For A New Age (Full)


Senior Member
For a Better Age

Broken Ice looked down at the host of Varajtul as they approached his fellow Valhal warriors. That what he would have liked to call them in any event. Far too many of them had too much gray in their hair. Himself included. But these cold, hard lands of his ancestors were never merciful. Certainly not to the old and infirm. And certainly not in times of war.

The Varajtul continued to approach the hill they had placed themselves on. Howling and moaning what counted for as battle cries. Broken Ice cursed the Wyld that they came from. They had come out of their holes to viciously attack his people. Striking with unusual precision and intelligence. Or perhaps they had merely grown complacent against the Wyld tainted cannibals? They had attacked his villages suddenly and without warning. Uncharacteristically they had gone straight for their iceships during the dead of night, and destroyed most of them before his villages warriors had time to react. Most Varajtul raids were done with the intent of capturing prisoners to be eaten in rituals too foul to speak of. But this was different. In addition to a change in tactics, they now had metal weapons in their hands instead of just the stone, wood, and bone they traditionally used.

In the morning we soon discovered that the raid was in fact an invasion. With our boats destroyed, and facing numbers we could not hope to face, we had no choice but to flee by foot. He had learned later from other villages along the coast had been attacked in the same way. Not all of them had been as fortunate as us.

We fled to the city of Freehold. A city we had a long standing alliance and relationship with. In exchange for mercenary service, protection against the dangers of the North, and the goods my tribe produced we received food, a chance for glory, and in the event of danger, a sanctuary to retreat to and defend. But kin coming back from the city to warn us that Icehold was now closed to us.

They said they could not support us, and that the only people that they would allow inside the city, and safety, were those who submitted to bondage. My kin outside the gate had cried out, declaring them as oathbreakers and slavers. Division had raked the Valhal’s numbers. Some called for an assault on the city to seize their right to sanctuary. Others cautioned moderation, and negotiation with the cities leaders to show them the errors of their ways. A few shamefully submitted themselves to bondage in the dark of night, unable to face their kin as they debased themselves.

But this meant little to my tribe. The Varajtul had caught up with us. Not slowed down by mothers, children, and the elderly and the inevitable pack train that came with a tribe on the move. Now the older men stand on the path in front of the tainted ones. The younger men women of the tribe had insisted on staying to fight. But this was a battle not to win, but to buy time. Time enough for our kin to escape. Younger and stronger blood would be needed later. Or so Broken Ice prayed.

The Varajtul were nearly upon them. Whipping themselves into a frenzy as they always did. He could now smell their foul odors like he had so many times in the past. They howled at us and we answered back with our own war cries. Each line building up its courage for the clash. We charged each other. But the battle was already decided. The only thing in doubt was the blood toll and how long it would take. Broken Ice was determined that his last moments would be moments of glory and honor. And that he would make for as many of those moments as he could for as long as he could. The Valhals needed heroes. Many died on that hill. More would be needed soon.


Creation is on verge of a new age. The winds of change have come, and there may be nothing that can stop them. Since the Usurpation Creation has been in a slow state of decline, corruption, and rot. The Dragon-Blooded have proven to be poor stewards of Creation since their coup. The great wonders of the First Age are all but gone, the population and cities a pale shadow of what once was, and even the heavens only perform their duties out of sheer momentum.

It is hard to imagine a place in Creation that has fallen as hard as the North. During the heights of the First Age the region was warmed by the Essence machines of the Solars, allowing for the growth of crops. Long distance travel was readily available. While the region was still considered a wilderness in many ways, it still prospered even as the First Age tarnished.

The fall of the Solars during the Usurpation saw the North fall just as hard. In a moment of defiant fury and revenge, First Sun’s Cry destroyed the White Valley Dam, turning the White Valley into the White Sea, drowning untold millions, and destroying the most fertile region in the North. The Dragon-Blooded proved to only be able to slow the decay of the Solars infrastructure, and the North was slowly seized by a cold grip. The North was nearly entirely annihilated during the devastating Contagion and Fair Folk invasion that saw the complete collapse of civilization in the region.

Since the Scarlet Empress beat back the Fair Folk invasion, the people of the North has sought to scratch out a life in a region that gives nothing, but will readily take everything. Here the hard-bitten people of the North eke out an existence as best they can. Whether in massive cities like Whitewall, the various minor city-states, tribes, or individual homesteads, these people battle against the elements, Fair Folk, Wyld Barbarians, and against foreign influences. While the people of the North can make a living, it is considered barely worth the Realm’s attention.

While it may not seem like it, this is the place where heroes can rise. Even the long exiled Solar may be able to reclaim their birthright here on the cold steppes where the Realm lacks influence. This was where the Bull of the North rose to prominence after all. Who is to say another group of Solar and their allies could not also carve out their own empire. Especially with the Realm paralyzed without its Scarlet Empress, and the Wyld Hunt at its weakest.

It is here that Solar can prove they still have the spark that made them great, or it is here in the cold and hard expanse of the North that they will prove they are still the mad despots they were before their fall. But it is here a Circle of Solar and their allies will come together. It is here they will gather a group of largely unknown icewalkers, and they will challenge the world. It is up to them if the world will rise to new heights because of them, or just become poorer still.

Game Description

I’m looking for about 4-7 characters of various Exalted types, though it will likely be Solar heavy.

This is an empire building game focused initially on the North-Western and Northern portion of Creation. The focus will be on the actions of a new Circle of Solar and their allies, and their actions as they gradually build their new Solar empire. They will need to build up their nation, create alliances, make war, fight off the Realm and the Wyld Hunt, and right the wrongs of the world. Politics, war, intrigue, epic fights, and nation building will be the focus on the game. The campaign will be character driven and focused, and the decisions of the Exalted will have major consequences in Creation.

The Exalted in this campaign will join up and assist a Viking like group of icewalkers known as the Valhals in their desperate fight against Varajtul Cannibals. They will have to use the skills at their disposal to manage a situation more complex then it may initially seem. From there they will get to build their empire, and deal with a multitude of problems in the North.

For whatever reason they are now in this section of the North. Either to escape the reach of the Realm, because they have kin among the icewalkers, they want to carve out a nation in this area, or for whatever reason you so choose.

Character Creation Rules

-Exalted Types: Solar, Lunar, Sidereal, Dragon-Blooded, and others on a case by case basis.

-Characters will needs to have a Background, Appearance (I will allow you to use a picture as your appearance), and Personality written up. I have the option of giving out an additional 1-5 EXP based on how much I like this section of the character sheet.

-Characters get an additional 50 EXP to spend at the end of character generation.

-You can also earn an additional 5 EXP by forming a significant connection with at least one other Circle member (one time reward, but you are certainly encouraged to come up with a connection to more than one other Exalted in the Circle). This is to encourage all of you to build up character relationships before the game starts, and have more reason to help each other in the campaign ahead.

-Any significant artifacts, followers, crafts, etc. should be addressed in your backstory to explain why you have these things.

-To simply things, everyone is going to need to speak the same language. So select Skytongue as one of your languages.

