling Hill you'll have to follow the upwards arrow.

The spiders are encumbered and suffer a -2 internal penalty to any dex roll.
Isley, roll Dex+Stealth for both of them.
Moving as silently as is their nature, even encumbered, the anhules are like ghosts.

To offset the penalty, 1st excellency x2:

10 dices: 6 successes


10 dices: 8 successes
Triceria remains still as the demons move them across the city, the last thing she wanted to do was offset the weight. So she remains, her kitty eyes find the Earth Aspect as they silently pass her eyes narrowing. She is not sure why he was gathering this, but she figured it was for the tribe outside of town. She hopes they aren't too late in at least speaking with the Lunar tribe.
Selira tries her best to stay still, though she is still unused to the demons. Her thoughts drift back to her conversations with the Dragon-Bloods. Surely something more is afoot here. Why would the Lunar come here to snatch a Hearthstone? unless the Dragon Bloods were using it to power some artifact. Surely one of them would have claimed the Manse and the Heathstone for himself otherwise... And why would a Lunar, or several of them, would lead beastmen to this speck of a place? There must be something important here, and she needed to inform her companions and get to the bottom of this, before the Wyld Hunt arrives.
Patiently and silently, the group sneaks out of Tyresö.

Scene closed.
All of you earn 1 px.
I will open in short a scene at the Howling Hill.
Just a bit of fluff to end it off

In the middle of a clearing, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, Kemal dismounts from the giant spider, and looks around. He is looking for the telltale sign, a mark on one of the trees, just so. "Aha, there it is. Seeing the sign, Kemal issues a short, sharp whistle. Immediately, the trees rustle and out comes a giant wasp, glistening like crystal. Turning to face Daboia with Triceria and Selira on his back, "I'm sure you remember Torymidae, He'll be taking us the rest of the way. Daboia, Echis, dematerialize and follow behind."
Very nice.
Now we just have to wait for Chaka to be ready at the Howling Hill...
Activated Mastery of Small Manners for 1m.

Question, will I need to activate it again to read the motivation of anyone new we encounter? or does it still work, since it lasts for 1 scene.
Scene-long charms last the whole scene.

Right now using MoSM tells you nothing more than Cunning Heart explicit words.

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