Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]

Triceria sticks close to Selira, her moonsilver blade secured as desired, keeping her eyes out for any sort of danger, theirs or even the dragon blooded who she figures could come at any moment. Twirling a strand of black hair around a finger, her thoughts full of worry for what could happen. She decides to wait for Selira to have a talk with the leader before saying anything, but she hoped that anything the tribe asked for will not force them fight.
The patient is afflicted by an incurable disease (for Exalted canon).
It is called 'Death'.

Kemal is welcomed by the scent of death.

Snow Blind was killed in his sleep, burned flesh still exposed, by anuhle venom.

Kemal finds two small stabbing wounds between the neck and the left shoulder.

Besides him, a young woman lies, an axe in her hand, her black hair doused in red blood.

A deep cut opens her breast, and the white foamy ichor that surrounds the wound betrays again the demon's poison.

She's pregnant of three months, and she's still faintly breathing.
Cunning Hearth

Seeing that Snow-Blind has succumbed to the poison, Hearth's face twists in grief and rage. Falling to his knees, unmindful of the witnesses, he howls... a wolf's howl, long and high and mourning. It seems incongruous from a human throat, but in the distance and throughout the surrounds you hear howls in response.

The wolves are grieving.
Triceria blinks as she hears the sorrowful cries of wolves and her frown deepens. "Staying the hand of this tribe might be most difficult Selira," Triceria says in a low whisper. "I hope the price for coming is not one we will eventually regret."
Selira's face betrays her pangs of grief "I hope so too, but if we cannot stop this bloodshed in some way, many more will be dead, and most likely the survivors won't enjoy their victory, or at least not for long."
Turning towards the chief, Kemal gives him the bad news, "I'm sorry that your apprentice didn't make it, but this woman I can heal. Responding quickly to the injured woman's agony, Kemal says "Sesseljae, come out, I have need of you." Suddenly there is a bulge in his neck that continues up to his mouth. Out of his mouth crawls a fist sized, ten legged insect. "Heal this woman"

The Sesseljae activates touch of eternity, 10m, gives the target the ability to stop bleeding as an exalt.
what should I roll for it to close up her wounds (internal surgery)?
The bug demon scuttles towards the girl and melds in the wound.

A hooked appendage comes out of her cheek, apparently without even scarring the flesh, then it disappears back inside the body.

Another leg appears out of the side and is again suddenly retracted.

A small mound beneath the skin starts running back and forth the body, while from time to time the bug's head appears outside to stitch a strip of the wound.

Step by step, yet incredibly fast, the wound is closed and seamlessly sealed.

The girl shakes and coughs.

The demon rests peacefully on her breast, licking away the poison left outside her body.

Touch of Grace works without roll. The girl's alive and safe.
If the unborn child is to be saved, it requires 5 successes on int+medicine.
10 dices: 5 successes
The demon enters the girl again intent on following his master's orders and saving the other life inside the girl.
The demon bug finishes its work on the unborn child, making sure that it will survive and crawls out of the woman's womb. "It is done master she and her child shall live." "Good job, take a rest." Picking the bug up to his abdomen, the bug crawls in and disapears. Turning back to the chieftan, Kemal says "I am sorry for your loss. May his soul enter Lethe"
Cunning Hearth

Hearth stands, composing himself. "The Lady smile on his passing. It was not the death he deserved." Hearth looks at the woman. "And his child will live, yes? This is good. I must inform the men to raise a pyre. After the rites are dealt with, we will have much to discuss." Hearth turns to leave the tent.

"We must discuss bloodprice."

After Cunning Hearth leaves the tent, she turns to Triceria "What say you sis? You have the most knowledge about Lunars, and might be able to help me understand what is this bloodprice, and what are the ways i might be able to mitigate it, or channel it to other venues?"
"I say this is bad. But if there is a chance to mitigate it maybe now is the time. I fear though we might be too late. As to the term, I vaguely know it, my Lunar Pact rarely spoke thus, we had little dealings with others, aside from my home tribe and a dank dangerous Ruin. I can only assume its a Northern Tribesman term. But... perhaps he means that a deep loyalty has been earned or must be earned to be heard."

"Either way what I feel I know, they will want to strike back, we know the Dragons are looking to strike again. Perhaps whatever it was that started this is the key perhaps in finishing it. Otherwise I fear that this tribe and that city will be destroyed." She nods, "Assuredly the Lunar will tell us all that has been happening with less duplicity than the Dragons."

For a Lunar who are all tribey like Triceria is sooo not sure of a lot of cool things Hearth says ><
Cunning Hearth

Outside the tent, he starts ordering the funeral pyre to be built. His composure regained, he is stone. Internally, he's a whirlwind of rage. But one thought comes to the surface, over and over again...

I will have revenge. I will.
Selira bows her head at the body of the deceased, and whispers a short prayer for him, to help speed him to reincarnation, one said by the people of Whitewall. She then turns and walks outside to stand by the Lunar, trying to gauge his intentions. She doesn't speak to him though, intent on letting him act, and observe him, her mind trying to come up with an idea regarding the coming negogiations.
Kemal lags behind the other exalted as they leave the tent. He stays for a few minutes to make sure that the woman was completely healed. Upon his satisfaction, he turns towards the flap and says to the woman, "I'll check up on you later. Even though you may feel healed, just stay in bed for a couple of days." Exiting the tent, he stumbles unto the tense situation in front of him. The chief is shaking with rage and Selira and Triceria are waiting back for him to calm. Trying to diffuse the dangerous situation, Kemal says "Chief Cunning Hearth, I know that you want your revenge against the dragon blooded sorcerer, but blood for blood may not be the est course of action. Do you really want your enemy to die gloriously in battle or assassinated because he "went up against an anethma." No, that is the greatest way to die for a dynast and his name will live on forever as a hero. On the other hand, there is a way that you can have his own countrymen jail him, execute him and spit on the very utterance of his name. Does that sound like a better option to turning him into a martyr?"
A young warrior of the Tribe comes, screaming and running.

"Great Chief!! Great Chief! They are attacking the city!"

He's the fastest scouts of the Tribe, and judging by the heavy and convulsed breathing, he's been running quite long.

He coughs badly and collects himself before the Chief.

"Great Cunning Heart, the army of the Defilers of Creation is moving on the city."
Selira steps towards Cunnign Hearth when she hears the words. "Cunning Hearth, now is the time to set aside whatever differences we might have, and work together to stop those deathknights. The simple folk of that city do not deserve to be left to those monsters to kill, and the three Dragon-Bloods there are not likely to be a match for a deathknight and his undead troops, which will only swell as battle rages on.

I understand your desire for revenge, but now we need to set those feelings aside, and crush the defilers. By the power invested in me by Sol Invictus, I pledge to help you push these invaders back, will you stand by me?"
With those words she extends her hand towards Cunning Hearth, to shake his hands. At the same time she channels a small trickle of her essence into her Caste Mark, making it shine on her forehead.


If need be I'm willing to roll for it, but I'm hoping role-play will suffice here.

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