For A New Age (Full)

Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

As a small note, my name is Axel, not Alex.
No it's my bad, I had sworn I was being carefull with that.


Of course, harmless but not quite all there. Gotcha, fair enough I was jsut thinkign about how we would as a group have crashed into you.

So I guess the conscensus is, crazy experiment on ice. (The musical, TM)
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

I could get a write-up for a northern Air Dragon King quick enough, but I hate making characters that just fall off the face of the earth. Is there any interest in a Pterok that has reciently been awakened in the North and is trying to get a grip on the events of the past few thousand years with knowledge of crystal and vegitative technology and how that can help develop the infrastructure of a growing nation?
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Another question. Other classes of Exalts get a free Ox-body technique per dot of Essence. Dragon Kings don't have that Charm, so would they use the same Ox-body as the Solars, since they are sun-worshipers too? After all, they can attune orchalcium with the same bonuses as a Solar.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Axelgear, is Vidder very possessive? As in, if I stole one of his contraptions and used it, would he be more pissed it was stolen, or interested by the effects of it being used?

Oh, and I edited the previous post with the character sheet. It's an Anathema pdf in the link.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Miashara said:
Axelgear, is Vidder very possessive? As in, if I stole one of his contraptions and used it, would he be more pissed it was stolen, or interested by the effects of it being used?
Oh, and I edited the previous post with the character sheet. It's an Anathema pdf in the link.

Looks good, just remember Archivist has given us all some free Ox-body. Should go back and include that into your sheet. ;)

Intimacy to Stealing and temperance one... That's a simple recipe for Kleptomania.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Wuffy said:

Looks good,
Thank you.

just remember Archivist has given us all some free Ox-body. Should go back and include that into your sheet. ;)
See the line right below the character sheet:

quote: It's good except for the changes to Body Ox, which I haven't figured out how to make it recognize yet.

Ever play with Anathema? It's a good program, but gets cranky when you start monkeying with house rules.

Intimacy to Stealing and temperance one... That's a simple recipe for Kleptomania.
Completely unintentional, I assure you. Four Foot has great respect for property rights.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Well the thing with the ox body house rule is you can get around it just by tagging it as regular xp expenditure.

Just add to your total the required Experience to buy the equivalent Ox-body and then recorde it in the xp record chart.

You have access to all the regular pre-requisits, The equivalent amount of Resistance and essence. It's jsut two chamrs at 10 xp each (Non fav)
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

The reason why I did not do that is two fold. The first is that it's a false fix that works around the problem without solving it. I've been looking at the Anathema mechanics, since it's all open source, with an eye towards allowing it to do house rules. It seems that every game of Exalted I've played in uses different tweaks, but Anathema, the only chargen program running around with the death of Ed Exalted, has no way to customize it for different games. Ad hoc solutions like phantom xp don't actually solve the problem.

The second is that those phantom xp throw the counts off. The program itself doesn't have any way of separating them, and I don't like muddling my numbers with points that aren't real.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Fair enough.

I just like having an Itemized list of xp, so phantom xp doesn't bother me it gets audited out during the accounting.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Miashara said:
Axelgear, is Vidder very possessive? As in, if I stole one of his contraptions and used it, would he be more pissed it was stolen, or interested by the effects of it being used?
Oooo, that really changes with the weather. Also depends heavily on what was stolen.

I should add that Vidder makes more than just monsters. That's simply what he enjoys doing the most. He produces everything from essence cannons to universal translators to flying machines to novelty, oversized pants forged from orichalcum. Some of them are really useful. Some of them less so. Which is which depends heavily on the situation.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

More questions, I'm a veritable fountain of the things!

The Followers background says they can be up to the level of an elite soldier- should I a) work on that assumption and b) stat 'em out? These guys need a bit of Sail that the rulebook stats lack.

Also, the thinking behind experience spending on Virtues: Bjarn started out as a bit of a hellraiser (Temperance 1), but soon after his self-imposed exile began he matured a little, as he knew he was significantly more responsible than he had been before- up to Temperance 2. As time went on, he steeled himself to some fairly terrible things to keep his people alive (up to Conviction 3), but has, more recently, become more and more aware of the people he's raided (to Compassion 3).

