Tyresö Scene 1: Team Temperance [Four Factions ]

I can see how my acions might seem like she's quitting, but that is not the case.

She needs to get back to her team mates to decide how to approach the lunars, and see what the situation is like there. She doesn't have much love for dynasts.

Also, those dynasts seem to play in an unfair manner, and do not seem too inclined to actually negotiate, and more to set their own terms, which conflicts with one of her intimacies., and going to write the letter is a good excuse to leave their presence. Also she is still unsure about her powers, and is unwilling to stay in their presence much, lest they uncover her status as a Solar.
Also, those dynasts seem to play in an unfair manner, and do not seem too inclined to actually negotiate, and more to set their own terms.
Not sure about playing style, since I didn't read the scene, but dynasts are supposed to feel superior and never in a need to negotiate, they just take. Until they learn that they are in fact second class exalted, they will continue to act snobbish. Surprisingly enough, the pc dragon blooded are acting too nonchalantly about more than 1 anethma coming to attack the city with no backup or reinforcements. Unless the characters are acting confident for morale, they should be begging or at least asking for whatever reinforcements they could get. Meh, to each their own.
oh, i never once said they shouldn't feel superior, but when you deal with diplomats, representatives of another nation, and a nominal ally, you should still show some slight respect, and not treat those people like servants to run your errands, which is my impression from Ragara Valis.

Selira is gonna write that letter, and try and find someone to send it with, but she's not gonna put too much effort into it. Her priority now is to find out more about the situation here, and how she might be able to exploit it to her circle's benefit.
Triceria follows Selira out still as a kitty, she dared not change out in the open but for now was content to just appear to be a hungry lonely kitty having found a prospective person to exploit.

(And thus unless something is holding us back, I'm pushing us forward )
Selira will make her way nonchalantly to the abandoned inn, adopting the kitten as a pet, murmuring to her about the stuff she's found, and her impressions of the Dragon-Bloods.

In the mean time she considers how she might shake any trailing they might have put on her without being too obvious about it. Even considering the fact that the DB sorcerer might have sent a demon to track her movements.
Seeing Selira passing the inn and nonchalantly looking over her shoulder, Kemal starts to get worried. He figures that something must have gone wrong and she was exposed, so he must somehow throw off suspicion. The best way would be to get them to think that he was a DB member of the all-seeing eye. Kemal quickly takes a letter and a signet ring (taken from his dead former master) from his bag and scrawls a letter

To the exalted of Tyresso,
Interference in my work or that of my fellow agents is considered treason to the realm and shall be punished appropriately.

Mnemon Cathak
Upon finishing the letter, he folds it, then drips some candle wax upon the opening and seals it with the House Mnemon signet ring. Kemal then prepares their bags for a hasty departure and waits for Selira to arrive.

Have both of my demons returned or just the one?
Talking softly to the cat, Selira will whisper to her about her desire to see the beastmen and Lunar. Trying to convey a sense of urgency, and of importance.
Triceria, who had gone to purring for a bit, stopped and glances to Selira. Lunar and Beastman nearby and threatening the city. She knows though perhaps someone should negotiate with the Chosen of the Moon and find out why this is entire affair was necessary. It wasn't lost on her that this city was in control of the Realm but like more cautious Lunar Elders she knows that outward attacks would draw the eyes of powerful forces instead. This city needed less fear and more stability. Triceria meows once attempting to convey her understanding of the situation, before leaping from her perch in Selira's arms and races for the inn's doors glancing once to her as she waits for Selira to enter with her. As she waited she looks about the area desiring quickly to change her from.
Sighing in resignation, Selira looks at the cat, and starts calling it different names to try and draw it out, but as it moves closer to the inn she follows it, still trying to draw it out, and then follows it inside the inn.
Seeing his companions arrive at their temporary residence, Kemal quickly gets up to greet them. But before he says a word, he holds up one finger as if to say wait a minute.