Just keep in mind that I am new to the game, so you probably don’t need to go overboard on the character designs.


-For each dot of Essense an Exalted has, up to a maximum of their Staminia, they get one free Ox-Body Technique charm to better represent their supernatural toughness.

-Artifact Superheacy Plate is only 4 dots, not 5, and Articulated Plate is only 3 dots.

-For each dot purchased in Craft, you get one dot in a mundane craft (Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Air), and other Crafts (such as Magitech, Genesis, etc.) can be purchased as specialties. There is no limit to the number of specialties an Exalted is allowed to purchase.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Completed Character Sheets & Background

MorkaisChosen: Bjarn Stormtooth, Dawn Solar

Wuffy: Radiant Snow Strider, Eclipse Solar

Tableface: Tender Anoké Jandro, Eclipse Solar

Submitted Background

Axelgear: Vidder the Banished, Twilight Solar

Noted Interest

Xaantiaz: Zenith Solar

Isley: Twilight Solar

Luck: Undecided

Sherwood: Dragon King
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Well, as I said in the last thread, I am very interested. Most likely coming with a Zenith Flamepiece based character. I'll post my backstory as soon as I write it up.

Also, is there a specific format for character sheets?
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Xaantiaz said:
Well, as I said in the last thread, I am very interested. Most likely coming with a Zenith Flamepiece based character. I'll post my backstory as soon as I write it up.
Also, is there a specific format for character sheets?
As long as it’s clear and easy to understand for me and everyone else you can use the format you like.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

I don't really have time to write up a full background right now, but I'll repeat the concept here for anyone that didn't read the other thread (with a little more detail, possibly).

Bjarn Stormtooth was the son of the chief of a small town of a bloodline related to the Valhals, though one that had settled in a single spot to eke out a living from farming, fishing and (when times were hard) raiding other nearby settlements. He was popular, particularly with the warriors under his command, and took his duties seriously. Following a report of a Wyld monstrosity, he took his thirty warriors out to fight it- but discovered it was far more terrible than they had imagined. Throwing himself at the beast, he tried to buy his men and women time to escape back to the town and warn the people- he didn't expect to survive, let alone kill the beats, but an Exalted Shard of the Dawn Caste had other ideas...

Knowing he couldn't return to the village (while not following the Immaculate Philosophy, they had a similar attitude to the Solars), he told his warriors to return without him as he set outt o make his own way.

To a man, they ignored his orders and followed him.

Bjarn has led his band as a mercenary raider company for some time, but, as more of them succumb to battle-wounds, he knows this life cannot last, and now seeks some way to make a more permanent life for himself and his followers.

Mechanically, he's going to be a Dawn Caste, probably with primary Social attributes (Charisma 5!), and picking up Performance and Presence as Favoured Abilities, as well as Sail ('cause you can't go viking without a ship...)

Quick question for Archivist: what's your stance on the new Solar Charms from MoEP: Abyssals? I really like You Can Be More (Presence charm, lets you build up shared Intimacies and (at Essence 4+) turn an extra into a Heroic Mortal), and I think it suits him rather well.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Name: Jorik Bjornsson.

Exalted: Radiant Snow Strider (Solar Eclipse)

Backstory; (After reading Axel's interesting story, I'm taking a hatchet to this story and expanding it.) BOOM longer

Born in a small village on the edge of the white sea, 20 miles west of Windcreche. On the glacier's Edge.

Jokull Jadarr - A small village of hardy workers and hunters.

Housing maybe 80 villagers, the community was close knit.

Living on the edge of the permanent northern glacier did not make for easy living, the village traded with Windcrech, selling it the various furs, Ivory, Leather and furs they gathered, in echange for the tools, weapons and cloth they needed.

During his 13th winter one night of Resplendent fire. The air, cool to any but those who lived in this frigid place, tingled with foreboding and a light stench upon the wind. Asleep within his family home until his brother, Jarl, pulled him from his bed and thrust clothes at him.

With the practised ease of one living in harsh conditions half asleep and unaware of the current danger mere moments away. He made away with his brother in the night while his parents and other villagers stood against the horror coming upon them.

Northern barbarians, mutated creatures, cannibals. No group this large had ever swollen so large before descending upon the village, most of the villagers slaughtered, the rest ran. The once white snow now coated in blood and flesh became the sight for a depraved feast.

Having hidden in the woods, by morning his brother had returned to the town and seen the result of the attack. Stumbling through the snow Jarl managed to return to Jorik. Together they left and traveled with difficulty to Windcreche, it took them an entire day. Though it seemed Jarl was not all there anymore.

He settled in Windcreche and did what he could to do to support his beloved older brother, but a young man gets only so far, and makes so much money. He was taken in but had to not only pull his own weigth, but to support his broken brother also.

Years went by, he managed to apprentice himself to a hunter, chasing seals and walrus. Making very little money but was able to keep some of the meat to feed himself and his brother.

Everything was stable, far from happy, but content.

Though each year passed his brother faded further and further, a slow wound deep within him draining his life until one day he was gone.

The last little spark of life gone.

Jorik's only reason to stay in Windcreche was his brother Jarl. He sold everything but the clothes on his back and his bow. He used all the money to buy his brother a frugal ceremony and cremation. Leaving behind tears and most of his heart. He left Windcreche, now on his 19th winter.

He slowly made his way down south towards more verdant pastures, still home to his native snow. He loved and hated it at the same time.

Traveling through the cities of theaslanti League looking for a way to leave this land and forget about the horror of his life. COntentment seems easily forgotten next to sorrow of a dead family.

Arriving in the more temperate yet still refreshingly cold lands south of the white sea. A traveling hunter and quite cunning salesman, Jorik Spent the rest of his winters until his 37th exchanging his skill for housing in mostly smaller settlements, in times of deathly cold. During the harshest of winters he stayed towards the southern coast, he was hardy but not foolish.

Late Resplendant air that year, he went off searching for game only to find a boy and his father beset by a large bear. Fearsome brown furred beast he knew. SHooting arrows upon it in a vain attempt to save the father. The man feeld with but a mere swipe of it's paw, a tear trickled from his eye into the bitting cold. He could not... Would not let the icy north destroy another family. Calling to any that would listen to grant him the skill required to save the boy.

Jorik exalted, surging with the ancient power of divinity, memories of times gone past. He ran through his mind and searched for what would save him, and the boy, now. Time enough later to explore what was granted to him. Memories blossomed in his mind, of a grand archer from long ago, it spread through him. Shaking his muscles to the core, reshaping them to suit it's purpose, granting him the needed power.

He slew the beast swiftly after that, but burned a bright golden Aura, A chaotic storm of gold and white, shimering like the corona of the sun. He grabbed the young boy and squeezed him tight. He had saved a life. All this time, it finaly happpened. He had made a difference.