See, there's some background reasons for it, it's not just a ruthlessly calculated bid to get the most out of my BPs.

It is ruthlessly calculated, yes, but ruthlessly calculated with background. :P

Also also, a few more points on personality that I worked out last night, answering some of the questions in the main book.

Age: Bjarn was 17 Creation years at Exaltation (that's just over 21 in our money).

He doesn't have any children that he's aware of, and he hasn't spoken to his father since he left the Skandir- Hakir could be chieftain now for all he knows.

His attitude to power is that it gives the intwined right and responsibility to lead- his warriors will fight for him, but in return, he must fight for them.

He holds himself to higher standards than he would a mortal, but he knows mortals can do great things too.

He still holds many of the Skandir beliefs- they venerate the deeds of their ancestors and try to impress them with their own feats, and respect- but do not necessarily defer to- the spirits of wind, wave and earth. Since his Exaltation, he has come to see (from a combination of Skandir beliefs and fragments of others' legends) the Unconquered Sun as the ultimate warrior. He's already impressed the Sun with his valour, and he hopes to do so again; he occasionally prays, not for aid, but that the eyes of the Sun bear witness to his exploits.

His attitude to his fellow Exalts is varied. He sees them as equals, and therefores holds them to similar standards, at least in their own areas of expertise- but he expects to be respected and, wher necessary, obeyed in his own sphere.


The Fangs of the Gale- a powerful mixture of respect, protectiveness and the bond that forms when you've saved someone's life and they've saved yours so many times you lose count.

Feasting- Bjarn enjoys a nice carouse, and, when he has the chance, you'll frequently find him stood on a table with a tankard of ale in one hand and a buxom maid in the other, bawling out a ribald song in a surprisingly rich bartone voice.

Wyld Barbarians- they embody a combination of bitter foe and the bogeyman under the bed, and Bjarn is the Sun that comes to banish shadows...

I think that was everything that needed mentioning. I do, however, need to add my free Ox-Bodies, and I may write up a couple of significant events in his life as short stories.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Looks like things exploded on me here. Let’s see if I can cover everything.

Isley: Sounds like it could be an interesting character. I look forward to seeing what you develop.

Wuffy: Big improvement Wuffy. I’m definitely liking this character. 4 bonus EXP for character. Nice picture by the way.

Miashara: Welcome aboard. I’m curious to see what type of mischief this type of character can get into. Seems like quite the character. 5 EXP for creating your connection. Where is the Limit Break on that character sheet. I’m probably missing it, so if you could point out where it is, and/or tell me I would appreciate it.

I would be interested in you expanding the story about how you stole the Day Star from the Dragon-Blood. Sounds like you could get a good story out of that. Especially considering you started in the North, and either went down near Lookshy to encounter a member of the Seventh Legion, or met here somewhere in the North.

Stealing a country…should be interesting to see how that works out…

Morkais: The fact a shield is supposedly anti-Valorous seems a bit silly to me. By that logic wearing armor makes you a coward (this isn’t even getting into the fact that you can easily use a shield as a weapon in real life). As long as there isn’t a games mechanic I’m unaware of for that, I see no problem with you using a shield even with a high valor. As long as you are throwing yourself headlong into battle into the thick of it without fear I say you are good. And as you hinted at, Foolhardy Valor generally causes logic to go out of the window. So the shield may be dropped in such situations.

I’ll allow a 2 Temperance as long as he shows high temperance qualities that outweigh the whole drinking and whoring thing. Perhaps he only partakes in those activities when he isn’t currently on a job, and insists those that follow him abstain while on campaign. But once victory is in hand, well, then it’s time for whores and drinks. There are a lot of ways to do it. He just needs something to balance the scales in favor of a Temperance 2.

I really like Bjarn’s background. Very solid and thought out. Definitely some bonus EXP coming your way once you finish your character sheet.

For your followers. You can stat them out if you like. You can modify the Elite Soldiers in the antagonist section of the Core Book if you like. You could just shuffle stats around then. Just keep things reasonable.

Oh, also 5 EXP for connections.