Activating Spirit detecting glance
3m from personal, non obvious
Kemal starts looking around the room and throught the window to see if there is anything following Selira and Triceria

Is there anything following them? My demons should also get a roll to notice anything, since they are on lookout.
Triceria hops up to a table and meows, waiting for the all clear from Kemal, while looking at Selira. Tail swishing back and forth impatiently, it was so hard to talk in these forms.
Great shot Isley. There is a dematerialized Anuhle, sneaking behind them. 2 PX for your PC. You know but he doesn't know that you know. Have fun.
Selira walks into the inn, and acts surprised to see Kemal in there "I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to intrude, but my cat has decided to go investigate this place, and I came in to retrieve him..."
Triceria gives a mental sigh and begins to preen herself, licking at her legs to clean her face, regardless how foolish she felt now. Eventually she jumps from the table and goes to a corner to bat and pounce at a dustball. Sometimes, just a bit, she did like her cat form more than her spirit form. Oh, the idle pleasures of kitty life.
Kemal turns to face Selira and says "No problem at all, I was just idly composing my thoughts. Cats are always independent and have minds all their own." However, his facial expression is screaming CAUTION!! With his hands below sight of the windows, Kemal signals to his two demons to flank the enemy and attack from two sides.

should i roll dex + stealth for the surprise attack? If so then does the enemy get -2 internal for being focused on us?
Isley: roll man/cha+stealth/socialize to signal your demons to attack without the Anuhle noticing.
The Anuhle rolls Per+Socialize with -1 external penalty, for 2 successes in total.


Kemal Hawk rolled the following in his 4 dice:

7, 10, 6, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes. .

My bad for the double roll, my computer's a little wonky today. It seems to think 4 is 3.
Kemal hides his hands in the shadows and signals to his demons.
Quickly understanding the will of their master, the two demons silently arc around the Anhule as it stalks Selira.

Roll Dex+Stealth for your Anuhle and the Agata, the Anuhle can use its Stealth Eccellency.
The Anuhle Per+Awareness roll scored 5.
Roll Join Battle for any demon that fails surprise.

Spent 2m on first stealth excellency
Echis rolled the following in his 12 dice:

8, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8, 8, 8, 6, 7, 1, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 8 successes.

Also spent 2m on first stealth excellency
Daboia rolled the following in his 12 dice:

6, 4, 4, 3, 8, 2, 2, 6, 10, 2, 3, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.
Failing the stealth roll, join battle:
Daboia rolled the following in his 5 dice:

8, 9, 5, 10, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.
Slipping into the shadows that surround the inn, Echis slips around the unsuspecting demon. Not as adept, Daboia stumbles into the light in front of the enemy demon and immediately attacks. Also, Kemal grabs his bow and readies an arrow.

Join battle for Kemal:
Kemal Hawk rolled the following in his 5 dice:

3, 1, 4, 9, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.
can dematerialized spirits attack other dematerialized spirits?
Taken by surprise, the demon spider hisses furiously and lowers on its legs to leap on the Agata.

Dematerialized spirits are on the same plane, so yes.
Can your arrow hit a dematerialized demon?
Roll the attack for Echis and then his Join Battle, the enemy is a default Anuhle.
Its Join Battle scored 3.
No, my attack can't harm dematerialized spirits, but I will be aiming for every action unless he becomes materialized.


Attempted Bite attack
Echis rolled the following in his 9 dice:

7, 2, 5, 4, 4, 2, 1, 5, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.
Invokes third martial arts excellency:
Echis rolled the following in his 9 dice:

1, 6, 8, 9, 2, 8, 7, 5, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.

Echis invokes touch of saturn 6m for 2L

Echis mote pool (45-2-4-6)
Join Battle

Echis rolled the following in his 5 dice:
8, 2, 10, 9, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.
Echis, like a lion stalking its prey, slips from shadow to shadow waiting for a chance to strike. As the enemy anhule is distracted by Daboia appearing before him, he sees his chance. He jumps onto the enemy and bites him, injecting some of his lethal poison and taking a chunk of dematerialized flesh with him.
As soon as Selira sees Kemal drawing his bow, she taps into her essence pool, and channels it to modify her motiosn so they appear somewhat captivating.


Snake Form activated.
A few bystanders look at you with a mixture of weariness and curiosity, as Kemal aims his bow at nothing and Selira looks around, swaying her body like a belly dancer.

Echis lands its bite with 4 excess successes, you can roll the damage already, the Anuhle soaks 7L, I will roll any stunt you describe.
No JB yet for Selira, as she can't see the target.
I thought that the street was empty. Ah well, I can live with looking weird

10 accuracy + 3 strength + 3 L(Damage) + 4 extra successes = 20 dice
Echis rolled the following in his 20 dice:

6, 5, 8, 6, 7, 7, 4, 4, 3, 6, 4, 8, 8, 5, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

so, just essence ping + touch of saturn
Post Soak Damage

Echis rolled the following in his 2 dice:

5, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 0 successes.
Just the damage from touch of saturn, that was a horrible roll. Daboia should attack next, then Echis and the enemy on the same tick, right?

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