He carried the youth on his back, no care in the world to his still burning anima, it was fading, and was not to be seen when he reached the edge of the village. The Memories in his mind retreating, finding dark corners to hide. He had lost his chance to explore them further see where they would lead, but they had left with him his new drive. Blood and war were base, a necesary for survival, but when one becomes many, war gives to peace, and blood to words, honour. He would bring the north out of it's savage state, raise it up to be a great land.

Grand thoughts clouded his mind, the boy rushing past him to tell everyone about his amazing savior, they looked incredulous asking after his father, only to look up at find a stranger. With the burning brand of the hated Anathema upon his brow.

The first stone rose him from his distraction. He was beset by the villagers, they were convinced he had murdered the boys father for his own perverse amusement and if not chased away would call calamity upon them all. They would die if he stayed. They were northerners, they would stand, fight, and hoild their village against the demon.

As more stones came at him Jorik fled rather then take a life for his own, off into the snow and harsh winter. Fleeing to the mountains. The one land he would hope to find peace, but once again solitude.

Winding up the treacharous peak, he made his home in the cave of an ice elemental. The spirit at first outraged at such intrusion warned him to leave.

Jorik fell to his knees and asked for safehaven, he told his story as quick as he could, trying to win sympathy from the spirit, he hoped it would be, as many others in his life had been, easily swayed by such a tale.

It understood what he was, and how far he had come, and chose to make a deal, it would teach him about what his new condition was, and Jorik would performe favors for him. Another two winters, the blink of an eye it seemed, his days filled between training and sorting deals with other gods for Harka, his new teacher.

He was shown that he could seal deals under the auspices of the heaven's themselves and to break such a deal would bring about very dark fortune indeed. He refined his skills and abilites under this tutelage.Working between Hakar and other spirits of ice and air, and those spirits of earth below. Working to increase the efficiency and expand his Iced caretakers dominion. His mentor, once a simple spirit of a ritual cavern, now became a more prominent spirit, one who shaped and held sway upon the frosted peaks and cold strong winds.

But Jorik grew restless. He craved to be with men once more.

For his great work and admirable spirit, "strong as Ice" Hakar would say, He was given a secret. He was taught to taste the cold air. To sense the power around him, and within those other's he had met.

There was then a point to all the negotiating with the other spirits, not just to increase Hakar's standing, but to refine his senses to notice the soft throb of power in the air. He would taste the air and a frozen breeze laden with ice crystals would carry the knowledge to him.

He Bid Hakar farewell. Promising to return to visit at least once a year, he made his way down the mountain. A poor slip of his foot, uncommon for him, unusual. Fate was to be cruel today. Toppled him down the mountain and upon a pack of wolves, not only was he badly wounded now he needed to fight, fate was indeed very fickle. The wench would have him not so easily, he was a northener, more so, he was exalted.

Bitter fight quickly broke out, he would make a show, he flared strong, bright and defiantly. Burning through the power coursing through his veins. Near his last breath he was thankfully found by another blessed of the sun.

They cleaved their way through the wolves like the simple beasts they were. A little ruefull Jorik is still adamant he was doing fine to this day.

<More to come to tie in other Players>

Finding the Strange Green man rambling on mindlessly about god knows what. It made his mind ache, until something simpled slipped into his mind. "A flying Machine... I've seen one. Many really. Up north. Better then whatever you are trying to put together here madman."

Goading the infuriating stranger into making some acknowledgement to his presence. <Tossing a line at Axel>

Left a Hook in there for someone to get my ass out of the frying pan, like I first offered to Morkai but didn't get an answer on. If anyone needs a roaming huntsman to make an appearance in their background more then willing to work on it with you.

Personality wise; Jorik is mostly lonesome but deep down a lover of people, quiet and reserved but insightful. More then happy to complain about circumstances. A wisdom collected from living a harsh life in the cold unfortunately not much of an education. Smug Bastard ;)


Str: 2 Cha: 2 Per: 4

Dex: 5 Man: 5 Int: 1

Sta: 5 App: 2 Wits : 4



Archery 5

Martial Arts 0

Melee 0

Thrown 0

War 0


Integrity 3

Performance 0

Presence 0

Resistance 3

Survival 3


Craft (Wood) 1

Investigation 3

Lore 1

Medicine 0

Occult 0


Atheletics 3

Awareness 5

Dodge 3

Larceny 0

Stealth 1


Bureaucracy 3

Linguistics 3

Ride 1

Sail 1

Socialize 1


Familiar: 3 (Ice Weasel)

Mentor: 2 (Hakar, Ice Elemental)

Resources: 2 (Hunting/Trading)


*Archery: 2nd Excellency

*Bureaucracy: 2nd Excellency Frugal Merchant Method, Insightfull buyer technique.

Dodge: Reflex Sidestep

Integrity: Temptation-Resisting Stance

Resistance: 2nd Excellency, Body-Mending Meditation, 2x Ox-Body (1x 0, 1x -1, 2x -2)

*Socialize: 2nd Excellency

*Survival: Hardship surviving Medicant Spirit

Non Solar:

Measure the Wind


Turn the north into a prosperous Empire, safe and strong for it's people.


Compassion 3

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 5

Valor: 2

Virtue Flaw:

Uncompromising Truth

Willpower: 8

Essence: 2

Still to Spend XP. (1/54 left.)

Languages spoken: Skytongue, Forest Tongue, Seatongue, Old Realm.

(I REALLY like this one, but if Archivist prefers I can pick one of the ones from core book instead)

Uncompromising Truth

The character is consumed by guilt for his deceptions and lies, rendered incapable of any falsehood. He will speak in nothing but the truth, forgoing even lies of omission or half-truths. While he may avoid speaking the truth by simply keeping his silence, he is often overcome by the urge to reveal the truth in situations where it could have significant results–revealing himself as a Solar Exalt to a band of the Wyld Hunt, calling out a tyrant for his iniquitous reign, telling a lover of his infidelities. He has no desire to keep quiet about any truth, though others might convince him to do so.

Partial Control: The character is not compelled to spontaneously reveal truths to others, although he still must speak only the truth (and the whole truth at that).

Duration: One full day.

Limit Break Condition: The character, or someone close to him, blatantly lies.

Measure The Wind:

Cost:[/b] 3m (1m+2m surcharge) Mins: Essence 1 Type: Reflexive

This Charm Determines the Essene trait of all living creatures within a number of yards equal to the spirits willpower. This charm also allows for (wits+Perception) Roll to find hidden creatures within this range, and the difficulty is reduced by 2. This charm recognises what type of being each creature is- Exalt, spirit, ghost, etc... Finally, the charm detects whether any creature the spirit examines is capableof killing a god permanently, as with Ghost-Eating Technique.


Hardy Clothing, thick warm and a nice fur lined leather cloak against the rain. (Fine quality: Bonus to survival against Cold Weather and rain.)

Steed (Just a simple horse for travelling, no special riding gear)

Simple Tent, Bedroll.