Tableface: Very nice backstory. Definitely plenty of hooks for future adventures there. Good use of the source material. I look forward to the finished character.

I’m cool with the Light of Day Bike. If it becomes a problem we can always modify it later (like by having it explode or something).

Xaantiaz: I think everything looks good thus far. I’m not a specialist on the rules, so I might go over in detail later. I look forward to seeing why Flickering Glass has a dislike of the Yozis.

Axelgear: For Science! 5 EXP once you complete your connection. That is all for now.

Sherwood: Sure, feel free to join. I think we are about filled up with you joining. I don’t know much about the Dragon Born, but I would be willing to give them a shot to keep things interesting. I believe their main article is in Fallen Races? It’s always good for the ST to know about the characters that are in his game after all.

I think we can work your concept. Should be interesting to see how that characters ancient knowledge would affect the North.

Yes, you would get the same Ox-Body Technique bonus as everyone else. Might as well keep everyone even in that regard.

WHEW! I hope that covers everything. If I missed anything then say so.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Thanks for letting me in. The hardest part for me now is to try and find a picture of something close enough to a Dragon King to be my character pic. :roll:

I have the basic write up done. I just need to add the xp on and get a good backstory going. The simplest way for me to get with another player is to have someone find me sealed up in some stasis chamber, and now I'm out and trying to get a handle on what has happened to Creation since the Great Contagion. Any volunteers?
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Slight misunderstanding on the shield thing: I was talking about a shieldwall, a tactical formation popular with Norse and Saxon warriors. It basically involves several dudes with shields in a row- their shields overlap, allowing them to protect each other. Hence it's not exactly throwing oneself into battle.

I'll swing the Temperance that way, yeah- Displaced Debauchery sort of thing. Enemies coming? Don't touch the beer. Enemies all dead and everyone in the area so terrified of you they wouldn't dare attack? WineBeer, women and song.

Name: Bjarn Stormtooth

Concept: Viking-style raider chieftain

Motivation: Build a permanent home for the Fangs of the Gale.


Strength: oooo

Dexterity: oo

Stamina: ooo

Charisma: ooooo

Manipulation: ooo

Appearance: ooo

Perception: oo

Intelligence: oo

Wits: ooo


Archery: o

Martial Arts: oo (1XP)

Melee: ooooo (Grimcleaver +1, In Formation +1) (3BP)

Thrown: oo

War: oooo (1BP)

Performance: ooooo (To Warrior Class +1) (2.5BP)

Presence: oooo (1BP)

Resistance: ooo (Poisons +1) (0.5BP) (Yes, that's obviously Resistance: BEER +1)

Sail: ooo (1BP)

Integrity: oo

Bureaucracy: o

Survival: o

Awareness: o

Athletics: o

Linguistics: o (Native: Skytongue (Skandir- Valhal dialect?), Seatongue)


Compassion: ooo

Conviction: ooo

Valour: oooo

Temperance: oo

Willpower: ooooo o

Essence: ooo (7BP)

Personal: 15/15

Peripheral: 34/39

5 committed


Followers: oo

Resources: ooo (Spoils of his time as a mercenary and raider; most valuables held as small, portable things such as jewelery.)

Artifact: oo (Orichalcum Grimcleaver, "Skycleaver")

Charms: (32XP)

1st Melee Excellency

1st War Excellency

1st Performance Excellency

1st Presence Excellency

Rout-Stemming Gesture

Mob-Dispersing Rebuke

Fury-Inciting Presence

Heart-Compelling Method

Husband-Seducing Demon Dance

Hypnotic Tongue Technique

You Can Be More

Hungry Tiger Technique

Ox-Body Technique x3 (-1 x6)

Durability of Oak Meditation

Iron Skin Concentration


The Fangs of the Gale- a powerful mixture of respect, protectiveness and the bond that forms when you've saved someone's life and they've saved yours so many times you lose count.

Feasting- Bjarn enjoys a nice carouse, and, when he has the chance, you'll frequently find him stood on a table with a tankard of ale in one hand and a buxom maid in the other, bawling out a ribald song in a surprisingly rich bartone voice.

