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  1. Trueblood

    Help with my game (Guys from ENworld Exalted game stay out)

    The only one I think I have a bit of a concern about would be the Twilight. 7 points of artifact seems a bit much: First of all, he's a Solar, not a Dragon-blooded Dynast, so I don't believe he should he have access to that large an arsenal at character creation. Cap should be 5 at most...
  2. Trueblood

    Social Combat Questions

    So sorcery would be a 5 tick charm activation / miscellaneous social combat action? Droning Suggestion confuses me because it seems to have been made specifically for social combat and has no use outside of it. Also, what other charm allows all social attacks you make to be unnatural? (By the...
  3. Trueblood

    Social Combat Questions

    How is sorcery handled in social combat like for example with Droning Suggestion and Peacock Shadow Eyes? In the case of Droning Suggestion which is a Terrestrial level spell, how fast does it take to activate? How do you translate the Cast Sorcery and Release Sorcery actions to the social...
  4. Trueblood

    Eclipse Diplomatic Immunity

    If for whatever reason a fight breaks out between the Eclipse's Entourage and whatever entity it is they are dealing with, does that mean any future dealings with the entity will no longer be covered by diplomatic protection or does is the protection negated only for that encounter?
  5. Trueblood

    Eclipse Diplomatic Immunity

    What happens when a Sorceror summoned Demon or Elemental is directed by its summoner to attack an Eclipse? Does the protection still hold?
  6. Trueblood

    Eclipse Diplomatic Immunity

    I'd like to clarify just what kind of diplomatic immunity the Eclipse possess. Does they protection they receive also extend to the Dead and the Neverborn or does it only cover the Fairfolk, Demons, Gods and Elementals?
  7. Trueblood

    By Jove! That's fast!

    If he's that much of a threat with his blades then maybe a coordinated attack with a disarm would soften him up without totally screwing him over, he can still fight unarmed effectively anyway right? A coordinated attack with a clinch followed by a dog pile should make things more interesting...
  8. Trueblood

    Natural mental persuasion and willpower.

    In my opinion, all these questions still lead up to basically the same thing, "What do you know about the bandits?". Mechanically, barring any supernatural or unnatural effects, 2 willpower points should make a target immune to the social attacks for a scene. Realistically, if you catch me...
  9. Trueblood

    Spell casting and Essence Lending Method

    I'm going have to go with Safim and The Zombie Cat on this one. Also, given the power and impact of the spells you mentioned, they shouldn't be minor undertakings but rather the realm of either ancient (high essence) or dedicated and focused (perhaps high essence pools because of Immanent Solar...
  10. Trueblood

    Natural mental persuasion and willpower.

    They seem to be a bit too related as in you would be using all 3 statements in the same line of questioning. For example, "I'd like you to tell me where the girl is, we can do this one of 2 ways, the easy way where I'll give you a talent of silver if you tell me or the hard way, where I cut...
  11. Trueblood

    Restricted Spell Casting

    So essentially being bound enough to restrict free and unencumbered movement would prevent any attempts at spell casting? I was just curious as some spells descriptions did not seem to have any somatic components, like for instance Unbreakable Bones of Stone, which only states that the character...
  12. Trueblood

    Restricted Spell Casting

    Assuming that a spell caster has both the motes and the willpower to cast a spell, aside from being unconscious or in a clinch, are there any instances when they wouldn't be able to? Would they be able to cast if they were chained to a wall for example or had their hands bound behind them?
  13. Trueblood

    Working On An NPC

    Which could be stymied by simply stating it is an innate ability or is directly linked to his nature and thus impossible to replicate!
  14. Trueblood

    Hearthstone question

    I'm going to have to second what Safim said as otherwise why would there have been any need to produce Hearthstone Amulets or Skin Mount Amulets in the first place? Insert in socket, gain additional benefits.
  15. Trueblood

    Creating Items/Artifacts

    Thanks Memesis, the link was quite... comprehensive. Another question, in cases where supplies are either hard to obtain or prohibitively expensive (as is usually the case with a highly mobile campaign spanning creation) is it possible to use Craftsman Needs No Tools to melt down items to use...
  16. Trueblood

    Creating Items/Artifacts

    Could a craftsman purchase a normal item - say an average shortsword, and reforge it into an excellent or fine version (perfect versions would be impossible as of course they would require better raw material in the first place)? If so, what applicable bonuses would there be as opposed to...
  17. Trueblood

    Creating Items/Artifacts

    Hm... I'd agree that activating Craftsman Needs No Tools would be a valid use in the actual shipbuilding process but I'm a bit iffy on using it for seasoning, curing or something similar that seems more tied to the actual passage of time rather than super speed, proper equipment or heightened...
  18. Trueblood

    Creating Items/Artifacts

    There is further clarification on page 28 of Oadenol's Codex about just how Craftsman Needs No Tools works, it provides you with the equivalent of a basic if well-equipped, mundane workshop such a blacksmith's forge, carpenter's shop, weaver's loom or other similar set-up with all the necessary...
  19. Trueblood

    Creating Items/Artifacts

    That's just it, what is the raw number to divide? If the construction time for an item is 2 weeks for instance, does that mean that the total number of hours necessary to do it is (14 days X 24 hours in a day) 336 hours or is it (14 days X 8 average working hours a day) 112?
  20. Trueblood

    Creating Items/Artifacts

    I am only using the straight sword for illustration purposes with regard to the time requirement. I mean getting a straight sword, or any mundane weapon for that matter, isn't really that much of a concern as long as you have the resources to make the purchase (or in case you don't, you could...