Long-Bow and a quiver full of regular arrows. (Keep a supply of 15 on hand at all time.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_05/Archer2.jpg.4cafcf791a4cb93339e59a86b2342c13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_05/Archer2.jpg.4cafcf791a4cb93339e59a86b2342c13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

I have thought through my concept more thoroughly. I'll give the gist of it now and get to writing him up later on today. The following is a sort of rough history for him:

Vidder the Banished

Vidder was always a bright boy, but he was born into the wrong place and the wrong time. Were he born into the life of a Dynast, he could have proven one of the most promising Realm scientists. Had he grown up in Chiaroscuro or Nexus or Whitewall or... Anywhere but his tribe, he would have grown to do fascinating and wondrous things. However, Vidder was born not to these places but the inhabitants of Greenwind Rookery, a Wood-aspected demense in the Bordermarches. Here, winters were not so cold and life was much easier, and his tribe lived an existence in harmony with nature.

Vidder, however, knows first-hand how pernicious the idea of "harmony with nature" can be. Born with wings on his back like most of his tribe, and green skin unlike most of them, his birth was seen as a good omen for all Creation. Gaia's harmonious love would be spread further and the tribe would not suffer harsh winters by her blessing.

However, from the moment he could walk and fly (he learned to do both around roughly the same time), Vidder was curious. From the moment he could speak, he wanted to know what trees were, how their bark grew, which plants were safe to eat and which weren't, how to tell the temperature just by listening to the birds... At first, it was seen as a sign of great intellect and respect for Gaia's creation. Such curiosity was encouraged, at first, but when he started asking the question "Why", suddenly the opinions of the tribe changed.

Gaia's harmony was not to be questioned. Who cared why some trees grew ten feet and others twelve? Gaia willed it. To suggest otherwise was blasphemy. None could gainsay her will; to ask questions was to invite disaster. If Gaia grew displeased at them for asking why she did every little thing, she could very well withdraw her blessings and kill the tribe. Vidder was now no longer an illuminating light but a bright spark that could set their forest ablaze. Repeatedly, he was given warnings for blasphemous talk. Eventually, he learned to keep his questions to himself, but his curiosity did not vanish.

By the time he reached manhood, Vidder was one of the most learned individuals in his village. He knew when the fish would come, he knew when the weather would be good and when it would storm, he knew how to track the game, he knew how keep crops from souring... Yes, said the tribes-people, Vidder had turned his head to more practical matters and silenced that childish curiosity. If he kept it up, he could be chief one day! So they thought, at least.

In truth, Vidder's curiosity was never silenced. He kept right on learning, exploring, documenting, and generally disobeying his tribe's directive. He kept logs of his discoveries and made a lifelong friendship with science. There was no need to blame the coming of fish on spirits or the raising of trees on Gaia. The gods may keep track of things but the things did what they did entirely by themselves at the end of the day, and you could monitor them and figure out their routines. Vidder became a scientist, probably the first of his tribe. It was not to last.

Around his twentieth year, Vidder's tribe experienced a particularly harsh winter that appeared to have no cause. In truth, the cause was something merely not apparent to them, as, many, many miles distant, a bombastic battle between the Wyld Hunt and a Lunar was taking place and disrupted the Dragon lines. The demense wavered, the people starved, and the tribe's leaders needed someone to blame this on. Gaia was apparently angry with them, and someone was to blame. When Vidder's hut was discovered to be filled to the brim with diagrams, records, experimental instruments, and other curios, the choice of scapegoat became obvious. Led out into the snowy valleys beyond the tribe's home, he was stripped of clothing, his wings were sliced off, and he was left to bleed out in the snow or freeze to death.

It is lucky for Vidder that his green skin had an unusual side effect. Within him grew a life so vibrant that cold could not snuff it out. He grew no tinge of frostbite or even felt that cold, for that matter. With the bloody stumps of his wings turned to ice, he merely started walking, a little delirious from the pain. When his feet finally stopped, he was at the doors of an ancient manse, a caste mark burning on his brow, and his mind a little broken from the experience. His memories were gone, replaced by voices in the back of his mind, telling him that nothing mattered. He was free now, free to be a scientist, and he had all the materials he needed...

Swiftly educating himself with everything the manse had to offer, Vidder immediately began experimenting with his new-found abilities. It didn't take long for him to become unhinged, as strange delusions and distant memories seemed to tug at his sanity, until any preconceptions of what most would call lucidity had vanished. The man Vidder was now seemed dead, and in his place was a genius who could conceive of things that few mortals dared to dream of. Why listen to preconceived notions like "abominations against nature" and "restraint"? There was work to be done!

Alas, at times, when working on a design for a flying machine, Vidder always feels a strange sense of loss. No amount of amnesia can make him forget what it was like to fly.

So, yeah, that's the rough history/outline. Opinions?
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Nice Stuff Alex.. I'm thinking running into you while you are out in the open testing one of your experiments?

Just tyring think of ways we could have run into you.

While actively dismissing your madness with a shake of my head, or at times a snyde comment, still would lay my life on the line for you. I think I found one of my intimacies. 'Curing your madness' Maybe simply You. Who knows. Still working on that.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Wuffy, a few bits of advice from taking a look at your sheet:

If you're going to pitch your character as a "cunning trader" you're going to want more than one dot in Bureaucracy, as that's the Ability that governs such acumen. In that same vein, you'll probably want to up your Intelligence and/or Charisma, as that's what most Bureaucracy rolls go off of. Keeping all these stats low makes your 2nd Excellency almost worthless, as you can only buy 1 or 2 successes (depending on Attribute used) with your current ratings.

You also haven't really built anything resembling an Eclipse. You only have one dot in their Caste abilities, and a single charm from those same abilities. You're more a Zenith or a Night from the way you've constructed your sheet. Eclipses are chosen for their skills as diplomats, traders, bureaucrats, etcetera, and while the game heartily encourages you to stretch the boundaries of that as much as you can, your character doesn't have the slightest bit of social skill or bureaucratic sense. You've built him almost solely for combat.

On non-Solar Charms: it would be to your advantage to have a story for how he knows them. Learning non-Solar Charms is a major deal, as it requires a tutor. Additionally, most Spirit Charms are limited or unique in some way, personalized for the type and nature of the God/Elemental/Demon that knows it, in addition to also being performed uniquely. Measure the Wind, for example, is usually limited along specific lines of what sort of beings it can detect.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

XP spend was not quite finished just trying to collect a little extra from Archivist to raise those in caste abilites up after I secured my characters ability to survive. THe north is indeed a harsh place requiring men to fight, before being civil. If I get no more, then each will be raised to two, if I get more then that then Bureaucracy and possibly Linguistics will be raised to 3. Making him much more 'eclipse' as you say.

Did i get rather Ruthless on my chargen points, I indeed did, because I know during play I will be raising all those low skills up, that's my habit, take a strong focused base and slowly grow out into a more rounded character. With room to shift and grow as a character, instead of being master of my domain.

Tableface said:
Wuffy, a few bits of advice from taking a look at your sheet:
If you're going to pitch your character as a "cunning trader" you're going to want more than one dot in Bureaucracy, as that's the Ability that governs such acumen. In that same vein, you'll probably want to up your Intelligence and/or Charisma, as that's what most Bureaucracy rolls go off of. Keeping all these stats low makes your 2nd Excellency almost worthless, as you can only buy 1 or 2 successes (depending on Attribute used) with your current ratings.
Key word being cunning, not charming, manipulation vs charisma.