Wyld Barbarians- they embody a combination of bitter foe and the bogeyman under the bed, and Bjarn is the Sun that comes to banish shadows...

Weapons: "Skycleaver", Orichalcum Grimcleaver

Speed: 5 Accuracy: +3 (Pool: 11) Damage: +12L/4 (Pool: 16L/4) Defense +1 (Parry DV: 6) Rate 3

Straight Sword

Speed: 4 Accuracy: +2 (Pool: 9) Damage: +L12L/4 (Pool: 7L) Defense +1 (Parry DV: 4) Rate 2

Soak: 8L/10B (Chain Hauberk: +6L/+7B, mobility -3 (-4 shield), fatigue 2)

Target Shield

Dodge DV:2

Mental Dodge DV: 6

Mental Parry DV: 5

Health Levels:

-0 x1

-1 x8

-2 x2

-4 x1

Incapacitated x1

I think that's it for the sheet- if there's anything I've missed, please point it out. I'll hold onto those 5XP for making a connection until I know how much I'm getting for background, 'cause I feel like sending him to train up his agility, and the next dot of Dex costs 8XP- in the event of not getting enough for that, I'll do summat else.

I'll lookinto statting up the Fangs; they'll be largely the same as the Elite Soldier, I'll just shuffle a few dots. I was thinking of giving half of them spears, on account of it being a good tactically sensible combination of weaponry.

EDIT: If necessary, Bjarn could stumble on what looks like a dragon from the ancient legends of his people under a mountain somewhere- I'll let someone else get in on that one if they want, though, I've got plenty of connections already... :D

DIEDIT: Just been reading the Virtues page, and I hit another high-Temperance trait he has: characters must suppress Temperance to break a sworn oath, and if there's anything a proper Skandir chieftain instills in his son, it's a sense of the importance ofkeeping one's word...
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Sherwood said:
The simplest way for me to get with another player is to have someone find me sealed up in some stasis chamber, and now I'm out and trying to get a handle on what has happened to Creation since the Great Contagion. Any volunteers?
Gethamane had a number of Dragon Kings (mostly Pterok, but nothing says there couldn't be more) so it wouldn't be a stretch for Anoké to have found some funky reptile in the unexplored passages, or even at some subterranean shelter while exploring the underground.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

I just about have time to stat up the Fangs of the Gale:

Attributes:Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2; Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valour 4

Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 1, Craft (Fire) 2, Dodge 2, Integrity 3, Investigation 2, Linguistics 1, Lore 1, Martial Arts 3, Medicine 2, Melee 4, Occult 2, Presence 2, Resistance 2 (Poison +1), Sail 3, Socialise 2, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Thrown 2, War 3

Join Battle: 6

Attacks: Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 3B, Parry DV 4, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 6B, Parry DV 2, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 3B, Parry DV -, Rate 1

Exceptional Axe: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 9L, Parry DV 3, Rate 2 (Same Resources value as a chopping sword; took +2 Defence, +1 Damage)

Knife: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 5L, Parry DV 3, Rate 3

Spear: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 7L/10L, Parry DV 4 (without shield), Rate 2

Soak:6L/11B (Chain hauberk, 6L/7B, -3 mobility)

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap.

Dodge DV: 3/0 Willpower: 7


I replaced the chopping sword with an exceptional axe and the bow with a spear- it's probably more sensible to give half of them spears and half bows, in which case the stats for bow attacks are identical to those in the book.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

MorkaisChosen said:
Slight misunderstanding on the shield thing: I was talking about a shieldwall, a tactical formation popular with Norse and Saxon warriors. It basically involves several dudes with shields in a row- their shields overlap, allowing them to protect each other. Hence it's not exactly throwing oneself into battle.
Something I found VERY enlightening about the 4 virtues was reading the descriptions of them when applied at rating 5 to the unconquered sun. (Glories most high: Unconquered sun)

Here is the gist of the valor one.

"Putting up with challenges to his authority or any desrespectfull behavior, any. But being challenged is not actually disrespectfull, beating him on the other hand is."

That's at Valor five. Add that to the regular, never turn down a challenge or run from a fight, from the core book.

