
I'm thinking I'm going to go with an older chara if I go Sidy, have one of those sidies who have been quite displaced when they were unable to return to Yu-shan. Nod nod. Perhaps a Secrets or Serenity who was either out hunting for something elusive or too slow to return due to 'taking care of something'. Ooooor something xD
I was more concerned with how charms that use the 'fate crafting ability of the Sids' as a basis would function in a place that is for all intents and purposes 'outside' of fate. Do they just stop working, muted effects, or magic is fracken magic!
Basicly, what I had in mind was a merc chief that exalted and had led a retreat/evacuation as the undead advanced. He would of picked up other survivors on the way. At this point he probably would of joined the cause but what I meant was he was once a merc chief in happier times.
Depending on how much xp we get and what other people pick, I might go twilight, solar circle sorcerer focused on returning shadowlands to creation, one small piece at a time. Otherwise, maybe dawn
Maybe 150+xp, but I still have a lot of things to work out before launching the game... background mainly and some technicalities like advanced technologies vehicles and weapons, revised backgrounds (familiars, artifacts, panoply command etc etc) or mods to the system (hardness), merits and flaws.

I also may give you free dots of essence from the start to reflect your "age and enlightenment" depending on how I want the game to run and your characters to have a significant impact on their surroundings.

Cleansing Solar Flame could very well be an option, since it technically can clear out an entire city (more or less the size of Nexus) of the shadowland taint in 10 min for 60m... but there are two conditions:

- identify the geomantic center of the shadowland

- spend 10 mins fully focused there

Then of course there is still the problem of keeping it in Creation.

I also have to build a coherent and interesting campaign reflecting the many aspects of the universe.

Many things to do before we get started :)
Hmm, given the XP and potential for free Essence, it's only fair I warn you know:

Playing a Malefactor of Ceceyline with Fourfold Weapon Arm, Infernal Monster Style, and six Charms or so into the Ceceyline Charm tree...

Absolute monster. A nightmare to try and fight in Shadowland or desert, and capable of turning slain Essence wielders into sacrifices to transform miles of Shadowland into a piece of The Endless Desert.
What kind of dice pools are you talking about and any perfect attacks? What about speed of attacks, essence limitations, how long could he last?
Can't recall the dice pools off the top of my head, and my books are at home.

However, GSPs of Ceceyline become Transcendant Desert Creatures - huge bonuses in places of physical and/or spiritual desolation, some excellent defense Charms, and a couple of handy Shaping attacks. The Fourfold Arm means the GSP can reflexively produce any one of three weapons that you'll only disarm by literally removing the arm. Infernal Monster Style has some gloriously over the top attacks.

Survivors par-excellence, taking one down is tricky enough if you can hit him. Hitting him can be maddeningly difficult. They will almost always have several dots in Cult for essence and deep reserves besides.

Attacks will invariably be counted as unarmed, too, since the weapon is part of his limb, if I recall correctly.

I don't recall any perfect attacks, though.


Can I be an antagonist? :D
If there is still room I'd be interested in playing a lunar, probably changing moon. I haven't really played much exalted but I can get my hands on the books.
As previously said, the idea still needs a lot of work, but I have noted your interests and am happy the idea gets so much love :mrgreen:

I will post the background next month, and then will start to work on the mods of the system.

As always, suggestions, ideas comments are welcome.
Well, jumping into the interested pool at number 12.

Argyle 'Final-Clutch' only survivor of a clutch of mosok eggs, having never seen another of his kind he believes himself one of the last Mosok souls, perhaps even one of the last Dragon-King souls not enslaved as a ghost or being slowly destroyed to power one of the necro-constructs.

Raised on the outskirts of creation on a remote western island by mortal immaculates who fled as their homeland was taken by forces infernal, he is a master of the Five Dragon Style and an aquatic guerilla par excellance.....

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