When put into a roll with manipulation it allows me 3 auto success if you want to be picky about said second excellency.

You also haven't really built anything resembling an Eclipse. You only have one dot in their Caste abilities, and a single charm from those same abilities. You're more a Zenith or a Night from the way you've constructed your sheet. Eclipses are chosen for their skills as diplomats, traders, bureaucrats, etcetera, and while the game heartily encourages you to stretch the boundaries of that as much as you can, your character doesn't have the slightest bit of social skill or bureaucratic sense. You've built him almost solely for combat.
One exalts as ones most potential, I've read in the books about how one can exalt for what they are able to do. This one while being right at this junction a seeming wild man of the north going to come into that Fate altering negotiator and diplomat.

The outside and starting point of this man was a gruff man of the wild, now he has a spark of divinity within him that will be pushing him towards accomplishing great deeds, moving past his current focus on weapons of war and pushing him into that place of social call.

On non-Solar Charms: it would be to your advantage to have a story for how he knows them. Learning non-Solar Charms is a major deal, as it requires a tutor. Additionally, most Spirit Charms are limited or unique in some way, personalized for the type and nature of the God/Elemental/Demon that knows it, in addition to also being performed uniquely. Measure the Wind, for example, is usually limited along specific lines of what sort of beings it can detect.
Fair point.

I was seeing my background story already chewing through a lot of characters, and thought it would be getting mildly tedious at around such a point when The character came to be with the Small elemental and learned a charm from him.

I quoted the Charm verbatime from the book in my last post, it isn't actually limited.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Morkais: You character idea looks solid. I like it. I’ll say you can learn the mirror charms normally. Also Abyssal’s and Solars can teach each other the mirrors. As long as there is not any problem I am unaware of with this ruling anyways. You Can Be More definitely seems like it would fit your character concept.

Wuffy: Some constructive criticism. I think Tableface has some good points. Eclipse’s are supposed to be the master diplomats of the Exalted, and while you certainly are allowed some latitude to make the character you want, you still need to keep the overall archetype in mind as Tableface said.

That said, I can accept it if you plan on having your character grow into the role of the Eclipse Caste. Though I would like to see more of the social skills and charms. While Jorik may not have had any major social skills before his Exaltation, getting is Second Breath likely gave him some social skills and charms to use. So perhaps you might want to reshuffle some of your points.

I would also like to see some motivations for your character. Now that he has his divine spark, what does he plan on doing with it? What does he want to change in Creation now that he has the power to do so? Thus far he just seems to be wandering around for the sake of it. Perhaps you encountered the Realm ran satraps in the southern part of the North and its unique slave system that uses drugs to keep the almost universally enslaved population in check, and that could have shaped his opinions.

You also might want to build up that relationship with the spirit. Even minor gods don’t just hand out their favors. They generally tend to be jealous and guarded with their power.

I have no problems with the Uncompromising Truth. Could be interesting for a would be diplomat.

None of this is meant to beat you up Wuffy, I just want you to have the best character you can have. I’ll give you the 5 EXP for building a connection on the condition you do form that connection in time. You have been making legitimate efforts towards that. Though for the moment I will reserve the character generation experience until you get the opportunity to reply.

Axelgear: I’m liking the background. Seems like this could be an interesting character. So I’m guessing he Exalted because of his “heroic†dedication to continuing with scientific studies? I’m curious as to why he will be reacting with the Valhals once we get the campaign going. I take it his motivation is that he is working towards advancing science?

Also is his condition due to Wyld Taint or something else? I just want to know for story reasons. A lot of the people are not wild about those touched by the Wyld after all.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

its been a long semester, now that its finally over, I have alot more free time and I would like to join. Quick character sketch (will expand it after i get home) He is a twilight sorcerer. Formally of the realm, was a licensed thaumaturge. Long story short, got out politicked in the realm, exiled. Worked as a freelance thaumaturge but was hired to summon a demon. in his dismay, one of the people attending the ritual botched the summoning, wouldn't back down, kept the demon contained, exalted + banished it.

Will completely flesh it out later.

personality is a bit of a wild card. Most of the time, he leaps before he looks, but has moments of extreme clarity and strokes of genius.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Archivist, I just expanded upon the background of Jorik.

Motivation is now Clear, the relationship with the spirit expanded upon, and I moved acouple of charms and dots about to amke it more, eclipse.

In case you don't want to double back.

Motivation; Turn the north into a prosperous Empire, safe and strong for it's people.

The spirit is a Mentor Elemental named Hakar who tutored Jorik in dealing with other spirits and expanded it's duties from a simple cavern of worship to being in charm of the frozen winds and snow of the peaks themselves.

I had no idea about the realm slave trade I think leaving that little nugget for a rough awakening later on sounds interesting.

Tableface: Sorry if I sounded Gruff. It was a work still in progress I should have taken it constructively.

Thank you for your input it pushed me to expand on what was needed for the character to shine through the grubby rough stone I had at first.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

I too am very interested in this game.

May I pitch a Night Caste? We shall call him, Four Foot.

I'd would like to take a moment to explain to you all that while I wasn't exactly starving, the theft of a single loaf of bread really wasn't that bad considering I am was quite hungry. Of course, the bread wouldn't go down without something to drink, so the beer was a necessity. And you wouldn't expect me to eat with my fingers would you? I mean, all of you are carrying swords, spears, and other hurtful insturments, pointed at my delicate person I might add, so is it really so unfair that I wanted silverware? It's practically the same thing.

The table? Well what else was I to eat upon? And I needed the fireplace to keep me warm while I supped, never you mind the mechanics of how I got it. Really, I don't see what the deal with the walls was either, for I certainly needed something to burn. Once I had those the ceiling came of it's own will. There was nothing I could do. The bedsheets made excellent table clothes, the tools in the workshop were only to make sure I could fashion such things and never trouble anyone about them again, and the candelabra were to let me read the edifying texts of the great Immaculate Dragons on those cold winter nights. But in the interest of compromise, I will admit that perhaps, just maybe, the old man's bed clothes were a bit much. His wife's nightgown certainly was, and I'm very sorry for that. I'm really not a bad guy. You'll notice I left the old geezer's teeth right beside where the glass he kept them in used to be. After all, I wouldn't want him to lose them. That would simply be rude. Now would you please lower those bows?

No? Well that's okay. I'll give you the bowstrings back just as soon as I can. But right now I need them for my dear, departed sister. She so wanted them. And sir, you dropped the handle of your sword. No, I don't know where the blade went. But if you want, I'd be more than happy to help you look for it?

Four Foot was the first man bodily thrown from the walls of Gethemane for stealing an entire building. And it wasn't a small one, either. Had the chief justice not flown into a rage at the theft of his gavel and robes during the trial, many people intended to ask the small, unassuming man exactly how he'd managed the feat. But that was not to be.