Meaning no problem fighting smart, Shield walls are completly ok.

You are certain your skill is utterly un-matched, anyway even thinking of debating that is in your bad books ;)
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Axelgear said:
Miashara said:
Axelgear, is Vidder very possessive? As in, if I stole one of his contraptions and used it, would he be more pissed it was stolen, or interested by the effects of it being used?
Oooo, that really changes with the weather. Also depends heavily on what was stolen.

I should add that Vidder makes more than just monsters. That's simply what he enjoys doing the most. He produces everything from essence cannons to universal translators to flying machines to novelty, oversized pants forged from orichalcum. Some of them are really useful. Some of them less so. Which is which depends heavily on the situation.
What about his Glorious Box of Infinite Security? It cannot be stolen. And it keeps his lunch cold. I'd rather pique his attention then really drive him wild.

Archivist: That is an excellent question. I have no idea. Let me see if I can fix that. Also, I'll get a story about the blade soon.
Re: For A New Age (Recruiting)

Here is the rough draft of my character. Mostly I need to figure out what hearthstone and polish it up a bit, and write up a backstory.

Asyk Vaysel - Pterok breed Dragon King

Str: 5 Dex: 5 Sta: 4

Cha: 4 Man: 2 App: 3

Per: 4 Int: 3 Wits: 3

*Archery: 5

Martial Arts: 2

Melee: 2

War: 1

Integrity: 1

Performance: 1

*Presence: 2

Resistance: 1

*Survival: 2

*Craft: 2

Investigation: 1

*Lore: 2

Medicine: 1

*Occult: 2

*Athletics: 2

Awareness: 2

*Dodge: 4

Stealth: 2

Bureaucracy: 1

Linguistics: 3

Socialize: 2

Essence: 4

Essence Pool: 50

Willpower: 5

Compassion: 2

Conviction: 3

Temperance: 2

Valor: 2


Artifact: 4 - Obsidian Sheath Armor - +10L/10B Hardness 5L/5B Increases the wearer's Strength by 3. In addition, it adds four yards per tick to move actions and eight yards per tick to dash actions. Also, when walking long distances, the wearer can march at a speed of 15mph, covering up to 210 miles in a day. If the Dragon King can fly, he can reach speeds of up to 100mph.

Artifact: 3 - Orchalcum Long Powerbow

Artifact: 1 - Swordstick

Manse: 3

Resources: 2

Savant: 2


Celestial Air Path*

*Piercing the Veil - Cost 2m, One Scene

Opening her Essence to the spiritual plane, the Dragon King using this step perceives immaterial beings as though they were material.

**Touch the Celestial Form - Cost 3m or 3m, 1wp, Instant or One Scene

By flooding her chakras with celestial breath, the Dragon King may physically interact with immaterial beings. For 3m this lasts only for an instant. By spending 3m and 1wp, this effect lasts for an entire scene.

Clear Air Path*

*Clarity of Sight - Cost 3m, One Scene

This Step functions as the Solar Charm Keen Sight Technique (Exalted, 225-226)

**See The Winds of Essence - Cost 5m, One Scene

This Step bestows all of the effects of the Solar Charm All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (Exalted, 222)

***Visions of Attack and Defense - Cost 5m, 1wp, Duration (Path rating) Actions

As the Dragon King's instincts guide her senses, add (Path rating/2) to the character's Dodge DV. Furhtermore, the character is considered to have aimed any ranged weapon that she attacks with, to the maximum extent of her ability. This usually means a +3 internal bonus to attack rolls for ranged attacks, as though the character had taken three Aim actions.

Shimmering Water Path

*Averting the Eyes - Cost 3m, One Scene

Cloaking herself in normalacy, the Dragon King achieves an effect identical to the Solar Charm Easily Overlooked Presence Method (Exalted 230)

**Visage of the New Face - Cost 3m, One Day

The Dragon King can assume the guise of any reptilian creature with two arms and two legs that is no more than 50% larger or smaller than herself. She appears as a non-specific member of the species, but she may also attempt her own disguise to impersonate specific members of her new apparent species. This is not an illusion, but it does not provide any of the powers or mechanical benefits of the new form. It works as an instant disguise that automatically scores a threshold equal to the character's (Path rating +5).

