Scene 9: Chaka, Team Temperance. [Four Factions ]


Malevolent Entertainer


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The weather is worsens quickly, and soon the sky is filled in a thick rain of snowflakes.

Snow above, snow below, the visibility is so poor that the man, the woman and the cat are forced to land to continue their search.

A small opening in the otherwise dense forest welcomes the demon to land.

The snow continues to fall, in the softened silence of the forest.
Selira brushes her hair aside, to keep it from obscuring her vision even further. She stands poised, her every movement carries dignity, yet she is also alert to her surroundings. As soon as they land, she turns to her companions "Is there any fast way that we might be able to locate the Lunar and his beastmen? I'm afraid my skills in the outdoors are poor."
Drawing deeper into his cloak, Kemal looks about the clearing. "It would probably be best if their scouts find us. According to my information, they should be around here somewhere."

How long in between scenes? If more than 1 hr, I'm back to a full mote pool.
Activate spirit detecting glance for scene. 3m
Sorry. It's early evening, you all recovered the full mote pool. No spirits around for now.
Cunning Hearth

Hidden in the distance, Hearth watches them approach. Wordlessly, he gestures behind him to his men to remain hidden, and continues to watch the newcomers.
Cunning Hearth

Hearth gestures to his men. Go. Surround. Do not be seen. He gestures half the compliment left, the other to the right. He wanted these strangers good and surrounded before he made his presence known.

His men leave, shadows in darkness.

Triceria having resumed her normal form this far out looks about with a cautious distrustful look. Retaining her Hide of the Cunning Warrior to hide her tattoos she slightly debates with herself releasing to at least give any nearby Lunars a hint of what she is. Still though if any of them were good, they would note her tell, the black scales on her left wrist, and right leg, as well as the soft sound. Still she looked, Lunars were territorial, and it would do her well to not flaunt any of her abilities among them.
Raising her voice slightly, while remaining poised, Selira call out "If there is anyone here, please step forward. We have come to talk, and have no intention of fighting you, unless you initiate hostilities."
Kemal, especially alert after Selira called out into the snow strains his ears and eyes to see anything. Unfortunatly, the snow is just too thick. Falling back on charms, Kemal says this inaudiby "Is there anyone out there?"

My Perronele uses measure the wind for 1 mote. Willpower = 7 so within 7 yards

Cunning Hearth

Hearth rises from his cover and walks out into the open, standing facing the newcomers. His silver tattoos glow openly across his body. He carries no weapons, he left such toys behind long since.

"Speak your name and business here."


(credit to Calaverita on DA, who hopefully won't mind me borrowing this.)
The woman smiles as the man approaches. Maybe he'll be more amendable to discussion than those in the city... "Good day to you. My name is Selira, and I'm a diplomat from Whitewall. I have come here to assess the situation, and see if I can help resolve it. Will you be so kind as to tell me your name and business?"


3 successes on Investigation to read motivation.
Cunning Hearth

"I am Cunning Hearth, chief of the Howling Hill tribe. This place and these people are my business. What does Whitewall want from me and mine?"
Triceria glances to Selira a little worried, she says nothing though and returns to watching the Lunar carefully as she would brook no attack against her bondmate. She didn't like the cold lands, it was pretty but she didn't like the cold. She would rather sun herself where it was warmer.

"Greetings. I am pleased to meet you." Selira gives a small curtsy, as befits his title. "I arrived to Tyreso yesterday, only to find it's people fleeing, and talk about an Anathema terrorizing them, and apparently stealing something. I have no quarell with you, and your men, and no great love for the Dragon-Bloods who rule Tyreso, but I do not wish to see either one hurt, so I have come here in the hopes of trying to forge an agreement that both sides can live with."
Kemal, standing relaxed, yet alert leaving Selira in her element. He will sate his own curiosity later, when there is no chance for hostilities based on a stray remark.
Cunning Hearth

Hearth remains stony. "A sorceror has summoned demons to attack us. People are wounded. Some are dead. Do any of you have any skill with medicine?"
Stepping forward towards the chief, Kemal says, "I do have some skill in medicine, and I will gladly help. Turning towards Selira, The sorcerer must have been that fire aspect who sent that anhule after us. I think we should help the wounded before we discuss anything else, but its your call"
Cunning Hearth

"Ahnule's are spider demons, yes? One has attacked here twice. My apprentice is gravely wounded. His pregnant wife was killed in the attack..."

Hearth's expression would strike fear into stone. He gestures, and the men come out of hiding, revealing that the others are surrounded.

"You are welcome to come in to our fires. You will find no trouble here you do not bring with you. If you aid the injured I will hear your terms. But I will have terms of my own..."

Hearth leaves the sentence unfinished, waiting for a response.
Selira doesn't flinch, and shows no signs of stress when the tribesmen appear, trusting to her own abiltiies, and those of her companions should hostilities break, thoguh she has no desire for them to do so.

She turns to Kemal "For sure, treating the wounded should come first before negotiations." She then turns to Hearth "Don't worry, I never had any doubts that you would have terms of your own, for that is the essence of diplomacy. Once your men are taken care of, I'm sure we will find the time to discuss these matters, and see if we can reach an agreement."
Cunning Hearth

Hearth nods. "Very well. Come in, then. Peace-knot any weapons you have." He turns to the nearest tribesmen. "Go and order a meal prepared. We have guests. Some entertainment is in order at least."

He turns back. "Healer, what is your name? You will come with me to examine Snow-Blind. The rest of you go with my men. We will join you shortly."
"My name is Kemal Hawk and the sooner you get me to your injured, the less chance of complications may arise. Torymidae, dematerialize and cover our backs. Make sure that the enemy anhule is not sneaking up on us." The giant wasps nods its head and becomes translucent until it finally disappears from sight. "Lead on Chief Cunning Hearth, there is little time to spare."
Entering Snow Blind's tent, Kemal sees a severely injured man. He then attempts to gauge how injured his patient is.

Diagnose Patient: Medicine + Perception;
6 dices: 5 successes

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