After leaving the winter paradise with all due haste, Four Foot discovered that someone, somewhere must have been smiling upon him, for as he traveled larceny came to him like breathing. He got better and better at it until he successfully managed to purloin the fur coat from a polar bear, and slept warm and cozy in its den. During the night he had a vision. Some big guy with too many arms told him to stop acting like a jackass, and put his efforts to good use. And put down the horn. The big guy noticed it, and was about to take it personally. Duly chastised, Four Foot went out and decided to steal for good. No, he didn't know what that meant either. Eventually he ran into people who wanted to do good things but didn't quite have enough money to accomplish them. Four Foot was always ready to help. He wound up bringing military supplies to a wandering mercenary group up north. They didn't pay too well, but Four Foot took an odd liking to their leader. That man could talk the apples out of the trees.

If Four Foot hadn't stolen them already first.

Mechanics up later if anyone's interested. Basically he's modeled after the scrounger from the Great Escape, and he's wiling to obtain things for anyone with a decent cause who can talk him into it.

Motivation: Steal a country

Intimacy: Stealing

I figured he'd be hooked into Bjarn Stormtooth as his "acquirer." Given the Dawn's charisma, Four Foot would probably be swept up in the glory of it all until he grows enough to take action on his own.

Oh, and he looks like Steve McQueen.

Edit:Changed motivation to something more specific.

Complete character sheet by anathema Here

It's good except for the changes to Body Ox, which I haven't figured out how to make it recognize yet.

The weapon, Day Star, was stolen from a Seventh Legion Dragon-Blood. Man, that lady was pissed.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Sorry, Wuffy, should've said I was willing to pull your fat out of the fire. We could still work that one in- maybe have Bjarn and his band rescuing you, share a few words, and part ways, if you need to be teamed up with someone else at the start of the game.

Archivist: thanks for the confirmation on Mirror Charms, and fortunately most of the ones I see myself going for are favoured and therefore don't need tutoring...

I've been having a bit of thinking about Virtues, and I just want to check a few interpretations:

1. Valour. I'm definitely going high on this one, but there's one thing that needs sorting: shieldwalls. Is it a Valour violation to stay in your happy fun shieldwall as the enemies bear down on you? I'd've said no, but I like to get these things sorted beforehand to avoid problems. And, of course, actions under the effects of Foolhardy Contempt are another kettle of fish entirely...

2. Temperance. I'm probably going Temperance 2- the issue here is that he enjoys BEER and WENCHING quite a lot and tends to speak his mind, even when that might be a bad idea- low Temperance traits- but on the other hand, he has good discipline when fighting (more of a high Temperance thing). Is that Temperance 1 or 2?

With that sorted, on to a more full-length background.

Bjarn Stormtooth, named for the howling gales that shook the foundations of his father's longhouse both on the night of his conception and of his birth, was destined for greatness. The diviner of the Skandir, the clan to whose chieftain, Ragnar Ironthew, he was born, saw in the entrails and the smoke the fate of a mighty leader, bringing a golden dawn to his people- and his early life seemed to reinforce that belief. His proud father saw his first steps, his first words, and the first time he was able to lift an axe, and knew that his child had something rarely seen- the spark of heroism in his soul.

Raised on the sagas of heroes, villains and monsters, the young Bjarn was a child of many facets- serious pronouncements of the exploits that, one day, would be sung in his saga followed closely by exuberant wrestling and play-fighting with his peers made him popular with all but one of the children of Skand- his cousin, Hakir, the son of the chieftain's younger brother. Hakir's father was bitter that his chances to lead the clan were so clearly slipping from his grasp, and that attitude spilled into his son's demeanour.

Years passed, as they are wont to do, and the boys grew into men- Bjarn, the broad-shouldered warrior that seemed the image of his father in his younger, fitter days, the strength of his sword-arm exceeded only by that of his personality; and Hakir, a slender whip of a man with a dark glance and a poisonous tongue.

Bjarn took up is duties as the son of the chief, leading thirty of the clan's warriors in raids and defences against the beatss of the Wyld- and, in his time at the town, drinking copious quantities of ale- and going "walking" and "sailing" with some of the finer specimens of young womanhood the Skandir had to offer. Hakir's bitterness increased, and as Bjarn's exploits became closer and closer to legend, he took the chance to whisper in some ears- surely being son of the chieftain didn't allow all that privilege? Surely young Bjarn should be taught some humility... Still, matters never had time to come to a head.

Reports of a Wyld monstrosity approaching Skand gave Ragnar a chance, as he saw it, to prove his son's worth. He sent Bjarn and his thirty men and women to attack the beast, impressing on Bjarn the importance of- and the lack of shame in- returning for reinforcements if the beast was too great to conquer with the warriors he had.

So it was that the shieldwall, three ranks deep, made its cautious approach. Rounding a crag, they saw the beast before them- a monstrosity, twelve feet of what looked like a mixture of wolf and squid, and far larger than the rteports had suggested. Stepping backwards, they kept a wary eye on the beast, until a loose stone tripped one of the warriors and the beast sprung- faster than anything that large had a right to move. The speed gave Bjarn no chose.

Breaking rank, he shouted for his warriors to flee back to Skand- he would buy them the time to warn his father and prepare the defences. With a wordless yell of defiance, he leapt, the light of the morning sun glinting from his sword.

He never expected to do more than delay the beast. His astonishment as its skull split beneath his blade was evident on his face- as was the mixture of awe, surprise and horror on the faces of his warriors, childhood friends and grizzled veterans both. It was only when he caught the reflection once more in the burnished steel of his sword that he saw the golden sunburst, the mark of a soul-eating demon from the age of myth and legend, that he understood. The glorious fate foretold for him had been rent asunder, destroyed by the uncompromising light of the Sun.

It moved him almost to tears to command his loyal band to return without him to the village, asking only that they tell his father that he was killed along with his quarry and given a warrior's funeral there and then- after all, he was as good as dead to the Skandir- they, who were there with him, could see he was the man he always had been, but with Hakir's dagger-like tongue whispering in the ears of the people, he could never be accepted.

It moved him almost to tears. The tears flowed uncontained when, to a man, to a woman, they refused his command and chose to follow him in self-imposed exile.

So it was that they left the ancestral home of the Skandir and began a wandering life not unlike that of the Valhal stock from which they were born. Fighting for money or food, they mixed mercenary work with raiding- protecting a town from Wyld barbarians one wmonththen assaulting their neighbours for much-needed food the next. Their exploits were many- Wyld beasts slain, towns defended, travellers rescued or raided for the jade or steel in their packs, even hiring out to protect a savant exploring First Age ruins for artefacts from opportunistic scavengers- she found more artefact than she could handle when a guardian-automaton was activated, but the practiced shieldwall of the Fangs of the Gale, as Bjarn's band had begun calling themselves, gave their leader the time he needed to climb its back and destroy its delicate control mechanisms. The scholar was so grateful, she gave Bjarn the pick of the spoils; accordingly, he chose a mighty golden axe named Skycleaver, the weapon of a legendary warrior who, it was said, fought off the elements themselves to defend his people.