***Guise of the New Form - Cost 3m, 1wp, One Day

With a cunning application of insanity, the Dragon King affects a guise in a manner much like with Visage of the New Face, except that she may become any humanoid creature no more than 50% larger or smaller than herself.

Flickering Fire Path*

*Flashing Agility - Cost 2m, One Scene

The Dragon King trades standing for reacting, her player adding the character's Path rating to all Athletics and Join Battle rolls.

**Fiery Prowess - Cost 3m, Instant

The player adds the Dragon King's Path rating to a single Dexterity roll. A static value derived from the character's Dex may be increased by (Path rating /2) instead.

***One Fire, Many Flames - Cost 3m per additional action, Instant

The Dragon King may perform a magical flurry involving up to (Path rating -1) physical actions.

Solid Earth Path

*Lithic Understanding - Cost 2m, One Scene

She may add her Path rating to all rolls made to understand or work with sand, rock, crystal or other raw mineral substances. This includes stone bricks and worked jewels but not refined metlas or the magical materials. This Step also cancels the penalty to Craft rolls suffered by Dragon Kings who lack manual dexterity as long as they are working the pertinent substances. Furthermore, this Step allows characters to work even the hardest stone without any sort of tools, suffering no penalties while doing so. Finally, Dragon Kings with this power active may attune to crystalline artifacts instantly and reflexively, though they must still pay the normal cost to do so.

**Shape the Earth - Cost 5m, One Scene

The Dragon King shapes solid earth like wet clay. When using her claws, she ignores the soak of stone for the Charm's duration and may accomplish in a single scene what would take a craftsman without this Charm a full day. With a miscellaneous action, the Dragon King may alter existing earth to create bridges, handholds or other simple stone shapes. She may also repair (Path rating) health levels to damaged stone objects or structures. Assuming the raw materials are available, she may even create stone wall fortifications at a rate of (Path rating) square yards of fortification per action spent building them, or the equivalent of a martello fortress per scene so spent.

While using this Charm, an unarmed character may block stone or crystaline weapons without a stunt and receives (Path rating) automatic successes to avoid being disarmed of such weapons.

Growing Wood Path

*Verdant Understanding - Cost 2m, One Scene

This Step is identical to the Charm Lithic Understanding, except that it helps with plant-based materials and artifacts, not earth.

**Empower Cultivation - Cost 3m, Instant

Saturating a plant with an adoring stream of Essence, the Dragon King causes it to successfully grow despite extremely poor conditions. The plant requires much less sunlight, water and other nutrients and can grow in cramped placds and awkward postions. With this Step, pine trees can be grown in the desert, and small trees will flourish in the darkest jungle.
MorkaisChosen: Ok, now I get what you are getting at. I don’t think there should be a problem as long as you are in the front line. We can explain it as a cultural thing. In fact there is real world historical precedence for this. In the ancient Greek phalanxes it was more prestigious to be in the front of the formation. It was usually the wealthier (and supposedly the most virtuous) citizens who served in the most forward ranks while the poorer citizens got stuck in the back pushing everyone else forward. So as long as you are in the front, leading the way I think we are good. The point is that it has to be heroic and brave.

Everything looks good to me. 4 bonus EXP for the backstory and everything.

Sherwood: Character looks interesting thus far. Looking forward to seeing what you come up for backstory.
Shoot, full already. And here I was working hard to have a submission tonight. Oh well, have fun everyone!
Archivist said:
Sherwood: Character looks interesting thus far. Looking forward to seeing what you come up for backstory.
That is all that I was waiting for to start work on it. Should be done in a day or two.
I think it's where the virtue flaw is listed, but obviously that's not appearing. While I'm not running compassion as a primary, I'd like to use the "gives everything away" limit break. The irony should have conflict potential. For partial control I don't give away my artifacts.
Luck said:
Shoot, full already. And here I was working hard to have a submission tonight. Oh well, have fun everyone!
You are still good to submit a character. I was only declaring full at the moment against more people saying they were interested. You and everyone else who has stated interest are good.

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