Yet, as time went on, Bjarn saw more and more the looks in the eyes of his foes- not so much the barbarians, but the relatively blameless victims he imposed on for the good of his people- as they faced him, saw the eyes of friends and sworn comrades glaze over as their life bled out onto the snow, and could ignore it no longer. Taking more morally unambiguous jobs was not the whole solution- yes, defending a village from marauders is good work, but such work is not always available. He knew he had to find a more permanent life for his people- now Bjarn seeks a place where his Skandir warriors can settle, take up once more the ploughshares they left behind so long ago, and leave their axes by the doors of their longhouses until the cry goes out and brave warriors are needed once more to defend their brothers and sisters.

There we go. 1000 words or so, not the longest I've ever done...

Appearance, now!

Size is the first impression anyone has of Bjarn Stormtooth. Certainly he is physically big- broad-shouldered and thickly muscled from years of swinging sword and axe- but it is not just that. He exudes an impression of might, of power, of awe, and there are few who can meet the steely gaze that peers from his dark brows for long.

His dark hair is bound at the nape of his neck, reaching past his shoulders, and his beard is usually either well-groomed or matted with the smoke and blood of war. He wears unremarkable brown, often covered by a chain hauberk, and bears across his back a mighty axe swathed in plain cloth to conceal the telltale glint of orichalcum. His round shield bears no crest but a field the gren of a storm-tossed sea- any more would be distracting from the essential nature of the item, whose only task is to be cloven in two rather than Bjarn himself.

Bjarn's anima banner burns with the blood-red light of dawn, shot through with bolts of lightning- as his power swells, it resolves into a warrior with a draconic head matching the figureheads seen on Skandir ships.

I'll get the sheet up at some point, although it does depend a little on what people think about the Virtues- particularly Temperance.

Motivation is "Build a stable, permanent home for himself and his twenty remaining warriors."

EDIT: Sorry, missed that hook-in in the last post- I didn't read it before I hit "Submit."

I can work with Four Foot coming along to help provide for Bjarn and his men- that fits well with him catching compassion, as it's certainly better to distract a farmer while someone steals his cow than to gut the farmer and take the cow; and, of course, swords and axes don't grow on trees. Of course, farmers are still in trouble if they lose a cow, which is why we need a home...

Also, a little added in the end of the background.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

MorkaisChosen said:
Sorry, Wuffy, should've said I was willing to pull your fat out of the fire. We could still work that one in- maybe have Bjarn and his band rescuing you, share a few words, and part ways, if you need to be teamed up with someone else at the start of the game.
Hey that's allright. Considering your magnetic power I do believe you wouldn't mind ganing a scout in your band of brothers. I would see you as the means to elevate the north up, someone of magnetic personality. Strong, and a leader of men. Natural born. I would follow you and try my best to temper this tempting blade. ;)
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

I seem to be acquiring quite a following. Must be that Charisma 5, Performance 5, Presence 4 combination...


And yes, a scout would be something Bjarn would appreciate a lot- it's rather handy to actually know what you're up against, as the story of his Exaltation proves.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)


I'd like to voice interest in this game as well. Though, I have several different concepts in mind and would be willing to pursue whatever fits best.

#1 Full moon or changing moon lunar, Demitaur spirit shape. A brew master who thinks he can create a beer greater than celestial wine, a drink to bring prosperity to all of creation. He always promotes the pub-like atmosphere, pointing out how drink can bring people of all different colors together. He searches far and wide for the best ingredients

#2 Zenith or Dawn caste solar. Brutal warrior(-priest) eager to spread his legend (and that of the sun). He needs an army, but until that day, he'll topple foes by his own might to earn followers.

I wanted to try out the Eye of Heaven martial art from Debris from the Fallen Races on this character.

#3 Night caste solar. Treasure hunter and seeker of relics from the first age. "Liberates" the greatest wonders from those undeserving of possessing them. Character is kind of if Indiana Jones was a cowboy.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

#1, yes yes, a nice splash of flavor. Hurra for our eager band of Nords!
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

So I should get the sheet up. This is assuming Temperance 2.

Strength: oooo

Dexterity: oo

Stamina: ooo

Charisma: ooooo

Manipulation: ooo

Appearance: ooo

Perception: oo

Intelligence: oo

Wits: ooo


Archery: o

Martial Arts: o

Melee: ooooo (Grimcleaver +1, In Formation +1)

Thrown: oo

War: oooo

Performance: ooooo (To Warrior Class +1)

Presence: oooo

Resistance: ooo (Poisons +1) (Yes, that's obviously Resistance: BEER +1)

Sail: ooo

Integrity: oo

Bureaucracy: o

Survival: o

Awareness: o

Athletics: o


Compassion: oo

Conviction: oo

Valour: oooo

Temperance: o

Willpower: ooooo o

Essence: ooo


Followers: oo

Resources: ooo (Spoils of his time as a mercenary and raider; most valuables held as small, portable things such as jewelery.)

Artifact: oo (Orichalcum Grimcleaver, "Skycleaver")


1st Melee Excellency

1st War Excellency

1st Performance Excellency

1st Presence Excellency

Rout-Stemming Gesture

Mob-Dispersing Rebuke

Heart-Compelling Method

Husband-Seducing Demon Dance

Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Hungry Tiger Technique

XP spending: (not included above)

Charms (32XP):

You Can Be More

Fury Inciting Presence

Durability of Oak Meditation

Iron Skin Concentration

Compassion 3 (6XP)

Conviction 3 (6XP)

Temperance 2 (3XP)

Martial Arts 2 (1XP)

Linguistics 1 (2XP- add Seatongue. Yarr, mateys.)

Total: 50XP.

That'll do it...
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Any openings left? The last game I had signed up for has gone belly up from a lack of ST.

Was hoping to do something a bit different....perhaps a Dragon King?
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

So here's a rough outline of what I'm going for. Altered my initial concept with the change of location to the North. He's a bike-riding geomancer from Gethamane, out to return and conquer the city. The background isn't fully done, since I still need to get through all of that chapter of The North, so expect this to be altered.

Tender Anoké Jandro

Caste: Eclipse

Motivation: Conquer Gethamane for its own protection and restore it as the diplomatic hub it used to be

Anoké tended the gardens, organizing times of sacrifice and arranging auspicious sacrifices for the proper times. Like so many others he watched them. Like so many others he cared for them. Like so many others he slaughtered to keep them going, both sacrifices and those that would disrupt their tending. Unlike the rest, he came to doubt the necessity of it all. While numbed to the practice of sacrifice, he still found it distasteful, and secretly began to investigate the nature of the gardens. A major breakthrough came after sacrificing a thaumaturge, and then apprehending her notes and materials.

Utilizing the new research and information, Anoké stole into the deepest sections of Gethamane, long-hidden and protected by deadly traps. He was so engrossed in the task, so focused on seeing it to its end, he almost didn't notice when his light crystal died. And he almost didn't pay any thought to the strange light now guiding his way. As he breached the inner sanctum of the damaged manse, he found a set of ancient clothing and a pristine vehicle of ages past, as well as the hidden hearthstone of the manse. Then he realized just how far the city had fallen from its former splender, how horrible it had truly become, and he heard a voice urging him to fix it: "This place was once a city where the highest and the lowest could speak as equals. You can make it so again." In that same instant he came to the attention of the god Tribbua, who promptly took the new Eclipse as a "protege" in hopes that she might recapture some of her old greatness.

Anoké, foolishly forsaking the use of his Charms, brought these matters directly to his former tenders and the rest of Gethamane. He was marked a traitor AND a valuable gift meant for the gardens, a personal honor. Utilizing his new vehicle, Anoké fled into the tunnels beneath the city, into the subterranean wilderness. There he saw, and there he came to understand the true horrors waiting just below the feet of those on the surface, and came to realize just how eager and how close they were to acting--and that his home was right in their path.

Anoké broke free to the surface, now desperate. He needed help. He needed others. He needed peers and he needed an army.

Fate will yet be kind.

I was hoping you might sign off on the Light of Day Bike, as well as a custom artifact or Charm to store it Elsewhere.

Lastly, I had interest in the Spirit Charm Worldly Illusion.

Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Illusion

Duration: One scene

The spirit uses its understanding of immortality to place itself and its targets outside of time. While this Essence is committed, the spirit (or another of its Sendings) and a number of targets up to the spirit’s Essence depart the normal flow of time and enter into a mass dream. This effect is usually consensual, but targets with a Dodge Mental Defense Value greater than the spirit’s (Essence + Compassion) may choose to be unaffected. One spirit may cause the world to appear to freeze in place. Another may appear to transport itself and its targets to a far away location or to a location the spirit imagines. There, the spirit and its targets may wage social combat between the blows of a sword or strategize in the midst of a battle. Once the committed Essence is released, all the participants return to exactly where they were just before this Charm was used. What happens in the dream is purely social. No changes whatsoever last beyond the end of the conversation save the effects of social combat, with the special exception of Compassion Charms invoked during that “time.â€

A player who wants her character to leave the dream world may spend three Willpower to do so.

This Charm may be used a number of times per scene equal to the spirit’s Compassion.

I'm not sure what unique activation condition(s) it might have, but I'm still making the sheet.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Well here is the character sheet for my Zenith application, Flickering Glass. The backstory is on its way, it should be here later tonight.

Name[/b] Flickering Glass

Exalt Type and Caste Zenith caste Solar


A haunting symphony echoes her fury, as essence expenditure increases, a fiery, golden Garda Bird rises from her anima, its cry cutting through the air.


End the existence of Yozi cults and their influence.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



[F]Martial Artsâ—â—â—â— (+2 Flame-discharge Weapons)









Craftâ—â— (Water, Fire)











[F]Linguisticsâ—â— (Flametounge-Native, Old Realm, Skytounge)





Artifact â—â—

Artifact â—â—

Resources â—â—

Manse â—â—◠– Stone of Judgment

Artifacts and Equipment

Matched Plasma Tongue Repeaters – Glory of Justice, Glory of the End

Chain Shirt




2nd Excellency


Temptation-Resisting Stance



2nd Excellency





2nd Excellency


Heart-Compelling Method

[Martial Arts]




One Eye Follows the Bird

Mother Disobeys Father

Garda Takes Flight

Golden Exaltation Form





Sagacious Reading of Intent


Adept of Alchmey

Join Combat: 5

Movement: 4/10


Dodge DV 3

Parry DV 7 (With Form up) / 6 (Unarmed)

Soak: 4B/4L/3A


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 7

Parry MDV 4


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—â—

Virtue Flaw

Irrational Saintliness (Stolen from Golden Shadowed Arrow in Lords of Creation)

Virtue: Temperance

Out of Control: She’ll refuse all “self-centered indulgencies†– even necessary ones. If injured, she will refuse medical treatment and force herself onward. If offered aid, she will turn it down, even if she cannot succeed without it.

Partial Control: She is able to accept offered aid, but she will not search for it.

Duration: One full day

Condition: When she experiences negative consequences from other’s indulgencies.





Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 15/15 (0 Committed)

Peripheral: 37/37 (0 Committed)

Bonus Points

1 – Performance 4

8 – Adept of Alchemy

1 – Awareness 2

1 – Occult 3

3 – Conviction 3

1 – Martial Arts Specialty

Experience 43/50

Remaining – 7

16 - Essence 3

5 - Presence 4

5 - Integrity 4

6 - Resources 2

8 - Stamina 3

3 - Resistance 1
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Wuffy said:
Nice Stuff Alex..
Thank you!

As a small note, my name is Axel, not Alex. Axel is a Germanic bastardization of the Hebrew name Absalom. The Gear element is dual parts pun and nod of the hat to something I owe a lot to.

I admit that probably comes off as really anal-retentive and I apologize for that. Just had to point that out.

Wuffy said:
I'm thinking running into you while you are out in the open testing one of your experiments?
Just tyring think of ways we could have run into you.

While actively dismissing your madness with a shake of my head, or at times a snyde comment, still would lay my life on the line for you. I think I found one of my intimacies. 'Curing your madness' Maybe simply You. Who knows. Still working on that.
Vidder is out in the middle of nowhere, but he hardly tries to hide anything, so it's entirely likely your character could have stumbled upon him. Anyone who met him beforehand, though, would have to be someone immensely understanding...

As for curing his madness, Vidder, externally, comes off as more quirky than outright insane. When he DOES come off as insane, it's usually in a harmless manner. It's only when he starts having conversations with people who aren't there that it gets worrying.

I'm certainly not opposed to anyone meeting him, I'd be glad to, and Vidder is most certainly an easy person to get along with. It's just that any first encounter would have to be carefully choreographed.

Archivist said:
Axelgear: I’m liking the background. Seems like this could be an interesting character. So I’m guessing he Exalted because of his “heroic†dedication to continuing with scientific studies? I’m curious as to why he will be reacting with the Valhals once we get the campaign going. I take it his motivation is that he is working towards advancing science?
Also is his condition due to Wyld Taint or something else? I just want to know for story reasons. A lot of the people are not wild about those touched by the Wyld after all.
He Exalted because of his heroic motivation to persevere and not abandon his devotion to knowledge in the face of persecution. His motivation can essentially be summed up in the phrase "For Science!", so him working with others is fairly easy. He's as much mad engineer as mad scientist, so he wants to put his works into practice even as he's developing his knowledge base. If they're willing to protect him and put his tools to use, he's more than happy to lend them to their cause.

Besides, they'd become his friends fairly quickly too.

As for his former wings and immunity to cold, they are spawned from the essence of the demense he was born into. For all intents and purposes, you might as well call them Wyld Taint, and I doubt many would be able to tell the difference anyway. In practice, he's lost use of his wings and the immunity to cold will be represented with the Elemental Adaptation (Air) Pox.

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